
ikoniahello cloud-init community, I was wondering if there was a way to install a deb or rpm from a specific URL, rather than adding a repo and configuring the package as an install, eg: dnf install http://someurl.com/dumb-package.rpm 10:35
ikoniaI could break out to shell commands from within cloud-init, but using the apt/yum provider is there a way to do this ?10:36
jchittumikonia : my dnf / yum is rusty, but apt doesn't support passing arbitrary urls for install. you must configure a repo. I also don't think `cloud-init` supports local installation via the `package` stanza. So it's on to bash where you can `wget` or `curl` the package and then run `apt` or `dnf` against the local file16:30
holmanbIs anybody aware of any cloud images shipped by distros that have no default locale set?22:14
blackboxswcommunity-notice: we just cut upstream of cloud-init 24.3. Thank you all for your contributions this cycle! https://github.com/canonical/cloud-init/releases/tag/24.322:39

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