
arkanoidApart from the discussion. I've appreciated your help. I'm not sarcastic00:00
linsuxhow do i install latest kodi on latest lts?00:14
leftyfblinsux: what have you tried?00:17
linsuxapt install kodi00:18
linsux add-apt-repository -y ppa:team-xbmc/ppa00:18
leftyfblinsux: you only need the first command to install kodi00:18
linsuxE: The repository 'https://ppa.launchpadcontent.net/team-xbmc/ppa/ubuntu noble Release' does not have a Release file.00:18
leftyfblinsux: installing packages from 3rd party repositories isn't supported here00:19
Bashing-om!info kodi | linsux00:19
ubottulinsux: kodi (2:20.5+dfsg-1build2, noble): Open Source Home Theatre (executable binaries). In component universe, is optional. Built by kodi. Size 24 kB / 117 kB00:19
leftyfblinsux: that said, that 3rd party repository doesn't yet support ubuntu 24.0400:19
linsuxthis version crashes alot00:19
leftyfbdefine crashes00:20
linsuxkodi_crashlog-20240831_192827.log  kodi_crashlog-20240831_192849.log  kodi_crashlog-20240831_192952.log  kodi_crashlog-20240831_193040.log  kodi_crashlog-20240831_194059.log00:20
leftyfbthose are file names, not an explanation of what happens when you run it00:20
linsuxhow do i pastebin from command line?00:22
linsuxi forgot00:22
leftyfbecho "hello world" | nc termbin.com 999900:22
leftyfbor if you have an ubuntu account: echo "hello world" | pastebinit00:23
arkanoidOh no, SSH went down. I'm out of luck00:24
arkanoidI got kernel back! Shell recovered, still trying00:55
bubuche87(I have a problem, I am not sure it's related to ubuntu as it's related to x11 and apt-get. I don't know if I can ask here...)01:24
lotuspsychj3ask away bubuche8701:25
bubuche87I am trying to install libx11-dev. It doesn't work. When I am running "sudo apt-get install libx11-dev --fix-missing" it ends with a failed to fetch for "http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/libx/libx11/libx11-dev_1.6.9-2ubuntu1.2_amd64.deb" and it's true that this file doesn't exist (checked in the browser).01:26
leftyfbbubuche87: sudo apt update01:26
bubuche87Already did it.01:26
leftyfbwhat release of ubuntu?01:27
leftyfband why do you need libx11-dev?01:27
bubuche87Ubuntu 20.04.4 LTS ? ( lsb_release -a gives me that)01:28
bubuche87I a reran update and now it's doing work.01:28
leftyfbyour apt cache was very outdated01:29
bubuche87Ok it worked. It downloaded the 1.6 instead, seemingly. Thank a lot !01:29
leftyfbyour OS is only going to be supported for another 8 months01:29
leftyfbtime to upgrade01:29
bubuche87it's a live usb key ...01:29
bubuche87but thanks for this (good) advice :001:30
arkanoidI'm almost there, but networkmanager package fails to configure02:24
-ubottu:#ubuntu- Launchpad bug 2039371 in network-manager (Ubuntu) "package network-manager 1.44.2-1ubuntu1 failed to install/upgrade: installed network-manager package post-installation script subprocess was killed by signal (Terminated)" [Undecided, New]02:25
arkanoidBut to me nm-online works and returns successfully02:26
arkanoidBut dpkg hangs waiting for something that really is online02:26
arkanoidSKIP: NetworkManager is not ready ...02:27
arkanoidHere is another one https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/network-manager/+bug/207430002:30
-ubottu:#ubuntu- Launchpad bug 2074300 in network-manager (Ubuntu) "Unable to upgrade Network Manager (SKIP NetworkManager not ready ...) on Ubuntu 22->24 upgrade" [Undecided, New]02:30
arkanoidI think this mighr well be the time I really move to Windows, o or Mac, or nix or some immutable distro02:31
lotuspsychj3arkanoid: you got a task on your bug there #402:31
arkanoidNetworkManager is working. I'm connected to internet, nm-omline returns succrssfull02:36
arkanoidNetworkManager state is now CONNECTED_GLOBAL02:36
arkanoidLol, failing to package fails to install because no interner02:37
arkanoidGo home dpkg, you're drunk02:38
arkanoidError is persistent even after reboot02:42
arkanoidIt's a dns/apparmor chain reaction of shitty overcomplicated bikeshedding shit02:52
lotuspsychj3!language | arkanoid02:56
ubottuarkanoid: Please avoid any language that may be considered offensive, including acronyms and obfuscation of such - also see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines || The main channels are English only, for other languages, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList02:56
arkanoidSorry but situation is very stressful here. I'm very angry with canonical "please wait until we are ready for LTS upgrade", thanks for the sleepless night02:57
=== sprinw6 is now known as AzBeacon
arkanoidThere's a reason why I want to jump from LTS to LTS02:57
arkanoidAnd is exactly not having to deal with this02:58
AzBeacondoes anyone use this chat?02:58
arkanoidI'm also by missing resolved https://askubuntu.com/questions/1510951/do-release-upgrade-from-22-04-to-24-04-deleted-systemd-resolved02:59
enigma9o7This is ubuntu support, for chat try #ubuntu-offtopic02:59
AzBeaconoh gotcha i gotta research this first03:00
arkanoidHooray, I successfully reached desktop and my system is working, but 24.04 is far, very far from stable03:16
arkanoidHad to apply manually many reparations along the way03:17
arkanoidFunny thing is that networkmanager is perfectly working both via CLI and via GNOME, but can't dpkg configure it as it waits endlessly as it feels not ready03:18
arkanoidAlso 24.04 removed systemd-resolved and all went nuts03:19
EickmeyerStable does not mean bug free (not possible). Stable means little changes other than security or bug fixes.03:19
arkanoidLTS to LTS jump should be the most important one, for Canonical03:20
arkanoidNow I are very very unsure about upgrading all my 22.04 servers03:21
EickmeyerWell, complaints and ranting is off-topic for this channel. Do you have any more support questions?03:21
arkanoidI have asked many questions, Im still asking questions but so far I've solved issues by myself one by one in the last 6 hours03:22
EickmeyerIf you have a bunch of servers, I'd suggest getting a support contract from Canonical so that you don't have to rely on community support (this channel).03:22
arkanoidSo, if you know how to fix network-manager (1.46.0-1ubuntu2) from loop locking dpkg, please, share, as I am debugging the process myself03:23
EickmeyerWell, if nobody has answered your question, then nobody here knows the answer to your question. Sorry.03:23
leftyfb!bug | arkanoid03:23
ubottuarkanoid: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its official !flavors, please report it using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.03:23
