
punithow's the upgrade going guys from LTS to LTS ?02:15
puniti keep getting an unresolvable problem due to package conflicts02:15
IrcsomeBot<CatchMe007> May I update from 22.04.4 to 24.04.1  now ? (re @nspeaks: Yes.)03:09
punityes but cuz i have KDE plasma desktop, i can't upgrade03:09
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IrcsomeBot<nspeaks> Yes (re @CatchMe007: May I update from 22.04.4 to 24.04.1  now ?)03:45
punityou could try03:59
punityou could wait for a week to see if users are reporting issues04:00
punitsuggest you to wait around a week most probably04:16
user|43Good morning. The download of the ISO of Kubuntu 24.04 LTS does not work on the website. Anyone know what to do?  Thanks for the help07:44
IrcsomeBot<Marko> Hi, try this https://www.mirrorservice.org/sites/cdimage.ubuntu.com/cdimage/kubuntu/releases/24.04.1/release/07:49
IrcsomeBot<Marko> It seems that someone messed with the links :) (re @IrcsomeBot: <user|43> Good morning. The download of the ISO of Kubuntu 24.04 LTS does not work on the website. Anyone know what to do?  Thanks for the help)07:49
user|43Thanks a lot Marko. It works: the LTS 24.04.01 is downloading. Have a nice day08:18
IrcsomeBot<Marko> Welcome 😊 you too (re @IrcsomeBot: <user|43> Thanks a lot Marko. It works: the LTS 24.04.01 is downloading. Have a nice day)08:20
amichairHi, I'm trying to upgrade from 22.04 to 24.04.1 via do-release-upgrade, I've had a bunch of errors I think I've overcome, but now I'm stuck on the error: "An unresolvable problem occurred while calculating the upgrade"10:24
amichairit recommends trying ppa-purge, which I've done for kubuntu ppa and backports, but the error remains10:24
amichairwhat do I need to do to be able to do the upgrade?10:25
user|11sudo do-release-upgrade fails with it trying to replace kubuntu-settings-desktop and going into loop there... :(  what to do?11:30
user|1122.04 to 24.04 then11:31
ElliriaHey there. I use Kubuntu 22.04 LTS. Today, there's a new icon in the system tray - a white circle with an orange up-arrow and it's offering me an upgrade to 24.04 and telling me that the current release will stop receiving updates and security fixes in 230 days.11:35
ElliriaI don't want to have that icon in the tray for the next two thirds of a year and I don't want to accidentally click on it. In order to hide it, I can configure the system tray, go into the Entries section, and change "KDE Daemon" from "Shown when relevant" to "Always hidden".11:35
ElliriaThat would be fine if it were only for this particular notification, but what other notifications would I then be missing?11:35
BluesKajHi all12:27
amichairHi BluesKaj12:41
BluesKajhi amichair12:42
amichairit's been a decade or two...12:42
user|85Hi. This is prolly a very beginner question of me but is there a need/an ability to upgrade Kubuntu 24.04 to 24.04.1?12:43
amichairI think it's a cumulative update of all the normal updates you already have... so you're probably already there12:47
oerheksuser|85, that will happen automaticly when you run updates, you probably are already12:48
oerhekscat /etc/issue12:48
user|85Thanks. Let me check that.12:51
amichairor cat /etc/os-release12:51
user|85You are correct! Thanks loads. I'm more Linux experienced than my question may lead one to believe.  :D12:51
oerhekshave fun!12:52
user|85You folks are the best!12:52
amichairoerheks: any chance u can help with an upgrade to 24.04 that fails in the middle?12:52
oerhekswhat have you tried?12:54
oerhekssudo dpkg --configure -a  ## apt install -f ## are the 2 basic commands to get things fixed12:54
amichairit starts the process, then aborts with "An unresolvable problem occurred while calculating the upgrade. "12:54
amichairI think it actually does the rollbak ok, so the system isn't broken, but I just can't do the upgrade12:55
oerhekscheck if you have enough space?12:55
amichairit recommends running ppa-purge, which I did, but same result12:56
amichairand apt.log has lots of conflicts at the bottom12:56
oerhekswhat recommends ppa-purge?12:58
oerheksppa's are automaticly disabled..12:58
