
=== meLon is now known as earthmeLon
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josh_Hi, I am having an issue... currently using ubuntu 24 and my screen keeps on turning black randomly..sometimes it goes to the logon screen with the same noticeable pattern, any help is greatly appreciated?02:46
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toddcjosh_: have you tried a differnt monitor cables as a test?  I have seen both02:48
tomreynin case josh_ will return - they asked the same question previously today, got responses, and more questions, which (so far?) went unanswered https://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2024/08/21/%23ubuntu.html#t15:1302:54
tomreynhttps://termbin.com/4625 was their kernel log, showing a *lot* of suspend entry + exits02:56
toddctomreyn: thanks    I always start with the basics but yes looks like a bigger issue02:58
tomreynalso just 4 GB RAM and intel integrated graphics02:59
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=== pikapika_lunar is now known as militantorc
militantorcwhat is NetworkManager-wait-online.service05:01
militantorcit takes 10-30s per boot05:05
lonejackI would like to inform about a problem that occours every day I see on my desktop. at every switch on I get the message "Updates"+ "Os updates installed". It is not a problem but, I've to close the notification than I can work but... It's annoying05:33
lonejackI'ev an Ubuntu 22.04 classic05:33
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ice9how to restart audio in 24.04 without rebooting?07:24
sixwheeledbeastmaybe try restarting wireplumber.service probably best to reboot tho.07:48
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Walexice9: "audio" in Linux is not a fuzzy concept unfortunately.08:26
Walexice9: the actual sound work is done by the ALSA kernel driver and the ALSA library, and neither is a daemon. Then on top of those there may be a sound multiplexer daemon (e.g. JACK, PulseAudio, PipeWire) and the multipler can be stopped and restarted.08:28
Walexice9: if you change the configuration of the ALSA library you need to restart all processes that use that library. If you want to reset the ALSA kernel driver you need to stop all processes that use '/dev/snd/*' and 'modprobe -r' and then 'modprobe' the kernel module.08:29
=== blinkie1 is now known as blinkie
lubuntuuserhello guys10:09
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BluesKajHi all12:15
tomreynmilitantorc: a service which waits until Network Manager has brought up a network connection. other services which depend on working network connectivity can depend on this service to not run too early (while the connection is not yet established).13:13
alamond_milkanyone here ?13:59
leftyfbonly 1096 people13:59
alamond_milkthat ain't much :(13:59
leftyfbalamond_milk: what can we help you with?14:00
alamond_milki am having issues with my integrated dvd reader, i don't know a lot about dvd burning, currently using brasero to write files. How can I acces those ?14:01
ubottuUbuntu's default installation and repositories do not include packages needed to play commercial DVDs for legal reasons. For information on adding them, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/PlayingDVDs | For information on the legalities involved, see the "DVD" section of https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats14:03
alamond_milkthank you ! will i be able to burn files to it using the file manager ?14:03
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rangertJesus Christ is the Son of God. Jesus died for our sins and rose from the dead to Give us eternal life. If believe in Jesus Christ and ask Him to save you. He will give the free gift of eternal life.14:39
Guest79CRThaze: hi14:41
nemoHey. Minor ubuntu question.  I'm used to apt upgrade  upgrading my kernel and dist-upgrade normally only being for major updates (it also removes older kernels).   I was mildly surprised then when a couple of days ago, after apt upgrade, rebooting, then apt dist-upgrade, as well as removing a kernel, ubuntu did a minor kernel update. from to
nemoreviewing the changelog it seems to just be some netfilter stuff14:43
