
salty-horseHi. When upgrading to 22.04 to 24.04.1, I encountered some issues that I'm not sure where to report. After restart, grub failed to load with the error 'symbol grub_calloc not found' (I reinstalled grub from a rescue disk). Also, I'm using gnome-flashback and this memory leak issue makes it unusable. How can I get more attention to it? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/indicator-keyboard/+bug/205538808:48
-ubottu:#ubuntu-bugs- Launchpad bug 2055388 in indicator-keyboard (Ubuntu) "suspected memory leak with indicator-keyboard (causing gnome-session-flashback to freeze after startup)" [Undecided, Confirmed]08:48
guivercsalty-horse, as stated first step as fill in fields in the report; ie. what ubuntu-bug creates; but for existing report use apport-collect (bug.id)   The tags (currently none) will help it appear in reports on bugs for releases etc09:05
guivercactually you can't do that if it wasn't your report..  In that case file a new bug report, and then make link the new report to that one maybe required.09:07
salty-horseguiverc, thanks, but I didn't investigate which package upgrade exactly caused it. It might be a problem in the flashback family of packages rather than the indicator09:07
salty-horsedo I really need to create a duplicate bug just to add version information?09:07
guivercif its your report NO; just run `apport collect 2055388` and the fields in the report will auto-populate from data on your machine09:08
guiverc(bug reports filed online won't have any such detail in the fields; reports on bugs can't gain much from report outside of package filed against, so they're less valuable & less likely to get attention)09:09
guivercwhen ubunt-bug is used; all fields are populated by scripts that create the report09:09
guivercubuntu-bug ^09:09
guiverc(adding a tag of 'noble' would mark that report as 24.04; but I'm unwilling to do it due to focus on mantic in text)09:11
salty-horseguiverc, it's not my report. I want to help improve the existing bug. I'm also contacting the gnome flashback team in case they can help09:15
guivercfiling a new report (using ubuntu-bug so all fields are populated) and ensuring the reports are linked (marked duplicate OR at least making comment/links so anyone looking at report can see the connection via provided links on each!) would be my suggestion09:17
guivercpoint is if you file new report; you can populate fields... then by marking it as duplicate that detail is being added to existing report... 09:18
guivercalso the release can make a difference, developers work on the latest product (currently oracular), so testing on the current development release and filing bug there maybe more likely to get developer attention as fixes are easier on that release  (even if not backported; esp. though before SRU requirement ; oracular now already past FF or feature freeze thus FFe (exception) now required)09:31
salty-horseguiverc, I don't have the apport program - do you mean apport-bug or apport-cli? They don't have a "collect" command09:32
guivercUbuntu products should all have `apport-collect` installed (unless Ubuntu Core which is snap only; apport assumes deb based Ubuntu)09:34
guivercif filing a new report, you just use `ubuntu-bug`09:34
salty-horsethe tool strongly recommend not running it :)09:40
salty-horseI think I'll wait to see if the reporter adds the info you asked instead of creating another bug09:42

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