
roothows it going00:46
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wusemanGreat thanks! You?00:47
wusemanAhh, disconneted. Good Bye then Guest1042!00:48
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wuseman¡hola amigo!02:21
wusemanlo Frangel02:24
wusemanHows it going?02:25
Frangeljust ignore i'm doing a work of the University02:26
wusemanCool! What kind of Ubuntu project Frangel?02:29
=== keypushe- is now known as keypusher
Vasquezya tu sabes02:52
Frangelno se02:54
Vasquezque se dice02:57
wusemanRoll it!02:57
wuseman¡si senior!02:57
enigma9o7no beuno02:58
enigma9o7¡hola, soy dora!02:58
Vasquezhola dora02:58
Frangelhello dora la exploradora02:58
Frangelsoy jose02:59
wusemanWelcome to Ubuntu!02:59
Vasquezprobando lubuntu :D03:00
Frangelwere are your from?03:00
wusemanI do Ubuntu on Android xD03:00
josejust in case, that is not myself03:00
enigma9o7Btw, this channel is meant for ubuntu support questions, there's #ubuntu-offtopic for non support related discussion and general chat.  There's also likely #ubuntu-es or something similar for spanish.03:00
wusemanThanks for letting us know enigma9o7. Im new here.03:00
Frangelis real03:00
wusemanWhat about colombia?03:01
wusemanor #ubuntu-co?03:01
Frangelcomo sabes03:01
enigma9o7theyspeak spanish in columbia bruh, es is short for español03:01
wusemanWhat about brasil?03:01
enigma9o7-pt or -br probably03:02
wusemanlmao! I got it, thanks for letting me know. I rather stay on topic in here! :)03:02
wuseman¡jajaja! What is this channel for then?03:02
wusemanIf it's not about discussing with ubuntu friends?03:02
wusemanLet me know so I can be on topic.03:03
enigma9o7i dont think there's seprate channel for latin america vs spain spanish.03:03
enigma9o7wuseman: support questions03:03
wusemanenigma9o7: ok. gotcha, I stay on topic from now.03:03
enigma9o7Check the channel topic.03:03
Frangelme vale verga03:03
wusemanenigma9o7: Good point! I got it hidden, i fix it!03:03
Vasquezuhmm ok03:04
enigma9o7we even let people in here use american english03:04
wusemanomg I got old topic enable and not new, now it's fixed! Sorry for being offtopic.03:04
Vasquezadios dora03:06
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ubergeek47So what is new in Ubuntu 23.10?05:12
nightbacklol    05:31
ubergeek47hi you05:34
ubergeek47Can you edit this to make it look presentable in the usual way devs accept bug reports https://github.com/openssl/openssl/issues/25315 I don't want negative impressioms going against my freedom-foundation project06:11
-ubottu:#ubuntu- Issue 25315 in openssl/openssl "ACME ANVIL BUG" [Open]06:11
ubergeek47Hello is anybody here?06:14
CosmicDJubergeek47: depends06:14
ubergeek47hey cosmic06:15
sacardewhen point release 24.04.1 will go out?06:22
ubergeek47sacarde good question: why isn't my Ubuntu countdown app widget showing the next release?06:23
ubergeek47it's like you know06:24
younderYeah, Its late. Must be some stability issues to resolved. Connected to the many phasing-errors I get during updates perhaps?06:36
gebbionegood morning, i love waking up to a new problem on ubuntu... update run last evening and dual screen doesnt work again :(06:40
ubergeek47geb call support if you paid06:44
momkenHow can I make guake to actually drop down instead of popping up?06:48
ubergeek47momken I don't know what you are talking about06:56
momkenI want guake to actually drop down from the top of screen instead of popping up from middle of screen06:56
momkendropping down is more beautiful06:57
momkenI searched with no result06:57
ubergeek47what is guake06:58
ubergeek47sounded like a game06:58
momkenit is a terminal window inspired from the terminal in Quake game06:59
momkensudo apt install quake06:59
momkenIt is make for gnome. The is also one for KDE named yakuake07:00
ubergeek47wow neat07:06
ubergeek47I had that vision of putting the proprietary terminal in quake or a game07:06
ubergeek47or doing an on the fly toolchain of gameboy and piping it all cryptography into an imaginary computer in the game07:07
ubergeek47like CIA level stuff " this control unit will self deatruct "07:08
ubergeek47what song is that where whistles go off is it mission impossible07:09
stusacarde: https://warthogs.atlassian.net/browse/RTMP-180907:27
stu24.04.1 scheduled to release later today07:35
sacardeok, thanks07:35