nemoanyone have any idea why that would have required dist-upgrade?14:43
tomreynare you on 23.10?14:48
tomreyni'm looking at https://changelogs.ubuntu.com/changelogs/pool/main/l/linux-meta/linux-meta_6. but there's no mentioned there.14:50
nemotomreyn: no. 22.0414:58
nemotomreyn: it's not a huge deal.  apart from fact I hadn't noticed at the time since I'm not used to that happening in dist-upgrade, so I had to check the log to see if it was anything I cared about (it wasn't) since I have to schedule reboots off-hours due to people caring deeply about their Jira server running 😃14:59
nemo(off-hours these days being 8PM because timezones)14:59
tomreynyou could use kernel livepatch15:03
tomreynother than that, i could only theorize about what was happening then. maybe -42 was an upgrade then, but installing it  required removing something else. or it came from a different repository, such as -proposed15:06
nemoI probably should not be on proposed if I am. lemme check15:07
nemoam not *whew*15:07
nemowaaaaait a second15:09
nemoI totally misread that log entry O_O15:09
nemoit was a *downgrade* !15:09
tomreynah, so 42 was probably pulled and thus you got thrown back to .4115:10
nemooh. wait. no.15:10
nemotomreyn: sorry for messing you up. god. I don't know what's with me today15:10
nemolet me literally type out the text so I don't do that again15:10
nemofrom history.log 😃15:10
tomreynyou can even copy and paste to a pastebin15:10
nemoUpgrade: linux-image-generic-hwe-22.04:amd64 (, 6.8.0-40.40~
nemotomreyn: eh. they frown on that, and odds are, block it15:10
nemoI could get around it but..15:11
nemoapparently I fail both at reading minors and majors15:11
nemoso. all is explained. it was a major upgrade.15:11
tomreynthose numbers are pretty similar, yes. it always helps to see logs.15:12
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=== Bahhumbug is now known as Gerdesas
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Guest74Hi quick question, I updated my computer after a few months without internet yesterday and it's been very freeze, is there some known bad update16:31
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=== Sidewyz1 is now known as Sidewyz
lotuspsychj3Guest74: wich ubuntu release are you on, and wich kernel version?16:41
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Guest74lotuspsychj3: Ubuntu 22.04, plasma 5.24.7, kernel 6.5.0-2817:07
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lotuspsychj3Guest74: kubuntu or ubuntu with plasma?17:09
lotuspsychj3!info linux-image-generic-hwe-22.04 jammy17:14
ubottulinux-image-generic-hwe-22.04 (6.8.0-40.40~22.04.3, jammy): Generic Linux kernel image. In component main, is optional. Built by linux-meta-hwe-6.8. Size 3 kB / 23 kB. (Only available for amd64, armhf, arm64, ppc64el, s390x.)17:14
Guest74Ubuntu sith plasma17:15
lotuspsychj3!uptodate | Guest74 lets try this first17:16
ubottuGuest74 lets try this first: To ensure you have all the latest known patches and security updates for your ubuntu installation, please update with the following command: `sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade`. See also !upgrades and !security; you may also need to run `apt full-upgrade`.17:16
lotuspsychj3Guest74: + the full-upgrade part17:17
Core9709fug, client closed after saying Ubuntu with plasma, if you replied I didn't getvit17:20
Core9709switched to a proper client now17:20
lotuspsychj3!uptodate | Core9709 lets try this first17:20
ubottuCore9709 lets try this first: To ensure you have all the latest known patches and security updates for your ubuntu installation, please update with the following command: `sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade`. See also !upgrades and !security; you may also need to run `apt full-upgrade`.17:20
ubottuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade17:22
lotuspsychj3Core9709: try the regular updates + full-upgrade part first17:23
lotuspsychj3Core9709: feel free to use a !paste if you are unsure and need help of the volunteers17:37
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=== VlA is now known as KobayashiMaru