arkanoidEickmeyer: Here I am dealing with my personal workstation, from where I do stuff03:24
Eickmeyerarkanoid: If you're expecting professional level support here, you're not going to find it.03:24
EickmeyerCanonical's support engineers aren't here.03:25
EickmeyerSo, please, no rants or complaints. Stick to questions and answers.03:26
EickmeyerEveryone here answering questions is a volunteer.03:26
arkanoidI am not expecting professional support here. Professional support is needed generally when you're dealing with a very customized setup. Here I am upgrading from Ubuntu Desktop 22.04 LTS to 24.04 LTS starting from GUI, and all went broken (probably caused by existing third party packages). But after fixing the root cause, I'm running through a series of problems I can Google. This means that 22.0403:29
arkanoid> 24.04 is NOT ready. I am not the one pushing for early release, I want hassle free desktop, and my choices are the ones nearest to that achievement03:29
leftyfbarkanoid: an OS upgraded from 14.04 -> 16.04 -> 18.04 -> 20.04 -> 22.04 with multiple PPA's and potentially countless customizations added and removed over the years is very far from common03:33
leftyfbI don't think anyone should expect that type of system to be stable03:34
arkanoidleftyfb: it depends on your level of knowledge03:39
arkanoidleftyfb: my fault is to trust ubuntu promises03:39
ubottuWant to talk about Ubuntu, but don't have a support question? /join #ubuntu-discuss for non-support Ubuntu discussion, or try #ubuntu-offtopic for general chat. Thanks!03:39
arkanoidI've found the culprit of network-manager package failing looping "SKIP: NetworkManager is not ready ..." during install: file /var/lib/dpkg/info/network-manager.postinst line 14303:43
arkanoidline is "if ! nm-online -qs; then". Reading man no-online seems that -s flag is not honored03:46
leftyfb!bug | arkanoid03:46
ubottuarkanoid: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its official !flavors, please report it using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.03:46
arkanoid"After startup has completed, nm-online -s will just return immediately, regardless of the current network state.", but nm-online -s is NOT returning immediately in my new box03:46
brenndoer hat mir tatsächlich noch --classic empfohlen weil ich so schön gemacht hab03:48
leftyfb!de | brenndo03:49
ubottubrenndo: In den meisten Ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuche bitte #ubuntu-de. Einfach "/join #ubuntu-de" eingeben. Danke für Dein Verständnis!03:49
brenndoexcuse me i sag he really offerd me --classic because i did so nice03:50
brenndothats it its just one its ritzl03:54
brenndo1 distribution03:54
brenndothats the network03:55
brenndois a mixed distribution i call ritzl03:56
brenndo` like the wreth03:57
arkanoidremoving the `-s` flag from the nm-online call fixed the issue04:05
brenndohere i made ritzl look04:23
brenndoritzl is just the name04:23
arkanoiduh, I was pretty sure I read that Wayland would have fixed the 2 monitor-with-different-resolution-and-scales issue, but actually it's not04:40
enigma9o7Great Scott!04:41
rboxarkanoid: you're STILL Whining!?04:41
arkanoidI have 15" laptop connected to 32" 4K display. I have to use the 4K display at fullhd resolution as scaling it to 200% would scale also the laptop display04:41
arkanoidif you read the logs, you can see that I'm the only one responding to my own questions04:42
arkanoidI'd call it whining04:42
enigma9o7I think you should immediately demand a refund.04:43
enigma9o7I mean you were promised a resolution to that issue, and wayland didn't deliver.04:44
enigma9o7Does wayland allow using multiseat with one video card (and multiple monitors/keyboards/mice)?04:44
enigma9o7That's the only issue I have with X....04:45
arkanoidwhat's the use of that?04:45
arkanoidjust an example would be good04:46
enigma9o7You know what multiseat is, right?04:46
enigma9o7Example would be one computer for both my kids and me to share, and we can all login as ourselves.04:46
enigma9o7If one person installed a package, it'd be available for all of us, but we could each have our own desktops...04:47
enigma9o7It's just more efficient than having to buy one video card for each seat.04:47
enigma9o7Which is what you have to do now with X.04:48
arkanoidenigma9o7: it's the 70s model. Mainframe in the basement, terminal to the users04:48
arkanoidthen PC was invented04:48
enigma9o7Well, basement is too far away for HDMI and USB, but yeah sure.04:49
enigma9o7I guess you could drill holes in the floor.04:50
arkanoidI never tried it that way with linux. You said it works with X?04:50
enigma9o7But right now with X you have to buy a video card for each seat.  I'm hoping with wayland we won't hav eto do that, as modern GPU can support 4 monitors.04:50
EickmeyerTopic for #ubuntu is "Official Ubuntu Support Channel | IRC Guidelines: https://ubottu.com/y/gl | #ubuntu supports Ubuntu and official flavors; versions 24.04, 23.10, 22.04, 20.04. #ubuntu-next for 24.10 | Unofficial derivatives: Use your distro's support channel, not here | IRC info: https://ubottu.com/y/irc | Pastes to https://bpa.st | Download: https://ubottu.com/y/dl"04:51
arkanoidwell nowadays you can buy a PC on a module and install application as if it were a cluster04:51
arkanoidIn Windows world you'd handle that as a local domain, but in modern Linux is interesting. Have you considered VMs?04:55
arkanoidJust hit another issue on 24.04 https://askubuntu.com/questions/1514757/issue-with-ubuntu-24-04-black-screen-with-cursor-on-login04:57
Eickmeyerarkanoid: This is not the place to discuss that. Obviously take it to askubuntu.04:58
Eickmeyerarkanoid: As stated before, this is not the place to complain, whine, or otherwise rant. You've been pointed to the place where to report bugs. Do not bring askubuntu topics here.04:58
EickmeyerAlso, do not answer your own questions here. That's called monologuing. It goes against the guidelines.04:59
Eickmeyer!guidelines | arkanoid04:59
ubottuarkanoid: The guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines04:59
EickmeyerIf you don't like the rules, kindly /part04:59
=== Unit193 changed the topic of #ubuntu to: Official Ubuntu Support Channel | IRC Guidelines: https://ubottu.com/y/gl | #ubuntu supports Ubuntu and official flavors; versions 24.10, 24.04, 22.04, 20.04. #ubuntu-next for 25.04 | Unofficial derivatives: Use your distro's support channel, not here | IRC info: https://ubottu.com/y/irc | Pastes to https://bpa.st | Download: https://ubottu.com/y/dl
arkanoidEickmeyer: I've already reported all the bugs I've encountered so far on my route from LTS to LTS. I'm just raising warnings to the community to NOT upgrade now. You are whining more than me apparently05:00
