
arraybolt3Ubuntu *never* comes with anything other than official Ubuntu repos enabled out of the box. If you have deb.debian.org added, someone did something fatally wrong to the machine.00:00
arraybolt3At this point, you should probably ask your provider to do a clean install for you. Upgrading is dangerous enough as it is, and your machine has weird repos enabled that may cause upgrading to completely break the system.00:00
arraybolt3or if you're allowed to, you should probably clean install the machine yourself. Upgrading is not going to work well here.00:01
arraybolt3(to be clear I assume you mean upgrade from 20.04 to 22.04)00:01
arraybolt3(if you're just trying to get updates to install though I'd still probably clean-install the device to get the weird repos properly fixed. There's no other *good* way to fix them.)00:01
oerheksdebian sources in ubuntu, good luck00:03
Geoto clarify; the only reference to this path is in that debian-stable.list.distUpgrade file. Nothing at all in the normal sources.list . What is that doing?00:10
oerhekswhy mixing distros?00:10
oerheksno reason to do so, reinstall, good luck00:11
adrian_The following upgrades have been deferred due to phasing:00:33
adrian_what does that mean please??00:33
ubottuSince Ubuntu 21.04, APT may hold back some updates on some systems while they are being phased in. This is called "phased updates". See https://ubottu.com/y/phased and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PhasedUpdates for more info.00:34
oerhekssure bing would found the answer00:34
adrian_so i just have to wait?? alright!!00:35
oerheksyes, or onstall them manually00:36
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omega_doomWhen i try to remove a package then i get "Removing some package .. Failed to execute child process “dbus-launch” (No such file or directory)" What can i do yo fix it?03:43
rboxinstall the package that installs dbus-launch03:43
omega_doomI tried to install “dbus-launch”but have similar error because package manager tries to remove this package before installing dbus-launch. :)03:45
rboxwhat did you do to break your systme this much03:46
omega_doomI installed a bad package/03:47
omega_doomIt is some vpn that i was suggested to download in install via dpkg. Turns out this package is outdated and doesn't work.03:49
omega_doomNow i get "installed some-vpn package post-removal script subprocess returned error exit status 1"  then i try to remove it. And when i try to install "dbus-launch" then this script runs again before installation. I am stuck.03:52
omega_doomIs it possible to install a package without removing others?04:07
enigma9o7Depends on the package.  If it lists that it conflicts or replaces something, then no.04:09
enigma9o7omega: next time, dont use dpkg to install random debs, use apt as it'll deal with dependencies.04:10
enigma9o7(istead of "dpkg -i filename.deb" do "apt install ./filename.deb"04:11
omega_doomI installed dbus-launch but now have this error "GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown: The name org.freedesktop.Notifications was not provided by any .service files". I cannot send a notification as root. sudo notify-send 1 gives me same error. How to fix it?04:39
omega_doomYeah. i removed this broken package! First i installed “dbus-launch” manually but "apt download" all its dependencies and after that using dpkg -i. But notify-send didn't want work with root. I run sudo //usr/lib/notification-daemon/notification-daemon and then i could purge that bad package. A lot of fuss!05:11
omega_doomBut i am still puzzled if notify-send should work under root or not.05:13
TheKeeperdoes anyone know how can i change the DNS server in ubuntu 24? when i change it in resolv.conf after reboot the namespaces replaced.05:41
webchat972Anyone around for a quick question?06:21
toddc!ask | webchat97206:22
ubottuwebchat972: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience06:22
