
* panicinthedistro waves hello01:11
panicinthedistrohey cxc01:12
EgonXIf anyone is around I have a question about apt-get upgrade is there a way to skip the box asking to restart services and to force it to be NO because it will be taken care after with a reboot?01:26
leftyfbEgonX: try:  sudo NEEDRESTART_MODE=l apt upgrade01:29
sarnoldEgonX: I think the settings I put in comment #2 here will do what you want https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/needrestart/+bug/198744901:29
-ubottu:#ubuntu- Launchpad bug 1987449 in needrestart (Ubuntu) "quieter defaults for needrestart" [Undecided, Fix Released]01:29
EgonXGenius! Thanks leftyfb & sarnold that works perfectly01:32
EgonXThank you so much01:32
sarnoldEgonX: you might also want to set DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive, depending upon how many dialog boxes you want to get rid01:32
EgonXI owe you both 1 adult beverage01:32
sarnoldEgonX: see the debconf(7) manpage for details01:32
EgonXNever let it be said that EgonX doesn't give credit where credit is due and is appreciative01:33
EgonXHere's another one... Is there any reason, after running apt upgrade to reboot the server if there is no kernel updates or other packages that require a reboot?01:34
leftyfbnot likely01:35
EgonXSo really I just need to change my order of operation and then set that NEEDRESTART_MODE=a01:36
leftyfbthat will restart services as needed01:36
EgonXSo if I put it in as part of a script and part of that script happens to restart the SSH service... What happens?01:37
sarnoldyou better hope you don't have any errors in your ssh configuration that prevent it from restarting :)01:40
EgonXLol well, not usually, those are changing much01:41
Bashing-omEgonX: system requires a restart ? check ' ls -al /var/run/rboot-required '.01:42
EgonXIf I do this right I could just reboot the server anyway, but I see little point in that if it doesn't really need to be restarted01:44
sarnoldit's nice to get get that fresh kernel smell every once in a while01:45
EgonXWell, and the app I'm running on these servers is sometimes a little... how shall we say... sloppy01:45
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GudduAfter formatting a HDD using gparted, the file system gets mounted but is owned by root. What should be the procedure to make the root folder accessible for copying operations to any server that the disk is later connected to?03:59
Bashing-om!sudo Guddu Kernel space will always be owned by root -04:07
ubottuBashing-om: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)04:07
Bashing-om!sudo | Guddu Kernel space will always be owned by root -04:07
ubottuGuddu Kernel space will always be owned by root -: sudo is a command to run command-line programs with superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !pkexec (for older releases: !gksu and !kdesudo). If you're unable to execute commands with sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo04:07
enigma9o7I think they're referring to another partition/disk.04:11
enigma9o7Guddu: the root folder of another disk will always be mounted somewhere on your normal filesystem, like /media/something or whatever which you can control in /etc/fstab04:12
enigma9o7So just give everyone full read/write to that.... use sudo to chmod it to 777 if you want no restrictions at all.04:13
Gudduenigma9o7, Thanks. I will do a 755 recursive.04:14
enigma9o7If you mean physically connecting it to other machines, well then ext4 isnt the best option, I'd go with exfat.04:14
matsamanwell, if you don't have lots of copies, you should stick with an actual good FS, like ext04:16
sam_wongHi, I am running Ubuntu 24.04 with an old computer (socket 1156 DDR3 4G + 2G + 2G ram leaving one slot empty). However, the system only recognises 6G when I run the "free" command. Any comment is appreciated.04:24
matsamanfrequently mobos/firmwares limit the maximum RAM04:26
matsamancheck the specs04:26
matsamanit could also be that one of your sticks is bad, or one of your bays04:26
matsamanor that some is dedicated to the GPU, or something like that04:27
sam_wongmatsaman: the motherboard specify a 16G max capacity04:28
sam_wongmatsaman: all three rams are running at 1333 frequency04:30
sam_wongmatsaman: Is there a program that can check the integrity of the ram?04:31
matsamanpretty sure there are programs, but04:33
matsamanyou can just take one out, process of elimination04:33
matsamanit will either be obviously one of the sticks, or obviously one of the bays04:33
matsamanoptimistically, if one bay is empty, try moving into the empty bay first04:34
