
Didacthi all, looking to upgrade my 16.04 to latest lts, terrified of upgrading as it causes all sorts of problems in the past00:12
Didactthink I'll switch to wifi and bbl00:14
Didactok, I did sudo apt upgrade and hit Y and then it said canceled...00:21
Bashing-omDidact: 16.04 is End_Of_Life - the software repo no longer exists.00:23
Bashing-om!q6.04 | Didact00:23
Didactyeah, I'm trying to upgrade00:23
Bashing-om!16.04 | Didact00:24
ubottuDidact: Ubuntu 16.04 LTS (Xenial Xerus) was the 24th release of Ubuntu. !End-of-life was April 30th, 2021. Paid support (ESM) is available. See also !esm, !eol, !eolupgrade00:24
ubottuEnd-Of-Life is when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop. Make sure to update Ubuntu before it goes EOL so you get updates promptly for newly-discovered security vulnerabilities. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOL and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more info. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades00:24
Didactdoes that mean it won't upgrade?00:24
enigma9o7Wouldn't it be easier to install clean anyway?  You'll probably save a lot of time.00:25
DidactI'm sure I've forgetten most of the stuff I've configured on the box by now00:25
Bashing-omDidact: You are in for a long hard ride to upgrade from 16.04 - It can be done but the time and bacdwidrg ! .. 16.04 -> 18.04 (EOL) -> 20.04 -> 22.04 -> 24.04 !!00:25
Didactwill have to document what I currently have configured, etc00:26
enigma9o7If you are gunna try the eolupgrade, also gotta make sure you're using 64-bit version of xenial to start with.....00:27
Didactthe biggest problem is that I have the ubuntu box as a NAT gateway...00:27
Didactk, how do I do that?00:28
enigma9o7there's lots of ways, i'd look at `uname -a` to see what kernel, if its i386/i686 or amd6400:29
Didactyeah, x86_6400:30
enigma9o7so at least one snag you won't hit00:30
Didactok, I'll be back in a couple days after I document what I'm doing and offload stuff from the server...00:33
Didactthanks for the help00:33
=== JoeBk_ is now known as JoeBk
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blinkyThank you enigma9o7 and tomreyn. VirtualBox is working great on my Ubuntu now.02:47
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enigma9o7great, although I dont remember the problem, I do recall eating you in pac-man but perhaps that was someone else with same name02:53
blinkyenigma9o7, :D02:56
blinkyenigma9o7, it was the problem due to using the oem kernel instead of the generic one02:58
blinkyHow do I set an app as the default pdf reader on Ubuntu?03:01
blinkyenigma9o7,  How do I set an app as the default pdf reader on Ubuntu?03:06
=== Bashing-om is now known as Guest1212
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vermelhohi everyone04:40
vermelhoi like topeira04:40
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caretaker22whats up07:15
caretaker22no one?07:15
caretaker22pls respond guys07:15
caretaker22wyu doing07:15
guiverccaretaker22, this is a support channel; take off-topic talk or discussions to #ubuntu-offtopic etc.07:15
caretaker22oh ok sorry07:16
=== pushkarnk1 is now known as pushkarnk
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=== pushkarnk1 is now known as pushkarnk
=== pushkarnk1 is now known as pushkarnk
circleHi if a laptop or desktop was Ubuntu certified with say a  5.10.0-1020-oem kernel, what current kernel should one use? Are the oem patches eventually applied upstream existing in the plain default kernels of 2024? Or are they carried forwards into the current oem kernels? How do I arrange to use the oem kernel? what's the difference between OEM08:53
circleand HWE (hardware enablement)?  Is there a webpage that answers these questions?  I have found https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/ask-us-anything-about-ubuntu-kernels/27664/16 , is that information still valid? (Sounds like HWE is more experimental than OEM, and OEM is just a step ahead of generic kernel.)08:53
circleBut other comments on that page suggest it's the other way around, so very unclear.08:55
mybalzitchcircle: did you try your hardware and it doesn't wokr?08:59
circlemybalzitch: I did and there were some quirks, TBH it was a while ago, so I don't recall, maybe wifi or video. On one I made the mistake of buying a linux-compatible laptop from Dell and paying extra for a Windows license, to discover the consequence was Dell tech support doesn't want to talk about linux problems.09:06