Eickmeyerarkanoid: This is not the place to do that.05:00
EickmeyerIt's entirely off-topic here.05:00
EickmeyerYour incidents are mostly isolated. I just installed to my wife's computer tonight and had no issues.05:01
arkanoidAs you wish. For the people who reads this, move to lightdm. I'm done helping others for today05:02
EickmeyerSo, please, again, take your whining elsewhere.05:02
arkanoidAnd receiving complains for doing that05:02
EickmeyerIt doesn't help others if it's a monologue directed at nobody.05:02
EickmeyerThis is a place to help individuals, not the community-at-large.05:03
SpeedrunnerG55eth0 does not show up in /etc/network/interfaces05:07
SpeedrunnerG55I tried to create a question for my problem in ask Ubuntu but I can’t get past “review question” I press the button but it does nothing05:47
realivanjxwhy not use netplan?05:47
SpeedrunnerG55Because it’s not there.05:49
SpeedrunnerG75Hmmm, 55 is still hasn’t timed out yet I guess >~<05:55
ice9Google Android Studio causes high load on Ubuntu and hangs the desktop until it crash, any idea?05:57
=== SpeedrunnerG75 is now known as SpeedrunnerG55
Guest6187Upgraded from jammy jellyfish to noble numbat yesterday. after reboot, and entering boot password, got the following: "Could not create MokListRT: Volume Full. Could not create MokListXRT: Volume Full. Could not create SbatLevelRT: Volume Full. Could not create MokListTrustedRT: Volume Full. Something has gone seriously wrong: import_mok_state()06:10
Guest6187failed: Volume Full." Apparently, going into BIOS, and erasing the fwupd dbx keys sorts the problem temporarily for the current session, but, with the next boot, it's the same thing again. Thought I should let somebody know. Was pointed in this direction. What other info do you need form me?06:10
rfmGuest6187, if you google ¨could not create moklist volume full¨you'll see this is just some Secure Boot BIOS nonsense, nothing to do with Ubuntu at all; what I do is just disable Secure Boot because I don't believe in it, but do what you want.06:28
rfmGuest6187, in any case Ubuntu can't help. because this is all taking place before Ubuntu is even booted..06:28
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installerHi all I'm stuck in an sddm loop when I try to log in.. When I go to the console and login, I can, and I am able to run startx at that point as well. I looked at journalct-b -u sddm and found some weird errors.. can anyone help?06:54
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brenndo` was a expected expression for matemton11:20
brenndoi can always open and close the root when i want11:23
brenndoonly in root u are comod11:24
brenndoso for ritzl you have echo `; - '¸ comod11:27
brenndono packages anymore :D11:28
brenndou just make a new _11:28
brenndou see they movin xD11:40
BluesKajHi all11:56
brenndo`ritzl  root   echo   `  '  ¸ comod12:15
kwakDoes anyone know of an IRC channel dedicated to GUI programming?12:16
lotuspsychj3!alis | kwak12:17
ubottukwak: Alis is an IRC service to help you find channels. For help on using it, see «/msg Alis help list» or ask in #libera - Example usage: «/msg Alis list http»12:17
kwakThe channel could be called anything, and there are areas that encompass GUI programming which aren't called GUI programming. So it wouldn't be easily searchable I think.12:18
brenndoroot [0] comod12:28
brenndoroot [25] `12:28
brenndoROOT_prompt_25:1:1: error: expected expression12:28
brenndonochmal verkürzt12:31
brenndoExecution of your code was aborted.12:33
brenndoroot [28] ;12:33
brenndoroot [29]12:33
oerhekswhy are you posting this, brenndo ?12:33
brenndooh im owner off the ubuntu root12:33
brenndoi should say12:33
brenndo` was an expected expression and he accept ; - `and so on till he arborted like me before ;D12:36
oerheksso there is no support question in there?12:36
brenndofor u we can minimize whole worldnet on 1distribution ritzl, with root, echo and comod12:37
brenndono more packages yeah12:38
brenndo* #12:38
oerheksplease no random words, this is ubuntu support.12:38
brenndoman bash12:41
lotuspsychj3!ops | brenndo random rant12:41
ubottubrenndo random rant: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - CarlFK, DJones, el, Flannel, genii, hggdh, ikonia, krytarik, mneptok, mwsb, nhandler, ogra, Pici, popey, sarnold, tomreyn, Unit193, wgrant12:41
brenndorandom rand is comod to ritzl but only in root u comod with device12:42
anankeno surprise that people started with slackware, when choices at the time could be counted on one hand of somebody who lost some fingers12:54
brenndois a short video for you12:58
anankeoops, wrong channel on my comment13:25
brenndohow u make only one ping in terminal without STR+C13:25
ravage       -c count13:26
ravage           Stop after sending count ECHO_REQUEST packets. With deadline option, ping waits for count ECHO_REPLY packets, until the timeout expires.13:26
ravageoh sorry. basically -c13:26
brenndoyou were fast and i set u recard13:26
ravagenot sure how that messages arrived on IRC13:26
brenndoping IP -c  and then?13:49
brenndoping ip -c t- count replys13:50
ravageyou could just type "man ping" and find out13:50
jeremy31ping -c3
brenndojo bei dir vllt14:01
brenndoping ip -c count echo request count echo_reply -w -T 114:02
brenndodas mir schon zu hoch dann14:07
leftyfb!de | brenndo14:07
ubottubrenndo: In den meisten Ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuche bitte #ubuntu-de. Einfach "/join #ubuntu-de" eingeben. Danke für Dein Verständnis!14:07
brenndo 14:14
brenndodas wie punkt vor strich mit den parametern iwie14:14
brenndoits like . before - with parameter14:15
ravageenglish please14:15
brenndoits like point before minus with parameter14:15
ravagethat does not make any sense14:16
brenndosure u need to know the order14:16
ravagethe order is shown in the manpage14:16
brenndodo you know how to sent 1 ping without str c14:17
ravageping -c1
leftyfbbrenndo: you were not only given the answer several times, but you showed that you understood it14:17
brenndoexpected expression14:18
leftyfbbrenndo: please /join #ubuntu-de to ask your questions to people who speak your native language14:18
ravage"ping -c1" works on any linux system. so if it shows you an error you are not on linux or you typed in the wrong command14:18
brenndointressting but maybe u wanna steal my ping14:20
ravageGood luck14:20
brenndobecause u dont run any expire14:21
brenndomaybe ping -c -t 1 ip14:23
brenndoman is doch flexible14:26
oerhekstalking to yourself?14:27
brenndobinärcode 0 1 is pragmatic i have code `14:28
