
Eickmeyerutkarsh2102: If you're still around, could you trigger an oracular rebuild for Studio? Gotta make sure the seed changes I made are going to work so we can get builds working again (all Plasma 6 transition related)00:06
utkarsh2102Eickmeyer: done!00:16
utkarsh2102okay, i've processed all the 21 FFe remaning00:16
Eickmeyerutkarsh2102: Thanks! The ISO tracker won't let me since mwhudson redid the naming convention of the studio ISO, so it needs some rework.00:16
utkarsh2102if there's any FFe remaining, let me know, just @ me or reach out on mail or whatever. :)00:17
utkarsh2102but I think I did them all.00:17
utkarsh2102Eickmeyer: oops :)00:17
EickmeyerIf I see anyone ping, I'll tell them to reach out to the ML.00:17
utkarsh2102perfect, thank you!00:17
utkarsh2102it's nearly 6 so i'll go and catch up on sleep a bit o/00:18
EickmeyerHave a good sleep!00:18
utkarsh2102you, too, whenever it's time ;)00:18
EickmeyerWell, a few hours yet. It's 17:18 here00:19
utkarsh2102tz are crazy :)00:19
guivercsil2100 (away) or someone on release team; skeleton used https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/contribute/26 which points to page saying "This topic has been replaced by the following resource"  .. uses https://ubuntu.com/community/contribute  which isn't ideal00:50
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: python-pyalsa (noble-proposed/universe) [1.2.7-1build5 => 1.2.7-1ubuntu0.1] (no packageset)02:15
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: ipu6-drivers (noble-proposed/universe) [0~git202406240945.aecec2aa-0ubuntu2~24.04.1 => 0~git202406240945.aecec2aa-0ubuntu2~24.04.2] (kernel-dkms)05:55
utkarsh40why am I utkarsh40, oof09:27
=== utkarsh40 is now known as utkarsh2102
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: mdadm (noble-proposed/main) [4.3-1ubuntu2 => 4.3-1ubuntu2.1] (core)10:39
mkukriive sent an email to ubuntu-release. but also noting here as well that we need new cd-boot-images for 22.04.511:39
mkukriwhich will probably need grub2-{unsigned,signed} temporarily removed from jammy-proposed to build11:39
utkarsh2102mkukri: i've replied.11:43
utkarsh2102started a thread on MM11:43
utkarsh2102please reply to that, too11:43
utkarsh2102and work with cpaelzer to get this sorted before you too EOD+EOW :)11:43
utkarsh2102and I can take it from there!11:43
mkukrii think i also replied there, just making sure everyone relevant is aware due to me being off next week11:44
cpaelzeryep, the reply is good - I'm looking if I'd miss anything else before I can act ...11:51
utkarsh2102thank you!11:58
cpaelzerrbasak: hi, I checked and ack the request of mkukri - I can act on removing it right now, but strictly speaking jammy-proposed is SRU land - do you want remove it instead of me?12:05
utkarsh2102that's why I pinged rbasak, too ;)12:13
cpaelzerI do not want to know you both stalled too long - this has more follow up work once removed. In this case I think it is really safe and I'll act and take the small risk to be chastised later ...12:17
cpaelzerI'll remove it now to unblock you utkarsh2102 and mkukri to do the work.12:17
cpaelzerI'll update the bugs accordingly - rbasak if there is any special SRU-tooling-bit needed on top of that please follow up as needed.12:17
utkarsh2102thank you!12:18
utkarsh2102mkukri: i don't think it's need hinting or any other thing, right? it'll just go right in in the next publisher run, no?12:18
utkarsh2102RikMills: hey! how's the lxqt qt6 transition looking? can I drop those hints?12:18
mkukrii think the cd-boot-images will build once the proposed grub is gone12:19
mkukriand then the cd-boot-images need to go into updates before 22.04.5 images being built12:19
mkukrithe proposed grub can be re-uploaded later, but that's the least urgent part of this12:19
cpaelzerdone: removed left a good paper trail to both bugs and updated both bugs with exactly what and why was done12:20
ahasenackmkukri: I retried the build (https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/cd-boot-images-amd64/20.4/+build/28901983)12:28
mkukrithanks and there is also https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/cd-boot-images-arm64/16.3/+build/28901984 please12:29
ahasenackretried too12:29
ahasenackstill dependency wait, probably need to wait (heh) a bit for apt repositories to be rebuilt/updated12:30
ahasenackyeah, grub-efi-amd64-signed 14.5 is still showing up in jammy-proposed12:32
ricotzvorlon, hello :), could you please update the i386-list? this should pick up nvidia-graphics-drivers-560 on focal, jammy and noble16:18
georgiagarraybolt3: utkarsh62: I just saw your discussion from yesterday regarding evolution and the apparmor restriction on unprivileged user namespaces and I'd like to point out that apparmor has been shipping a "unconfined" profile for evolution since 4.0.0~alpha4-0ubuntu1. could evolution not be in /usr/bin/evolution on mate?16:38
arraybolt3I don't see how that's possible but I can check16:39
utkarsh62ahasenack: hey! what are your thoughts on fast tracking cd-boot-images-* packages from -proposed to -updates?16:41
ahasenackon a friday even?16:41
utkarsh62nope, perhaps mon/tue/wed16:42
ahasenackmaybe wed16:42
ahasenacklet me check the bug again16:42
utkarsh62mkukri: before you EOD+EOW+vacay, can you please perform the verification of the two?16:42
georgiagif possible, could you also check that /etc/apparmor.d/evolution is there and loaded (sudo aa-status --filter.profile=evolution)16:42
utkarsh62ahasenack: ok, because then i'd like to get grub* stuff reupload+accepted which has been removed from -proposed.16:43
utkarsh62and have them in -updates by Monday/Tuesday - 9th/10th Sept16:43
ahasenackutkarsh62: will we have to upload cd-boot-images-* again then? With the new depends?16:44
ahasenackor else it will ftbfs again (or maybe it doesn't matter)16:44
utkarsh62nope, I don't think so16:44
utkarsh62we don't have to reupload16:44
utkarsh62wait, let me ask mkukri to jump in here.16:44
ahasenackI just realized that the test plan for cd-boot-images-* doesn't include an actual boot16:44
utkarsh62ahasenack: and you accepted the SRU!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! how bad, tch tch16:45
ahasenackcrazy times16:45
arraybolt3georgiag: I can confirm that MATE has Evolution at /usr/bin/evolution.16:45
georgiagarraybolt3: is the profile loaded? sudo aa-status --filter.profile=evolution16:47
arraybolt3doesn't show me anything evolution-specific to run that, what's the expected output?16:48
arraybolt3also should we move this to #ubuntu-devel?16:48
georgiagarraybolt3: sure16:49
=== utkarsh34 is now known as utkarsh2102
utkarsh54hey, I'm gonna call it a day. Please email me if you need be, i'll be looking at mails, etc throughout the weekend.19:37
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New sync: lomiri-calendar-app (oracular-proposed/primary) [1.0.2-1]22:34
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New sync: lomiri-sync-monitor (oracular-proposed/primary) [0.6.0-2]22:35

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