
Unit193Seems the answer to my question earlier is LP 207889508:09
-ubottu:#ubuntu-devel- Launchpad bug 2078895 in ubuntu-release-upgrader (Ubuntu) "Upgrade from 22.04 to 24.04.1 not offered anymore" [Undecided, Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/207889508:09
mitya57Unit193: it looks like https://changelogs.ubuntu.com/meta-release-lts doesn't list 24.04.1 anymore08:24
dviererbeubuntu-qa: What could be the problem when an autopkgtest run against a PPA can not find the package, even though it is published (I tested in an lxc container that I can install that package from the PPA). Example: https://autopkgtest.ubuntu.com/results/autopkgtest-jammy-dviererbe-dn9-preview7+amd64bootstrap-ppa2/jammy/amd64/d/dotnet9/20240905_081052_270ff@/log.gz08:26
paridedviererbe, hi, figured it out, it's https://bugs.launchpad.net/auto-package-testing/+bug/207672110:05
-ubottu:#ubuntu-devel- Launchpad bug 2076721 in Auto Package Testing "Failure to source ppa with '++' in name" [Undecided, New]10:05
paridedviererbe, you have a single +, but it's the same bug10:05
paridedviererbe, and the issue is: PPA .list file is based on the repository (ppa) name, in your case autopkgtest-dviererbe-dn9-preview7+amd64bootstrap-ppa2.list10:06
paridedviererbe, and apt does not like that10:06
paridedviererbe, we10:07
paridedviererbe, we'll get to fix it properly, but for now as a workaround I suggest using a different ppa name10:08
dviererbeparide: thanks!10:15
sergiodjbdrung: hi, is DEB_BUILD_MAINT_OPTIONS=qa=-elfpackagemetadata still the recommended way to disable ELF packaging metadata?14:14
bdrungsergiodj, yes - and the only one that will work with all implementations.14:15
bdrung(including the final implementation once the upstream code changes land)14:16
sergiodjbdrung: ACK. I was unexporting ELF_PACKAGE_METADATA on d/rules so I will change it to use DEB_BUILD_MAINT_OPTIONS14:16
ahasenack_bdrung: hi, around? I don't see the lvm2 binaries in your verification at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/dracut/+bug/2065180/comments/6614:50
-ubottu:#ubuntu-devel- Launchpad bug 2065180 in miniramfs (Ubuntu Noble) "performance regression in dracut-install 060" [Undecided, New]14:50
ahasenack_I see you are grepping for lvm2, but it's not in the output14:51
bdrungahasenack_, lvm2 was already verified in https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/dracut/+bug/2065180/comments/5814:53
-ubottu:#ubuntu-devel- Launchpad bug 2065180 in miniramfs (Ubuntu Noble) "performance regression in dracut-install 060" [Undecided, New]14:53
liushuyukanashiro: We will need to remove ruby-gsl from the archive to get ruby-defaults migrated, since gsl transition isn't even close to be finished14:53
ahasenack_bdrung: confirmed, thanks14:53
kanashiroliushuyu did someone remove it last time you mentioned this?15:00
liushuyukanashiro: The package is still there, might be someone copied it back?15:00
kanashiroI mean we could ping the same person this time (?)15:01
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rbasakdoko: have you seen bug 2070443?16:14
-ubottu:#ubuntu-devel- Bug 2070443 in mercurial (Ubuntu Noble) "SRU: Fix critical regression in Mercurial 6.7.x < 6.7.4" [High, Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/207044316:14
liushuyukanashiro: After some guidance from vorlon, I determined that Britney just don't know ruby-defaults can't be migrated on its own and also not with ruby-gsl. We might need some help from an AA to get ruby-sdbm and ruby-defaults migrated at the same time16:43
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mitchdztjaalton: btw - got the multipath-tools dep8 fix in oracular-proposed, so we should be seeing green from now on :)18:21
tjaaltonmitchdz: great :)18:22
sergiodjbdrung: it seems like the DEB_BUILD_MAINT_OPTIONS trick isn't working: https://launchpadlibrarian.net/747628850/buildlog_ubuntu-oracular-amd64.edk2_2024.05-1ubuntu1_BUILDING.txt.gz18:32
sergiodjI'll upload a fix using unexport for now18:32
sergiodjahasenack_: ^18:32
kanashiroliushuyu which kind of help do we need? Is this migration done manually in some way?19:50
liushuyukanashiro: No Britney currently can't migrate ruby-defaults because it does not know it should be migrated with ruby-sdbm20:06
kanashiroliushuyu and what should be done to guarantee that?20:06
liushuyukanashiro: I don't know, maybe an AA is needed to override some Britney behaviors?20:25
kanashiroliushuyu I was asking because you talked to vorlon, I'd relay the info to cpaelzer to help us with that :)20:29
liushuyukanashiro: Okay, I previously talked to vorlon about removing the package. It seems like that only prevented Britney from trying to migrate the package but not considering it20:52
mfoenr0n, hey Nick o/ We'd like to apply an upstream udev rule fix to systemd in Oracular and older (bug 2077779), thus wanted to check/coordinate with you.21:44
-ubottu:#ubuntu-devel- Bug 2077779 in systemd (Ubuntu Oracular) "PTP device symlink missing after running udevadm trigger command" [Undecided, In Progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/207777921:44
mfoWhile we have sponsors with upload rights to stable releases in SEG (would need help for Oracular anyway), we're aware src:systemd is maintained in its Vcs-Git, with a slightly different process than the traditional debdiff/source package uploads (i.e., MRs/commits/changelog entry format).21:44
mfoIn that case, if you are OK with the change, how would you prefer us to move forward? Send MRs to ubuntu-core-dev:systemd in that style (to devel+stable releases), or the traditional upload would be fine in this case (for stable relesaes)?21:45
enr0nmfo: I can include it in my next oracular upload which should be tomorrow21:47
enr0nregarding other releases, how much of a priority is this?21:47
enr0ntypically I like to batch several bugs into SRUs for systemd; doing an SRU just for one udev rule is not really worth it in my opinion21:48
enr0nso ideally I would stage the change in git now, but not upload until some other things come up21:48
mfoenr0n, re: Oracular, awesome, nice timing!21:49
mfoenr0n, for other stable releases: this is regular severity, not urgent nor critical, and can wait for the next batched updates.21:49
mfoenr0n, would you like us to send the MRs, or prefer staging it yourself?21:50
enr0nmfo: awesome. Since it's an upstream patch I will just stage it myself. I have a script to do that21:51
mfoenr0n, ok, cool. we'll just continue watching the bug.21:52
mfoenr0n, if you need any help, just let us know.21:52
mfoenr0n, thank you very much! o/21:52
enr0nmfo: no problem21:57

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