
puffGood afternoon, alt-tab for switching windows abruptly stopped working.00:20
puffI checked Gnome/settings/keyboard shortcuts, it's still defined: Switch Windows Alt-Tab. I redefined it, just for good measure.00:21
puffAnd alt-tab still works in emacs, invokes ispell mode, etc.00:21
nithramirHey, do you have the name of a good software to update text in a pdf on ubuntu, I didn't find anything convincing00:29
enigma9o7I don't suppose Libreoffice could help you?00:30
nithramirYeah I tried, and it kinda mess with the formatting of the document00:31
grynithramir: hi, is it for filling in a form or also for changing the text within pdf which is not part of a form?00:34
nithramirIt is for changing the text inside the pdf, it's just for changing a date00:34
oerheksno choice?01:22
gryoerheks: there's also https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/features/pdf-editor/ - could add a white image on top of the wrong date, and then add text with the correct date. kind of ugly, though.01:26
oerhekstons of good editors, just a glitch01:31
oerheksi hope omgubuntu does not publish this01:31
=== JoeBk_ is now known as JoeBk
NDPTAL85Hrm. Its weird that Ubuntu to my knowledge doesn't have a GUI front end to ufw the way Debian, Mint and MX-Linux do.02:05
oerheksyou got answer02:06
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toddcNDPTAL85:   gufw ?02:10
NDPTAL85toddc: Yeah I'm aware now but thanks!02:11
oerhekstoddc, he never used bing or google02:11
oerheksit is not included to make you curious02:11
oerhekswhat it does and what not02:11
NDPTAL85Thats not true. I did Google. But I searched for "Ubuntu Firewall" and got links about ufw.02:12
oerheksyes, no, install gufw , reject all and let it learn from every applicationj02:15
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vlzuhim back from banned07:53
vlzuhwhat wait wat07:54
vlzuhwhats up07:55
dreamonHello. is 24.04.1 already released?07:55
vlzuhlts try hexchat on mint using distrosea.com07:57
CosmicDJdreamon: 10 more days... https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/ubuntu-24-04-1-point-release-delayed-until-august-29/47110 "the Ubuntu Release Team made the decision to delay the release date by 2 weeks: until August 29."07:59
vlzuhok im using linuxmint08:01
vlzuhok im using ubuntu08:12
guivercdreamon, you can view https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/noble-numbat-24-04-1-lts-point-release-status-tracking/46972 for status details (inc. blocker bugs on 22.04->24.04 upgrades)08:17
guivercvlzuh, we don't support Linux Mint sorry; use Linux Mint support sites08:17
=== pushkarnk1 is now known as pushkarnk
ArtfulDodgerHey, in Ubuntu 22.04 a recent system update has broken my webcam. The webcam LED is lit even before session login, and neither Cheese nor Firefox manage to access the camera. lsof /dev/video0 says that Pipewire (and then Firefox) use it, but killing them does not help to release the camera which stays lit :(08:49
ArtfulDodger24.04* :)08:53
=== pushkarnk1 is now known as pushkarnk
=== TheCaptain8989 is now known as TheCaptain898
guivercthe most recent change in 22.04 was the start of 22.04.5 changes; ie. kernel upgrade from 6.5 to 6.8; that will impact kernel modules (due to kernel change; 6.8 being the 22.04.5 kernel if using HWE)09:14
ArtfulDodgerI have 6.8.0-40-generic but I meant 24.04 guiverc (I used webcam on 24.04 successfully before, though)09:16
ArtfulDodgerIs it worth booting on an older kernel?09:17
guivercI can't think of any changes impacting noble (24.04) sorry..  I have noted 2-3 other queries though on support sites; but have nothing to offer...  (I for sure would boot & try an older GRUB kernel if it was me; that'll confirm it was a kernel change that's impacting you; maybe then you can file a bug report on linux (ie. kernel))09:17
ArtfulDodgerThanks I'm rebooting now guiverc :P09:18
