[00:34] fanatic26: show your config [16:04] network: [16:04] ethernets: [16:04] enx00e04c681826: [16:04] dhcp4: false [16:04] addresses: [16:05] - [16:05] nameservers: [16:05] addresses: [,] [16:05] version: 2 [16:05] wifis: [16:05] wlp1s0: [16:05] access-points: [16:05] XXXXXX: [16:05] password: XXXXXXXX [16:18] fanatic26: i think nameservers: addresses: field needs to be separated by a list as well [16:19] ie, - \ - [16:20] and does wifis use dhcpd? [20:36] I pulled that nameserver addresses syntax from a netplan.io example [20:37] The wifi can actually stay on DHCP, which is what is currently active on the machine. This was as far as I had gotten in testing