
-ubottu:#ubuntu-news- ::planet:: Ubuntu Blog: Join industry experts at Data and AI Masters @ https://ubuntu.com//blog/join-industry-experts-at-data-and-ai-masters01:24
=== guiverc2 is now known as guiverc
-ubottu:#ubuntu-news- ::ubuntuonair:: PANEL: Ingenieras en Acción: Seguridad, infraestructura y Open Source @ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V8HDbAQVilk13:57
-ubottu:#ubuntu-news- ::omg!ubuntu:: Qt App Update Roundup: Calligra, Haruna, and Kdenlive @ https://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2024/08/qt-app-roundup-calligra-haruna-kdenlive20:21
Bashing-omUWN: Opening 855 - for the day's update.21:15
Bashing-omSaved and out.22:01
Bashing-omguiverc: Got in mind to reach out on Discourse and see if the Rocks Team also will do summaries for that team's activities.22:03
guivercno harm trying... allows them to get their wording correct  (instead of a generic, somewhat quick outsiders view)22:04
Bashing-omguiverc: Drafting - will do so :D22:17
Bashing-omguiverc: Changed the section header to "Ubuntu Meeting Activity Reports" . OK ?22:23
Bashing-omguiverc: Rocks invitation: https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/rocks-public-journal-2024-08-27/47542 .22:44
guiverc:) at using my wording...22:46
Bashing-omguiverc: When you are good - You are Good :P22:47
Bashing-om( I was stuck for a way to say that ) 22:48
Bashing-omguiverc: While on my mind --- Monday the 9th of Sep >> I got a medical appoinment way far away - Chances are great will not get UWN out that date :(22:50
guivercit goes out when we can get it out... I don't see a problem with delays when they can't be helped; don't worry about it.22:51
Bashing-omguiverc: Might see if wildman can pick up my slack :(23:00

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