[01:05] guiverc: Power outage - I now need to see what there is to restore and what all is really mesed up. [01:05] ouch... [01:08] fyi.. i just took copy of uwn856 as appears here (1 day ago history says).. so i can compare with that anyway.. Hopefully you didn't lose anything :) [01:18] guiverc: Looking now -- So far so good ..not saved to this time. [01:19] :) [01:23] guiverc: 856 Looks restored - OK now if I save what is ? [01:24] save it... we can fix any issues (which hopefully will be none; risk will mostly be stuff that you did that wasn't saved to cache/disk on your local machine on reboot) [01:26] saving [01:27] saved and out [01:32] -ubottu:#ubuntu-news- ::planet:: Alan Pope: Windows 3.11 on QEMU 5.2.0 @ https://popey.com/blog/2024/09/windows-3.11-on-qemu-5.2.0/ [01:32] -ubottu:#ubuntu-news- ::planet:: Ubuntu Blog: A desktop touched by Midas: Oracular Oriole @ https://ubuntu.com//blog/a-desktop-touched-by-midas-oracular-oriole [01:44] looks fine Bashing-om to me; though I won't miss anything you keyed in & lost due outage... alas nothing official on jammy.noble upgrade path (I'd not found anything either when I looked earlier this morning.. hadn't rechecked a bug report on apt that was in jammy-proposed that maybe relates.. though) [01:47] https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/apt/+bug/2078720 [01:47] -ubottu:#ubuntu-news- Launchpad bug 2078720 in linux-gcp (Ubuntu) "Upgrading from jammy to noble results in a linux-headers package being in a broken state" [Undecided, Confirmed] [01:48] * guiverc notes no idea if thats the bug mentioned yesterday ^ or not.. closest I could find (yesterday) [02:06] guiverc: Security team advises to expect a fix some time early next week .. https://ubuntusecuritypodcast.org/episode-236/ a the end. [02:07] :) I've not listened to that yet ... [02:09] guiverc: Still hit/miss for me to see videos // that above is from the team's summary. [02:10] I'll know for sure once I've listened to it anyway [02:12] :D [02:18] i might add a little, or actually write summary for security podcast.. (existing mention bi-weekly only, not format changes that are mentioned...) [02:31] guiverc: ^ :D - this does deserve the additional attention. [03:14] Bashing-om, in the starcraft summary; I feel "For more information and to view the details, kindly visit the resource below:" is redundant & should be dropped; link following it plus our uwn format implies that ... [03:15] * guiverc is still hoping for annoucement on upgrade to 24.04 happen prior to our publish... my first summary ends with "It mentions an announcement will come." (not yet pasted) [03:20] guiverc: starcraft - ack - will drip that as redundant. // and yeah we leave upgrade as open as we can - maybe by publishing time will have further info. [03:21] * guiverc can 'drop' it, was going to comment it out & leave comment anyway.. about to do some pastings.. [03:21] * guiverc currently looking at next & whether or do quickly do it or paste & go get fresh.coffee... [03:22] * guiverc pasting [03:22] * guiverc wants to go get the coffee; that's quickest way.. [03:25] guiverc: 856 Out - Coffee == brain lubricant :P [03:31] * guiverc out [03:39] 856 fixing an oops - quick. [03:41] out [03:41] * guiverc is still a from prior summary after i became stuck at single sentence... [03:42] s/still/stealing... ^ [03:42] Moar CoffeE ^ :D [03:43] got a full cup here.. but its currently too hot... [03:45] Still pending on my forgotten undone list is to format the UbuCon Asia link :* [03:45] edit away... i'm going in circles I fear.. [03:49] guiverc: +2 here - 3 hours with no power - puts me behind on several things - and wondering what else is to be reset around here ( water softner timer tomorrow morning !) [03:50] :( [04:05] * guiverc pasting [04:08] * guiverc out [04:42] * guiverc off walking pup... back later [04:50] guiverc: While walking pup - I went out and reset water softner timer - Let us *NOT* have salted coffee in the morning ! [05:37] ack & perfectly understood... [06:12] 856: 3 bullets to add to UbuCon Asia and fix the link. [06:18] out [06:42] https://bluesabre.org/2024/08/08/xubuntu-development-update-august-2024/ needs dropping from 856; was in https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/ubuntu-weekly-newsletter-issue-852/46949 (no sept update yet) [06:46] Naaaaah, just use it twice! [06:46] :) want the publicity eh Unit193 :) [07:45] * guiverc pasting (856) [07:48] * guiverc out [09:12] * guiverc pasting part of what I have [09:26] * guiverc out [09:30] * guiverc pasting [09:33] * guiverc not happy with paste, so re-writing... [09:36] * guiverc out [17:26] -ubottu:#ubuntu-news- ::omg!ubuntu:: KDE Slimbook VI – A Powerful Laptop for KDE Enthusiasts @ https://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2024/09/kde-slimbook-vi-a-powerful-laptop-for-kde-enthusiasts [20:38] UWN: Opening 856 shortly for Saturday ops - will be a spell. [23:01] UWN: Saturday ops completed - saved and out.