
lotuspsychj3leftyfb: prob an AI bot again16:03
leftyfbno, it's using google translate half the time16:05
ravagetranslation is really not a problem for bots16:05
ravagebut it comes from a german customer ip space16:06
ravageif we only had moderation16:06
leftyfbif only16:07
ravagebanned the user from my bridge. so im done with it 🙂16:08
leftyfbyour bridge?16:12
ravagematrix <-> irc16:12
leftyfbso you essentially just put them on ignore for yourself16:13
ravagekind of. hand full of users on my homeservers16:13
ravagebut mostly me yes16:13
JanCbrenndo are in #ubuntu-x now16:29

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