ArtfulDodgerThe only other kernal that I have is 6.8.0-39-generic and it's experiencing the same issue :(09:24
guivercthe would imply to be it's not related to 6.8.0-40 kernel update.. but some other package change; if you have clear memory on when it last worked (ie. boot day/time is what matters) & when it didn't, you could maybe look at what packages upgraded in that time (ie. /var/log/apt/history.log for list of package changes).. otherwise it's some change you may have made..  my 2c09:25
ArtfulDodgerShould I maybe **install** a way older kernel to test it? Maybe 6.7? Or the first kernel that 24.04 initially came with09:29
ArtfulDodgerThat problem started very recently, like last week, but I can't say what else has changed, expcet system updates09:30
guivercIf it was me; I'd stick to Ubuntu supported kernels (alas that doesn't give you much to test with on your box... I'd probably boot install media LIVE (ie. TRY) and see if it occurs there IF POSSIBLE)09:31
ArtfulDodgerOh I have an idea... I have installed motion recently09:31
* guiverc is currently in 3 discussions; so sorry if some details aren't perfect09:31
ArtfulDodgerOK np guiverc :D09:32
ArtfulDodgerJust uninstalled motion and it now works!!09:32
ArtfulDodgerHowever I thought the motion daemon was off09:32
ArtfulDodgerMaybe it was actually on09:32
ArtfulDodgerIt's weird that lsof doesn't show motion however09:32
* guiverc has no idea sorry; and gotta go away from keyboard awhile...09:33
ArtfulDodgerNo worries, thanks guiverc :)09:36
ArtfulDodgerenjoy your day09:36
josh_Good morning folks. I am having an issue with my laptop running Ubuntu 24. O. The screen keeps going back as it constantly goes in wake up mode, the issue also occurs at the logon screen. Any help?09:43
guivercubuntu 24.?0   Ubuntu 24.10 doesn't yet exist; Ubuntu oracular is still in alpha09:56
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CosmicDJcircuitbone: alt text?11:39
circuitboneubuntu 6 optical disc11:39
CosmicDJcircuitbone: you're a historian? Ubuntu 6 is more than a decade EOL...11:41
circuitbonepoking through older photos, thought I would share.11:42
rootim found u11:52
=== root is now known as Guest6331
root_im using root not guest11:53
root_i found u11:53
esvhey folks, does Canonical/Ubuntu manage: azure.archive.ubuntu.com?11:54
ravageazure.archive.ubuntu.com is an alias for ubuntu-archive-asm.trafficmanager.net.11:55
ravageubuntu-archive-asm.trafficmanager.net is an alias for cloud-mirror-lb.westeurope.cloudapp.azure.com.11:55
ravagecloud-mirror-lb.westeurope.cloudapp.azure.com has address
root_what again11:55
ravageso it ist at least hosted by microsoft11:56
esvI see that, wondering who manages the repo sync.11:56
ravagei hope a cronjob11:56
esvwell, it's not doing its job, http://azure.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/ does not seem to exist, while archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/ does.11:58
ravageif azures uses that archive and it does not work open a support ticket with azure12:01
SlartibartWhat's the bash command for finding a file somewhere on the *local* computer? Need to exclude /mnt since there are some *loads* of files/folders there. sudo find / -name myfile -not \( -path /mnt -prune \) still searches /mnt, showing 'Access denied' messages.12:30
ravageWhen you use the -xdev option, find will restrict its search to the filesystem on which the search starts and will not cross into other filesystems (for example, it won't search mounted filesystems like /mnt or /proc).12:31
m0n0lithanyone running dosemu2?  Having permission issues executing it from a restricted system-level account12:33
Slartibartravage: Wow, what a difference in speed. Thanks!12:34
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johnfggood morning folks!14:00
johnfgDoes ubuntu have a program that will test the graphics chip on this motherboard?14:01
leftyfbjohnfg: https://www.cyberciti.biz/open-source/command-line-hacks/linux-gpu-monitoring-and-diagnostic-commands/14:05
