=== Pimmetje4 is now known as Pimmetje [18:56] Hi guys, I am successfuly working since a few days on configuring a multi internet ip networking on a root server with multiple vms. I decided to give netplan a try and switched fully to netplan from /etc/network/interfaces. I am now stuggeling to translate these rules to the netplan syntax. [18:56] My network works fine if I set them up temporary [18:57] ip route add dev br0_opnsense [18:57] ip route add default via src dev ens1 === Pimmetje7 is now known as Pimmetje [20:41] https://superuser.com/questions/1853263/netplan-how-to-route-an-ip-to-a-device-and-how-to-set-a-source-ip-for-a-default [20:41] How to set a source ip for a route with netplan?ip route add default via src dev ens1 [21:01] fwiw you'll probably have better luck asking during europe work hours