ubergeek47why don't you do a blog with me and hold hands07:38
ubergeek47we can do a zoom conference call and come up with blog posts like because memory leak is rampant im software reboot the machine as much as possible after disabling any swap or persistent RAM07:39
ubergeek47expand that coreessahe to a 1 page blog entry07:41
ubergeek475 paragraph power writing07:41
ubergeek47momken hey07:42
ubergeek47will you07:42
ubergeek47stu what a junk fdroid app Ubuntu countdown07:46
ubergeek47it said nothing about a release tomorrow07:46
ubergeek47did you get my paste?07:46
ubergeek47why are you guys pushing bpaste when Ubuntu has it07:47
oerheksnobody is pushing bpaste07:57
ubergeek47oerheks read the topic08:05
oerheksit is just a suggestion, no rule08:05
stuubergeek47: look at where it says "Due Date:"09:17
ubergeek47Stu what says09:29
stuwhy would you make claims about what is says or doesn't say if you're not reading it yourself09:35
ubergeek47I was writing it09:36
gebbionehi, i was pointed out that stuff like this https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/windows-it-pro-blog/revoking-vulnerable-windows-boot-managers/ba-p/4121735 might affect my ubuntu install -> https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2500132. The ubuntu installation I have is latest, how can i verify that indeed this is either causing or not the problem? My system boots and i get a shell so i doubt it is the root cause but still I am stuck09:36
oerheksgebbione, windows or linux boots in a shell?09:38
oerheksi understood windows, yesterday09:38
gebbionewindows works flawlessly, ubuntu shows blackscreen but i can still CTRL + ALT F* into a shell09:39
gebbioneoerheks, yea if i remember right you shared the links09:39
ubergeek47what version of windows09:40
ubergeek47last I used was 7 and 1009:40
gebbione11 home09:40
ubergeek47it had a built in dream catcher09:41
ubergeek47then it rained and my laptop rusted out09:41
gebbionelike freddy krueger? :)09:41
ubergeek47had it for 3 days enough to see what it had09:41
oerheksnot related to ubuntu support, ubergeek4709:41
oerheksgebbione, try to run updates again, or fix with apt install -f09:42
ubergeek47I need to go clear my ram of memory leaks TTYL09:42
gebbioneoerheks, tried many times. I ll give it another shot now09:42
ubergeek47they would probably murder you by lack of rem09:43
ubergeek47they maybe tryed on me09:44
ubergeek47okay TTYL09:45
ubergeek47see if the mom want's to work on a blog with me09:45
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!09:46
TomyWorkhttps://gist.github.com/TomyLobo/b60e7e90b039330b162de2b9caf85d53 I'm trying to see if i can make my CPU slow down a little so it doesn't heat the room as much (it's gonna be 34°C outside today). i dont know about you, but 2,5 GHz seems a lot at 8% usage09:46
TomyWorkthis is while on the "power-saver" profile09:46
ubergeek47we can do a zoom conference call and come up with blog posts like: because memory leak is rampant in software reboot the machine as much as possible after disabling any swap or persistent RAM. expand that core message to a 1 page blog entry using 5 paragraph power writing09:47
TomyWorkubergeek47, that ubottu message was for you09:48
ubergeek47talk to you later09:48
gordonjcpTomyWork: I thought bots weren't allowed in here?09:48
TomyWorkgordonjcp, I dunno, check the IRC guidelines link in the topic... specifically its hostname09:49
oerheksgordonjcp, ubotto is the official ubuntu helper09:49
gordonjcpoerheks: I meant ubergeek4709:49
oerheksoh ubergeek, just a troll09:49
gordonjcpoerheks: obviously not ubottu ;-)09:49
gordonjcpoerheks: ubergeek47 is a chatbot09:49
gordonjcphas to be09:50
TomyWorki dont think so. chatbots dont react the way they did to my indirect message09:51
TomyWorkanyway, any idea how to throttle down my CPU? :D09:52
gordonjcpTomyWork: fair enough09:52
gordonjcpTomyWork: ouch, 34° is not fun, where's that?09:53
TomyWorknortheast germany09:53
TomyWorkswitching to power-saver has helped a little, at least the fans seem quieter09:54
gordonjcpTomyWork: ah, I was in Vienna recently, it was hot as09:54
gordonjcpit needs more green spaces to be really livable in summer09:54
gordonjcpanyway -ot09:54
TomyWorkbut it's still screeching like an airplane turbine09:54
gordonjcpif you've got cpupower installed I believe you can actually set the clock frequency directly09:55