leftyfbjohnfg: https://openbenchmarking.org/suite/pts/nvidia-gpu-compute14:06
leftyfbjohnfg: https://github.com/phoronix-test-suite/phoronix-test-suite14:06
=== pushkarnk1 is now known as pushkarnk
johnfgthanks leftyfb!14:26
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Apachezany of you who experienced on 24.04 desktop that when locking screen short after reboot everything works as expected (need to add password to unlock) - but if there is some uptime like 1 or more days when locking screen the box freeze up ?16:31
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kutI had that issue and had to switch graphics drivers Apachez16:57
kutwas like I couldn't come back from the blank screen and login at all until I rebooted16:58
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Apachezyeah similar here17:05
Apachezbut whats odd is that this doesnt occur if I attempt this shortly after booting17:05
kutsomething about when it's resuming the display17:11
leftyfbsounds like something is going into power saving mode17:11
leftyfbnetwork, wifi, storage, GPU17:11
kutgraphics jaja17:11
kutit happens after an update to the kernel, too. i just refresh the graphics drivers after it's done each time17:12
Apachezis it logind.conf who sets that?17:15
ApachezIm thinking if something got reset to some defaults which are bad?17:15
Apachezlike when I updated from 23.10 to 24.0417:15
kutI aint that smart17:16
kutno idear17:16
leftyfblogind.conf has nothing to do with hardware going to sleep, if that's the issue17:18
belovedsandwormhello beloved friends17:23
kuthello new best friend17:29
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oerheksGuest3333, fix your connection please17:34
arixnetworkip a17:47
leftyfbthat won't work here :)17:48
belovedsandwormoerheks: please fix your connection, also17:54
belovedsandwormIs there anything special needed to update packages from a ppa?17:54
enigma9o7I consider apt pretty special.17:54
leftyfbbelovedsandworm: oerheks has never timed out here and has had a connection here for 4 days. Lets try to keep the useless comments to ourselves17:58
hackerman I installed pipewire-jack and qjackctl. I am not seeing many "nodes" in the qjackctl graph though. I have firefox, obs running and they don't show up in the graph. How come?17:59
belovedsandwormleftyfb: wasn't talking about that. please mind your business if you aren't tracking18:00
leftyfbbelovedsandworm: exactly, mind your business and stay on topic18:00
belovedsandwormno u first18:00
belovedsandwormI'm just trying to get some help updating my ppa18:01
oerheksyour attacks are not welcome here, belovedsandworm.18:01
oerheks!coc > belovedsandworm18:01
ubottubelovedsandworm: Please see my private message18:01
belovedsandwormis there something else I need to do to update a ppa or no?18:01
belovedsandwormI've updated/upgraded but getting complaints that my browser is outdated18:02
enigma9o7What have you done already?   Why do you think you need to do something else?18:02
enigma9o7Which browser?   If you know the packagename, share `apt policy <packagename` in a pastebin.18:03
belovedsandwormok, 1 sec and I'll get that info18:04
Apachezso any idea on how to troubleshoot this?18:04
toddcversion of ubuntu ? 129.0.1 is the current FF18:05
toddc129.0.1 current for 24.04 anyway18:05
belovedsandwormenigma9o7: https://termbin.com/ywl018:05
enigma9o7Ah, so the problem is the snap package has a higher epoch, so apt sees it as a higher version number.18:06
enigma9o7If you want to make the one from ppa higher priority, you'll have to set it that way.  It wont install with apt by default until apt policy shows it as the candidate.18:07
belovedsandwormsnap list shows no firefox snap installed. It was odd to me that it showed up18:07
belovedsandwormI expressly removed the snap a while ago18:07
enigma9o7thats because ubuntu has a 'firefox' package that will install the snap.18:07