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rokamHi, I am working on a much more complicated network setup now. I managed to route traffic and setup virtualization network and bridges and so on ... but I struggle with one problem more related to the user side ....18:33
rokamif I setup a default gateway in the ipv4 config in the ubuntu vm gui, the gateway is not saved?18:33
rokamdo I need to pass something else than an ipv4 address?18:33
rokamI can enter a gateway in the gui but after clickin save the gateway is just deleted18:34
rokamcan I edit in the shell what the GUI is supposed to do?18:36
rokamI will now set a default route in the netplan config instead of setting a gateway in the gui?18:37
mdaniels5757Hi! Is there a reason https://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/phased-updates.html hasn't been updated in the last few days? There definitely have been phased updates in the meantime...18:39
rokamnetplan apply caused18:40
rokamsystemd-networkd is not running, output might be incomplete.18:40
rokamFailed to reload network settings: Unit dbus-org.freedesktop.network1.service not found.18:40
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PeGaSuShelp! I have Windows and Ubuntu (dual boot) installed. I booted into Windows to install updates and now that I'm trying to boot into Ubuntu I'm having a "Verifying shim SBAT data failed: Security Policy Violation"20:18
PeGaSuSany ideas how to fix this?20:18
sarnoldyeah hold on a sec20:18
PeGaSuSI had absolutely 0 issues until today20:18
xanguaread something about that in my feeds PeGaSuS20:19
sarnoldPeGaSuS: the "what now?" section near the end has advice https://arstechnica.com/security/2024/08/a-patch-microsoft-spent-2-years-preparing-is-making-a-mess-for-some-linux-users/20:19
xanguahttps://news.itsfoss.com/windows-breaks-linux-dual-boot/ PeGaSuS20:19
PeGaSuSthanks folks!20:19
leftyfbwait, "However, this mechanism was meant to run with devices only running Windows" ... but they had a "fix" for systems running grub but should only have been applied to systems only running Windows????20:23
leftyfbas usual though, the solution is to always disable security boot20:24
PeGaSuSI'll be surprised the day that M$ does something right :x20:25
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PeGaSuSthe problem seems to have been fixed. once again, thanks!20:30
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JuanMaEnglish or spanish?21:21
doradosi se logro21:23
JuanMasi se pudo21:23
leftyfb!es | JuanMa21:23
ubottuJuanMa: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.21:23
doradominiatura miniatura21:23
JuanMaEnglish or spanish?21:23
doradom o h?21:23
=== five6184803391 is now known as five618480339
de-factoUbuntu 24.04 "apt upgrade" "The following upgrades have been deferred due to phasing" lol wth does that mean? do i need a phaser to fix this?22:24
de-factois my system broken now?22:25
de-factoupgrades rolled out in phases to avoid breaking everyone simultaneously?22:28
ravageYou see a lot of them because of the upcoming 24.04.1 release22:36
adrian_hi everyone. i have a question about lubuntu!!22:38
enigma9o7Sweet.  Feel free to share it with the group.22:38
adrian_ok thank you very much enigma22:39
adrian_well. how can i change the "fire" image symbol on the xscreensaver login screen?? please22:39
enigma9o799% sure that's hard coded, thats in xscreensaver itself, not something added by ubuntu or lxqt22:42
enigma9o7So unless you want download source, modify, and rebuild it...22:42
enigma9o7Does lubuntu use lightdm?  or sddm?   I ask because maybe you could use light-locker instead if its lightdm.22:44
sarnoldadrian_: it's been years since i've run it, but the xscreesaver-settings program might have a field for the image. maybe you could swap out the image using dpkg-divert? that's kinda gross though..22:44
adrian_enigma9o7: really?? hard coded?? does that mean that it's not a ubuntu thing? hmm i have no programming experience so that will be hard. but thank you so much anyway!!22:49
adrian_oh also i have another question but this one is about lxqt itself22:50
enigma9o7Yeah, its not an ubuntu thing.  That's in xscreensaver itself. The popup when you first start it manually, and the login screen from lock.  It is not using an external file from the package, I just double checked (the two images in /usr/share/pixmaps aren't used by it, and thats the only seperate images in the package)22:50
