
bluesabrehttps://github.com/shimmerproject/elementary-xfce/pull/476 seems like a good idea since we're shipping 4.19 which features improved hipdi support00:26
-ubottu:#xubuntu-devel- Pull 476 in shimmerproject/elementary-xfce "Add HiDPI theme for better scaling, hi-res displays" [Open]00:26
Unit193bluesabre: Great to read that auto installs work!  Weird about the issue, I have the latest xfdesktop but certainly no such problem for me.  Sounds as if you want me to push my patched xfdesktop4?02:57
Unit193Or, at least to PPA for trials?02:58
bluesabreUnit193: yeah, let's push the patched package. If it works for you, I trust that it works.11:17
Unit193bluesabre: Just checked, it works for Numix, Blackbird, and Windows-10-Dark but not Greybird nor Greybird-dark.22:39
Unit193Tried an adjustment, no joy.22:49
guivercis this an issue?    (esp. one you can fix, sorry I don't know)..  https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=250048423:43

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