oerheksnot here please.14:28
brenndocode -14:28
oerheks!ot > brenndo14:29
ubottubrenndo: Please see my private message14:29
leftyfbthey've been banned from here before14:29
brenndo@ jot14:34
leftyfbbrenndo: stop14:35
dave__Good Morning!  Am I in the right place to get help with a kernel problem?14:37
leftyfbdave__: potentially14:37
brenndou have mod14:37
oerhekswhy do you ask, brenndo ? you are just making noise14:38
dave__well, let's give you the basic rundown and see?14:38
dave__Upgraded from 22.04 to 24.04.1 - on reboot it goes to a bios screen and only one monitor, shuts off the keyboard and mouse and just freezes14:39
brenndothe root suffers for comod14:39
leftyfb!op | brenndo14:39
ubottubrenndo: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - CarlFK, DJones, el, Flannel, genii, hggdh, ikonia, krytarik, mneptok, mwsb, nhandler, ogra, Pici, popey, sarnold, tomreyn, Unit193, wgrant14:39
leftyfbdave__: if your mouse and keyboard are locking up on the BIOS screen, that's not an OS/kernel problem14:40
dave__kernel 6.8.0-41-generic seems to be the problem14:40
brenndoexcuse suffers14:40
oerheksi found a tip, run bootrepair from the live iso14:41
dave__retried by selecting 5.15.0-119-generic wroks - keyboard, mouse and second monitor all work and launched into GUI14:41
dave__wroks = works14:41
leftyfbagain, if the mouse and keyboard are locking up on the BIOS screen, that's not an OS/kernel problem14:41
leftyfbI thought you said it only boots to the bios screen?14:42
dave__it's a dell, so I get the dell bios logo and the ubuntu splash across the bottom - what would you call it?14:42
brenndoroot [0] comod14:42
leftyfbbrenndo: knock it off. This is a support channel.14:43
oerhekssome blame not finding splash file(s) by grub14:43
dave__downloaded the ISO and tried to boot from that - same issue, and no older kernel to roll back to14:43
leftyfbdave__: you're experiencing the same issue while booted to a live usb? Which version?14:44
dave__latest - just downloaded last night14:44
leftyfbdave__: try 22.0414:44
dave__I was running 22.04 just fine.  Upgraded yesterday when all this happened14:46
leftyfbdave__: try booting a 22.04 live usb14:46
brenndodoes your devices have a root14:46
dave__OK, I'll download it and give that a try - it will probably work since I'm on the affected computer right now14:46
dave__I booted into 24.04 from the older kernel14:47
brenndoyou did14:47
dave__also I managed to run boot repair if that's any help - I have the pastebin14:48
brenndoopen redgit in terminal and bash in14:49
leftyfb!op | brenndo14:49
ubottubrenndo: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - CarlFK, DJones, el, Flannel, genii, hggdh, ikonia, krytarik, mneptok, mwsb, nhandler, ogra, Pici, popey, sarnold, tomreyn, Unit193, wgrant14:49
leftyfbdave__: please ignore the troll14:49
oerheksshare the pastebin please14:49
brenndoyeah sure like usual14:50
dave__..... answering the door, back in a minute ....14:59
brenndoi know your question and then i give u the answer14:59
de-factosigh, ssh disconnected me while apt was generating initramfs15:08
de-factohow can i recreate?15:08
de-factowhy isnt apt doing its work in an asynchronous way, e.g. not depending on external unreliable things like tcp connections for it to complete a task?15:11
brenndoeagle one15:12
shadow255de-facto: for crucial stuff with an ssh connection, using a terminal multiplexer like screen or tmux can be a lifesaver15:13
ravageto answer your question: you can try to continue the process with sudo apt -f install15:13
brenndowait for it15:13
de-factoyeah but screen basically has broken backscrolling, so i never like to use that15:13
brenndomaybe u need later15:14
ravageto only regenerate the files: sudo update-initramfs -u -k all15:14
de-factoit would be much more stable if apt would take a task from an admin, then dispach that to an backend that ensures the task completes and give feedback about the status, e.g. do it work independent on a terminal or gui that may just disappear15:15
brenndofix in root u ask user15:15
brenndocode '15:16
ravagethe "backends" are screen or tmux15:16
ravageand they both have a working scrollbak15:16
brenndoITS LIMITED15:18
oerheksbrenndo, please type /quit15:19
de-factono screen does not have a scrollback that works but thats another discussion. if apt needs screen or tmux to function it should integrate that into its backend15:19
ravageit does not15:19
shadow255de-facto: it's not apt that needs it, it's your connection to the machine that needs it15:20
de-factowell its the same problem when using a gui terminal and the gui crashes for example15:21
de-factoso its a design flaw in the apt architecture if that leads to a broken system state when the apt process is a child of the invoking terminal or sshd15:21
ravagewell i dont think we will get anywhere with this15:21
ravagei sent you the commands to fix the process15:22
ravagedo you have any other support question?15:22
de-factothe broken post install is fixed now, thanks for your help15:23
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sam_wongsixwheeledbeast: Thank for your advice. "pm-suspend" is much better than "systemctl suspend". It did work properly as it should be.15:30
arkanoidis `deborphan` a reliable tool for ubuntu? it shoes me packet libclang1-15t64, but apt policy libclang1-15t64 shows installed from http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu noble/universe amd64 Packages15:41
sixwheeledbeastsam_wong: not better, just works with your system.15:42
ravagearkanoid: https://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=deborphan15:43
sam_wongsixwheeledbeast: perhaps15:43
arkanoidravage: what do you mean? if the packet is present in repo? yes it is. But I get no sense out of the output15:44
leftyfbarkanoid: by packet, you mean package right?15:44
ravageso i would not blindly trust it.  i would like to keep those packages15:44
leftyfbarkanoid: can you pastebin the output you are referring to?15:44
arkanoiddeborphan output is just "libclang1-15t64:amd64"15:45
ravageyou can add -d to show the deps15:45
ravagein the end you need to decide for yourself if you want to remove it15:45
sixwheeledbeastpm-utils is no longer installed as default because systemd should have replaced it's scripts.15:45
leftyfbarkanoid: ( apt-cache policy libclang1-15t64:amd64" ; sudo deborphan ) | nc termbin.com 999915:46
sam_wongsixwheeledbeast: yes, I had to install pm-utils before I could use pm-suspend15:47
sam_wongsixwheeledbeast: but it only took half a minute to do the installation15:48
arkanoidleftyfb: https://termbin.com/0q3x15:50
