=== zareem6 is now known as zareem [13:19] Hi there! I am attempting an autoinstall of Ubuntu 24.04 via PXE on an Intel NUC. Unfortunately, I can't seem to get the storage configuration for LVM+LUKS right. After the installer has aborted, no partitions have been created and the installer aborts with the following error: finish: subiquity/Filesystem/apply_autoinstall_config: autoinstall config did not create needed bootloader partition [13:19] my config: https://paste.tgbyte.io/TPqeLdjf [13:19] any ideas what's wrong about my config? [13:23] the debug log looks somewhat suspicious as it only contains the nvme controller and disk: https://paste.tgbyte.io/XyqioUpA [13:23] (text has been OCRd, I can only access the system via AMT right now) [16:44] Specialist_: might be a trivial thing, but did you ensure to use UEFI PXE? [18:08] frickler: AFAICS: yes, /sys/firmware/efi/* exists