
astoryhi channel.  I upgraded to 24.04.01 a few days ago from 22.something LTS and since then have been getting hard crashes while doing things that are slightly graphically intensive, like zoom or gaming.  The logs I can find seem to consistently mention something inside the gnome-shell ubuntu-appindicators extension https://pastebin.com/LRrm8DDc.  Not sure what to do next :/00:36
sarnoldastory: it's completely unrelated to your problem, but you might want to take a look at https://github.com/snapcrafters/discord/issues/23 when you get a chance00:38
-ubottu:#ubuntu- Issue 23 in snapcrafters/discord "AppArmor denial cluttering systemd logs" [Open]00:38
sarnoldastory: the usual approach to gnome crashes is disabling all the extensions, trying things, enabling them one at a time, or in small bunches, and trying to narrow down one that gives problems, or a combination that gives problems00:39
astoryI might just move to cinnamon - is that likely to work?00:39
astoryI don't recall adding extensions to gnome00:39
astoryah but I can disable appindicators00:40
sarnoldyeah switching to cinnamon feels like it might do the trick, it's hard for me ot be sure, but it feels like it's still based on older gnome stuff, and different enough to not use these extensions, right?00:40
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Square2poor astory, seems he was unaware of the massive(?) 24.04.1 problems00:57
astoryswitching to cinnamon appears to have worked, fingers crossed.  It's also a lot faster.01:05
sarnoldastory: yay! :D thanks for reporting back01:09
ardyHi all, I'm having an issue with logging in with sddm, it loops and never allows me to log in. I can log in from the console and start an X sessions with startx, that works fine. I looked at journalctl and found this..Sep 05 18:19:07 laptop sddm[1840]: Authentication error: SDDM::Auth::ERROR_INTERNAL "Critical error - immediate abort"01:23
ardySep 05 18:19:07 laptop sddm-helper[68631]: pam_env(sddm:session): pam_putenv: delete non-existent entry; fi01:23
ardySep 05 18:19:07 laptop sddm-helper[68631]: [PAM] openSession: Critical error - immediate abort01:23
ardySep 05 18:19:07 laptop sddm-helper[68631]: pam_env(sddm:session): Unrecognized Option: source ~/.bash_profile01:23
ardy                                            - ignoring line01:23
ardySep 05 18:19:07 laptop sddm-helper[68631]: pam_env(sddm:session): Unrecognized Option: [ -f ~/.bash_profile ]01:23
sarnoldhey ardy, a pastebin site please ;)01:23
sarnoldardy: check out /etc/pam.d/sddm  -- I bet you've got a mistake in there01:24
ardysarnold: https://pastebin.com/q2TguvC901:24
ardyhmm didn't see anything weird01:25
sarnoldaha .. how about /etc/environment /etc/default/locale and ~/.pam_environment ?01:27
ardyhmm yeah.. .pam_environment loads .bash_profile01:28
ardyis that correct?01:28
ardysarnold.. Thanks! it looks like the issue was .pam_environment01:31
rar5eGuyhi how to make ubuntu can use rar 5 format01:32
rar5eGuyi have an app and the app some times need to open a file that have rar 5 format01:32
rar5eGuybut the app will not open it and will give me an error01:32
rar5eGuycan anyone help01:32
sarnoldrar5eGuy: try the bsdtar tool from libarchive-tools -- it might be able to do it01:37
gest56i wasnt able to solve my booting problem01:37
sarnoldhi MaxF1v302:05
MasonIsSlickHello all02:49
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pycurioushow do i figure out if ubuntu will work on this mb: https://dutchieetech.com/gigabyte-mc62-g40-amd-ryzen-threadripper-pro-motherboard-review/03:02
enigma9o7live boot and see?03:16
blahdeblahenigma9o7: Presumably pycurious wants to know before purchasing it...03:31
enigma9o7Valid point.03:32
blahdeblahpycurious: If it doesn't appear in https://ubuntu.com/certified, probably the best you can do is find something in there which uses the same chipset and CPU03:33
blahdeblahIf it has been released in the last year, I would generally recommend against purchasing it unless it appears in that list.03:34
highratei'd guess the linux kernel can handle that type of hardware03:35
blahdeblahEven sometimes things that do appear in the list aren't great.  The laptop I'm typing this on is a Lenovo L14 with a Ryzen 7 Pro 5875U and it's got significant GPU wake from sleep bugs whereas my home laptop is only a slightly earlier model and it's near perfect.03:36
gest56how do i stop nano or text editors putting newlines at the end/start of files?03:51
gest56i want the data in the file to be the raw data of the file03:52
slingamni successfully booted into the lubuntu 24.04.1 live media03:53
