[00:06] kotodama: Is possible to have to fallback or load balancing with DNS? [00:06] oh no I mean, there was another one, but it seems it's not the case anymore [00:06] ah, understand [00:07] to answer your question, we can't load balance between multiple mirrors as it might show inconsistencies if both don't have the exact same data [00:09] https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+mirror/ftp.tw.debian.org-archive and this should be remove since it is point to debian domain, and that one might have DNS load balancing as I mention [00:09] And the following two are pointing to the same IP [00:09] https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+mirror/ftp.ubuntu-tw.net-archive [00:09] https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+mirror/mirror.ossplanet.net-archive [00:10] as long as they load balance between their own mirrors and they are on sync it's alright [00:10] but they're not the country mirror anymore afaiu [00:10] That is the same one unfortunately :( [00:12] There are a lot of historical factors cause the issue [00:14] https://mirror-master.debian.org/status/mirror-info/opensource.nchc.org.tw.html [00:14] ftp.tw.debian.org is not quite stable recently [00:20] anyway, we are applying for country mirror to stable the situation [00:21] nice logs === benj_0 is now known as benj_ === cmisare is now known as Guest6691 === cmisare80 is now known as cmisare