matsamanit's really not worth figuring out if ram is bad or not via analyzing it04:34
matsamansame with hard disks04:34
matsamanjust replace them04:34
matsamanway cheaper than the time and effort you'd spend analyzing them04:34
matsamanespecially since you'll always need more storage, in the case of disks04:35
sam_wongmatsaman: the "dmidecode" shows all three rams are present without error message04:35
sam_wongmatsaman: but I am not sure which one is the culprit04:35
matsamanwell something is giving you less than perfect information04:35
matsamanI would trust free the most04:36
tomreynram may need to be installed, on board, in specific banks if you're mixing DIMMs of different configurations.04:39
tomreynrefer to the mainboard manual on how to install it correctly04:39
matsamanpicky rules and whatnot04:39
matsamanram is pretty cheap at least, especially older ram typically04:40
sam_wongmatsaman: yes, I should rearrange them to see if it works04:40
matsamanpretty low effort, that04:42
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gebbioneoerheks, ?08:21
gebbionewere you the one who suggested to remove dual boot?08:22
oerheksgebbione, no, you did from someone on the internet.08:44
gebbioneit was from this channel08:44
oerheksno official ubuntu page suggests that, why do you ask again?08:44
gebbionei ll check the history08:44
gebbioneit was the linux channel but still not only one person -> euouae> gebbione: dont dual boot08:46
gebbionei still would like to keep the dual boot08:46
gebbionebut i have had this laptop stuck for weeks now08:46
oerheksno windows after some windows update? https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/windows-it-pro-blog/revoking-vulnerable-windows-boot-managers/ba-p/412173508:48
gebbionei have the problem since july but i ll read the articles and try to check what i can do.08:51
gebbionebut also i dont get that error08:52
gebbionenot sure if i am supposed to see it08:52
gebbioneand the laptop does not shut down08:52
zaggynlWould not recommend to dual boot but to use a VM, I've repeatedly tried to use dual boot, even across multiple disks and it always broke one way or another.08:53
gebbionealso my ubuntu installation is latest 24.04 LTS and up to day08:53
oerheksIIRC this was the latest big bug caused by windows08:55
gebbioneand i dont know how it does it but... isnt GRUB supposed to take over before any windows software even starts?08:56
gebbioneoerheks, do you know if ubuntu 24.04 is affected by this?09:04
scottpediaaffected by what? gebbione09:05
gebbionescottpedia,  oerheks shared https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/windows-it-pro-blog/revoking-vulnerable-windows-boot-managers/ba-p/4121735 ... I assume suggesting it might cause the problems I am having https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=250013209:06
Liquidhello i had a dual boot system where i had windows installed i deleted windows via just wiping the parititon and would like to add the remaining file storage to my exising ubuntu install09:09
Liquidim not sure how to do that could anyone assist?09:09
scottpediadepends on the filesystem of your ubuntu install09:10
scottpediasome file systems support such resizing some don't09:10
scottpediaLiquid need further assistance?09:14
Liquidits ubuntu 22.0409:14
scottpediawhat's the file system of your ubuntu partition? Liquid09:15
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mgedmineasiest would be to reformat the windows partition as ext4, and then use it for extra storage09:20
mgedminactually moving and resizing your existing partition will be a huge pain, I wouldn't even try09:21
scottpediai don't think ext4 supports dynamic resizing09:25
scottpediaif wouldn't try anything resizing-wise on things other than lvm or zfx partitions09:25
mgedminext4 supports online growing, but that requires that the free space is located right after your existing partition09:25
mgedminif the drive was [esp][windows][ubuntu] and now you have [esp][free-space][ubuntu], then you can't grow ubuntu into free-space09:26
scottpediaohh okay you mean adjacent to the windows partition in his case?09:26
scottpedianext to09:26
scottpediathat's understandable09:26
mgedmin(I mean nothing is impossible, you can make full backips, boot a live session from usb and then move the partition, and then grow it, but it's a hassle and if you lose power mid-move, you're hosed without backups)09:28
scottpediaokay right09:30
scottpediaLiquid need more help?09:30
gordonjcpLiquid: how painful would just wiping and reinstalling be?09:38
gordonjcpLiquid: your two options are basically nuke the site from orbit, it's the only way to be sure, and then start from scratch09:39