webchat972Thanks ubottu! My mistake! I am trying to diagnose a connection issue, and I have been searching the web, but found you guys, so thought I would try here! Anyway, on Ubuntu Server 24.04, I am trying to troubleshoot a sporadic network connection. pings sometimes work, but seem to mostly fail. Are there any quick and easy systemctl restarts or06:27
webchat972diagnostic commands I could potentially run?06:27
webchat972(Gateway pings perfectly)06:27
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vltwebchat972: I would reduce the number of involved machines, check if ping still fails from host A to B when directly connected with just one cable and what tcpdump says ...07:16
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webchat972Thanks vlt, will try07:57
gebbionehi, after a recent update i cannot see the analog output in the devices for the sound in ubuntu 22 ... thus the audio does not work. I have tried a few things like https://askubuntu.com/questions/1423121/no-sound-in-ubuntu-22-04-1-lts-after-upgrading-from-20-04-lts but this did not work and not sure on what else to try08:52
JanCgebbione: do you know what packages were part of that update?10:05
gebbioneJanC, not sure but i found out i had the jack plugged in the wrong output and then the right device came up. So it must have just been a problem due to the jack being in the wrong sound output10:06
JanCso your problem is solved now?10:07
gebbioneyes thank you10:08
JanCgebbione: next time you fix something yourself, it's a good thing to let the channel know you did10:17
lotuspsychj3not in this channel please NateDoge10:28
WeeBeyhelp. my laptop keeps crashing hard after either sleep or, it seems, after idling. I left the lid open over night. The filesystem gets mounted as read only and I don't have any logs to find out why. :-(10:44
lotuspsychj3WeeBey: your ubuntu release and kernel version please?10:45
WeeBeylotuspsychj3, 24.04; 6.8.0-41-generic10:46
lotuspsychj3did you get crashes recently, or on other kernels too WeeBey ?10:47
WeeBeyThis has happened before. Often I felt it came after some kernel upgrade but after a restart, it usually came back. Now it's been every day for about 6 days.10:48
WeeBey*after a restart, it got fixed or didn't come back**10:49
lotuspsychj3WeeBey: also check your /var/crash dir, see if crashes exist there10:49
WeeBeylotuspsychj3, it's empty10:49
JanCunlikely after remount-ro10:49
zaibatsuhi this is just a test10:50
zaibatsuam i visible?10:50
WeeBeythis is the only thing I see when it crashes: https://i.postimg.cc/9Fb30Gv0/2147483648-212438.jpg10:50
WeeBeyrepeated messages about unable to write logs10:50
WeeBeyIt's basically this same error but I didn't clone anything. https://community.frame.work/t/replaced-nvme-now-i-get-read-only-filesystem-sometimes-on-wake/25385/610:51
JanCWeeBey: it could be a hardware problem like overheating (try to clean out dust from your computer) or bad RAM (you can run a memory check overnight to try to detect those)10:52
WeeBeyJanC, hmm. Maybe bad ram.. Yeah, that's a good point.10:52
lotuspsychj3we see you zaibatsu10:52
JanCor bad disk10:52
WeeBeyI was thinking of the SSDs (2x in the laptop) but they seem ok.10:52
zaibatsugreat thanks10:52
zaibatsuhave a nice day everyone10:52
JanCWeeBey: that on-screen output is basically the system saying it can't write logs because the FS is read-only, so you are losing the logs that could help debug this...   :-/11:01
JanCif that happens it might still be possible to get logs from the kernel buffer with dmesg before the system crashes fully11:02
JanCe.g. try to switch to another console, log in there, and run dmesg (probably needs sudo)11:05
WeeBeyJanC, ugh. I don't think I see much in dmesg. Just ACPI errors but I think those are forever errors from weird bios implementations.11:05
WeeBeyJanC, system is unresponsive when it hangs so no dmesg access11:06
WeeBeyto run a memory test, shoudl I try 'pcmemtest' or something while system is running ?11:07
JanCin 24.04 'memtest86+' is the most up-to-date nowadays, I think (the old memtest86+ & pcmemtest merged their features to become the new memtest86+)11:10