oerheksi would stick to power profiles,09:56
TomyWorkhttps://gist.github.com/TomyLobo/b60e7e90b039330b162de2b9caf85d53 I amended the gist to show info from cpupower09:57
TomyWorkapparently it can clock down all the way to 40009:58
TomyWorkoerheks, well that only gets it down to 1600, at best09:59
TomyWorkseen a 1400 on one of the cores10:01
TomyWorkok, "watch cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu[0-9]*/cpufreq/scaling_cur_freq" tells a different story. some of them do reach 400 mhz10:09
gebbionesometimes when an update is done, certain modules sometimes trigger some reinstallation for the kernel. Is there a way to do it for all kernels installed?10:29
ravagethe kernel is nerver reinstalled. the initramfs get updated: sudo update-initramfs -u -k all10:30
gebbionethat is what i meant10:31
gebbionethank you10:32
gebbioneoerheks, i have done " try to run updates again, or fix with apt install -f" but still stuck. Any other suggestions?10:34
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mgedmingebbione: so your system boots but only to a shell?  have you tried sudo apt install ubuntu-desktop^  ?10:40
gebbionemgedmin, i just did and now after rebooting the screen is completely black10:41
mgedminthis should install any packages that are part of the standard install if they somehow got removed10:41
gebbioneshould i CTRL ALT F7 ?10:41
mgedminso, black screen but ctrl-alt-f2 gives you a tty login prompt?10:41
gebbioneno now it is completely black10:41
gebbioneno output10:42
mgedminwhat kind of graphics do you have on this system?  (nvidia/amd/intel?)10:42
gebbioneIntel ARC - more details here https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2500132 I have tried to troubleshoot it for a while now10:42
gebbionei guess my only option is to try and load recovery mode10:44
gebbioneby rebooting :(10:44
gebbionealso the shell is gone now10:44
gebbioneor any output10:44
gebbionekeyboard is lighting up10:47
mgedmindo graphics work if you boot a live sesson from a usb drive?10:47
vltmgedmin: Yes.10:48
mgedmindid some update break this?10:48
vltmgedmin: Sorry, I mis-read your question.10:48
oerheksmaybe the release of 24.04.1 today fixes things10:49
gebbionemgedmin, interesting, i get login UX now10:49
gebbionei just restarted10:49
gebbionei hope this is the end of this problem10:49
oerheksarc is pretty recent10:50
gebbioneI am in, i m so happy :)10:50
gebbionei ll dmesg and journalctl to check if i can see any errors10:50
gebbionenot great though, screen flickering and ubuntu detected a problem10:51
gebbioneI hope it gets somehow fixed with some drivers for stability10:52
mgedminthe 'detected a problem' dialog is probably a crash dump from the previous failed boot10:53
gebbioneit would be nice if journalctl and dmesg output had log levels to just grep for errors, critical etc10:54
gebbionemgedmin, this is the latest dmesg output https://termbin.com/1odc not sure if anything else that would add stability can still be spotted10:55
oerheksyou have bios version 304, but 308 is out https://www.asus.com/laptops/for-home/zenbook/asus-zenbook-14-oled-ux3405/helpdesk_bios?model2Name=UX3405MA11:25
oerheksgebbione, ^^11:25
gebbioneoerheks, would that be linked to the ux flickering11:25
oerheksnot sure, it could be, also run journalctrl | grep "Firmware" .. i see a firmware bug message too..11:26
ravageI consider all bug reports void without all updates applied on a system :)11:26
gebbioneravage, are you referring to the bios in my case?11:27
ravageAll components of your system really11:27
oerheksthere is no way telling, without installing the update11:27
gebbioneoerheks, is this the firmware you were looking at? 0.000000] [Firmware Bug]: TSC ADJUST: CPU0: -1257278099 force to 011:29
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ubottuIt's not technically our business, but we'd like to tell you that IRC'ing as root is a Very Bad Idea (tm). After all, doing anything as root when root is not needed is bad, and especially bad with software that connects to the Internet.11:47
gebbioneoerheks, it does not seem to have made a difference. I am logging in but still see some flickering when moving the mouse towards the bottom of the screen or around. Latest dmesg output  https://termbin.com/urii still contains the firmware errors so i assume the bios update did not affect this12:07