amichairThis was likely caused by:12:59
amichair* Unofficial software packages not provided by Ubuntu12:59
amichairPlease use the tool 'ppa-purge' from the ppa-purge12:59
amichairpackage to remove software from a Launchpad PPA and12:59
amichairtry the upgrade again.12:59
amichairIf none of this applies, then please report this bug using the12:59
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://bpa.st | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.13:00
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oerheksso what non-ubuntu repos are installed?13:00
amichairI had kubuntu ppa and backports13:02
amichairand did ppa-purge, so presumably they're undone13:02
oerheksyes, maybe, did you reboot after that?13:03
amichairother than that I have ppas for google-chrome, dropbox and signal, but I've upgraded another system with them so I don't think they're related13:07
amichairthe log includes things like:13:07
amichairBroken kubuntu-settings-desktop:amd64 Conflicts on desktop-base:amd64 < 11.0.3ubuntu1 -> 12.0.6+nmu1ubuntu1 @ii umU >13:07
oerheksnot sure where to look for, is this caused by backports..13:11
amichairisn't ppa-purge supposed to revert all the packages to the mainline?13:15
oerheksyes, it should, and you rebooted after that.13:15
amichairso what do I do now?13:16
oerheks!info desktop-base13:17
ubottudesktop-base (12.0.6+nmu1ubuntu1, noble): common files for the Debian Desktop. In component universe, is optional. Built by desktop-base. Size 7,544 kB / 19,664 kB13:17
oerheksit is installed later, optional13:17
oerheksnot sure where to go from here13:17
amichairthat's just one example, there's tens of those13:17
amichairdifferent packages13:17
amichairbut this does hint towards an issue with kubuntu and not third-party ppas or such13:18
amichair!info kubuntu-desktop13:19
ubottukubuntu-desktop (1.451, noble): Kubuntu Plasma Desktop/Netbook system. In component universe, is optional. Built by kubuntu-meta. Size 9 kB / 13 kB. (Only available for amd64, arm64, armhf, ppc64el, riscv64.)13:19
oerheksyes, it is standard package.13:19
amichairis that still the root of the kubuntu packages nowadays?13:20
amichairI'm on 1.418.113:20
amichairit seems like the proper version for 22.0413:22
oerheksone could file a bugreport, or get a fresh iso and do a fresh install.13:22
oerheksnothing in the known issues https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/ubuntu-24-04-lts-noble-numbat-release-notes/39890#heading--known-issues13:24
oerheksi find this bug from 2023 ... https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kubuntu-settings/+bug/202565813:24
-ubottu:#kubuntu- Launchpad bug 2025658 in kubuntu-settings (Ubuntu) "Missing Conflicts: desktop-base" [Undecided, Confirmed]13:24
amichairI don't have a dpkg error13:25
amichairI don't think anything is broken in the current system, just not the versions the upgrader is expecting, or something like that13:25
amichairbut I don't know what it wants or how to get there13:25
amichairnot sure I can do a clean install, this system has been customized over years, runs various servers, etc..13:26
IrcsomeBot<CatchMe007> Has anyone upgraded from Kubuntu 22.04 LTS to Kubuntu 24.04.1? Are there any issues?13:28
amichairIrcsomeBot: I'm trying, and having issues13:29
amichairbut it's an oldish system that's been through many upgrades13:29
amichairoerheks: this looks a bit closer (though not german): https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-release-upgrader/+bug/206617413:30
-ubottu:#kubuntu- Launchpad bug 2066174 in ubuntu-release-upgrader (Ubuntu) "do-release-upgrade crashes and roles back" [Undecided, New]13:30
amichairthe apt.log part looks familiar13:30
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IrcsomeBot<TimoSalola> Just upgraded. No issues in the upgrade process itself, even gpu drivers seem to function perfectly. Lost some desktop widget configurations and the upgrade uninstalled a couple of applications which I use, but nothing major (re @CatchMe007: Has anyone upgraded from Kubuntu 22.04 LTS to Kubuntu 24.04.1? Are there any issues?)13:32