slingamnthe install doesn't boot, though03:53
Square2Should I be able to do x11 forwarding (ssh -X) while running the command ssh -X command on a wayland machine?03:54
slingamnthis is a Macbook 4,1 ; someone else thought it was a kernel issue https://askubuntu.com/questions/1516892/ubuntu-24-04-not-booting-on-macbook-4-1 but since i booted the 6.8 kernel from the lubuntu live media i guess there's more to the story?03:54
enigma9o7hmmm good question.  i'd try it, and if it didnt work, open an XWayland window and ssh -X from there.03:54
enigma9o7course the machine you're ssh into would have to be runing X03:55
enigma9o7What does not boot mean sligamn?03:55
enigma9o7ah ok your post explains03:56
enigma9o7that usually means graphics issue (black screen with cursor) and you should be able to get to tty, right?03:56
enigma9o7Unfortunately I dunno how to fix it.03:57
ntd3685pls supprt 8,0406:29
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toddcntd3685: 8.04 was end of life may 9 2013 theis is no support for it nore has there been in a long time06:44
ntd3685i lthink i accidently nearly caused ww3 by using their free phoning program06:45
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soreauis it possible to do-release-upgrade from jammy directly to noble? without setting Prompt=normal?10:00
sixwheeledbeastsoreau: currently disabled I believe10:00
soreausixwheeledbeast: what's disabled?10:00
sixwheeledbeastfrom ^ https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/ask-ubuntu-is-flooded-with-failed-22-04-24-04-upgrade-issues/47701/1210:01
soreauso basically it was the middle of august, then the 29th, now whenever they fix the solver.. :P10:04
JanCyou can always "solve" manually...   :)10:04
soreauI always have to solve and resolve during and after upgrades10:05
soreaubut clearly I don't want to update if there's a problem afoot10:05
soreauhm, I can't seem to figure out what kernel version noble has by default from packages.ubuntu.com10:18
lotuspsychjesoreau: 6.810:18
soreaumy search term is 'too generic'10:18
soreaulotuspsychje: thanks10:18
lotuspsychje!info linux-image-generic noble10:18
ubottulinux-image-generic (6.8.0-41.41, noble): Generic Linux kernel image. In component main, is optional. Built by linux-meta. Size 11 kB / 17 kB. (Only available for amd64, armhf, arm64, ppc64el, s390x.)10:18
appleton165Hello all10:33
caterhamfanHello all, How is everyone? Anyone familiar with PGP errors?10:36
tomreynhi, do you mean GPG?10:37
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caterhamfantomreyn, I mean PGP10:45
caterhamfanI have conflicting values, so I cannot use software updater or package manager. https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=250054210:46
tomreyncaterhamfan: what does   file /etc/apt/keyrings/boot-repair.gpg   say?11:13
caterhamfanWhen I try opening it using sudo nano, its completely blank11:17
caterhamfanin terminal11:17
tomreynand if you run the "file" command on it?11:20
tomreynno need for sudo there, i would think11:20
caterhamfanDoh, amateur here11:21
caterhamfanfile /etc/apt/keyrings/boot-repair.gpg11:21
caterhamfan(No such file or directory)11:21
caterhamfan  /etc/apt/keyrings/boot-repair.gpg: cannot open `/etc/apt/keyrings/boot-repair.gpg' (No such file or directory)11:21
tomreynhmm, so it looks as if the key was not downloaded for some reason11:23
caterhamfanHmm okay, how could I download it or rectify that?11:25
tomreynwget 'https://keyserver.ubuntu.com//pks/lookup?op=get&search=0x3e687364d2eddb5f' -O /tmp/0x308901CC3AD15B3AB64CC0EF3E687364D2EDDB5F; gpg --no-default-keyring --keyring /tmp/boot-repair-keyring.gpg --import /tmp/0x308901CC3AD15B3AB64CC0EF3E687364D2EDDB5F; sudo gpg --no-default-keyring --keyring /tmp/boot-repair-keyring.gpg --export --output /etc/apt/keyrings/boot-repair.gpg11:28
tomreynthis might work. don't do this on a multi-user system or if you don't have full control of /tmp11:29
vlmwrong channel11:30
BluesKajHi all11:34
caterhamfantomreyn, thank you but this has not worked :(11:39
tomreyncaterhamfan: repeat the last command and add --armor to it11:44
caterhamfanto the end?11:44
tomreynsudo gpg --no-default-keyring --keyring /tmp/boot-repair-keyring.gpg --export --armor --output /etc/apt/keyrings/boot-repair.gpg11:44
caterhamfanstill get conflicting values :(11:46
tomreynhmm, can you share the output on a textual pastebin?11:46
tomreynand please share the command you run, too11:46
tomreyncaterhamfan: or you could just remove the ppa and add it again using     sudo add-apt-repository ppa:yannubuntu/boot-repair11:50
tomreynsometimes i just think waaaay too complicated11:51