Eccentric81hey guys assuming i installed flatpaks on any linux distro09:40
Eccentric81i maybe liked older wayland look and 'oxygen' themes of forever ago decades before mac os09:40
Eccentric81did it for linux before plasma09:41
Eccentric81but then the themes and stuff maybe seems crisp but somehow less display res ?09:41
Eccentric81maybe a wayland video something make it not near year 2000 plasma tv support that09:41
Eccentric81the most recent linux distros now allow for09:41
Eccentric81heres the real question, if i use flatpak command or apt or any dpkg or dnf09:42
Eccentric81how do i search all wayland as a wildcard?09:42
Eccentric81and then remove them? do i search then | remove somehow ?09:43
Eccentric81i maybe confused with powershell and dont know how to do it?09:43
Eccentric81would i need to cat the output into a file first then run a selective remove query like its a DB?09:43
Eccentric81how do i? ... i dont script much09:43
Eccentric81oh yeah i thought the autoremove was for stuff like this09:50
Eccentric81but it didnt seem to do .. any remove?09:50
Eccentric81so why does KDE sing about yr 2000 plasma tv panel support09:56
toddcauto remove will only remove older unused packages the have been upgreaded to a newer version and no longer needed09:56
Eccentric81yet chrome dances about chrome plating render res and samsung tvs far denser all things zen titanium res09:56
Eccentric81awww autoremove for many things says it removes dependencies as well as the app or like a 'new user' cleans out user installs09:57
Eccentric81so i was hopeful yet frustrated09:57
Eccentric81so i realised trying for the older look was fun nostalgia but maybe rolled back x display or something09:57
Eccentric81when i put all the wayland stuff09:58
Eccentric81what command could i query apt or flatpak then delete a name that occurs in a search or just remove it09:58
Eccentric81as typing remove i see it still in flatpak and its INSTALLED09:58
toddcno idea on flatpacks since those are not supported here   other stuff is a mutitude of changes beyond my limits09:59
Eccentric81was theres a dozen or more.. i think each time unticking them all..09:59
Eccentric81same for apt install.. there should be apt remove but you dont wanna search and type remove each one09:59
Eccentric81individual right?09:59
Eccentric81u wanna find all entries the word occurs and remove them ALL is what im trying to puzzle10:00
Eccentric81it SOUNDS easy.. but its almost like its made to not do that?10:00
toddcit can be done if you have a guide or the skills and then be abk=le to deal with any unexpected isues10:01
Eccentric81i just think my uninventive way of output search to a file and select from it for the function sounds dumb10:02
Eccentric81i hoped theres a better way10:02
Eccentric81i wonder what happens if i try yum package cleanup for old kernels and --leaves and other stuff?10:06
Eccentric81guess i'll play around with installing a bunch of package managers10:06
Eccentric81and see what works and what doesnt10:06
=== mrbutthead6 is now known as mrbutthead
Eccentric81back again..10:33
Eccentric81so say i remove VLC.10:34
Eccentric81what if theres a bunch of vlc streamer and plugins and stuff..10:34
Eccentric81that sticks around forever despite vlc being removed?10:34
Eccentric81and they're not dependencys..10:34
Eccentric81yet its got matroska and other stuff under its umbrella too?10:34
Eccentric81but whatever i can put in other media players.. kmplayer or whatever10:34
Eccentric81kodi ?10:35
Eccentric81so i want ALL the VLC gone?10:35
Eccentric81i cant find an answer how to do it when i say10:35
Eccentric81list installed10:35
Eccentric81i see a bunch of stuff10:35
Eccentric81isnt there an easy type the word in and it 'removes' all with the letters VLC?10:35
Eccentric81if i delete it might not pull related files10:36
Eccentric81say i wanted to remove anything with the word proxy, files or apps or any instance of the word10:41
Eccentric81would a recursive delete be my only option?10:41
Eccentric81or any instance of a http server httpd ?10:41
Eccentric81or bridge10:42
Eccentric81what if apt list --installed10:44
Eccentric81shows heaps of stuff i maybe rather not need and i just remove all and type to put back the few things i think i want10:44
