
vortexxis there any way to make duplicity and nautilus speak http/2 or /3 when talking to a webdav share?01:12
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GudduIn Ubuntu how do we check what driver is installed for the graphic card?02:42
lotuspsychj3Guddu: sudo lshw -C video02:44
oerhekseasy to find02:44
Guddulotuspsychj3, https://dpaste.org/9LupL02:45
GudduApart from driver=nvidia I don't se emuch info that I could interpret02:46
ravageyou use the nvidia driver02:46
ravagefrom nvidia02:46
ravageif you need details run nvidia-smi02:46
GudduThnaks ravage02:48
GudduI see Driver Version: 535.183.01 and on the Nvidia website the following version is available.02:48
GudduLinux x64 (AMD64/EM64T) Display Driver02:48
GudduDriver versión: 560.35.03 - fecha de lanzamiento: 2024 Agosto 2102:48
ravageis anything not working?02:49
ravageor why do you need a newer version02:49
Gudduravage, Not really. Just wanted to be updated.02:49
GudduThe current version is not too old either. June 2024/02:49
ravageim pretty sure they will get the 560 soon02:49
ravageit has only been out for a few days02:50
Gudduravage, On Ubuntu will sudo apt update install the latest driver also?02:51
ravageyou would need to open ubuntu-drivers again for that02:51
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bebopwhen is the new release going to be now?03:57
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Bashing-ombebop: Last report the .1 release is scheduled for the 29th.04:15
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lotuspsychj3welcome gebbione06:51
gebbioneI wrote yesterday about a black screen problem. I created an entry in the forum hoping to get more suggestions on how to fix this ... https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2500132&p=14202135#post1420213506:51
gebbionehi lotuspsychj306:52
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realivanjxanyone considering updating their servers later to 24.04.1 later or just staying with current installed version? mine is 22.04.406:57
junyxrealivanjx I'm on 24 for 2 of my servers06:58
lotuspsychj3read the releasenotes to see new 24.04 features06:58
ubottuUbuntu 24.04 (Noble Numbat) is the 40th release of Ubuntu and the current !LTS release - Download at https://ubuntu.com/download :: Release notes at https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/ubuntu-24-04-lts-noble-numbat-release-notes/39890 :: Further schedule at https://ubottu.com/y/nn06:58
realivanjxi wonder if it would cause problems if i stay too long on 1 ubuntu version given that my apps and services are all dockerized and keep updated06:58
gebbioneI wrote yesterday about a black screen problem. I created an entry in the forum hoping to get more suggestions on how to fix this ... https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2500132&p=14202135#post1420213508:44
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gebbione black screen problem. I created an entry in the forum hoping to get more suggestions on how to fix this ... https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2500132&p=14202135#post1420213511:40
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lotuspsychj3gebbione: from your dmesg; Kernel is locked down from EFI Secure Boot mode; see man kernel_lockdown.712:42
lotuspsychj3gebbione: secureboot enabled can influence some of your hardware, try disabling it and try if you can bypass your black screen12:43
lotuspsychj3gebbione: and you also got an intel graphics error; xe 0000:00:02.0: Your graphics device 7d55 is not officially supported12:45
Xei hate being a GPU lol12:45
lotuspsychj3maybe rename to a cpu Xe :p12:46
respawnwhat ubuntu version12:49
respawnis it iris xe graphics or some older gpu12:51
respawnlotuspsychj3, i915.force_probe=!7d55 xe.force_probe=7d5512:53
lotuspsychj3respawn: its gebbione having this issue12:55
respawngebbione, i915.force_probe=!7d55 xe.force_probe=7d5512:56
lotuspsychj3i would try the secureboot first12:56
gebbionerespawn, i tried those options from the journal output. They did not seem to make a difference13:12
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BluesKajHi all13:54
LuckyMana 3D face lol14:33
lotuspsychj3can we help you LuckyMan14:34
Guest89Is someone available to help a very dumb person try to dual boot ubuntu and windows? I already set up WIndows 10, used Disk Management to allocate some free space. Now I'm trying to use the live usb to install, but no matter what I do during the partitioning phase, the "next" and "boot loader" options stay grayed out. I have selected space for15:11
Guest89VFAT, Swap, and EXT4 (mounted to "/"). I can't seem to get it to cooperate. Any ideas are helpful. I am on the liveUSB now typing this15:11
Guest89I have a screenshot, if that helps: https://imgur.com/a/BICZDfv15:12
rboxwhy are you doing manual partitioning15:13
Guest89Because it doesn't give me the option to install next to Windows 10.15:13
rboxthats like the very first option15:13
Guest89It's not, and I'll show you15:13
Guest89Trust me, I would much rather use that option if it were available!15:15
Guest89It has never given me that option, for some reason. I even used MBR2GPT to make sure Windows was set up properly, and it is a GPT drive. I believe that's what's required.15:16