arkanoidif orphan means that it cannot be found in enabled repo, why I get it listed in apt policy15:51
leftyfbarkanoid: so remove libclang1-15t64:amd6415:51
arkanoidit removes a tons of software if I remove it15:51
leftyfbarkanoid: show the command you are using to remove it15:52
arkanoidsudo apt-get remove libclang1-15t6415:52
leftyfbthat's not the right command to remove libclang1-15t64:amd6415:52
arkanoidwhat's the right one?15:53
leftyfbarkanoid: same command, only with the correct package name that has been suggested to remove: sudo apt-get remove libclang1-15t64:amd6415:53
arkanoidsame (I know there are no i386 variant installed)15:54
oerheksisn' t that package part of llvm-toolchain ?15:54
leftyfbarkanoid: ( apt-cache policy libclang1-15t64 ; apt-cache policy libclang1-15t64:amd64 ) | nc termbin.com 999915:54
leftyfbneither are installed by default btw15:55
leftyfbarkanoid:  sudo apt remove -s libclang1-15t64:amd64  | nc termbin.com 999915:56
arkanoidleftyfb: https://termbin.com/f6ac15:57
leftyfbarkanoid: ok, and do you know for a fact that you need any of those packages?15:58
arkanoidsure, those are all dependencies of qgis, that I have installed from a third party repo (it's also present i official repo, but I prefer the latest version)15:59
arkanoidI can remove for the sake of clarity15:59
arkanoidbut my question is why deborphan and apt policy seems to give opposite information16:00
leftyfbthey don't16:01
brenndolook its always a man behind it16:01
lotuspsychj3brenndo: type /quit16:01
leftyfb!op | brenndo16:01
ubottubrenndo: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - CarlFK, DJones, el, Flannel, genii, hggdh, ikonia, krytarik, mneptok, mwsb, nhandler, ogra, Pici, popey, sarnold, tomreyn, Unit193, wgrant16:01
arkanoidam I getting the "orphan" concept wrong? I've been taught that orpan means installed but non in enabled repos16:02
brenndoand was comod16:02
leftyfbbrenndo: stop16:03
brenndo@ubottu echo el16:04
ravagebrenndo: type /quit to find out more16:04
arkanoidleftyfb: do you have an answer?16:07
leftyfbarkanoid: I don't. I do fresh installs and stick to mainly packages from the ubuntu repos and snaps16:08
arkanoidok, thanks16:08
arkanoidbtw deborphan, aptitude and synapic all give different concepts of "local" and "orphaned"16:23
arkanoidI need some refresh on the context, which official documentation page would you suggest to get the real answer?16:24
leftyfbarkanoid: remove aptitude with prejudice16:27
leftyfbit does bad things16:28
leftyfbwe have had loads of people here who installed or removed packages using it and it makes a mess of the packages/dependencies16:28
oerheksapt is superior over apt-get and aptitude, and aptitude can give issues16:28
leftyfbit follows it's own rules16:28
arkanoidwell, not in my experience. I never use aptitude except when apt fails, and when I do, aptitude fixe16:31
arkanoidleftyfb: you remember a few hours ago when you said "good luck repeat the process and add to the install list all the package manually". In that context aptitude managed to make my broken upgrade bootable again, and from that point, continue with apt16:32
JanCaptitude makes it a lot easier to manually fix issues...16:33
arkanoidbut here the problem is different. Let's forget aptitude for a moment. Here I am trying to cleanup my system. I've removed all the third party repositoried and now my "/etc/apt/sources.list.d" is empty. How can I delete all non-ubuntu packages?16:34
arkanoiddeborphan, aptitude, synaptic, apt, all gives a different status for "to-be-removed"/orphaned/local packages16:35
vortexxI was afraid the upgrade to 24.04.1 from 22.04.4 would leave me without working wifi, but using the 6.8.0-41 kernel it's working normally (had to power down and turn back on to get bluetooth working, just as I've had to with 5.15 series kernels). Now to fix my gnome extensions...16:44
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JanCvortexx: what gnome extensions are broken?16:57
vortexxJanC: CPU Power Manager & OpenWeather16:58
JanCany good replacements for those then?  :)17:00
JanCwell, I guess I can get by with gnome-weather, I guess17:02
vortexxOpenWeather Refined might do the job, brb I have to log out and back in to see if it works17:06
vortexxCPU Power Manager doesn't seem to have a replacement17:07
JanCvortexx: what does it do?17:08
vortexxJanC: it allows you to set via GUI the operating mode of the CPU17:09
ravageisnt there a switch for the power mode in gnome?17:09
vortexxpowersave, quiet, multimedia and performance were the settings17:09
JanCthere is a simple setting in the system menu17:09
vortexxthere is17:09
vortexxbut it's not the same level of contro17:09
ravagemultimedia is a really fun wording for 202417:10
vortexxI usually used quiet with balanced, which pinned the CPUs at no higher than 1.5Ghz whilst providing the performance level I needed without overheating17:12
JanCthis is a desktop here, and it never overheats really, without much noise17:13
=== SpydarOO7 is now known as Spydar007
radix0Requesting help. I've never have issues updating this ubuntu server (22.04) until today. Looked up some of the errors, some people point to changes in hardware being the culprit but this is a VM without any virtual hardware changes as of late. I thought wwn-*** prefixes were for things like iSCSI/FC connected storage devices/LUNs. I don't recall ever doing that on this VM. https://bin.disroot.org/?8b0e46bc3cdacfe8#8vsz8eseb9UuTGWzeUDcezydy6jCEiCDzW7K3E4MYcrk17:18
ravageis there anything in /etc/fstab that references that device17:20
ravagemy guess is the /boot/efi partition17:21
radix0good question one sec17:21
radix0No, no references. /boot/efi goes to /dev/disk/by-uuid/foo-bar and not /dev/disk/by-id/foo-bar. I can see the data within /boot/efi just fine too, it's all mounted as it should be.17:23
ravagedoes "sudo update-grub" fail?17:24
radix0LGTM: https://bin.disroot.org/?5453adf333426b12#HmXeHzjX3FQC7Af7vGdarspTuqTmyLWDGGEp5rLvXcan17:25
ravagelooks fine17:25
ravageand now maybe: sudo apt-get install --reinstall shim-signed17:25
radix0"E: Internal Error, No file name for shim-signed:amd6417:26
radix0" -- am I missing a repo or something?17:26
oerheksi looked at that, missing jammy-updates/main ?17:26
ravagethe paste shows security and main17:27
ravagebut would still be good to see your sources files17:27
radix0one moment17:27
vortexxJanC: mine's an XPS 9310 with an 11th gen i7 so it does overheat a fair amount17:28
radix0https://bin.disroot.org/?2a21876e9f7c68f1#EVnLKoyEqSZBxhdaHN7mC1TD4EAz8BZoBkNTkPfwV42L -- I did do a sneaky redaction in my first paste so I'll give away my locality (Canada) now. Sorry if that made troubleshooting harder, I appreciate the help.17:29