Eccentric81can i remove all of the installed list?10:44
Eccentric81or anything in the list where proxy or bridge or http is mentioned?10:45
Eccentric81rm -r -f maybe does nothing?10:45
ravageon a default installation none of this is installed. so at some point you installed those packages10:47
ravageso you remove them wit "apt remove" and packages that are still on the system that were installed as a result of that can be removes with "apt autoremove"10:48
ravagedo not blindly remove packages from your system10:48
ravagealso do not delete any random files that belong to packages. you will end up with a broken system10:48
ravageif you think your system is too bloated in general backup your data and try a clean install10:49
=== Guest2409 is now known as nobincen
Eccentric81its not about it being bloated11:04
Eccentric81any and all distros even official11:04
Eccentric81will have standard codecs players plugins and video tools or networking things11:04
Eccentric81and it maybe... like take iptables or httpd11:04
Eccentric81its maybe been made easier or set with a default11:05
Eccentric81so i want to remove ALL proxy ALL bridges and ALL HTTP server11:05
Eccentric81and flush and reinstall IPtables with clean and empty11:05
Eccentric81and do the same for players and codecs as it seems it maybe improves quality11:05
Eccentric81i wanted to ensure the OLD window managers of the 80s and 90s..11:06
Eccentric81arent still in there and the NEW ones only11:06
Eccentric81like KDE plasma or titaniumzen11:06
ravageI'm not sure what your actual support question is right now11:06
Eccentric81remove older wayland and older xorg default freeware generic driver11:06
ravageUbuntu only comes with one version for a package11:06
Eccentric81when i apt remove or dnf remove or flatpak uncheck11:06
Eccentric81whatever package manager i install11:07
Eccentric81i use those to list installed11:07
ravage2 if you add snaps11:07
Eccentric81and i see theres stuff related those things still11:07
Eccentric81i tried the wsl --install microsoft appstore ubuntu and it gamed awful lous11:08
ravageIf you use WSL I think there is a room for that here too11:08
Eccentric81so now im in fedora40 unofficial nobara i flatpack searched hipify, dxvk-native and searched and enabled rocm and checked on all the VULKAN stuff like VMA vulkan memory allocator11:09
ravagePlease contact Fedora support then11:09
Eccentric81but i tried to use apt and other package managers11:09
ravageThis is Ubuntu11:09
Eccentric81yes ubuntu uses apt and can install flatpak the same11:09
Eccentric81i can even switch to gentoo11:09
Eccentric81the issue is, remove wayland says like Xwayland X11 videobridge and display server11:10
ravageFeel free to do so. But ask your distributions support11:10
Eccentric81and that it wont let me remove it11:10
Eccentric81look there is no distribution linux compiled anything and runs anything11:10
ravageWe only support Ubuntu here11:10
Eccentric81every OS on earth is identical windows android and mac because they support the same hardware..11:10
Eccentric81cameras keyboards and disk drives..11:10
ravagePlease join the fedora support channels11:10
ravageHave a nice day11:11
Eccentric81the OS is just read write copy delete for devices11:11
Eccentric81if it cant use that device like windows couldnt cheap tiny hand sized displays and buttons for cameras11:11
Eccentric81then they add like a few lines to the same linux kernel and call it android11:11
Eccentric81the guy that did it and sold it to google is known11:11
Eccentric81and documented11:11
Eccentric81its like 99% identical kernel which is the OS11:11
Eccentric81an FTP and web browser has the ENTIRE OS inside11:12
Eccentric81its just what devices it supports as they wanna sell u expensive hardware and display panel controller NVME11:12
Eccentric81rather than raspberry pi riscv11:12
Eccentric81so some OS not use some devices11:12
Eccentric81but its ALL THE SAME KERNEL and device support understand?11:12
Eccentric81do you even know what a linux kernel is?11:12
Eccentric81official build just means they sell you paid support dumbo11:13
Eccentric81do i look like im gonna pay those guys for business support for server uptime and reliability as a disability pensioner?11:13
Eccentric81you not having any sort of clue to an extend im offended by your existence is shocking11:13