caterhamfanhaha i was just adding it all to pastebin11:52
caterhamfanhow do i remove the ppa?11:52
tomreynfrom memory:   sudo add-apt-repository -r ppa:yannubuntu/boot-repair11:52
tomreynor maybe it's:   sudo add-apt-repository --remove ppa:yannubuntu/boot-repair11:52
tomreyneither should work11:53
caterhamfantomreyn, you are a legend11:59
tomreyncaterhamfan: if i was, i would have come up with this earlier ;)11:59
caterhamfanGot it working just one thing though. Doing a software update11:59
caterhamfantomreyn, I didn't know what to do at all! You helped me a ton :)12:00
tomreynyou're welcome. what about "software update"?12:00
caterhamfansoftware update is failing to download repository information. Shall I try reinstalling boot repair see if it will correct that?12:01
tomreyni need full commands and outputs12:02
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caterhamfantomreyn :)12:16
tomreynhah, just use https://bpa.st next time, soooo much easier12:16
tomreyn(see /topic )12:17
caterhamfanlol thanks12:17
tomreynyou have ppa:nilarimogard/webupd8 configured which does not exist, or does not provide packages for your ubuntu release12:19
tomreynso just another ppa to remove12:19
tomreynsudo add-apt-repository -r ppa:nilarimogard/webupd8; sudo add-apt-repository -r ppa:yannubuntu/boot-repair; sudo add-apt-repository ppa:yannubuntu/boot-repair12:21
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tomreyncaterhamfan: ^12:22
theYACReaderGuyIm trying to build an app from sources (the app is yacreader) and I want to make the app use 7zip or libarchive (if I download the app it use unarr and unarr does not support RAR5)12:24
theYACReaderGuyIm on Ubuntu 24.0412:24
theYACReaderGuyCan anyone help me do this ?12:24
lotuspsychjetheYACReaderGuy: there are deb packages and flatpak on their web if you like; https://www.yacreader.com/downloads12:28
leftyfbtheYACReaderGuy: this channel is for support with ubuntu. Not how to modify 3rd party appplication code. I would file a bug with the application to request your feature or learn the language the application is written in and how to make the changes you're looking for12:29
theYACReaderGuylotuspsychje: those are using unarr12:29
tomreyntheYACReaderGuy: i'm not 100% certain i'm getting what your plans are. changing how a software works or what it can and cannot do/support is more than just a matter of rebuilding it from source. you need to learn programming for this. there is #programming where you may get started with this.12:29
tomreyn(and learning/teaching programming is out of scope of this channel, which is an ubuntu support place)12:30
lotuspsychjewe do have a !compile factoid12:33
lotuspsychjebut i dont see yacreader on the ubuntu repos12:34
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lotuspsychje!rootirc | Guest398912:40
ubottuGuest3989: It's not technically our business, but we'd like to tell you that IRC'ing as root is a Very Bad Idea (tm). After all, doing anything as root when root is not needed is bad, and especially bad with software that connects to the Internet.12:40
caterhamfantomreyn, sorry your commands did not work12:41
caterhamfantomreyn, same outcome. Had to do -  sudo add-apt-repository -r ppa:yannubuntu/boot-repair again12:41
tomreyncaterhamfan: sorry to hear this. i doubt it's the exact same output12:42
tomreynand this "exact" part matters if you want to solve it.12:42
caterhamfanill paste12:42
caterhamfanhttps://bpa.st/RTD3K here ya go12:44
caterhamfanI may be gone for some time but I'll be back :) Thank you so much for your help12:45
tomreynoh so it fails to remove the ppa, that's such an old bug...12:46
tomreyni guess you need to remove it manually then12:47
caterhamfanOh right, is that a long process?12:47
tomreynlook for filenames and file contents referring to boot-repair in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ and /etc/apt/keyrings/ and delete the related lines of text or files.12:49
tomreynshould not take long, probably just one or two files12:49
caterhamfantomreyn, what command to do so I tried looking before but I could not find any text in those files using sudo nano or sudo gedit12:52
tomreynfind /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ /etc/apt/keyrings/ -iname '*yannbuntu*'12:54
nightnotdarkImma tryna install windows 10 as a dual boot on my pc, but im not able to shrink my drive using gparted12:54
tomreyncaterhamfan: and:   grep -Fi yannbuntu /etc/apt/sources.list12:55
tomreynnightnotdark: do you have backups? what happens when you try? what did you expect to happen? what happened instead?12:56