JanCbut yes, something outside the OS works best11:10
lotuspsychj3maybe share your full dmesg WeeBey11:13
lotuspsychj3you never know the volunteers find something relevant11:13
JanCdmesg from a new boot would not have the errors that caused the crash, of course, but maybe there are errors that could suggest something, I guess...11:14
WeeBeyok, maybe I'll start with a disk check.11:15
JanCanother option is to put logs on another partition/disk & hope _that one_ doesn't go RO   :)11:15
WeeBeyIf I live boot, can I run a disk check on my SSDs even if they're both encrypted ?11:16
WeeBeyJanC, hmm, may be crazy enough to work. :D11:16
JanCdepends what you mean by a disk check?  SMART?  fsck?11:17
WeeBeysmart seemed ok11:17
WeeBeyi mean, technically, i should be able to scan my 2nd SSD since it's not mounted ?11:18
JanCno (excessive) read errors or relocated sectors?11:18
JanCwhen you use LUKS you will have to unlock that before you can fsck a filesystem on it, which might be more or less complicated depending on how it's implemented (if it's just a password to unlock like most use, it's probably easy)11:20
WeeBeyJanC, :-( mkay, thanks so much! I'll try to find more info.11:24
BluesKajHi all12:14
wizard1hi i installed burp suit file using sh command how can i uninstall it?12:15
ravageYou hope that they provide information about it12:15
ravageIf not you need to reverse engineer that install script12:16
wizard1ravage: are you here now?12:19
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DocMorsone question is 'in' a valid command in bash and if so what is it suppose to do. If I type it in a shell I get "bash: syntax error near unexpected token `in'" that is different to "command not found"14:01
leftyfbDocMors: yes, it is14:03
leftyfbDocMors: https://linuxconfig.org/bash-scripting-tutorial14:03
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leftyfbDocMors: https://linuxconfig.org/bash-scripting-tutorial#:~:text=how%20to%20use.-,Bash%20for%20loop,-This%20script%20will14:03
leftyfbone example of it's use14:03
leftyfbDocMors: also /join #bash for more in-depth questions about bash14:04
DocMorsleftyfb, thanks but is this "in" documented anywhere. Not by example but explicitly?14:07
DocMorscan't find it whith which or in manpages14:08
DocMorsalso --help doesn't do any good14:08
leftyfbDocMors: it's an aspect of loops and case statements14:10
leftyfbDocMors: https://www.gnu.org/software/bash/manual/html_node/Looping-Constructs.html14:10
leftyfbDocMors: https://www.gnu.org/software/bash/manual/html_node/Conditional-Constructs.html14:11
beginnerhello everyone14:14
DocMorsleftyfb, yes that's what I could dig up but it's not explicitly mentioned anywhere. For example 'if' you find clearly mentioned but in is only mentioned implicitly14:14
beginnermy name is beginner14:14
leftyfbDocMors: "in" isn't a standalone command. It's an aspect of loop and case statements14:15
DocMorsyes and it's not even on the list of reserved words14:16
DocMorsI need a t-shirt to fight for its rights!14:16
leftyfbDocMors: https://www.gnu.org/software/bash/manual/html_node/Looping-Constructs.html#index-for14:16
leftyfbit's there in the syntax for "for" loops. It's a syntax, not a standalone command14:17
DocMors:) I know full well what it does but it's not showing the deserved respect14:18
leftyfbDocMors: that's like saying -l as part of the ls commmand doesn't get respect14:18
DocMorsthe -l is explicitly documented14:19
leftyfbDocMors: either way, you have the documentation for it and have stated that you understand it's use14:19
DocMorsleftyfb, the use was not in question. It's just odd that almost everything is explicitly documented but 'in' is not. I was wondering whether I had missed any sources but that seems not to be the case.14:20
DocMorsSo lets get on the barricades for the 'in'14:21
leftyfbDocMors: /join #bash , you might get a better explanation14:21
DocMorsI joined there and thanks for channel :)14:22
youndertry sudo snap install sketch14:44