Eccentric81*extent .. sorry partitions $extend11:14
anankeEccentric81: ffs, go rant elsewhere11:14
Eccentric81so no going to pay some fags to not have a clue isnt going to help no matter what channel11:14
Eccentric81they're already clueless11:15
Eccentric81now how do i delete keywords files from the entire hard disk forcibly?11:15
Eccentric81as the rm or delete wont do it?11:15
Guest4hey! Ubuntu offers a low-latency kernel, but I have trouble finding out how this differs from the normal kernel. I found this config: https://git.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-kernel/ubuntu/+source/linux-lowlatency/+git/focal/tree/debian.master/config/amd64/config.flavour.lowlatency . Are these the only changes of the low-latency kernel? I know that11:27
Guest4upstream linux has an RT patch. Does the low-latency kernel also patch some functions?11:27
Eccentric81theres no such thing as a low latency kernel.. all kernels are 0 latency11:31
Eccentric81they trying to make expensive recording studio fags seem superior and lag your PC and make your AV less HQ11:31
Eccentric81so you upgrade and pay for special hardware inputs/decks/mixers11:31
Eccentric81and expensive analog11:32
Eccentric81because cheap digital IS analog at vastly higher sampling/quality and precision and accuracy11:32
Eccentric81all their expensive farts arent worth much since AC97 $10 USB soundcard plugins11:32
Eccentric81with correct amplification and scaling maths11:32
Eccentric81and real soundwaves rendering and plugins11:32
Eccentric81so if you wanted to record sound or video and capture it low latency11:33
Eccentric81your RAM and OS have garbage piled on, in windows theres session manager registry stuff11:33
Eccentric81and environment and a heap of enumerator bullshit you have to somehow get rid of11:33
Eccentric81i cant get rid of most of it.. linux you can super floppy disk mininal install and hardware IO stuff11:34
Eccentric81and patch in free realtime kernels11:34
Eccentric81and middle finger them all to death with some 90s linux distros11:34
Eccentric81but since the time of fake intels fake itanium fake kernel proxying about sever 2000-200311:34
Eccentric81your audio and computer have been pretending to computer11:35
Eccentric81the VM stuff barriers and firewalls you from ever using a computer11:35
Eccentric81zero hardware passthrough means ZERO SOUND RECORDING11:35
Eccentric81especially no soundplayback.. as all images to display on screen11:35
Eccentric81and all sound with a computer is a HQ rendering CG hollywood style11:35
Eccentric81with pure maths11:36
Eccentric81which sorta needs real hardware, since the 90s your game worlds could evolve and phyiscs11:36
Eccentric81nowadays zencore you can all dimensions reality emulate (gravity and mass are 1 dual extremes of a single dimension)11:37
Eccentric81nvidia scifi future plan is for 19 or 21max dimensions but i use a config file and any AMD type in 99999dimensions and infinitydimensions11:37
Eccentric81long as you have zencore all the maths in the universe you're good to go with irrational pi11:37
Eccentric81true optics11:37
Eccentric81reality emulation as the eyeball sees at RNA DNA power of 3 render res11:38
ananke!ops Eccentric81 drivel11:38
Eccentric81but samsung TV OS does up to titanium11:38
Eccentric81different kernels have been crippled and ding donged to lag festivals11:38
Eccentric81they pretend theres any other sort of kernel than a realtime one is dumb11:38
Eccentric81my negative hardware latency infinitycached infinityfabric quantum super computer isnt being used at all11:39
Eccentric81you guys havent even truly compiled correctly in the history of ever11:39
Eccentric81i can prove it11:39
Eccentric81your typical ./config and make isnt going to cut it11:39
Eccentric81im not saying class A and D amplifiers arent differing in quality11:40
Eccentric81im saying the gaps maybe smaller than most would believe11:40
Eccentric81that sort of hardware yeah spend a few dollars11:40
Eccentric81but you can cheaply series circuit amp up cheap chips in like a quad dac or whatever11:41
Eccentric81to have very nice quality11:41
Eccentric81all that overpriced shit is 90% obsolete11:41
Eccentric81when the fake shit lagged computers so no recording was consistent microsoft made hardware that just has their WASAPI inside ..11:42
Eccentric81called ASIO11:43