vortexxbtw just about every new version of Ubuntu sees an extension or three no longer work17:29
radix0The hypervisor is Proxmox VE FWIW17:29
oerhekslooks sound to me17:30
ravagewe could try a simple "sudo apt update" of course17:30
ravagedoes that show anything weird?17:30
radix0yeah that's all fine - normal Hits and Gets17:30
radix0I think that's in my first paste17:30
ravageca.archive.ubuntu.com is an alias for us.archive.ubuntu.com btw17:30
oerheksvortexx, gnome extentions are gnome version dependent, and that cpu tool is already build in, just with 2 options17:31
ravageso nothing special here17:31
fwehtjust had a discussion in the linux chat but we couldnt find an answer...  if a process uses a port, it should appear in `lsof`, right?17:31
ravageradix0: apt policy shim-signed17:31
leftyfbfweht: if a process is bound/listening on a port, yes17:31
oerheksup to v44 https://extensions.gnome.org/extension/1082/cpufreq/17:32
fwehtleftyfb: in my case, only `ss` can "see" the process...  its weird, there are many discussions on stackoverflow and they all only mention `lsof`17:32
radix0ravage, Does 500 in those lines refer to HTTP 500 internal server error? Also is it right for the installed and candidate to be identical? https://bin.disroot.org/?2977378b82d35766#921NpNqc2hssWsYwQ6kUkV1NYR5E75VAYc32eZxhZqxD17:33
leftyfbfweht: what process/port/protocol?17:33
ravageradix0: no thats the priority. it should really be able to find that package17:34
fwehtits the usual next.js dev server, this is the output of `ss`: https://www.irccloud.com/pastebin/XiohzOpq/17:34
ravagebut then there is the phased update17:34
leftyfbfweht: sudo lsof -i :300017:35
radix0ravage, other information to volunteer - this is a LVM installed system. I was stingy for some reason during original setup, can't remember why. 16GB disk, 15GB for the root VG and LV. / has 25%/3.6GB free space.17:35
fwehti dont know what this `-putan` is but `-l` for listening is enough to show it17:36
leftyfbfweht: sudo ss -lptn 'sport = :3000'17:37
leftyfbfweht: are yuo sure this process is still running properly and isn't a zombie?17:37
ravageradix0: can you try to get the package from https://packages.ubuntu.com/jammy-updates/amd64/shim-signed/download17:38
fwehtleftyfb: it runs properly, with your command i see it17:38
ravageand install it locally? should be "sudo apt install --reinstall /path/to/shim-signed_1.51.4+15.8-0ubuntu1_amd64.deb17:38
leftyfbfweht: and you're definitely running lsof with sudo?17:39
fwehtyes https://www.irccloud.com/pastebin/7jE65MXg/17:39
leftyfbfweht: what release of ubuntu and what kernel?17:39
ioriaradix0, i think it's complaining about the esp flag not set17:40
radix0ravage, apt is complaining about archive signature, is that expected?17:41
radix0ioria, can I ask where you're seeing that? I'll take a look in gdisk meanwhile.17:41
ravageno not at all really17:41
ravagethat is a little alarming17:41
fwehtleftyfb: 24.04 on 6.8.0-41-generic17:41
ioriaradix0, mount: /var/lib/grub/esp: special device /dev/disk/by-id/wwn-0x600224803668e6f44976951dfba1d3a5-part1 does not exist.17:41
leftyfboh, lsof only shows file descriptors. If this is using a socket, that doesn't involve file descriptors, it won't show17:42
fwehtbut you can read here that multiple others had no success with lsof: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/39322089/node-js-port-3000-already-in-use-but-it-actually-isnt17:42
fwehtleftyfb: ah ok thank you!  so `ss` is the tool of choice?17:42
leftyfbfweht: ls -l /proc/277612/fd | grep socket17:43
radix0ioria, https://bin.disroot.org/?3efa37dd8c5647cb#5mnCwdDRR4WooapfbjuQ8iAGGJrNACXYfbVFHeBxjPPM -- looks good to me17:43
ravageradix0: can you see if https://packages.ubuntu.com/jammy/all/ubuntu-keyring/download installs ok?17:43
ravagealso with the reinstall flag maybe17:44
fwehtleftyfb: yup, shows 5 things17:44
vortexxoerheks: yes I know17:44
radix0ravage, I might need a little bit of hand holding, let's maybe skip manual package installs for now as I don't suspect apt downloads are the problem. I'll run `apt install ubuntu-keyring`17:44
leftyfbfweht: 5 sockets?17:44
ioriaradix0, check 'sudo parted -l' if 'esp' is really set on boot part17:44
fwehtits just weird that in all the discussions on SO nobody mentioned `ss` when `lsof` is clearly not working17:45
leftyfbfweht: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯17:45
radix0ioria,  1      1049kB  538MB   537MB   fat32                   boot, esp17:45
ioriaah, ok17:45
ioriaradix0, sudo apt --fix-broken install17:46
radix0same errors17:46
radix0ravage, ubuntu-keyring seemed to have no effect17:46
radix0But I'm also an idiot who doesn't know what he's doing.17:47
radix0Who is the upstream of shim-signed?17:47
JanCoerheks: the point was that what vortexx wants is not built in, otherwise they wouldn't have needed an extension...17:48
ioriaradix0, sudo mv /var/lib/dpkg/info/shim-signed* /tmp ; sudo dpkg --configure -a17:50
radix0That feels a little heavy handed IMO. I'm going to shutdown the VM for a snapshot then try an apt remove shim-signed and re-installation.17:52
vortexxhttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/2065938 <-- now I'm able to use a 6.8 kernel in 24.04, should I close this bug report? (I'd been stuck on 5.15.0-107 for a couple of months as all the later kernels failed to connect to my AP)17:58
-ubottu:#ubuntu- Launchpad bug 2065938 in linux (Ubuntu) "QCA6390 won't work with any kernel above 5.15 in 22.04" [Undecided, New]17:58
lotuspsychj3vortexx: leave bugs to the developers, or as reference for other users having the same issues as you18:02
vortexxlotuspsychj3: as I thought, thanks18:02
lotuspsychj3vortexx: if your device works on a specific kernel, you should add a new comment on your bug it works18:03
radix0Alright screw it. I'm not working on this problem anymore. I'm going to wait for the next update, hope this is a bug someone else finds and fixes, and if this problem persists for even longer I'll just rebuild this server or try an in-place dist upgrade. I tried screwing around with dpkg status to remove the protected flag on the package, doing a removal and reinstall, same error. Then did the same steps and with dpkg --purge but still the same error.18:03
radix0Something is really stuck.18:03
radix0Thanks ravage  and ioria for the help.18:04
lotuspsychj3vortexx: but your bug was opened for ubuntu 22.04, if you're on 24.04 its different18:04
vortexxlotuspsychj3: I'm just going to leave a post with the relevant bit of dmesg showing that using 24.04 solves the issue18:07