gordonjcpLiquid: *or* format your old partition as ext4 and mount it as additional storage09:39
mgedmin(starting from scratch is a great opportunity for upgrading to a bigger ssd)09:39
gordonjcpmgedmin: indeed, I have hard disks going back to the early 2000s because of this strategy09:39
gordonjcpmgedmin: "Oh a new major release of $distro? I'll just buy another hard disk..."09:39
gordonjcpLiquid: you're probably already aware of this, that Unix-y OSes don't have MS-DOS-like drive letter the way that Windows has, so even if you partition a disk it's not like having a "C:" drive and a "D:" drive09:40
gordonjcpLiquid: you can mount the extra space anywhere you like09:40
gordonjcpdon't mount it over /dev09:41
gordonjcpthat would be bad and a painful experience from which you would learn a lot of new things09:41
gordonjcpmostly you'd learn not to do that again09:41
gordonjcpmounting it over /usr isn't a great idea09:41
gordonjcp //proc is right out09:42
* mgedmin lets nautilus mount his external usb drive wherever and has a /pub symlink to /media/$user/$drive/pub/ for convenient access to the files09:42
gordonjcpLiquid: in the olden days we often had / on one disk, with /home on another physical drive because hard disks were quite small, and sometimes even /usr was a separate partition if not actually disk09:42
mgedmin(the subdirectory at the root of the drive is mostly so I won't have to stare at lost+found all the time)09:42
gordonjcpmgedmin: yup09:42
gordonjcpmgedmin: I have some udev rules to do similar when I attach various cameras09:43
gordonjcpmgedmin: I broke it recently but I had a script that would detect a card in my SxS reader, work out if it had footage I didn't already have a copy of, and back copy it across locally, whenever I stuck a card in09:44
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Czernoboghow do I manage sudo lecture in Ubuntu? I have added these two lines: Defaults lecture_file = /etc/sudoers.lecture, Defaults lecture = always and added a text file  /etc/sudoers.lecture. It doesn't work11:58
mgedmindo you perhaps have a .sudo_as_admin_successful file in your home directory?11:59
mgedminwait, or is it /var/lib/sudo/lectured nowadays?11:59
oerheks /etc/sudo_lecture is a file that Apple includes in macOS ??11:59
mgedminah, never mind, lecture = always should make sudo ignore lecture status files12:00
Czernobogso I should remove lecture = always?12:02
CzernobogI keep getting $USER is not in the sudoers file.  This incident will be reported.12:03
Czernoboginstead of the custom message I have added12:03
Czernobogmgedmin: I do have .sudo_as_admin_successful in my home directory. Shall I delete it?12:05
mgedminno, I think I mixed up sudo lecture with ubuntu's notification on 1st login about using sudo instead of su root12:06
mgedminis sudo supposed to show lectures to users who are not sudoers?12:06
Czernobogmgedmin: it does say $USER is not in the sudoers file.  This incident will be reported.12:09
CzernobogI checked the man page and it does say that I can change this by prociding a "lecture_file"12:09
mgedminoh, is that message the default lecture actually?  I got completely mixed up in my mind, sorry for misleading you12:12
Czernobogmgedmin: I don't know where the default lecture file is or if it's even there in the first place.12:26
CzernobogJust saw on stackoverflow that ubuntu doesn't compile sudo with the lecture_file flag so it's probably not there12:27
Czernobogdon't know how to verify though12:27
BluesKajHi all12:45
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mguyOn 20.04, if I run apt-get install python3.10, why don't I get an error that says that package doesn't exist? Instead it installs 3.813:42
ravagethat is correct13:42
ravage20.04 comes with that version 3.813:43
mguyI understand that - but why doesn't it say "there is no 3.10" and stop installing13:43
oerheksweird, as python3 is already installed .. why would it install 3.8?"13:44
scottpediaversion requirements mismatch13:45
oerheksdoubt that..13:46
ravagei dont see a problem anyway. unless you dont add -y to the command it shows you what it installs13:46
ravageand it shows the only version available in 20.0413:46
mguyIf I say python3.20 it fails and says couldn't find any package by glob 'python3.20'13:47
kk1234mguy use a virtual environment tool (if you want to use/manage different python versions safely) like pyenv, virtualenv, poetry etc.13:47
scottpediapaste the log mguy13:47
mguyI do not want to run Python 3.1013:47
mguyThe problem is if a user creates a Dockerfile that tries to install 3.1013:47
mguyIt doesn't give an err13:47