younderIt provides examples of the use of the most common commands in a short form14:44
younderSorry the command is ''cheat'14:46
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panot sure where to ask so i try here: ubuntu 22.04,  custom vpn enabled: networking from command line works (ping, nslookup, w3m, even apt and snap). Firefox and chromium do not. i disabled ipv6 and dns over https in firefox but didnt help15:35
paany idea what i could check?15:35
parouting table is quite a mess, but if it works from the command line..15:36
ravage"custom vpn" sounds suspicios15:36
papaloalto global protect15:37
ravagemaybe try https://github.com/yuezk/GlobalProtect-openconnect15:38
paravage, you think it's vpn's fault?15:39
paw3m yahoo.com (for example) works alright15:39
ravageif your system stops working after you connect to the VPN.. probably?15:39
pasystem  works, firefox doesnt15:39
lotuspsychj3there's also a free riseupVpn snap if you like15:40
ravagei dont know why gui apps dont work but i cant help with any proprietary software i dont use really15:40
pagood point, let me try another gui app15:41
lotuspsychj3riseup-vpn  0.21.11-109-gbf709b5  leapsnaps  classic  RiseupVPN, anonymous VPN. Powered by Bitmask.15:41
ravagehow das that help with his paloalto account?15:42
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passo falkon works..15:42
lotuspsychj3oh i missed that part15:42
ravagefirefox and chromium are probably both snaps15:43
pagood point, let me check that15:43
palet me try native firefox15:43
ravagei dont know how the fact that it is a snap would affect connectivity15:44
ravagebut you never know with strange vpn clients15:44
paalso, windows client on windows does not stop windows firefox from working.. now, that doesn't help a lot, but still..15:45
ravagelast time i checked Microsoft had not adopted snap 🙂15:46
ravagebut i would give the openconnect a try15:46
ravageprobably better than the one you get from the vendor15:46
ioriapa  firefox -> about:config -> set network.dns.disableIPv6 to true15:48
paioria: done15:49
ioriapa then try to disable ipv6 as a whole; sudo sysctl -w net.ipv6.conf.all.disable_ipv6=1 ; and restart networkd or NetworkManager15:52
paaha good tip, thanks!15:52
palike this? sudo service networkd-dispatcher restart15:55
ioriasudo systemctl restart systemd-networkd15:55
pathanks trying15:55
padoesnt seem to help..15:56
pamaybe reboot15:56
ioriaif you use NM sudo systemctl restart NetworkManager15:57
padoesnt seem to help16:00
patrying deb firefox now16:00
payep this one works..16:06
leftyfbpa: https://www.reddit.com/r/firefox/comments/1aqnnyh/firefox_122_dns_problems_in_ubuntu_2204_with_vpn/16:07
paleftyfb, thanks! yes i suspected a dns issue.. apparently that one not using resolv.conf but mighty resolved, that i supose vpn client cant really mess with16:10
pathanks for the help!16:19
glennhow can i start a service in a batch file16:28
gordonjcpglenn: can you eliminate the XY problem, and describe what you're trying to do?16:29
glenni want to start a service16:29
gordonjcpglenn: okay, from the beginning, try to describe what you're trying to do16:30
leftyfbglenn: what release of ubuntu are you running?16:31
desolate030hey guys, I just got a hetzner vps (ubuntu noble on arm64) and their package mirrors throw a lot of errors. How do I add a repo mirror for ubuntu/noble on arm64?16:35
desolate030I found this page but there are no instructions: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/noble/arm6416:36
leftyfbdesolate030: ports.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-ports16:38
desolate030leftyfb: thanks already, how do i add the signkey? i tried importing http://ports.ubuntu.com/project/ubuntu-archive-keyring.gpg but that didn't work16:52
leftyfbdesolate030: can you share your sources.list and the error you are getting when you run: sudo apt update ?16:56
desolate030leftyfb: https://bpa.st/A6MQ here's a paste of sources and output16:59
leftyfbfirst, why do you have /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ubuntu.sources? What is the contents of /etc/apt/sources.list ?17:00