BluesKajHi all12:30
bombit's 29th, where is the 24.04.1??12:35
leftyfbbomb: is September 29th over?12:37
leftyfbgeirha: it should be releases today13:05
geirha*is* out, just not the images yet13:05
geirha* is next to enter key, so I accidentally sent it early13:05
oerheksupgrade path is not out, just relax and wait13:05
geirhaafter an apt upgrade /etc/os-release says 24.04.1 for me13:06
leftyfbgeirha: ok, do you need any help with it?13:06
geirhano, I was answering bomb13:06
bombgeirha I need my image13:08
bombI'll dd that ISO onto USB13:11
ravageGreat. And why do you need the latest point release for that right now?13:12
bombsaves me time on package upgrades during the installation. and it might have some bug fixes in the installer too13:14
ravagemaybe. if you need to install a system right now the 24.04 iso works just fine13:14
ravageif not just wait13:14
bomboh yeah, I'm on 24.04 right now. I have some other boxes running pop os 22.0413:15
ravageso not relevant to the release at all13:16
bombI will install fresh Ubuntu on those popos boxes13:17
bombare we really discussing that the .1 point releases shouldn't exist, ravage ?13:17
ravagei just dont understand why you need that right now13:18
oerhekswe are discussing your impatience 🤪13:18
bombI mean, there are rolling release distros for that. I want my versioned distros in my USB13:18
bomboerheks hehe13:18
ravageis that a thing for a point release?13:18
oerheksnot sure, lets see13:19
bombI'm on Ubuntu (on and off) since 6.0613:20
bombI'm so happy this project exists13:21
mgedminravage: the bootloader on 24.04 iso images is affected by the sbat policy installed by a recent windows update, so there may be very legitimate reasons for waiting for 24.04.1 iso images13:22
ravageim not in need of any ISO here13:23
bombI do. thanks for pointing that out mgedmin13:23
ravageat least for the Ubuntu desktop ISO yesterdays's daily is the release candidate anyway. but that was yesterday's news13:25
ravagehave not heard anything today13:25
* oerheks removes dust of F5 https://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/13:26
ravageim sure omgubuntu is hitting that key hard already to release the news first before any official announcement. like always13:26
sam_wongHi, I am running ubuntu 24.04 and it works just fine. However, when I used the "systemctl suspend" command to temporarily suspend ubuntu, it didn't always work. Most recently, the screen got blackened immediately but all cooling fans and LED were still activated. The worst was that it couldn't be woken up later on because of the unresponsive of both keyboard and mouse. I had no alternative but to unplug the power cord from the wall.13:27
sam_wongAny comments are appreciated.13:27
oerheksmaybe a HW problem https://help.ubuntu.com/stable/ubuntu-help/power-suspendfail.html.en13:31
oerheksi stopped bothering about sleep/suspend13:31
sam_wongoerheks: As my computer is quite old, it would take some times to boot up. That's why I just want to temporarily suspend it for lunch or dinner.13:33
NDPMacBooksam_wong: Is it a desktop?14:00
=== stagas_ is now known as stagas
Minverawhich release? otf, ttf, vf, woff, woff2? https://github.com/adobe-fonts/source-code-pro/releases14:05
sam_wongNDPMacBook: It is a desktop. Socket 1156 DDR3 8G ram14:40
NDPMacBooksam_wong: Since it is a desktop why use suspend at all?14:40
NDPMacBookJust run a screen saver.14:40
sam_wongNDPMacBook: for the sake of power saving and because it is noisy too14:41
NDPMacBookAhhh ok14:42
sam_wongNDPMacBook: The command sometimes worked and sometimes didn't14:43
sam_wongNDPMacBook: The website suggests it can be a hardware problem but doesn't specify in detail. I guess the display card may be the culprit.14:44
NDPMacBookSee if there's any firmware updates for your card.14:46
NDPMacBookCheck the vendor's website.14:46
sam_wongIt is a Radeon HD series display card which most users of Linux recommended14:48
GodGinraiI have a systemd unit that needs to run after X has started and the xinitrc has finished running.  However, despite usinng both Require and After to show the dependency on my X service, there is a race condition where it runs before the xinitrc runs.  Is there a way to make my service wait for xinitrc to finish before running?14:57
