
PhilatelistI am new to using Xubuntu, I installed it because I was told to do it for the Odin Project.08:50
PhilatelistAnyone there ?09:02
PhilatelistI have a question about changing my login screen09:02
PhilatelistThere's no option to do it in the settings09:03
PhilatelistXubuntu 22.04 LTS09:03
PhilatelistPls help09:03
PhilatelistOk are there any forums for xubuntu where I can ask09:05
diogenessPhilatelist: what exactly you want to achieve?09:14
=== diogeness_ is now known as diogeness
rodiekiHello, try to install xubuntu mini installation iso on computer worked fin. After updating it with latest patches it does not boot any more.12:17
rodiekianyone else got the same problem. Tried it on two different computers.12:18

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