Eccentric81and it was obsolete like a few months or years later11:43
Eccentric81as USB C and HDMI are 0 latency.. its why they run a few meters then needs optical audio for HDMI11:43
Eccentric81or the signal gets not 0 latency11:43
Eccentric81so yes none of you have ever used a USB port ever because of not 0 latency kernels11:44
Eccentric81and kernel proxys and fake computers and not maths11:44
Eccentric81so go virtual machine and pretend to have a computer that can pretend to have linux all you want11:44
Eccentric81i would rather buy real and run real software11:44
Eccentric81but to do that i need to delete some proxys and bridges and shit first11:44
Eccentric81so back to my original question11:44
Eccentric81how can i search all files and delete all instances of proxy or bridge or httpd or things like remote or ssh etc11:45
Eccentric81im fairly certain like using a pro recording studio, some places maybe have laws about datacenters and rackservers rackspaces for businesses11:53
Eccentric81so they can protect and secure businesses and commerce11:53
Eccentric81so when malware penis destroys freeware they shrug as businesses should buy business plans and business servers in datacenters11:54
Eccentric81but when people could DIY at home easy enough theres no official guarantees11:54
Eccentric81so now you all have no computers and no code no software and zero video games11:55
Eccentric81one or two that come close would be fortnite maybe its kill cams and things seem to be a live video feed11:55
Eccentric81for replays etc11:55
Eccentric81maybe uses radeon relive and or amd link11:58
Eccentric81did u guys select proaudio in sound and multimedia and set display to system scaling and no adaptive sync (no sync at all?)12:00
Eccentric81then multimedia codecs like mp3/vorbis etc to CONSTANT and highest quality 320kbits or quality 10.0 instead of default 3.0 or 96 variable levels of not 96?12:01
Eccentric81did it still sound not better than proper exclusive windows WASAPI with D3dvideorenderer11 ?12:01
Eccentric81in say daum potplayer with the correct output/renderer settings?12:02
Eccentric81dont use nvidia intel defaults of windows xp whatever wmvr712:02
Eccentric81and their NOT DIRECTX9 no aperture function zero support for digital cameras12:03
Eccentric81when a playstation 2 and other stuff and phones they ban here in australia or wont sell you12:03
Eccentric81could use aperture maths and irrational pi true optics12:03
Eccentric81dont use their cheap reshades faking rendering with rtx fake stuff that isnt truegodrays (raymarching) ray tracing isnt even raycasting quality and trillions of not marching12:04
Eccentric81ps2 eyetoy mixed reality AR/VR stuff could 3d stuff in the camera and colormatch/correction light shafts functions and lightrays12:04
Eccentric81ps3 had games that did better of this.. with its supercomputer 0 latency CPU but other hardware added lag 11000 networked together maybe took 30seconds round trip. intels CPU's took 11 minutes for 1mhz12:05
Eccentric81so infinityfabric and zencore in ryzen meant you can run code faster than all computers in the universe equal but not better12:06
Eccentric81since its negative hardware latency.. omniseconds and zeptoseconds whatever you want12:06
Eccentric81throw it in there12:06
Eccentric81negative rainbows additional to regular ones.. have at it12:06
Eccentric81so when the illiterage retard gigafags pile absurd latency, put some minus signs on it omniseconds or bilateral seconds etc12:07
Eccentric81sorry illiterate im .. seeming to be sick of typing about it12:08
Eccentric81for better audio use vibrato portamento and tremolo in your config files.. maybe sonata and sonorous too!12:09
Eccentric81you maybe need to be vulkan multimedia waveout rendering first.. be sure to curvature of circles and curvature of reality emulation12:10
BluesKajHi all12:49
Eccentric81hmm seems linux uses wget same way windows powershell wget for apps/modules13:00
Eccentric81how... are they any different?13:00
Eccentric81can you wget windows apps?13:00
leftyfbEccentric81: sorry, but we can only support Ubuntu here. What is your Ubuntu support question?13:01
Eccentric81can ubuntu wget windows apps?13:01
leftyfbwget can be used on any direct URL13:01
Eccentric81see windows modules like uhh .. lets go with the ancient microsoft ZUNE13:01
Eccentric81or xbox stuff?13:02