mguySo they think they have 3.10 in their image blah blah13:48
mguyIf I try to install some random pacakge like 'frisbeedisbee' I get an error that it's not found13:48
kk1234mguy maybe use the 24.04 docker image then13:48
mguykk1234: But that doesn't fix the problem13:49
oerheksis docker not standard with python3?13:49
mguyI realize you need a newer ubuntu to run 3.1013:49
leftyfb_mguy: please show proof that typing "sudo apt install python3.10" on ubuntu 20.04 will install python3.813:57
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leftyfbmguy: because that isn't what happens https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/F9rMPXFYZ4/13:58
mguyleftyfb: run it again with apt-get13:59
leftyfbit made an assumption using a package name that has python3.10 in the package name14:01
mguyCan that be disabled?14:01
oerheksahha, the "." in "python3.10" triggered apt to interpret it as a regular expression..14:08
oerheksbut that example is with the deadsnake ppa..14:08
mguyoerheks: It's really more of the regex behavior14:09
leftyfbmguy: use apt then14:09
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oerheksgood part is it does not install anything14:10
mguyoerheks: If you have a minimal image it appears to install 3.814:11
mguyI can't copy/paste my docker log from the other machine but it does14:11
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leftyfbit installs 3.8 because it's a dependency of libpython3.10-stdlib14:12
mguyIt's also matching libqgispython3.10.414:13
leftyfbmguy: use apt14:15
mguyIt's a dockerfile so everything tells you to use apt-get. I'll just have to remember this when troubleshooting. Would have to intervene to disable regex (if you could) anyway14:18
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oerheksbut libpython3.10-stdlib is not in the focal repos...14:21
* oerheks is baffled14:21
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johnfghi folks15:07
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johnfghi folks15:51
johnfgAnyone working on what's referred to here in this post?  https://lists.openafs.org/pipermail/openafs-info/2024-August/043485.html15:52
johnfgIt has to do with the current openafs, the latest linux kernel, and incompatibilities that were fixed, but not yet in ubuntu.15:52
-ubottu:#ubuntu- Launchpad bug 2077114 in openafs (Ubuntu) "openafs-modules-dkms 1.8.10-2ubuntu1~22.04.1: openafs kernel module failed to build" [Undecided, Confirmed]16:00
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chorusofweaselsHowdy.  First time for me.17:26
paHi, any report of kernel 6.8 breaking virtualbox again?17:26
parebuilding the kernel module does not seem to help17:26
pa(ubuntu 22.04)17:27
toddcpa 6.8.0-41-generic works wth virtualbox for me 24.04 gnome basic out of the box17:42
GodGinraiI'm trying to rotate a specific monitor using xrandr and am receiving the error `xrandr: Configure crtc 0 failed` when I try to execute the command.  I'd appreciate if someone could help me troubleshoot this.  I'm executing `DISPLAY=:0.1 xrandr --output HDMI3 --rotate right`.  I get this error for any rotation value other than "normal".18:10
oerheksxrandr --output HDMI-3 ...18:13
GodGinraioerheks: On my system, it's HDMI3, not HDMI-3.  I even get an error saying that no such output exists when I use the hyphen.18:17
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rodrigo_instalei o aapenel 2 vezes mas quado estava ledo a documentaçâo parou de funcionar, n fiz nadaso parou de responder localmente20:07
leftyfb!es | rodrigo_20:09
ubotturodrigo_: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.20:09
rodrigo_blz obg20:09
ubottuPor favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigada.20:11
xanguaIsso é português, não espanhol. Mais mão sei o que é "aapenel"20:11
rodrigo_obg eu20:12
rodrigo_e um painel estilo cpanel, aapenel20:13
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rodrigo_wget https://www.aapanel.com/script/install_7.0_en.sh && if [ -f /usr/bin/curl ];then curl -ksSO "$URL" ;else wget --no-check-certificate -O install_7.0_en.sh "$URL";fi;bash install_7.0_en.sh 93684c3520:24
rodrigo_terceira instalaçao20:27
leftyfbrodrigo_: please seek support from aapenel.com for their 3rd party application20:28
rodrigo_Thank you20:38
wuseman¡jaja! xD ubuntu-co = buranquilla amigos?20:41
wuseman¿barranquilla! Si!20:42
wusemanWhy is the default installer not including luks header backup when installing Ubuntu Desktop?20:43
leftyfb!bug | wuseman20:43
ubottuwuseman: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its official !flavors, please report it using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.20:43
