[05:58] Hey, I have upgraded my kubuntu from 22.04 to 24.04, it got upragrqded. The problem is my wifi is also connected but the internet isnt working from any browser. Seems like network setup was not done properly while upgrading [05:58]  What is the solve for it, could you please help [06:26] user|65: open a terminal and run: ping google.com [08:50] how to do a dist-update from 22.04.4 LTS to current LTS version? [09:00] ok, I found this guide and hope this will be good: https://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/how-to-upgrade-from-ubuntu-22-04-lts-to-ubuntu-24-04-lts/well [09:50] EFP1 [11:40] screen flackers [12:14] Hi all === VanUnamed_ is now known as VanUnamed [16:26] Hi === cbreak_ is now known as cbreak === VanUnamed_ is now known as VanUnamed === zul is now known as wakkarto === ad1m7 is now known as ad1m === Bluefoxicy_ is now known as Bluefoxicy === mmikowski3 is now known as mmikowski