sixwheeledbeastsam_wong: have you tried suspend without systemd?14:59
sixwheeledbeastsay pm-utils14:59
sixwheeledbeastwhat does your systemd unit look like. I think it would be after not require15:00
GodGinraiI'm using both.  Require to signal that my service cannot run without X and After to indicate it should not start until after X.  (and it does start after X has started, but before the xinitrc is executed)15:01
sam_wongsixwheeledbeast: No, I didn't know that15:01
sam_wongsixwheeledbeast: I should give it a trial next time15:03
sam_wongsixwheeledbeast: I used systemctl not systemd15:04
sixwheeledbeastsam_wong: systemctl is a systemd command. It's a suggestion to rule something out. you may need to install pm-utils and try pm-suspend. See if that works.15:07
sam_wongsixwheeledbeast: thanks a lot.15:07
sam_wongsixwheeledbeast: "man suspend" returns "No manual entry for suspend". There seems no such a command on Linux15:10
sixwheeledbeastGodGinrai: Have you tried After=graphical.target or maybe After=multi-user.target15:10
GodGinraisixwheeledbeast: graphical.target is another dep listed in my After15:14
sixwheeledbeastAfter is suppose to wait until it's completed. The .targets are groups of dependencies. I find it's better to use those to make sure all related dependencies are finished15:16
GodGinraisixwheeledbeast: I've got the target as an After dep.  I think the issue is that the xinitrc is possibly getting executed as a separate process from the process executed by startx, so it doesn't wait for that to finish before running the dependant services.15:28
sixwheeledbeastif it's not in the dependancy tree you can't wait for it.15:43
sixwheeledbeastI don't use startx like this, I imagine there is some workaround.15:44
GodGinraiyea, if I get desparate I might just have a spinlock wait on a file to be created.15:55
GodGinraiwhich I can just touch at the end of the xinitrc15:55
GodGinrai(and delete after my service executes)15:55
sixwheeledbeastquick search online seem to have hits for After=graphical.target systemd-user-sessions.service16:06
sixwheeledbeastsystemd-user-sessions is a service that completes when /run/nologin is reomved at boot.16:07
GodGinraiI included systemd-user-sessions.service in the unit for my X service, but I don't believe I did for the service that depennds on X.  I'll try that.16:08
sixwheeledbeastnot sure if that's helpful16:08
toddcoerheks:  cool thank you!!!16:24
bombyay. congrats16:25
patoddc, odd.. in my case i did reinstall the kernel module package, but it doesn't work still17:26
toddcwho was helping you?17:30
toddcpa or at least wha is the issue but sounds a bit out of my area to help with?17:32
Crepeis it true Mark Shuttleworth is gay?18:55
Crepeand if that's true: why?18:55
CrepeI mean..., why would he?18:55
ravageis it already troll o'clock again? time flies18:56
delsol_laptopCrepe: why wouldn't he?18:56
Crepe!ops | ravage he called me troll18:56
ubotturavage he called me troll: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - CarlFK, DJones, el, Flannel, genii, hggdh, ikonia, krytarik, mneptok, mwsb, nhandler, ogra, Pici, popey, sarnold, tomreyn, Unit193, wgrant18:56
ravagehey ops!18:56
Crepedelsol_laptop aren't enough women so he actually has to kiss another men?18:56
delsol_laptopCrepe: Look, I'm not saying if he's gay or not.. I don't give a shit. But why the fuck does it matter if a person wants to kiss men or women or both or neither?18:57
ravagenever feed the (k-lined) trolls 🙂18:57
delsol_laptopWe can make a big multi-dimensional matrix of DNA, DNA expressed, mental, expressing as genders... of both themselves and of their partners..... and fill in all the boxes with "Sure, go ahead".18:59
delsol_laptopEvery fucking one.18:59
ravageLet's stay on topic. Also please use family friendly language only here.19:00
ubuntupuntukuntuYou literally banned me for saying Mark Shuttleworth is gay. That's so anti LGBT.19:04
ubuntupuntukuntuHi casper19:05
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience19:06
ubuntupuntukuntuDo you have any question regarding Mark Shuttleworth's sexual affairs?19:06
ubuntupuntukuntuHe went to the moon19:06
leftyfb!op | ubuntupuntukuntu19:06