ravagethe new installer is broken in many ways ☹️15:17
Guest89Yeah I miss the legacy installer, I believe that one at least would let me manually partition.15:17
Guest89Maybe something I can do in GParted?15:18
Guest89I'm not well versed in that15:18
Guest89Well, I posted it on reddit, so maybe someone can assist there. I have never run into this issue before. RIP to the legacy installer.15:25
Guest89I guess I could try and install 22.04?15:26
JanCwas that 24.04 you were trying?15:27
lotuspsychj3Guest89: here are the latest bugs around the new 24.04 installer; https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-desktop-provision/+bugs?orderby=importance&start=015:27
JanCalso: I assume the installer logs somewhere, maybe it will include information why it does or doesn't offer some options?15:27
lotuspsychj3JanC: sebastien always asking about /var/log/installer logs on the new installer bugs15:28
sixwheeledbeasthave you selected where the bootloader is?15:29
sixwheeledbeastpossibly what is blocking the next button. manual is confusing IMO.15:29
lotuspsychj3im going to agree with ravage its still not working properly on several ways15:29
mikrosisgordonjcp: I have a mystery issue in my ubuntu :/16:26
mikrosisI got an Ubuntu server minimal 2216:26
mikrosisI installed the wireguard-tools package16:26
mikrosisI expect the file /usr/share/doc/wireguard-tools/examples/reresolve-dns/reresolve-dns.sh to be present from that package.16:27
mikrosisHowever, instead there is only the empty folder /usr/share/doc/wireguard-tools/examples/reresolve-dns/16:27
mikrosisreresolve-dns.sh is missing16:27
mikrosisHow can this be? Because of minimal installation? Because of man pages/documentation/extra stuff not being installed on that system?16:27
mikrosisThis is so strange.16:27
mikrosisIt is there. It is listed as file of the package.16:28
mikrosisWhy is it not installed?16:28
mikrosisthis is a mystery16:32
mikrosiscan you replicate this?16:32
mikrosisthis is unexplainable16:32
toddcmikrosis: stick around someone will asnswer they may be test on their system now16:38
rboxwhat is "ubuntu server minimal 22"16:39
ravageworks fine here. file exists after package install16:39
mikrosisrbox: I installed the Ubuntu 22 server image and then selected "minimal" install in setup, which is used as this is the same image as on cloud16:40
mikrosisravage: thanks for testing! Is that an Ubuntu "minimal" install?16:40
rboxwhat is "ubuntu 22"16:40
mikrosis22.04 LTS16:41
mikrosisI selected this option in order to replicate the base image I have to use on VPS:16:41
rboxdo you have a /etc/dpkg/dpkg.cfg.d/excludes16:41
mikrosisrbox: woa! you are right16:43
mikrosisit excludes doc16:43
mikrosiscan I force apt to still install the doc files for a particular package? I only need those for wireguard-tools - or for an individual file?16:43
ravagethat is probably because if the minimal selection16:43
rboxjust copy it off a working systema16:43
rboxnd put it whefever yo uwant16:43
mikrosiswell, this solves the mystery. Thank you!16:44
oerheksgood spot!16:45
ravagethats the file16:46
mikrosisravage: now I have to find a way using ansible to get the file from package and put it somewhere where it can be used by systemd16:47
mikrosisis Ubuntu server minimized really worth it?16:48
mikrosisIt looks like a Windows Server Core that only causes trouble16:48
ravagethat is something you need to decide16:48
mikrosiswell, I am not knowledgable enough for that I guess16:48
mikrosisso I rather use the normal Ubuntu server edition16:48
mikrosisI could add an extra config file to `dpkg.cfg.d/` that makes an exception for the exluded doc/ directory16:58
mikrosisI need to add a prefix like 01_ or something so that it overrides the `excludes` file with the paths to (re-)include17:00
mikrosisravage, oerheks, rbox, toddc: You are very knowledgeable!17:04
ubottuWow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!17:07
ubottuWow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!17:10
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bigshotBlast! New version 1.22.1 available, but check permissions on /var/www/FreshRSS directory. HTTP server must have have write permission18:22
bigshothow to fix write permission?18:23
bigshoti am using podman18:23
realivanjxhow often does gnome-software check for updates and is this configurable? i also use gnome-software-plugin-flatpak18:26
oerheksrealivanjx, sudo systemctl list-timers -all18:33
realivanjxi dont see anything related to gnome-software specifically unless it is already called by something else like apt-daily18:34
oerhekscould be it18:34
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jordan_ n19:44
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eelstreborsince upgrading my distro to 24.04LTS, i can't update any packages - i tried using 2 different networks20:43
gebbioneusually when you upgrade the older PPAs are not compatible. It might be best you look at the errors and fix them or show them20:44
eelstreborthese aren't ppa's20:45
gebbionestill no error shown ... i m going to sleep but without output how can anyone help20:51
eelstrebori'll have to post to pastebin and get that info over to these computer20:55