ravagehe does not have one. he is running Fedora and has been spamming the room for hours13:02
Eccentric81or ms authenticator13:02
ravagealready on my ignore list13:02
leftyfbEccentric81: stop13:02
Eccentric81because windows app store ubuntu sucks13:02
Eccentric81why is wsl2 ubuntu different?13:02
Eccentric81and the livecd ubuntu not much better13:02
leftyfbEccentric81: stop13:02
=== pushkarnk1 is now known as pushkarnk
sam_wongHi, Can I run google-chrome on Ubuntu 16.04? I have been trying to install the chrome browser for a few days but unsuccessful.14:53
tarzeausam_wong: why can you not upgrade your ubuntu?14:53
=== pushkarnk1 is now known as pushkarnk
sam_wongtarzeau: I am afraid it would take several hours to upgrade14:54
tarzeaumuch easier than trying to get a binary only software to work imho14:56
sam_wongtarzeau: yes, I just don't know where and how to get those missing dependencies to fix the problems14:58
leftyfbtarzeau: ubuntu 16.04 is no longer supported14:59
tarzeauleftyfb: why do you tell me?15:00
leftyfbsorry, meant for sam_wong15:00
sam_wongleftyfb: most likely, I think15:00
leftyfbnot most likely, it's no longer supported15:01
leftyfbsam_wong: I would highly recommend you install 24.04 from scratch. There's 8 years of improvements from what you're running there15:05
sam_wongleftyfb:Do you know how long it would take for such an upgrade?15:06
leftyfbsam_wong: the install itself, maybe 30 minutes depending on your device15:07
sam_wongleftyfb:However, I will have to save a large amount of files to somewhere else and re-install all the apps afterwards15:09
leftyfbsam_wong: reinstalling apps is a single command15:10
leftyfbsam_wong: as for your file, if they aren't backed up already, they aren't important15:10
sam_wongleftyfb:yes, you have your points15:10
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picklesuhhh bruh19:49
gordonjcphow do I stop Pulseaudio from using the wrong output? If I switch on a USB device that has an audio output, pulse will switch to it20:41
=== antonispgs6 is now known as antonispgs
enigma9o7ah, must be some behavior like it thinks you plugged in headphones and is being smart and switching to them.20:50
enigma9o7so yeah good luck with that :)20:50
gordonjcpenigma9o7: yeah20:52
gordonjcpit's annoying because it basically makes sound unusable20:52
SquareHey. I'm on ubuntu 22.04. Is it possible to get Firefox to send native notifications somehow?21:18
Square...tried googling a bit but all I find is that xdg-desktop-portal should do the trick, which I have installed. But no native notifications.21:19
plasma_we  load scananything  not getting access to add our license to software plus we not able to add our machine name21:22
plasma_error meassage after starting scananything not sure what this means14:17:20: Error: file '', line 1: '=' expected.21:25
SquareMy bad, seems native notifications actually work out of the box. But weirdly 3 notifications posted after I resumed my computer after suspend where not kept in the list/history21:31
bpromptSquare: doesn't that have to do with the notifications daemon? as opposed to the app sending the notification21:35
oerhekson gnome > settings > applications > firefox > integration there is a switch21:35
SquareThanks guys. Yeah, testing now with two different notification tester websites it seems everything is working as it should. But the 3 notifications I got on resume are nowhere to be found.21:46
SquareWhat notification daemon is ubuntu 22.04 using? My googling comes up short21:54
bpromptSquare: hmmm not sure, depends on the desktop manager, I use LXQT so mine uses lxqt-notificationd, KDE uses a plasma notification daemon21:58
bpromptSquare: that's where you can set how many, for how long, bells, no bells, exceptions and so on21:59
Squarebprompt, I use Gnome22:00
bpromptSquare: seems like is just called hmmmm dunno what's called, however seems is replaceable by a few alternatives22:03
bpromptSquare: offhand I can see you instead use "notifyOSD" or "dunst" instead22:05
JanCthe is notifications built into the Gnome Shell22:15
JanCthere are some settings (including application-specific ones) in the Gnome Settings under Notifications22:16
=== carmelo is now known as Guest6640
lubuntulol im installing lubuntu right now23:52
lubuntuanyone here?23:52

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