ubottuubuntupuntukuntu: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - CarlFK, DJones, el, Flannel, genii, hggdh, ikonia, krytarik, mneptok, mwsb, nhandler, ogra, Pici, popey, sarnold, tomreyn, Unit193, wgrant19:06
ubuntupuntukuntuHi lefty19:07
ubuntupuntukuntuYou deserve living in Russia, you'll become rigthy or you'll die19:07
SquareWhat would be the fastest remote desktop protocol from a new computer to a low power computer from ca 2013? Both running ubuntu19:33
SquareRDP or VNC. Takes several minutes to create a connection with RDP it seems19:34
leftyfbSquare: let me ask, what do you need to do on the old machine once you are connected?19:39
luca__Hello! Does someone knows when upgrade from 22.04 to 24.04 will be available?19:39
leftyfbluca__: we do not know19:40
tarzeauluca__: it's been there since april?19:41
tarzeauyou can't just do-release-upgrade with the right option?19:41
luca__i am talking about upgrading without reinstall19:41
leftyfbthe standard upgrade process from a machine running 22.04 LTS to 24.04 LTS has not been available as of yet19:41
tarzeauluca__: yes, me too19:41
leftyfbtarzeau: not in a supported mannerm no19:41
tarzeauleftyfb: but it can be done, in a unsupported manner19:42
leftyfbtarzeau: using -d, yes, but that's not supported19:42
tarzeaubut it is available, and the question if it was available. not available supported19:42
GodGinraisixwheeledbeast: That didn't end up working, but I ended up solving it with a spinlock.19:42
leftyfbthey meant the supported method19:42
tarzeauthat was not clear to me19:43
leftyfband in here, we only provide support for supported methods and software19:43
gotaquestionWhat ks better kde.or gnome?19:50
gotaquestionI'm currently using gaybunti, by Mark, but works too fast19:50
gotaquestionHe got mad19:51
=== pavel is now known as zeroendorphine
patoddc well after upgrade, reinstalled kernel module, but vm fails to start. Rebooted to 6.5, reinstalled kernel module, vm starts19:55
panobody helping, but last time this happened, it was a problem reported by others. This time idk..19:55
matlabbI'm having an error while trying to update snap20:03
matlabbI'm using sudo snap refresh and it keeps giving an error20:03
matlabbI'm paying for Ubuntu pro and I should have lower SLA than the average user20:05
enigma9o7matlabb, nobody can help you if you don't describe the error.  Perhaps share complete output on a pastebin.20:06
gordonjcpenigma9o7: it's the same person as before20:07
matlabbIt says snap is locked by another process20:07
enigma9o7As to paid ubuntu pro, I believe that's supported by canoncial?  Not sure, but this channel is user to user support.20:07
matlabbThis channel is official support according to my document20:08
enigma9o7gordonjcp: I bet lots of people have asked questions before, why does that matter?20:08
enigma9o7Your document speaks the truth.20:08
gordonjcpenigma9o7: same IPv6 subnet as the person that's been kickedbanned about five times in the past hour...20:08
enigma9o7matlabb: try web searching for that errror message "ubuntu snap locked by another process" maybe can find some clues20:09
matlabbO guess there's a lack of ipv6 addresses20:10
matlabbThat's why ipv8 is the future20:10
leftyfbmatlabb: if you have a paid Ubuntu pro account, you would have been provided methods of contacting Canonical for support. Please refer to that documentation for support20:10
matlabbEnigma... Your answers do honor to your nick20:11
leftyfbmatlabb: or call +1737 2040291. Good luck20:11
matlabbThat's lgtbi office?20:11
leftyfb!op | matlabb20:12
ubottumatlabb: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - CarlFK, DJones, el, Flannel, genii, hggdh, ikonia, krytarik, mneptok, mwsb, nhandler, ogra, Pici, popey, sarnold, tomreyn, Unit193, wgrant20:12
gordonjcpsarnold: good work with the noise abatement20:14
sarnoldgordonjcp lol :D20:14
gordonjcpsarnold: remember when they just used to come in from that ISP and say "!list" and then quit again?20:15
gordonjcpmaybe you'd get a "hola" first20:15
sarnoldgordonjcp: oh the steady stream of 'hola' folks are in #debian on oftc now20:15
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justlEsv, hi20:36
ubottuenigma9o7: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type «/msg ubottu !bot». If you're looking for a channel, see «/msg ubottu !alis».20:37
justl!ops enigma is abusing the bot20:37
leftyfbjustl: welcome. Are you looking for Ubuntu support?20:38