lotuspsychj3vortexx: allright, the devs will be able to see wich kernel version fixes18:08
JanCyeah, useful for otehr users who can upgrade, but for people who have to use 22.04 for some reason it's still going to be broken I suppose   :)18:09
vortexxyeah well I don't know how many people with XPS 9310s are on 22.04 atm18:10
JanCif it helps just 1 person that's good too18:11
vortexxalso, since I upgraded, when I launch ungoogled chrome from command-line (I use the portable version) it's complaining about no sandbox being available and that I should upgrade the kernel. Never had this issue before...18:11
JanCor maybe the kernel devs will see the diff between versions & find how to fix older versions too, who knows...18:11
JanCvortexx: that's explained in the release notes18:12
vortexxis it? Ok let me find those18:12
JanCvortexx: https://ubuntu.com/blog/ubuntu-23-10-restricted-unprivileged-user-namespaces18:15
JanCthat's pretty much the explanation18:16
brenndo19:21:34 - brenndo: `ritzl root   echo ` ´; comod18:16
brenndo19:21:46 - brenndo: distribution1code18:16
brenndo19:26:16 - brenndo: binär is pragmatic and cant move ` i dont need space18:16
brenndo19:27:43 - brenndo: then i set u recard18:16
brenndo19:29:36 - brenndo: the last roots are nice18:16
brenndoi accept terms18:18
JanCvortexx: https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/ubuntu-24-04-lts-noble-numbat-release-notes/39890#unprivileged-user-namespace-restrictions18:19
JanCvortexx: the last one gives Google Chrome as an example, it's probably not too hard to adapt that18:20
elbrenndo: Sie müssen mehr Sinn machen als das / you need to make more sense than this.18:22
leftyfbel: they've been trolling this channel all morning/day. They've been banned from here before for doing the same18:24
vortexxJanC: I see, well I tried replacing the chrome path in /etc/apparmor.d/chrome but that's working just yet. Let me dig further18:27
brenndou read the pastebin18:42
brenndoecho el18:42
vortexxok I got ungoogled chromium working with apparmor18:44
brenndovoid is exepted expression18:45
brenndoman bash18:48
brenndoits all free18:49
SpeedrunnerG55Hai, I managed to manually bring up the Ethernet adapter with sudo ip link set enp4s0 up, then obtain an IP address with sudo dhclient enp4s0, enp4s0 aparantly being my Ethernet adapter.19:18
SpeedrunnerG55Should I install ubuntu-desktop? Or lxqt?19:20
ravagethat depends on what you want to accomplish19:22
ravagefirst step would be to check your /etc/netplan/* config files if you are on Ubuntu server right now19:23
ravageand make sure the interface name there is enp4s0 too19:23
ravageif not fix it19:23
bertroSpeedrunnerG55 depends on your system specs and preferences LXDE / LXQT can run on much lower-spec hardware than Ubuntu's default Gnome19:25
bertroI personally also prefer the more classic layout of KDE / XFCE / LXDE to that of Gnome19:25
PeGaSuSI'd point to Xubuntu, but I'm suspicious...19:26
SpeedrunnerG55ravage /etc/netplan/ does not exist for me. There is /etc/netconfig /etc/network/ but no netplan19:32
ravagewhat system are you running atm?19:33
ravageand if you dont have any data to lose install whatever you want to use19:34
SpeedrunnerG55I found the network interface name with lshw -C network19:34
SpeedrunnerG55Im running Ubuntu 24.04.1, motherboard is an MSI Z590-A PRO19:35
ravageand from what ISO did you install that system?19:35
ravagedo you have a GUI?19:36
ravagewhat is the goal with that system?19:36
SpeedrunnerG55Not yet, I had updated it from a previous Ubuntu LTS, I found they witch19:36
SpeedrunnerG55I forget wich**19:37
SpeedrunnerG55This is my daily driver PC. I do my work and play games on it19:37
ravageok. so you should have a GUI?19:38
ravagelike gnome?19:38
ravageok. in that case you should be able to see that network interface in the gnome network settings now19:38
SpeedrunnerG55I decided to just install Ubuntu-desktop, that gets me gnome, right?19:51
SpeedrunnerG55Oki, just have to wait for all the packages to install again :)19:52
ravagethe smarter choice would mabe be to backup your files and just do a clean installation of 24.04.120:01
ravagebut lets see how that goes20:01
=== killdadon70 is now known as killdadon7
SpeedrunnerG5590% complete, HPLP had a new configuration file it wanted to install from the maintainer so I decided to use it20:06
SpeedrunnerG55Finally back into my desktop GUI :D20:10
ravageand your network is up too i guess?20:10
SpeedrunnerG55Just need to install all of the other packages I had installed manually20:11
SpeedrunnerG55Is there an easy way to reinstall my other packages back? Like chrome, steam, discord….?  It’s telling me there’s no release candidate for google-chrome-stable20:42
ravagechrome is not part of the Ubuntu repos20:43
ravageyou can use Chromium or follow the steps provided by google20:43
ravagediscord and steam are available via snap20:43
ravageso the fast track is to install all 3 via snap20:44
SpeedrunnerG55I guess same is true for kicad?20:44
ravageno idea what that is20:45
ravagebut yes20:45
ravagethere is a snap package with that name20:45
=== killdadon700 is now known as killdadon70
oerheksSpaceX Polaris Dawn Launch LIVE!  🤣21:40
oerheksdo not ask for the url21:40
eawfawWhat is the best way to keep an ubunto working well? Is it better to do a fresh install every now and then, or when changing to a new major version? Or just clicking install upgrades when it pops-up is good enough to keep everything working great?22:17
ravagedoing your system updates should be fine22:18
enigma9o7If you're not having issues and not installing weird stuff from 3rd party repos and stuff, you can just keep upgrading.  But starting clean is always a good thing too, you always do things better the next time cuz you have more experience.22:19
karenw Doing your system updates. The default is updates to new Ubuntu version after it reaches '.1' I think?22:19
karenwPersonally I clean update because I install custom graphics drivers and those sometimes go boom during a dist upgrade. Also want those shiny new package versions without waiting for .122:20
enigma9o7I don't think (I could be wrong) that update manager will prompt you to upgrade to new major versions, will it?  I thought you had to initiate do-release-upgrade manually.22:20
karenwenigma9o7: I thought it did but not immediately.22:20
ravageyou do not get new major versions automatically22:21
ravageyou may get a popup though to do it22:22
ravageif you dont mind reinstalling everything a fresh installation can be nice of course22:22
