
LarcouHello I have a problem the installation is stuck on the Sep 03 09:19:58 xubuntu subiquity_event.3682[3682]:       acquiring and extracting image from cp:///tmp/tmpo21nkuyp/mount06:26
BenitronWhen I install Xubuntu 24,04 in my langage, the installation is in English (before the new installer, it used to get installed directly in the user langage). Anyway, you can still change the langage (and Regional preferences) and reboot. But even so, Thunar folders name is still in English (The rest is OK). Same if I install Nautilus. «12:44
Benitronxdg-user-dirs-update » or editing « user-dirs.dirs »  doesn’t work either. Anyone has the same thing ?12:44
xu-irc14wis anyone there?15:02
nightnotdarkim not able to install minecraft and java on xubuntu16:39
militantorcwhy not16:40
militantorcwhat is the error16:40
militantorcand where is minecraft from16:41
nightnotdarki just double click on the deb file and it opens the package isntalled n when i click install it automatically exits, nothing happens16:41
nightnotdarkminecraft is from official website16:41
militantorcthen just open your menu and click the program16:42
nightnotdarkwhat program16:42
nightnotdarki checked but the program aint installed16:43
militantorcmine craft16:43
nightnotdarkits not installed16:43
militantorcnightnotdark, whats the link to the website16:43
militantorcshow me16:43
nightnotdarki selected debian based16:43
militantorcis it supported even to use it as is on ubuntu16:44
nightnotdarkidk, i think we can maybe16:44
militantorcusually if something is desgiend fort Debian it might not work as-is on ubuntu16:44
militantorcmight even cause problems16:44
militantorcwhen you cicked the .deb file did a password auth box pop up16:44
militantorcit says "and Debian-based distr."16:44
militantorcso ubuntu should work16:44
nightnotdarkno it didnt pop16:45
militantorcnightnotdark, open a terminal16:45
militantorcdpkg -i whateveritwas.deb16:45
nightnotdarkwait , brb in 5 mins16:46
militantorcgive the path to the Minecraft.deb or do the command in its directory of course16:47
nightnotdarkpath or the name of the file16:47
militantorcfull path to it if you aren't in that folder already16:47
nightnotdarkright click n copied it16:48
nightnotdarkerrors were encourntered it said16:48
militantorcwhat errors16:48
militantorcpaste the terminal output16:48
nightnotdarkwell it was first asking for admin privalages so i did the same code using sudo16:49
nightnotdarkSelecting previously unselected package minecraft-launcher.16:49
nightnotdark(Reading database ... 180062 files and directories currently installed.)16:49
nightnotdarkPreparing to unpack .../Downloads/Minecraft.deb ...16:49
nightnotdarkUnpacking minecraft-launcher (1.1.26) ...16:49
nightnotdarkdpkg: dependency problems prevent configuration of minecraft-launcher:16:49
nightnotdark minecraft-launcher depends on default-jre; however:16:49
militantorcuse a paste service nigh16:50
militantorcuse a paste service nightnotdark 16:51
nightnotdarki send u in private message16:51
militantorcyes so apt install those packages16:51
nightnotdarkwhich ones16:51
militantorcapt install default-jre libgdk-pixbuf2.0-016:52
nightnotdarkerror : https://bpa.st/P3WMQ16:53
militantorcnightnotdark, yes so do apt with --fix-mising16:54
militantorcnightnotdark, yes so do apt with --fix-missing16:54
militantorcas the error tells you to16:54
nightnotdarkso apt --fix missing16:55
nightnotdarkthats it right16:55
militantorcyes along with the package names16:55
militantorcapt --fix-missing install default-jre libgdk-pixbuf2.0-016:56
militantorcok then do what the error suggests16:59
militantorcapt --fix-broken install16:59
nightnotdarki did some shit, and now minecraft is installed17:12
militantorcwhat did you do17:12
nightnotdarkso see17:12
nightnotdarki ran package installed again17:12
nightnotdarkand it asked me to do sudo apt-get install -f in the terminal17:13
nightnotdarkand it started installing17:13
nightnotdarkso yeh17:13
militantorcyes so as I said 17:14
militantorcas the error said you could try --fix-broken first which i think is another name for -f17:14
nightnotdarkbut im more worried abt the package installed cuz it also had this part "broken dependencies"17:15
nightnotdarki could send u the screenshot but idk how17:15
nightnotdarku got discord? u can send me in the `messages`17:15
militantorcno discord17:15
nightnotdarkoh ic17:15
militantorcyou can come to the main #ubuntu channel since the problem is not xubuntu specific17:16
nightnotdarkaight, i came there17:16
nightnotdarkhow do i check like the copy bar, like in windows u press windows+v17:16
militantorcwhats copy bar17:17
militantorcjust use ctrl+C and ctrl+V17:17
militantorcfor terminals, ctrl+shift+C or V17:17
nightnotdarkwell, i copied the image a bit back and now i closed that window too17:17
nightnotdarkhow to uninstall apps btw, i wanna uninstall firefox17:19
militantorcfirefox is a snap17:20
militantorcnot an apt anymore17:20
nightnotdarkwdym snap17:20
militantorcits a different packaging technology17:20
militantorcfrom apt/deb17:20
nightnotdarkthen how is it on xubuntu?17:20
militantorcthats what ubuntu wants to do now17:20
militantorcthey want to make everything a Snap17:21
nightnotdarkis it the synaptic thing17:21
militantorcno, synaptic is just a gui for package managers17:21
nightnotdarkoh ic17:23
nightnotdarkimma install discord aswell :)17:24
PeGaSuSuse Firefox from binary and be happy :)19:38

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