enigma9o7I think thats an exaturation.  I wasn't attempting abuse, when !list was mentioned earlier I wondered if their was a bot here serving files, perhaps isos, but appears there is not.20:38
=== justl is now known as leftylgtb
leftyfbenigma9o7: btw, you can /msg ubottu and check commands20:38
leftylgtbHi kjartan20:38
leftyfb!op leftylgtb | looks like he's not on ipv6 anymore20:39
leftyfb!op | leftylgtb | looks like he's not on ipv6 anymore20:39
ubottuleftylgtb | looks like he's not on ipv6 anymore: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - CarlFK, DJones, el, Flannel, genii, hggdh, ikonia, krytarik, mneptok, mwsb, nhandler, ogra, Pici, popey, sarnold, tomreyn, Unit193, wgrant20:39
oerheksjustl, no name-clone please, thanks20:39
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marikon-iaBetter this?20:41
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enigma9o7leftyfb: in fact I did try msg it first, and already got that response.  But doesn't mean there isn't another bot in here serving files.  Especially if someone was constantly checking it in an automated manner, perhaps it was scripted to monitor for new releases or whatever.20:41
marikoniaEnigma, wanna see some fun fact?20:42
marikoniaUbottu is a supybot20:42
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oerheksplease no AI bot ..20:43
marikoniaLol I'm not a bot20:43
oerheksEric^^ you are wanted in #lotus..20:44
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - CarlFK, DJones, el, Flannel, genii, hggdh, ikonia, krytarik, mneptok, mwsb, nhandler, ogra, Pici, popey, sarnold, tomreyn, Unit193, wgrant20:44
marikoniaHe's promoting another channels20:44
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - CarlFK, DJones, el, Flannel, genii, hggdh, ikonia, krytarik, mneptok, mwsb, nhandler, ogra, Pici, popey, sarnold, tomreyn, Unit193, wgrant20:45
oerheks#lotus.. is not the full name, mind your own business guest marikonia20:45
Squareleftyfb, I just want to use it to run spotify20:48
SquareI connected in to a monitor + keyboard so now I can at least control it20:48
leftyfbSquare: might I suggest running synergy between the 2 computers with only a monitor on the older one20:49
Squareleftyfb, the old computer should standing some 5 meter from my desk. It's like a media pc for audio only.20:51
Squareshould be*20:51
sixwheeledbeastif you have a premium account there are headless wrappers and clients you could make work over say ssh.21:04
magusDo I need an antivirus or malwareblocker on Ubuntu 24.04?21:17
enigma9o7Not if you stick with things from ubuntu repo.   If you're installing snaps and 3rd party stuff, only if you don't trust the source.21:18
sixwheeledbeastgenerally not21:18
oerheksindeed, you are the malware blocker21:18
magusRoger that. Thank you all.21:18
oerheksfirewall and fail2ban can be handy with a service reachable from the outside21:19
magusThank you.21:20
sixwheeledbeastthat doesn't mean malware doesn't exist21:21
Squareis there some slimmed down version of ubuntu that is suitable for old PCs?21:24
oerheksold 32 bit pcs? no21:24
junyxSquare ubuntu server is running on my 2012 laptop21:24
sixwheeledbeasttry a lighter flavour or server if it's not for desktop use.21:24
SquareIts an intel atom PC. So i guess it has 64 bits21:25
sixwheeledbeastdoes the latest ubuntu come with chkrootkit installed now. i know I use it but wondered if it came as default.21:25
enigma9o72GB memory?21:25
Squarei want to use it to run spotify21:25
Squareenigma9o7, that or 1gb21:26
SquareI can open firefox and play youtube clips albeit choppy.21:26
enigma9o7If only 1-2GB I'd go Antix.21:26
oerheksyoutube and firefox .. interesting21:26
enigma9o7Which is not Ubuntu.21:26
sixwheeledbeastubuntu-mate with composter disabled maybe light enough.21:26
Squareenigma9o7, will spotify install on Antix wo much hassle?21:26
leftyfbSquare: sorry, but we can only support Ubuntu here21:27
enigma9o7Not really appropriate for me to answer in ubuntu spport channel, I was already pushing limits by suggesting another distro :)21:27
SquareSorry. I'm only familiar with ubuntu so hoped there was such an alternative.21:28
oerheksspotify suggests snap.21:28
leftyfbI would suggest ncspot, a command line tool21:29
leftyfbthough I haven't tried it myself21:29
