[16:22] i accept terms [16:22] ` [16:27] +nt [16:27] ? [16:29] i accept terms [16:31] @ChanServ +nt [16:50] https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/CXQd4FRfRh/ [17:02] sry now right marking syntax [17:02] https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/hgrYWP9NdN/ [17:21] `ritzl root echo ` ´; comod [17:21] distribution1code [17:26] binär is pragmatic and cant move ` i dont need space [17:27] then i set u recard [17:29] the last roots are nice [17:30] ask [17:32] root [0] comod [17:36] root {28]`] [17:36] root {29] [17:37] even me got a package [17:45] get-comod [17:49] code [17:53] sudo suffers [17:54] and is arrogant ignorant [17:55] bash [17:56] : [17:59] ` [18:01] exabout to 1distribution [18:03] ritzl is just the name [18:06] bash suffers wreth [18:07] ` [18:08] sudo bash would be comod [18:09] like echo comod root [18:10] ritzl suffers [18:13] ^ [18:13] excuse `