
=== Lord_of_Life_ is now known as Lord_of_Life
=== JoelJoel is now known as Joel
IrcsomeBot<Leo> I have a bit of a problem with kubuntu right now04:47
arraybolt3what's wrong?04:48
IrcsomeBot<Leo> Yesterday it was normal, today i turn my laptop on and the desktop was somewhat broken04:48
IrcsomeBot<Leo> The desktop was rather unresponsive, latte dock takes a while to launch04:48
IrcsomeBot<Leo> And even when latte dock launched, it is not responsive either04:49
IrcsomeBot<Leo> I can still launch apps via terminal04:49
diogenessLeo, make sure you don't have 'session save' enabled, always start with a new session.05:06
IrcsomeBot<Leo> When you say "session" you were referring to desktop session right? Because for me, it was already set to "start with an empty session" on login05:10
diogenessLeo, yes, then the issue is somewhere else, did you turn on your PC after a sleep, hirbernate or shutdown?05:13
IrcsomeBot<Leo> Shutdown05:14
user|89Me gustaría reportar algo qu305:24
user|89Que me ha pasado he intentado instalar kubuntu en una laptop HP que tiene kubuntu 22.04  LTS me decidí a actualizar desde 0 formateando la partición / tengo un NVME y no detecta el disco pero no me lo detecta05:28
user|89Para probar y descartar que sea algo del disco probé para hacer la misma instalación con la anterior versión 22.04 LTS Y me detecta el NVME perfectamente con todas sus particiones05:29
user|89Alguien me podría dar una solución para poder instalar la nueva LTS 24.04 en mi laptop05:31
IrcsomeBot<Juanmo> I2UN06:07
IrcsomeBot<Juanmo> OEUG06:08
IrcsomeBot<Juanmo> 0EuG06:09
IrcsomeBot<Juanmo> Saludos06:09
IrcsomeBot<Juanmo> Greetings06:09
IrcsomeBot<Juanmo> I have problems with the installation of the new kubuntu 24.04 LTS; I have proposed to install from 0 kubuntu 24.04 since I have the previous one installed on my hp laptop on a 512 NVME but at the time of installation calamares does not detect the NVME and I can not start the installation, to rule out that it is the disk or some configuration the BIOS I tried trying to install the same version I have installed and it works perfectly and detect06:09
IrcsomeBot<Juanmo> I also tried with other flavors to see if it is only kubuntu but in all is the same or does not detect the NVME or detects it but not the partitions, as is the case of ubuntu desptop and other flavors that have the new installer.06:09
IrcsomeBot<Juanmo> In conclusion the flavors that I tried to install those that have calamares as installer does not detect the NVME and in those that have the new installer detects it but I can not see any of the partitions.06:09
=== punit is now known as punit__
BluesKajHi all12:15
user|50What size usb drive do I need to install Kubuntu release version 24.04?16:55
IrcsomeBot<TimoSalola> 8gb should be fine from what I remember17:00
IrcsomeBot<Leo> Update: removing latte-dock from autostart has solved the issue for now (re @Leo: I have a bit of a problem with kubuntu right now)17:11
user|65как удалить это дерьмо ебаное????18:29
sarnolduser|65: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_operating_systems  take your pick :)18:47
=== JakeSays is now known as JakeSayss
=== JakeSayss is now known as JakeSays
=== yoyo is now known as ugly_racooon
ugly_racooonhey , can help anyone to set new serial with command and terminal ? my hp laptop lose my serial and some other data and i cant boot my device , just can use live version o linuxs21:01
IrcsomeBot<TimoSalola> What serial?21:10
arraybolt3ugly_racooon: are you referring to a password or passphrase?21:14
=== lenovo is now known as Yac
=== Yac is now known as Yacou
ugly_racooonarraynoly3 no anything21:19
=== martin is now known as whatever

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