SquareI've tried it. But I believe only spotify client allows remote control.21:31
leftyfbrun it over ssh21:32
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=== magus_ is now known as magus
Squaresmart, but I really want to get the remote control function21:33
Square(from say a phone)21:33
leftyfbwe're not going to support applications from your phone. You asked about accessing it from ubuntu. You can do that using a terminal and ssh'ing to your other machine21:34
enigma9o7I would also suspect lubuntu/xubuntu could probably do it, if you're not trying to do anything much else at the same time....21:38
enigma9o7It'll just be quite slow getting things going.21:38
Bashing-omSquare: Xubuntu with the "minimal" install might also be a viable option.21:51
SquareBashing-om, thanks22:13
SquarePretty fun. Terminal and Nautilus cannot be started on this machine because of timeout.22:14
Square(ubuntu 18.04)22:15
Liquidhow do i change my defualt shell to fish?22:26
anankeLiquid: chsh22:28
Liquidananke: i would just run chsh -s /usr/bin/fish? right?22:31
cedarI just upgraded to 24.04.1 from 22.04 and am stuck in a reboot loop22:38
cedarI boot, it gets to this, shows the login prompt, I login, it shows this, it shows the login prompt, rinse and repeat22:49
cedari can login with ctrl alt f2 actually22:51
cedarCan anyone offer advice?22:55
Bashing-omcedar: If you edit the linux line to remove quiet splash in gurb's boot menu, are you then able to boot ?22:57
cedarsudo nano /etc/default/grub22:58
cedarChange line GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash" to GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT=""22:58
cedaris this what you mean?22:58
Bashing-omcedar: No, boot to the grub boot menu, 'e' key for edit screen - arrow down to the line starting with linux and delete quiet splash; xtl+x to continue the boot process.23:00
Bashing-omctl+x *23:01
cedarBashing-om, I see the line lnux but I don't see "quiet splash"23:07
Bashing-omcedar: Maybe was removed on 22.04 ?? you do not have similar "linux /boot/vmlinuz-3.2.0-24-generic root=UUID=dbd69ed2-530c-4409-8f5a-a3f1ea41fc67 ro quiet splash" ?23:10
cedarI have that but without the quiet splash23:11
cedarI removed it from /etc/default/grub in 22.0423:12
Bashing-omcedar: So much for that thought - A broken graphic's driver ? boot back in terminal (F2) / does terminal command ' sudo lshw -C display ' show unclaimed ?23:13
cedarNo it does not say that23:18
cedarjust *-display23:18
Bashing-omcedar: We can then also "assume" the graphic's driver is loaded ... hummm ... what desktop are you using ? ' echo $DESKTOP_SESSION '23:21
cedarno output23:22
cedarbut im just in the tty323:22
Bashing-omcedar: GUI failed to start - any joy ' sudo systemctl start graphical.target ' // or reported errors ?23:24
cedarnothing happened23:26
cedarin 22.04 I had install kde on regular ubuntu which had caused some issues like kde hijacking the login screen23:26
cedarWhich it has done now as well23:27
cedarBashing-om, resolution is also 800x600 instead of native at that login screen23:27
Bashing-omcedar: Sorry - KDE I have no idea of how it boots to the GUI // perhaps others here can render the aid :(23:28
enigma9o7cedar: regarding "hijacking" the login screen, when you install sddm you werent prompted as to which login manager to use?  Usually you get a popup asking you if youw anna keep using gdm3 or use sddm....23:30
cedarenigma9o7, do you mean when I originally installed KDE?23:30
enigma9o7Yes, whenever you originally installed sddm.23:30
cedarenigma9o7, I do not remember, but I am sure you are correct, I probably just selected to use sddm23:31
=== pavel is now known as zeroendorphine
cedarenigma9o7, thank you for the hint, I changed my default display manager back to gdm3 and now I can login!23:36
Bashing-om!cookie | enigma9o723:39
ubottuenigma9o7: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!23:39
enigma9o7In theory tho any session manager should work for any DE, but hey, glad that it solved your problem!23:42
Square...continuation on my problem: I cannot run spotify, terminal and file manager on a atom machine from 2013, running ubuntu 18.04, but I seem to be able to compile a ~300 dependency rust spotify daemon and get flawless playback.23:44
SquareI found that fantastic.23:45

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