caterhamfansudo add-apt-repository -r ppa:yannubuntu/boot-repair12:56
caterhamfanI'll be back a bit later. Thank you12:57
nightnotdarktomreyn idts i have backups, i dont really know12:59
nightnotdarkwell, i expected the drive to shrink but i couldnt shrink it12:59
nightnotdarkthats what happened13:00
tomreynwhat does "idts" mean?13:00
nightnotdarki dont think so13:01
tomreynso you don't really know if you have backups, then it's same to assume you don't have any, or none that you could recover from13:01
tomreynso backup first of all13:01
ubottuThere are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup, !borg, and !cloning13:01
nightnotdarkI dont wanna backup my system13:02
nightnotdarkwhen did i say i want to13:02
tomreynthat's unless you have nothing to backup because all your data and configurations are not worth it13:02
nightnotdarkbro i just want to shrink my file13:02
nightnotdarkmy drive, i mean13:02
tomreynyou want to rearrange partitions and file systems13:02
nightnotdarkno, i wanna shrink my partition and create a new drive out of the unallocated13:03
tomreynthat's a change which has a high potential to cause data loss13:03
tomreynthus i recommend backups. but you can choose that you don't need any, of yourse, that's your choice.13:03
tomreyn*of course13:03
nightnotdarki dont want backup13:04
nightnotdarki dont have stuff on xubuntu13:04
tomreynwere there any error messages when you were using gparted? how were you using it?13:04
nightnotdarkno error messages13:05
nightnotdarki want to my main drive13:05
nightnotdarkand clicked on it --> rezize13:05
nightnotdarkand when i was trying to drag , it didnt work, and i saw that minimum size and maximum size which can be rezized were the same13:05
nightnotdarkboth were 121028 MiB , and my drive capacity is 121028 MiB13:06
tomreynyou need to do the resizing from a system booted from a different disk13:07
nightnotdarki will do a livecd boot then13:08
tomreynyou can use the ubuntu installer/live iso, written to a usb stick/ssd13:08
nightnotdarkwith linux mint13:08
tomreynwe only support ubuntu here, i'm afraid13:08
nightnotdarkthats fine13:08
nightnotdarkik how to do it from linux mint13:08
tomreyngood luck.13:08
nightnotdarkbut its "supposed to be done with another OS" righ13:08
nightnotdarkthats all right13:09
tomreynwhose quote is "supposed to be done with another OS"?13:09
tomreynhmm, then i seem to not understand what you're meaning to say.13:10
nightnotdarkim supposed to be shrinking the drive from another OS right13:11
nightnotdarkfrom a liveos13:11
tomreyn<tomreyn> you need to do the resizing from a system booted from a different disk13:11
tomreynit doesn't need to be a different OS, it can be linux, it can be ubuntu, it can be xubuntu, it can be the same version of xubuntu. just can't boot from the same disk your normal installation is on.13:12
tomreynso, yes, a usb booted  live system is a good choice13:12
tomreynand if you're looking for support from this channel when doing the resize, then it should be a supported ubuntu live system13:13
tomreyn(xubuntu works, too)13:13
nightnotdarkim just gonna be usb booting a live system13:17
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squirrelhello, is there an easy way to install a full ubuntu *onto* a usb stick, from windows, and i only have one usb stick?14:40
happymealdont they have liveCD images for that?14:41
squirrelas i undestand “try ubuntu without installing” is not a “full” distro14:42
squirrelwhat i want is to try some drivers and games14:42
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toddcsquirrel: easy with 2 usb drives but the live version can be used and tested as far a games and drivers but they will no be saved plus usb is very slow so every thing will be at a super slow speed14:50
squirrelah if i can install a driver that should do, thanks14:51
sixwheeledbeastif the live image is "persistent" you can use it like a full install albeit with poor performance14:52
sixwheeledbeastif your using rufus there is a persistent partition size option14:53
ogra_you might not be able to play with additiona/different drivers though ...15:06
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emFLorinis someone here who can help me with wifi adapter on ubuntu ?15:31
zaggynlemFLorin: which brand/model adapter, version of ubuntu and what is the issue you're having?15:36
emFLorinlaptop is a noname15:38
emFLorinnetwork UNCLAIMED15:38
emFLorin       description: Network controller15:38
emFLorin       product: RTL8821CE 802.11ac PCIe Wireless Network Adapter15:38