desolate030leftyfb: cat /etc/apt/sources.list17:01
desolate030# Ubuntu sources have moved to the /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ubuntu.sources17:01
desolate030# file, which uses the deb822 format17:01
leftyfb!paste | desolate03017:01
ubottudesolate030: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://bpa.st | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.17:01
ravageubuntu.sources is the default in 24.0417:02
ravagebut that image really seems to be messed up17:03
ravagelet me check a fresh arm64 noble container17:04
ravagehttps://termbin.com/5oep  <-- default sources for an amd64 lxc container17:05
ravageand /usr/share/keyrings/ubuntu-archive-keyring.gpg has md5 8132968e5883c7ac4ed0703b971d591717:06
ravagewhich is part of ubuntu-keyring17:06
leftyfbat least it's a bit cleaner now17:06
leftyfbwithout all the comments that is17:06
desolate030ravage: thanks a ton, this works!17:07
ravageleftyfb: you can still use the old format17:08
leftyfbgood to know17:08
leftyfbbeing able to specify the keys is nice though17:08
ravageyou could do that before17:09
ravagebut it really looks cleaner in multiple lines17:09
ravageim just happy it is not yaml 😄17:09
leftyfbthis is pretty clean https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/xtYd89fNzK/17:11
leftyfbit's basically how I've been doing it17:11
desolate030ravage: whats wrong with yaml?17:11
ravageit is great for automation17:11
ravagehorrible to manually edit17:11
ravagetry to edit a netplan config17:12
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desolate030ravage: tbh i just use pycharm/vscodium via ssh17:12
ravageleftyfb: deb [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/element-io-archive-keyring.gpg] https://packages.element.io/debian/ default main17:12
ravagefor the signing part17:12
ravagei guess we will just get uses to the multi line formar17:13
ravage*format. its fine17:14
leftyfbravage: I use jinja2 templates for automation ;)17:14
desolate030I gotta say if multiline means theres a dict like mapping of keys and values I'd prefer this over "cryptic/complicated" oneliners17:15
desolate030I'm coming from rhel/centos/alma and have little to none experience with deb/ubuntu. When entered "apt upgrade -y" just now I got the following message: "The following upgrades have been deferred due to phasing". Searching the internet got me all kinds of different recommendations. Should I configure apt to include phased updates?17:18
ravageusually there is a reason for phases updates17:19
ravageyou will get them soon17:19
ravageif everything is going ok17:19
ravageyou can force it one time with "sudo apt upgrade <list of packages held back>"17:20
JanCphased updates just means they are not pushed to everyone at the same time, and in case there suddenly come a lot of bugs during an update, they can also stop upgrades for others to investigate if the update is the reason17:20
ravageif you feel adventurous17:20
ravagebut its usually a good idea to wait if you care about a stable system17:20
desolate030okay thanks for the input guys :)17:21
JanCusually just waiting is best indeed, unless you know that you really really need that update  :)17:22
JanCdesolate030: with "apt policy <packagename>" you can see how far the fasing is currently17:23
desolate030JanC: just out of curiosity, let's say cve's are coming up (like for ssh lastly). Is the phasing still a thing or are emergency patches deployed outside of this?17:25
ravagesecurity updates dont have phasing17:26
desolate030okay good to know, cheers17:26
JanChttps://ubuntu.com/server/docs/about-apt-upgrade-and-phased-updates has some useful documentation17:26
desolate030JanC: thanks17:26
ravagegood episode to learn about them17:27
ravageand a oood podcast in general17:27
JanCor apparently https://documentation.ubuntu.com/server/explanation/software/about-apt-upgrade-and-phased-updates/ is the new location for that17:27
desolate030JanC: +1 for dark mode ^^17:30
