
=== nesda is now known as ialmeida
lucyllewyello. Had a request from matrix to link https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/git-credential-oauth to the upstream project at https://launchpad.net/git-credential-oauth by (I think) the upstream maintainer (ref: https://matrix.to/#/!mXLBdqHezMGPDpnsHD:ubuntu.com/$6_0jaSsdkrP8CFHlOUnAcJ9QLOcPS5xo3pAHXmq3ryA?via=ubuntu.com&via=matrix.org&via=mozilla.org)15:27
lucyllewyI tried but I get a "you're not allowed here" error, so I don't have the required permissions15:28
lucyllewyCould I request somebody to look into it?15:28
cjwatsonlucyllewy: done15:30
cjwatson(Ubuntu developers can do this, it doesn't specifically need Launchpad staff, FWIW)15:31
lucyllewyaha. thanks. I'm not an ubuntu dev :P15:32
lucyllewyI'll remember to poke those folks in future <315:33
lucyllewy*applies for ubuntu dev status just to have the ability to do things like that :P *15:33
nabijaczlewelihi, I'm the upstream and debian maintainer for archivemount and my DDPO page (https://qa.debian.org/developer.php?login=nabijaczleweli%40nabijaczleweli.xyz) shows 6 bugs in "launchpad22:44
nabijaczleweliit appears that I need to register? but I can't register because it says nabijaczleweli is taken22:44
nabijaczlewelihttps://launchpad.net/~nabijaczleweli says "Are you наб?" (I am) and links to "/people/+requestmerge?field.dupe_person=nabijaczleweli" which is a good start22:45
nabijaczleweli(well, beside launchpad creating an account for me which I neither desire nor have asked for. I don't remember accepting canonical's terms of service or being let know of who is administering my data, which is a requirement under the GDPR AIUI, either)22:47
nabijaczlewelibut this redirects me to the login page. and i can't login or register. because nabijaczleweli is taken22:47

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