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sixwheeledbeastso have you ruled out that the connection has working inet and dns?21:01
eelstreboryes - drill resolves host names21:02
eelstreborand i can web surf21:03
enigma9o7update first21:03
eelstreboralready did that21:03
enigma9o7no prolbem connecting to with ping?21:04
enigma9o7and i guess21:04
eelstreborno ping response21:04
enigma9o7I can ping them from here, so something werid going on with your network.21:05
enigma9o7maybe try a mirror21:05
eelstrebortried several missors - apt update seems to get a list but apt upgrade can't download and install - i even tried "Select Best Server"21:22
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WeeBeyHello! I know it's not recommended, but I'm trying to troubleshoot and fix an issue causing very hard crashes on my laptop: If I install mainline so that I can use other kernels, is it possible to go back to the the regular ubuntu generic stock kernel and then get back the regular updates ?21:28
WeeBeyRight now I have 6.8.0-41-generic (24.04)21:29
enigma9o7Yes, in fact installing a mainline kernel won't remove your ubuntu kernel, it'll still be available in grub menu advanced options.21:29
enigma9o7And in fact it will continue to update, even when you're not using it.21:29
enigma9o7Unless you purposely remove the linux-image-generic package21:29
WeeBeyenigma9o7, oh, interesting. That means I simply need to select the different grub entry21:29
enigma9o7Yes, but default grub will boot the kernel with the highest version number.21:30
WeeBeyand/or uninstall the non-stock kernel21:30
WeeBeyOk, that's good to know. I will try this. It's been about 7 days of hard reboots every day. :-(21:30
WeeBey(after wake)21:30
WeeBeyok, off to the races. :D21:32
WeeBeyMkay... Let's see if this kernel holds up. :-)21:45
AnjorWhat is it holding?23:25
JoeBkI need help mounting external drive.23:36
JoeBkwhen I plug it in it shows /dev/sdb and /sdb1 appear23:37
JoeBkhow to mount for user access?23:37
JoeBkI'm old and senile and forget how to do this stuff.23:38
BarnabasDKJoeBk, what happens if you open the file manager?23:39
BarnabasDKdo you see the device23:39
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BarnabasDKI believe it should show up automagically23:40
ubuntuorghelo all23:42
ubuntuorgI am wondering can anyone help check some commands I found in cmd I do not recall typing in.. (may have been a paste) wondering if someone hacked machine23:43
ubuntuorganyone recognize these commands find ~ -type f -mmin -4523:43
ubuntuorgalso cat /etc/passwd | cut -d: -f123:44
BarnabasDKubuntuorg, files modified in the last 45 mins I think23:44
BarnabasDKthe latter one will list all users23:44
ubuntuorgthanks.. I also saw.. getent passwd23:45
ubuntuorgI am wondeirng if nyone has access to the machine.. also somewhat concerned about backdoors23:46
BarnabasDKdo you have any services running with open ports to the internet?23:46
BarnabasDKif yes - which ones23:46
ubuntuorgI am not sure.. I am noob to intermediate user unfortunately.. an ol windows refugee.23:46
JoeBk_BarnabasDK: I'm looking23:47
ubuntuorgI am using protonvpn but an old version.. it recently said it sent an update through software sources.. but .. Im not sure.. it is outdated.23:47
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BarnabasDKI am afraid I know little about the different VPN services - I just generally don't understand why people use them - aside from the possibility to appear a user in a different geographic area23:48
rboxparanoid delusions?23:49
BarnabasDKyeah - but I fail to see, how it offers any increased "safety"23:49
ubuntuorgI heard it helps with hotspots..23:49
oerheks help check some commands I found ,,, tons of websites out there, ubuntuorg23:49
oerheksso, bing or gooogle those commands and find out?23:50
ubuntuorgalso, allegedly governments etc.. cannot see through the encryption.. if you are living in a non-5eyes country.. say 3rd world country.. and dont want government snooping23:50
oerhekswhat did you find sofar, ubuntuorg ?23:50
oerheksno no FUD please23:50
BarnabasDKif your transmission uses tls - like browsers or email clients - then you traffic is already encrypted23:50
ubottuPlease do not fall prey to, or spread FUD (fear, uncertainty, and doubt) - it is not welcome here!  Please see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fear,_uncertainty_and_doubt23:50
ubuntuorgoh just some strange commands.. oerheks but it may have been when i was trying to fix wifi driver.. i was runnign commands23:51
ubuntuorgpasting from some forums23:51
ubuntuorgnot sure what passwd user would have to do with it. .?23:51
oerhekssome forums23:51
BarnabasDKubuntuorg, it is sort of hard to say, if it is a problem if you just copy/paste without much regard23:52
oerhekswhy do you want us to defend against that?23:52
BarnabasDKoerheks, he doesn't23:52
BarnabasDKBut the most likely thing is, that these commands are a sub part of a multi command cutn paste you did yourself23:53
BarnabasDKif not - try to look at /var/log/auth.log23:54
BarnabasDKsee if it has been "emptied"23:54
BarnabasDKis there any logins you do not recognize23:54
oerhekswhat did you find sofar, ubuntuorg ?23:55
BarnabasDKthe actual term is truncated23:55

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