JanCalso: when "apt policy <packagename>" says 0% phased that means upgrades were stopped for some reason, so I wouldn't force an upgrade then  :)17:30
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sybaritenHey hey18:26
sybaritenImagine that i had a long key phrase or maybe a PW that's hard to remember, and I know that I'm going to need to use this, whenever I'm setting up some things on new machines18:26
sybaritenLet's say I'm not too worried about security really18:27
leftyfbsybariten: this sounds like a #security question18:27
sybaritenWell, they are gonna hate it, obviously18:27
sybaritenwhich is why i try here18:27
leftyfbwhat is your ubuntu question exactly?18:28
sybaritenWhat would be a sane way to store such a phrase... "somewhare". So that i could get it on to the terminal, perhaps via curl or something, but preferably without needing to log in to another system altogether. Basically storing it unsecurely18:28
leftyfbsybariten: I would suggest using ansible to automate deployments which has a "vault" system for encrypted strings that you can use anywhere in the deployment18:29
sybaritenAh okay no that is probably far, _far_ above the ambitions for these inane or measly use cases18:30
leftyfbsybariten: or use a 3rd party tool like 1password and it's cli to retrieve passwords18:31
sybaritenthen i suppose i need to install stuff... i was hoping to just do something on the command line on a stock system18:32
sybaritenI think basically i need a general IT discussions channel on libera that isn't specialized in one single direction cause they will all sneer at my question  :)18:32
ravageTry #bad-it-ideas18:34
enigma9o7maybe simplify your life and use a phrase you can remember.18:35
enigma9o7Correct Horse Battery Staple comes to mind18:35
sybaritenenigma9o7: heh, it's auto generated but thank you. And looks like yours but five times longer18:40
bigshot00do i need to disable encryption and turn secure boot off if i want to install ubuntu on laptop>?18:41
enigma9o7Who makes your GPU?18:41
leftyfbbigshot00: define "encryption"18:42
ravageAnd you can always use full disk encryption that the installer offers18:42
leftyfbbigshot00: I always suggest disabling secure boot. It serves no valid purpose for the end user18:42
bigshot00leftyfb, bitlocker18:45
leftyfbbigshot00: only if you need to access the files on Windows from Ubuntu18:45
leftyfbotherise, Ubuntu shouldn't care that Windows is encrypted18:46
bigshot00leftyfb, but when i made persistent ubuntu usb using rufus and booted into it and shutdown and restarted computer i was asked to enter recovery key18:46
bigshot00leftyfb, could it be coz i unplugged usb?18:47
leftyfbno idea18:48
leftyfbsounds like a secure boot issue though18:48
bigshot00leftyfb, yeah18:48
leftyfbbut disabling that might also break bitlocker ... not sure18:48
bigshot00leftyfb, where to find password if i want to access windows files from linux?18:49
leftyfbbigshot00: with bitlocker enabled? I don't think you can18:49
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bigshot00leftyfb, so i should disable secure boot then install ubuntu on nvme ssd and then see if i get asked for recovery key?18:50
leftyfbbigshot00: I don't know if disabling secure boot is going to break bitlocker. You'll need to research that19:00
esvhey, I am sorry I have asked this before but I can never remember how to download a specific package from the web. so, I would really appreciate if anyone would tell me how to download individual packages from the web. 22.04.19:16
esvI guess https://packages.ubuntu.com/name would do it.19:17
McParenyes, thats at least how i would do it.19:18
leftyfbesv: download for what purpose?19:18
esvone sec pls...19:20
esvHello, a customer "updated" their vm but the /boot directory is empty, I am using a virtual machine (without internet access) to recover it, hence I need to download the packages manually and shove them into the broken vm19:25