karenwSorry, yes, I should be more specific. It will *prompt* you to update, never auto-updates ubuntu release.22:23
enigma9o7maybe only regular GNOME ubuntu does that, perhaps not xUbuntus....22:25
SquareI'm trying to mute stereo channels of spdif using alsamixer but it doesn't seem to work for that type of sink. Anyone know a way around this? Possibly using pulse audio. I control the machine over ssh only.22:25
samlamammaHi my upgrade from 22.04 -> 24.04 left me with a broken desktop and a disabled ethernet network. I've tried the old kernel, no luck getting it online there either. lshw -C network lists it as "*-network DISABLED". Device is RTL8111/8168/8211/841122:39
samlamammaI'm trying to figure out if the actual kernel driver files are actually missing, but I'm not sure what to look for in /lib/modules/$kernelversion/net/22:40
enigma9o7when using alsamixer are you sure you switched to the audio chip controlling spdif?  sometimes its a different chip than the regular audio22:41
samlamammalspci -v lists r8169 as the kernel driver in use. I did a search for that and found it in /kernel/drivers/net/etherne/realtek/r8169.ko.zst22:44
ravagesamlamamma: what is the output of: ip l22:44
ravageif you are not online with that device try to take a photo22:45
samlamammaravage: interfaces lo and enp6s0. state is DOWN22:45
samlamamma(enp6s0 is the ethernet interface)22:45
ravageis this a server or desktop installation?22:45
ravagedo you see the interface in the gnome network settings?22:46
samlamammaThe desktop/wm is also borked lol :-). Only terminal for now22:46
ravagesudo ip link set enp6s0 up22:47
ravageif that works:22:47
ravagedhcpcd enp6s022:47
samlamammaAlright, that's interesting. Ethernet is turned on and it's offered a lease on a reasonable IP from my router, we took the lese and soon. I ge a "sd_bus_open_system: No such file or directory", that looks like a systemd function22:48
samlamammaYay! I can ping, but DNS is borked22:49
samlamammaI'm seriously considering evacuating /home/ onto a secondary disk and nuking the install22:50
ravagewell. that could be a faster option than fixing it22:51
ravagebut we could try22:51
samlamammaravage: Now that I've got ethernet up I can just do a backup onto my NAS, it is pretty tempting22:53
ravagesudo -i22:53
ravagerm -f /etc/resolv.conf22:53
ravageecho "nameserver" > /etc/resolv.cond22:53
ravageshould give you DNS22:53
ravageecho "nameserver" > /etc/resolv.conf22:54
ravageit is getting too late22:54
samlamammaHaha no problem :). Current name server is, that's unexpected?!22:54
ravageits usually fine22:55
ravagebut not in this state of the system22:55
ravageif you get online you can try22:56
ravageapt -f install22:56
ravageand see what that does22:56
ravagefollowed by a: apt -y full-upgrade22:56
samlamammacat /etc/resolve.conf outputs nameserver now22:57
samlamammaping google.com still gives "Temporaryfailure in name resolution"22:57
ravagenot resolve.conf22:57
samlamammadarn it, why does unix always have to drop vowels22:57
samlamammaYarp, I've got dns22:58
ravagenow you could try the other command to finish the upgrade22:58
samlamammaAha, seems like it's cleaning up my KDE (I'm pretty sure I'm on Kubuntu so hopefully just old versions of stuff)23:00
ravageremoving stuff is fine23:01
ravageafter the full-upgrade you can make sure kde is installed with23:02
ravageapt install kubuntu-desktop23:02
ravagebut complete the upgrade first23:02
samlamammadid apt -f install; apt -y full-upgrade; apt autoremove (with sudo on all and separate lines)23:02
ravagefire the kubuntu-desktop one too23:02
ravagejust to make sure you get you GUI (back)23:03
samlamammaYup, couple of GiB to download. Thank you for all the help!23:04
=== Guest43 is now known as Rob1445
oerheksi found a tip, run bootrepair from the live iso23:07
oerhekssome blame not finding splash file(s) by grub23:08
ravageeh. tip for what? 😄23:08
oerheksnot booting ubuntu after upgrade to 24.0423:09
samlamammaIf it's mine, it is booting at least :)23:10
ravageit may just work after installing the packages and do a reboot23:11
ravagebut we will see 🙂23:11
Rob1445I have spent most of the day trying to login to Ubuntu Core 24 on a raspberry PI. Putty and Puttygen are my usual go to tools but I can't seem to generate a pair of RSA keys that work with Ubuntu core 24. Current error is Server refused our key.  Any suggestions? or anyway to remove the key requirement all together.23:13
ravageRob1445: doesnt the ubuntu core installation install your key from launchpad?23:14
ravageand you also need to connect with that username23:15
samlamammaOooh boy.23:16
ravagewas that a "good" oh boy?23:16
ravageRob1445: so make sure  you connect with the private key that matches the public key on launchpad that you entered during the Ubuntu Core setup23:18
samlamammaThat's a good oh boy! KDE is up and running!23:18
ravagewith network?23:18
samlamammaWITH network by default23:18
ravageawesome 🙂23:18
samlamammaHaha, now it's just Nvidia drivers being uninstalled but that happens constantly anyway. Thank you!!!!23:19
Rob1445Yeah, I am SSHing in with the Username@IP address and that seems to be ok. I think it pulls the keys from from Ubuntu one account page. At one point I deleted all the keys there and it prompts for a password. it just give an access denied error.23:19
z1nt3khello, how is everyone?23:19
samlamammaNow I can sleep in peace, good night23:19
enigma9o7some people doing good, some not so good, a few super depressed, a few doing great....23:20
Rob1445The original keys I had there were old and it gave an error related to old version of keys23:20
ravagei dont think a password works23:20
enigma9o7did I cover everyone?23:20
ravageso generate a new key. upload the public key to your launchpad account / ubuntu one23:21
ravageand try the installation again23:21
enigma9o7in all seriousness this channel is meant for ubuntu support questions, not checking status of people on earth z1nt3k23:21
Rob1445That's the problem, I have generated about 10 sets of keys and I can't seem to get any of them to work. Using an older deb install it generated some outdated keys and that error was shown when attempting to log in.23:22
Rob1445Is there a special header or footer in the RSA key pair?23:23
ravagei only tried ubuntu core 22 once and it just worked23:23
ravagebut i dont currently use it23:23
ravageso i cant help much really23:23
ravageand i am off to bed anyway 🙂23:24
Rob1445no worries, it is just frustrating that a box that will never be allowed to talk to the internet needs the internet the first time to login.23:25

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