=== e| is now known as Guest5544 === Guest5544 is now known as el [18:56] -ubottu:#ubuntu-ops- Crepe called the ops in #ubuntu (ravage he called me troll) [19:06] -ubottu:#ubuntu-ops- leftyfb called the ops in #ubuntu (ubuntupuntukuntu) [20:12] -ubottu:#ubuntu-ops- leftyfb called the ops in #ubuntu (matlabb) [20:37] -ubottu:#ubuntu-ops- In #ubuntu, justl requested: !ops enigma is abusing the bot [20:39] -ubottu:#ubuntu-ops- leftyfb called the ops in #ubuntu (leftylgtb | looks like he's not on ipv6 anymore) [20:44] -ubottu:#ubuntu-ops- marikonia called the ops in #ubuntu () [20:45] -ubottu:#ubuntu-ops- marikonia called the ops in #ubuntu () [20:45] -ubottu:#ubuntu-ops- marikonia called the ops in #ubuntu () [20:45] -ubottu:#ubuntu-ops- marikonia called the ops in #ubuntu () [20:45] -ubottu:#ubuntu-ops- marikonia called the ops in #ubuntu () [20:59] ^ ? [21:00] oh nevermind it's not the channel i thought i was looking in