wusemanIs it a bug?20:43
leftyfbif you think it's a missing feature, then file a bug20:44
wusemanIt's not. Just a question. Just an advice for the infra.20:44
wusemanOk thanks leftyfb i can do.20:44
wusemanBut no time, maybe someone else got time over. I was just asking it I fixed it anyway during the installer. Feel free to create an account.20:45
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hwpplayer1I want to switch to Ubuntu from Debian 1221:13
hwpplayer1And I want to run Ubuntu with free Ubuntu Pro21:14
hwpplayer1I have one disk , what should I do for a fresh install ?21:14
hwpplayer1Flashing the usb with GNOME Disks right ?21:14
toddc!pro | hwpplayer121:15
ubottuhwpplayer1: Ubuntu Pro is a service offered by Canonical for expanded CVE patching, ten-years security maintenance and optional support. Anyone can use Ubuntu Pro for free for personal use on up to 5 machines. For details please see https://ubuntu.com/pro and https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/ubuntu-pro-faq21:15
ravageUbuntu comes with a startup disk creator21:15
ravageBut yes disks should also work21:15
hwpplayer1I'm on Debian 12 GNOME21:15
hwpplayer1then Disks will work21:16
hwpplayer1okay Thanks toddc21:16
multifractalFor the last few days my laptop (Ubuntu 22.04) has been doing this weird thing. Seems to be usually when I open a video for playback in a browser. The display freezes up, can't move the cursor. But the audio keeps playing and stuff seems to continue running in the background. I have just been holding down the power button to restart. But I just realized I can hit CTRL+ALT+F1 (which appears to do nothing) then CTRL+ALT+F7 and my login scr21:40
multifractaleen appears. After entering my password the session resumes as normal again and all my programs are still running. What might this be?21:40
hwpplayer1what are your programs package format ? deb or snap ?21:41
hwpplayer1multifractal: ^21:41
hwpplayer1If it is snap and there is a deb package try deb and test it21:42
hwpplayer1I have been faced with broken snap apps like mattermost and discord screen tearing21:42
multifractalhwpplayer1: mostly debs. But I think I have firefox from the snap store. And come to think of it, VLC from the snap store too which also sometimes seems to trigger this glitch21:43
leftyfbsnaps won't cause problems if they aren't running21:43
leftyfbmultifractal: is your problem happening with firefox?21:44
leftyfbmultifractal: sudo grep amd-vi /var/log/syslog21:45
hwpplayer1yes leftyfb I agree on you but isn't a snap package runs on background ?21:45
leftyfbnot unless it's a program that runs in the background21:45
hwpplayer1understood leftyfb21:45
leftyfbfirefox does not run in the background if you don't have it open21:45
hwpplayer1okay fine21:45
hwpplayer1let's wait for the paste output21:46
multifractalleftyfb: that grep didn't return anything. and yes, while I haven't figured out a definite trigger of what causes it it often seems to be when I'm using firefox and start playing a youtube video or video on reddit21:46
leftyfbmultifractal: can you replicate it?21:46
multifractalleftyfb: it doesn't happen every time I play a video, only sometimes21:47
leftyfbmultifractal: maybe try using chrome for a bit and leaving firefox and vlc closed for a bit21:47
ravageI had the same behavior on the latest Nvidia driver on 24.04. somehow my session switched back to Wayland21:47
leftyfbGPU drivers and wayland vs xorg could definitely be a cause as well21:48
ravageGoing back to X11 solved the problem21:48
multifractalravage: I don't have nvidia on this machine it's a dell 9310 with intel integrated graphics21:48
ravageX11 / Wayland switch is worth a try21:49
ravageOne may just work better than the other for you21:49
multifractalOK I switched over to X11, I'll keep an eye out if it keeps happening. I just realized I don't have my favorite touchpad gestures though :(21:55
topcat001multifractal: Is anything running on nvidia at all? nvidia-smi would show22:30
topcat001assuming you're on gnome22:30
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dorianhey, does anybody know enough about dkms to troubleshoot when make errors out with "no targets"? clearly it's in the wrong directory but i don't know what directory it's running in23:05
doriani'm trying to get a driver going and it doesn't have a dkms.conf and i'm almost certainly doing something wrong23:06
dorianer rather, i added a dkms.conf and almost certainly did something wrong in it23:06
doriancause when i run dkms build it blows up and the log says no targets23:06
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