
Guest91Hello, is there an active mailing list for cloud-init user support?19:38
blackboxswGuest91: our mailing list is cloud-init@lists.launchpad.net for community discussions and notices. You can also send off questions here which may get a more swift response.19:39
Guest91thank you, I will try here first19:40
Guest91we upgraded from Oracle Linux 7 to Oracle Linux 8, from Cloud-init v18.5 to Cloud-init v23; our user-script stopped working after that, we see that the runcmd module is not executed by scripts-user anymore like it did in OL7, the script is present under the instance/scripts directory19:41
blackboxswminimal: I think that question about locale being set in images on Friday was a general poll to see if folks in the cloud-init community are aware of any use-cases where base/golden images may not setup any default system locale intentionally on expectation that cloud-init (or some other image installer tooling) performs that image configuration manually or automatically on their behalf during first launch or image creation.19:42
blackboxswminimal: it was directly related to my existing locale PR https://github.com/canonical/cloud-init/pull/5647 which may lead us to explore a departure from performing locale generation if absent and unspecified in user-data or system config19:43
-ubottu:#cloud-init- Pull 5647 in canonical/cloud-init "fix(schema): Allow for locale: false in schema add tests" [Open]19:43
blackboxswGuest91: thx for the ping and context.  A couple of things to peek at in initial triage are documented here (as a primer) https://cloudinit.readthedocs.io/en/latest/howto/debugging.html. Generally checking cloud-init status --long or --format=yaml may give some indication to big errors/warnings that may have happened. 19:46
blackboxswGuest91: Also, specific to user-scripts, the stdout, stderr  of user-scripts generally gets redirected to /var/log/cloud-init-output.log I believe, so you may find some breadcrumbs of failed script runs/output there19:46
minimalblackboxsw: it wasn't clear to me if it was specific to "locale generation" or locale in general. Alpine doesn't do "locale generation" at all20:35

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