leftyfbesv: first, you shouldn't need any additional packages to recover the boot directory. You could use something like a boot recovery/rescue iso or just reinstall grub with sudo grub-install /dev/XXX19:27
leftyfb2nd, if the customer fubar'd their VM, they should be willing and able to wipe it, reinstall(or ask you for a reinstall) and restore from backup19:28
esvoh , /boot was empty, no kernel or initramfs20:30
esvI wish they did20:31
esvoh... initrd.img  my bad.20:34
gebbionehi, i am experiencing an error that cannot get fixed on a Asus Laptop. Ubuntu has worked for a few days then after some updates i got this error https://paste.linux.chat/?3529711c3a2d29e7#GvApzvBg5LZ6wXAXHCN17jTVwwYzCP8jdBMGw2HaJRoB   I have tried updating, also i don't think i am using the hwe kernels but currently i am on 6.80-41.41 . Any ideas what i can try?20:35
topcat001It is fairly easy to read bitlocker files from Linux. For example, dislocker.20:36
gebbioneanyone could confirm what is the current kernel supposed to be on ubuntu 24?20:41
LuckyManyou can see your kernel by doing uname -a21:12
enigma9o7They just said they were on 6.80-41.41 which I assume is actually 6.8.0-4121:13
enigma9o7gebbione: are you having a wifi issue?  Or what is the actual problem?21:13
gebbionei get a blackscreen, the error is in the pastebin, i can repost it. Now i installed mainline to force the use of another kernel but it leads to a new error21:14
gebbioneenigma9o7, the error is shown here https://paste.linux.chat/?3529711c3a2d29e7#GvApzvBg5LZ6wXAXHCN17jTVwwYzCP8jdBMGw2HaJRoB21:16
enigma9o7the paste i see is stuff about ilwifi....21:16
gebbioneit is but i have no clue on what to fix21:17
enigma9o7same one you already posted21:17
gebbionethere is no apparent wifi error21:17
gebbionei can manually connect with CLI21:17
enigma9o7Well that is unlikely related to black screen, which is almost always video related.  What kinda GPU do you have?21:17
gebbionei ll get the info21:17
enigma9o7And as you suspected kernel update broke something, did you try booting previous kernel from grub advanced options?21:17
enigma9o7If you're not sure, could pastebin the output from "inxi -G" (which may require installing inxi).21:18
enigma9o7that'll no only show which gpu, but which driver it's using, which may be save a follow up quesiton21:19
gebbioneok it is intel arc21:20
gebbionei tried the older kernels21:21
gebbionefrom advanced options21:21
gebbionei ll install inxi21:21
gebbioneoutput from infix -G -> https://termbin.com/u4un21:22
enigma9o7ok it does show no driver is loaded for your gpu21:24
enigma9o7Which is quite weird, intel stuff should load automatically.21:25
gebbionethe weirdest part is that it worked for a few times21:25
gebbionethen started giving this error21:25
enigma9o7I am not familiar enough with how to proceed, but someone here maybe can continue, I believe what you can try is to "sudo modprobe i915" or perhaps something different than i915, and see why it won't load.21:26
gebbioneit run without errors21:28
enigma9o7hmmm weird.  try to restart your login manager.  `sudo service gdm3 restart`21:33
gebbioneit does not look like it made any difference21:34
gebbionealso output of echo $? is 0 so it does not error21:35
gebbionebut shows no output too21:35
gebbioneenigma9o7, would it be worth trying to install drivers manually such as https://dgpu-docs.intel.com/driver/client/overview.html21:50
gebbionealso is there like a forum where i can post this question ?21:51
enigma9o7No, intel drivers should be part of kernel, intel contributes their drivers directly to  mainline linux.  There is something going on I don't understand, but there are people here far more expert than me, but maybe they already done for the week.21:51
enigma9o7Yeah, the ubuntu forums would be a good idea to post in.21:52
gebbioneif i create a post what other output should i add to provide more debugging other than journal and the inxi enigma9c721:57
gebbionegoing to sleep ... too tired ... i ll try again tomorrow22:11
gebbionethank you enigma9o722:11
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