emFLorin       vendor: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd.15:38
emFLorin       physical id: 015:38
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://bpa.st | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.15:39
happymealwhat do you need?15:40
zaggynlLast I checked on Ubuntu, in software center, you can install additional drivers15:40
emFLorini cannot15:40
emFLorinis empty15:41
emFLorinubuntu did not see wifi adapter15:41
zaggynlwhat version of ubuntu are you running if you check by lsb_release -a ?15:42
emFLorinlsb_release -a15:42
emFLorinUbuntu 24.04.1 LTS15:42
zaggynldo you have the multiverse repository enabled?15:43
emFLorini don't know15:43
zaggynlcould you check in the software center, under repositories?15:43
emFLorinif there is a way to share screen i show u15:43
zaggynlactually yes, let me go through direct messages15:44
PeGaSuShi! so, small issue: how do I join `sda2` and `sda4`? the `sda4` partition is what's left after cloning a 500Gb SSD to a 1Tb SSD.15:46
PeGaSuSthe `sda3` partition, in the middle of both, has ZorinOS installed on it15:46
PeGaSuSif the only solution is to delete ZorinOS, I can do it (it's a test machine, basically). but if I could keep it, it would be better15:48
ioriaemFLorin, already tried tomaspinho/rtl8821ce ?15:49
caterhamfantomreyn, do you know which commands to open /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ and /etc/apt/keyrings/  in a text editor in the terminal? thanks15:53
PeGaSuSit needs to be a GUI text editor? the `nano filename` allows you to edit the file directly in the command line15:54
caterhamfanWhen I just nano, its shows no text in the file.; It says its a directory. It shows up blank15:56
PeGaSuSyes, I kinda missed that they were directories. you can `cd` to the directory and then `ls` to see the folder contents. or `ls /path/to/directory`15:58
caterhamfanPeGaSuS, thanks so much for that. Manage to solve it :)16:08
PeGaSuScaterhamfan: glad I could help! :D16:08
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manwhowouldbekinHi all. Yesterday (during a discussion here) I discovered that my Ubuntu 24.04 was running kernel 5.18. I managed to install the proper 6.8 version. However, whenever I boot with that kernel, my screen is distorted and has a green hue. I have tried re-installing Nvidia drivers to no avail. They seem to work when checked using nvidia-smi. How can I fix this?17:04
manwhowouldbekinIn case it matters, NVidia driver version is 47017:05
matrixhola, quien podria ayudarme con el brillo de la pantalla, sola se baja como al minuto.17:20
xanguamatrix: checa tu configuración de energía17:22
ubottuEn la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.17:23
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tomreyn22.04 -> 24.04.1 upgrade https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-release/2024-September/006225.html19:14
tomreynmanwhowouldbekin: series 470 is the oldest (proprietary) "nvidia" driver still supported. if you have older hardware and don't want to switch to nouveau, you'll likely have to live with such issues. for newer hardware you can try a newer driver series.19:18
tomreynspecifically, series 535 and 550 are also available in 24.04.19:26
manwhowouldbekin@tomreyn, Thanks! While trying to fix this, I tried version 550, but that didn't appear to work. It allow me to move screen resolution above 1280x720. What about nouveau? Don't know much about it. Is it expected to work with newer kernels and older hardware? Or is getting a newer GPU the most likely path to fixing this?19:26
manwhowouldbekin*didn't allow me ...19:27
tomreynif you can't get more than VESA screen resolution, it means the driver isn't working, and failsafe mode is active.19:28
manwhowouldbekinThat is what I figured ...19:28
tomreynnouveau only implements some parts of accelerations available with nvidia graphics hardware, and may not work well with all hardware. but you can try...19:29
tomreynit should generally work with older hardware and current kernels19:30
tomreyncurrent hardware is more likely to work well with current drivers. but i won't guarantee anything, especially not in nvidia land.19:31
caterhamfanHey, Anyone familiar with boot repair?19:37
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squirrelhow do I choose the partition to install to?20:33
squirrelno matter what I do "next" is greyed out20:33
pycuriouswow - gigabyte technical support is really problematic. Am trying to wait for more than 30 minutes already. Waiting :)20:38