toddcthat would explain it18:07
enigma9o7but if you remove the snap, it doesn't remove ubuntu's actual firefox package.18:08
enigma9o7but ubuntu's actual firefox package isnt firefox, it just triggers the snap to install.18:08
belovedsandwormhow do I set the ppa to have higher priority. I definitely don't want the firefox snap because some features are broken in that18:09
enigma9o7echo '18:10
enigma9o7Package: *18:10
enigma9o7oh sorry, that's not where you added it from18:11
enigma9o7change that origin to your ppa18:11
belovedsandwormsorry, not sure I understand. Is the origin set in a file somewhere?18:11
enigma9o7Do it the way the first answer describes here: https://askubuntu.com/questions/1399383/how-to-install-firefox-as-a-traditional-deb-package-without-snap-in-ubuntu-2218:13
enigma9o7Yes, it's creating a file, that's what the 'tee' line is doing.18:13
belovedsandwormok, cool. thank you18:14
belovedsandwormI'm not sure this is working.18:23
belovedsandwormI followed all the steps, then I ran sudo apt install firefox18:23
belovedsandwormit is saying firefox is already the newest version (1:1snap1-0ubuntu5).18:23
belovedsandwormbut I am pretty sure the firefox I have installed is not a snap, since snap list shows no firefox18:24
belovedsandwormok, so technically I have installed the package firefox-esr which is version 115.14.0esr (64-bit)18:26
enigma9o7If you've updated your preferences, then run `sudo apt update` then check `apt policy firefox`18:27
enigma9o7If the ppa version is now the candidate, you can `sudo apt upgrade` and it'll install it (or `sudo apt install firefox`)18:27
enigma9o7firefox-esr is a seperate package18:28
enigma9o7When you check policy, if you put that preference in as shown in that link, it'll show the snap as -1 and your ppa one as 1001, and thus the ppa one will be the install candidate18:29
belovedsandwormlooks right, yeah? https://termbin.com/gxmc18:33
enigma9o7Yes it does sandworm.  So all you should hav eto do now is `sudo apt upgrade` or `sudo apt install firefox` and it will install it for you.18:35
belovedsandwormthank you enigma9o7 you have been so helpful and kind unlike many others. it is much appreciated.18:35
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LSno one talks to me or chat with i am alone and humanatarian one20:59
LSno one talks to me or chat with i am alone and humanatarian one21:00
LSno one talks to me or chat with i am alone and humanatarian one21:00
LSi takd a hats21:00
LSkainuun meren21:00
LSlol s21:01
LSwheres my rings21:02
LSone ring21:02
LSthink about itt21:02
LSyes i have21:03
LSyes it's me that adam harjula21:03
LSyes in there youtube that page there the adam now s21:04
leftyfbLS: please stop. This is a support channel21:04
leftyfb!offtopic | LS21:04
ubottuLS: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!21:04
LSi subport21:04
toddc!support | LS21:04
LSinvite to u +telWHATSAPPjanneIBAN21:08
leftyfbLS: stop21:08
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - CarlFK, DJones, el, Flannel, genii, hggdh, ikonia, krytarik, mneptok, mwsb, nhandler, ogra, Pici, popey, sarnold, tomreyn, Unit193, wgrant21:08
LSEDEN~ £21:08
elLS: this is not the right place.21:09
leftyfbel: it's a known troll who's been banned from here before21:10
leftyfbtomreyn: thank you21:40
iconoclasthero_let's say I wanted to download the current oracular .deb for gnome-sound-recorder.  ultimately I want to end up https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/oracular/amd64/gnome-sound-recorder/43~beta-1 and download http://launchpadlibrarian.net/617290918/gnome-sound-recorder_43~beta-1_all.deb23:14
iconoclasthero_what's the most efficient way to navigate there?23:14
iconoclasthero_every time i try to find a .deb on launchpad i find it very difficult23:14
oerheksfor oracular support, join #ubuntu-next  ... but why not just use apt?23:52

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