IrcsomeBot<CatchMe007> Please describe issues. (re @IrcsomeBot: <amichair> IrcsomeBot: I'm trying, and having issues)13:34
user|11got past the first fail by "sudo apt remove desktop-base" .... but now a bigger problem:13:35
user|11The upgrade has aborted. The upgrade needs a total of 621 M free13:35
user|11space on disk '/boot'. Please free at least an additional 353 M of13:35
user|11disk space on '/boot'. You can remove old kernels using 'sudo apt13:35
user|11autoremove' and you could also set COMPRESS=xz in13:35
pickanick22.04.4  today has a popup: "Plasma Workspace \ Upgrade available \ Ubuntu on 24.04.1 LTS. This version will stop receiving updates and security fixes in 230 days.    Is LTS only good for three years?13:43
BluesKajamichair, what I'm about to suggest isn't a solution but more of a work around for installing the next release but it has worked for me many times by changing your sources.list Open the terminal and run this command: sudo sed -i 's/saucy/trusty/g' /etc/apt/sources.list . You need to substitute the release names since saucy and trusty are just examples13:46
BluesKajthen updaqte and upgrade13:47
user|11do-release-upgrade fails with complaining that there is not enough room on /boot and asks me to free up more than is possible with at least 1 kernel installed....13:51
user|11so what now?13:53
BluesKajusually 500mb is enough for the boot partition13:54
user|11boot is 704MB; kernel is 173MB and do-release-upgrade asks me to free up 631MB ffs.13:55
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IrcsomeBot<TimoSalola> Hey14:32
amichairBluesKaj: so what should I set it to? before or after running do-release-upgrade?14:33
user|58i am used kubuntu 23.10 and i like to upgrade to latest version without losing data files how to i can i do this need16:57
user|58any other ways like just update the os and restart new os version changed16:59
oerheksanything can go wrong with a release upgrade, so "without losing data files"  make a backup. else that data is unimportant17:01
oerheksmost of the time things can be resolved, but..17:01
user|58oh thank you so much bro17:03
oerhekshave fun!17:04
user|58O:3 (y)17:14
IrcsomeBot<Marko> Need quick help. For installation , one EFI partition and the rest as (/) is enough ?17:47
user|11so can anyone help me figure out how to reduce the do-release-upgrade requirement space for /boot drive?17:50
user|11even made an ask ubuntu question for it: https://askubuntu.com/questions/1524929/cant-upgrade-due-to-low-disk-space-on-boot-22-04-to-24-0417:51
user|11but nobody there is helping either yet :D17:51
IrcsomeBot<Marko> That is why I want manually partition, and make them bigfer17:53
IrcsomeBot<Marko> That is why I want manually partition, and make them bigger17:53
user|11yes. for the next fresh installation I will me smarter from it, but is there a solution for the current situation, that doesn't include fresh install?17:56
user|11why the eff does it even ask for 621MB free space there ffs? it's ABSURD!!17:57
user|11almost like it wants to install there 3 new kernels... why?17:58
daum i got the noble upgrade notice today and am trying to do that but it keeps failing, looking at the dist-upgrade/main.log i see: WARNING Can't mark 'kubuntu-desktop' for upgrade (E:Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages.), in the apt.log i see a ton of broken references, like Broken kubuntu-desktop:amd64 Depends on plasma-workspace:amd64 < 4:5.24.7-0ubuntu0.2 | 4:5.27.11-0ubuntu4.1 , but not sure what the final list of18:15
daumfinal pckages would be.  any suggestions for how to figure that out?18:15
Guest23O:3 Hi guys, i hope ll is well.18:18
Guest23i wonder if somebody could help me in clone my os in a fresh install18:19
user|11daum is one of the conflicting packages desktop-base? if yes, does removing it solve the problem?18:28
daumhm removed that, see a bunch of Broken pipewire-pulse:amd64 Depends on pipewire:amd64 < 1.0.7-3~ubuntu22.....18:34
daumuser|11, do you know a way to get all the conflicts?18:51
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