enigma9o7It used to be tech support on toll free numbers at least cost the company to leave you on hold, but these days, with free long distancing calling, etc, they have no reason to hurry besides customer satisfaction.20:47
squirrelwhat's an alternative to ubuntu if I only care about driver support and unproblemness?20:50
squirrelubuntu installer crashes and I just want to give up20:50
squirreland why on earth the installer wants to format all drivers?!20:52
enigma9o7Pretty sure it doesn't want to, andwould require manual mode to do so.20:52
squirrelwell I'm in manual mode and that's the default20:53
squirrel... but now I clicked back and next and now it's not the default20:53
enigma9o7What do you actually want to do?20:53
enigma9o7The easiest way is just leave unpartitioned space before starting the installer, then it'll offer to use that automatically.20:54
squirrelI want to test a game in steam20:54
enigma9o7I meant in regards to drives and partitions.20:54
pycuriousk- gigabyte picked up - and it looks like its good support :) They are checking if the MB will work with Ubuntu 24.04 :)20:55
squirrelI was advised that I could do that without installing ubuntu but I'm getting an error regarding user namespaces so I tried to install Ubuntu on a disk20:55
squirrelbut I don't want it to touch my main disk20:55
squirrelokay imma YOLO it20:57
squirrelhad to disable internet access because the installer crashes if internet is enabled20:57
squirrelthe installer finished but the system just dies completely 5 seconds into booting21:10
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caterhamfan63Hello all, Anyone familiar with bootrepair?21:30
toddccaterhamfan63: I have used it https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Boot-Repair21:31
ArchDaveLast time I tried to use boot repair it wasn't even still in the repo ... wasn't being updated21:35
caterhamfan63Ah, I am trying to use it to fix some boot issues im facing21:36
caterhamfan63ubuntu keeps booting into busy box21:36
caterhamfan63exactly the same as this21:37
Liquidhello when installing balena etcher i seem to be missing dependencies that are not able to be downloaded via apt when googling the issue, it appears to be the same issue as this. https://askubuntu.com/questions/1506762/error-while-installing-balena-etcher22:13
Liquidthe fix listed below does not seem to work.22:14
enigma9o7I looked at your link, it says "Best option is to use appimage package or alternative tool"22:15
enigma9o7Is that what you tried?22:15
enigma9o7What happens when you try the appimage?  Did you consider another tool, what is the task you're trying to do?  If its just a one time write an iso to usb, could just use dd...22:16
Liquidit requires me to run it with the --no-sandbox command and it just stays hung22:16
Liquidim trying to flash windows 10 on a usb stick in order to reinstall22:17
enigma9o7I'd personally use a different 3rd party solution, ventoy.  You format your usb stick with ventoy, then can just copy the windows iso (or any iso(s)) to it, then when you boot it ventoy gives you a list of isos and you pick which one to boot.22:18
enigma9o7I have no idea if windows iso works with dd tho, as I've never tried that, but couldn't hurt to try.  "sudo dd if=/path/to/windows.iso of=/dev/sdc" IF sdc is your usb drive.22:18
enigma9o7be very careful the of is set write if using dd, wouldn't wanna nuke a drive you didn't intend to22:19
enigma9o7set right (correctly) I mean22:20
Liquidid prefer something with a gui22:20
toddcI know dd will fail I tried that last week and had to use another windows pc last week I tried balena on windows and ran into new bug but was able to use another pc22:20
Liquiddoes this work around look good?22:22
Liquidahh it did work22:24
Liquidany help with this? https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/WTybyKDS/image.png23:06
tomreynLiquid: man 8 apt-secure23:09
tomreynGuest59: please note this channel is about ubuntu support23:10
tomreynLiquid: your apt update issue is that you have two PPAs configured, ppa:gezakovacs/ppa and ppa:n-muench/programs-ppa , which either do not / no longer exist or, more likely, do not support your current ubuntu release. you will need to disable those, by at least commenting out all lines in the respective files in the /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ directory. you can also disable these PPAs using the software-manager GUI.23:14
tomreyni mean the "software-properties" GUI23:15
tomreyn(the fact that they don't provide a Release file at the accessed location indicates that any packages they may provide are not available for your release)23:16
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