enigma9o7If you're ever in sanfrancisco, maybe if you stop by jwz's club you can ask him :)22:51
adrian_alright thank you.22:52
adrian_by the way. is lxqt a taiwanese desktop environment?? i've read the wikipedia article and github repo  and while there are a few american contributors. it seems that it was originally made by a taiwanese person. is this kind of dangerous?? (i.e government tracking etc)22:54
enigma9o7there is a seperate #lubuntu channel I believe where people are obviously far more likely to be familiar with lxqt than here, but you're still welcome to ask it here if you want, but probably this channel is best for ubuntu-desktop (gnome) and non-desktop related questions/issues22:54
adrian_ok thank you!!22:54
enigma9o7Yeah pcmanfm is from taiwan.22:54
enigma9o7Dunno how that would make it dangerous tho.22:55
enigma9o7errr pcman himself, doh.22:55
enigma9o7the 'fm' came out automatically when i typed.22:55
adrian_oh wait is that why it's called pcman file manager??22:55
enigma9o7clonezilla also has origins in taiwan, and people trust it with their entire disk image :)22:56
enigma9o7Yes, that's why it's called that.22:56
adrian_oh ok thank you. i was just kind of worried because of the whole chinese government tracking stuff and etc. like that's why tiktok almost got banned in the u.s22:56
adrian_but to be fair tiktok isn't open source at all22:57
sarnoldthe taiwanese govt is much more privacy oriented than the chinese communist party22:57
ravagetiktok was almost banned because only mark zuckerberg is allowed to steal your data 🙂22:57
adrian_by the way. can i talk about gnome here?? because ubuntu does use gnome albeit modified!!22:58
ravagewell. actually we are already way off topic22:59
ravagebur feel free to use #ubuntu-discuss22:59
adrian_ok thank you22:59
adrian_hi. what happens if i keep using ubuntu 22.04 even after the expiration date??23:32
sarnoldyou stop getting security and bug fixes23:33
adrian_but i can keep using the repo and downloading flatpak and etc?? oh oh!!23:34
adrian_it's just that i'm having a very big problem with the app center in xubuntu 2423:35
sarnold"keep using the repo" well kinda, at some point the packages will be moved to old-releases.ubuntu.com23:35
sarnoldand flatpak packages may be compiled for newer kernels23:35
adrian_oh you're right..23:36
adrian_thank you!!23:36
enigma9o7You can also register with canoncial for esm updates, to keep getting security fixes and stuff for another 5 years after it goes EOL.  I still have a system on 18.04 with ESM working fine....23:41
enigma9o7For flatpak I did have to use their ppa tho, the version provided by ubuntu no longer works with latest runtimes.23:42
enigma9o7And ubuntu's firefox stopped updating after version 113, I had to add Mozilla's repo.... alternatively I probably coulda installed the snap.23:44
ravageUbuntu Pro does not help that much on the flavors23:46
ravageThe support for the desktop packages ends after 3 years23:47
ravageSo you may still get updates for the main repo but not for anything specific to the flavor23:48
GeoHi, upgrading an ubuntu 20 machine, I get the error "The repository 'http://deb.debian.org/debian-security stable/updates Release' no longer has a Release file." Can anyone point me in the right direction to correct this?23:56
arraybolt3Geo: What version of Ubuntu is it? 20.04, or 20.10? (Ubuntu 20 is unclear.)23:57
arraybolt3also, it looks like you added the Debian repos to your machine at some point23:58
arraybolt3which is a Very Bad Idea23:58
arraybolt3do you remember why exactly you enabled Debian's repository on Ubuntu before, and what all you installed from it?23:58
arraybolt3also did you pin it so that you wouldn't accidentally get updates from it?23:58
GeoThis came on the install, and exists only in sources.list.d/debian-stable.list.distUpgrade23:59
GeoI assume its something upstream23:59
arraybolt3did someone else install this machine for you?23:59
Geoit's a provider-managed install23:59

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