
eelstreboris 24.04.1 available for upgrade from 22.04.4? i tried do-release-upgrade and it won't do the upgrade02:01
enigma9o7Not yet.02:01
Bashing-omeelstrebor: Paused: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-release/2024-September/006225.html // Will be advised of more next week early.02:03
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Bashing-omdannil: Your Ubuntu support question ?02:59
enigma9o7test failed03:35
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bizmateI am still experiencing bad drivers problems after managing to fix the boot at least for this laptop. https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2500132 To work around the problem i had to set some boot option to force some type of drivers but i have just run an update and i see MESA updates. How can I establish if it is safe to remove these options from boot and if a driver specific for this hardware exists now?05:28
LuckyManbizmate, best way is to try. Backup your data.05:55
miladhi every one06:12
bizmateLuckyMan, is there a way to check commits of a repo where drivers are deployed?06:13
LuckyManbizmate, I guess so06:16
LuckyManbut drivers are mostly incorporated in the kernel, so check the kernel git06:17
bizmateLuckyMan, there are many repos there. Not sure what I am looking at06:24
LuckyManbizmate, just do a uname -a on the terminal and check your kernel version06:31
LuckyManalso, Ubuntu uses a specialized kernel06:32
LuckyManso some of the "drivers" on Ubuntu might be different06:33
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bigshot00i installed miniflux via this https://miniflux.app/docs/docker.html but port is not listening10:05
bigshot00i cannot access the page10:06
bigshot00it is saying refused10:06
comlordHi,I can't find the gnome shell extension hidden top bar on Ubuntu
commitjoke1241hi, gnome sucks balls10:54
tomreyncommitjoke1241: this is a support channel.10:55
tomreynand please mind the language10:55
tomreyncomlord: do you mean https://extensions.gnome.org/extension/545/hide-top-bar/ ?10:58
comlordtomreyn, yes.11:02
tomreyn!info gnome-shell noble11:03
ubottugnome-shell (46.0-0ubuntu6~24.04.4, noble): graphical shell for the GNOME desktop. In component main, is optional. Built by gnome-shell. Size 930 kB / 6,673 kB. (Only available for linux-any.)11:03
tomreynversion 46 (which 24.04 uses) is said to be supported by this gnome-shell extension, so you can just install it from that page.11:04
comlordtomreyn, I'll try installing it, thank you!:)11:07
tomreynyou're welcome11:07
PeGaSuSI'm installing weechat, following th instructions from https://weechat.org/download/debian/. but when it comes to the past of `sudo gpg --no-default-keyring --keyring /usr/share/keyrings/weechat-archive-keyring.gpg --keyserver hkps://keys.openpgp.org --recv-keys 11E9DE8848F2B65222AA75B8D1820DB22A11534E`, I'm getting this: https://0bin.xyz/IMWUBCJX7P3YO23ULLCGBEVTPM11:23
PeGaSuSnvm.. it was a PEBCAK11:24
PeGaSuSecho "deb-src [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/weechat-archive-keyring.gpg] https://weechat.org/ubuntu noble main" | sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list.d/weechat.list11:25
BluesKajHi all12:02
jellyhi, does do-release-upgrade work for 22.04 LTS -> 24.04 LTS now?12:14
pragmaticenigmaIt will work once the upgrade is available. If running the command yields no upgrade, it hasn't been made available again12:17
comlordjelly, I have successfully upgraded.12:18
pragmaticenigmacomlord: the upgrade was withdrawn earlier this week12:18
comlordpragmaticenigma, I upgraded yesterday, you can try again.12:20
pragmaticenigmacomlord: Until it's readded to this file, which the upgrade tool uses for release availability, no official upgrade is available yet. https://changelogs.ubuntu.com/meta-release-lts12:24
pragmaticenigmaThe only indication of what is going on is this thread on the mailing list: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-release/2024-September/006226.html12:26
ioriai think is about libapt-pkg6.0; someone got over it enabling -proposed (not recommended ofc)12:28
comlordraghavgururajan, My upgrade method: sudo apt update&sudo apt upgrade -y&sudo do-release-upgrade -d12:41
pragmaticenigmacomlord: that's not the upgrade, -d is for the development release12:44
comlordpragmaticenigma, I did upgrade to Ubuntu 24.04.1 LTS noble using it.:)I also received the same prompt as you earlier.12:51
pragmaticenigmacomlord: that's fine, but with there currently being an issue with one of the packages that would be in that upgrade set, it's a risky suggestion for others.12:52
pragmaticenigmacomlord:  the issue, as was mentioned earlier, is a problem with apt's solver. if you're lucky enough not to have packages on your system to trigger the bug, you were lucky that nothing adversely happened to you.12:54
comlordpragmaticenigma, Yes, I feel great using it. Good luck!12:57
jellycomlord, noice, thanks for the data point but I want it to work w/o -d13:01
jellyI kind of expected .1 point release to be simultaneous to the possibility of release upgrade.  My secondary workstation is on 22.04 and waiting to test.  My primary is still on 20.04.13:04
pragmaticenigmaI usually wait until the fall release comes out before starting the upgrade on my LTS machines.13:06
sixwheeledbeastAIUI it's already been delayed, then was available for a few days then withdrawn.13:08
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guivercjelly, release is always a thursday, normal upgrades from prior release usually don't open until early subsequent week at earliest; most LTSes usually open weeks later though  (first few days is because teams worked hard to get ISO out for new installs; they have a few days off before upgrades open & they're back onboard for any problems..)13:40
guivercie. .1 point release & instant upgrade opening would be an exception & not normal practice  (in my experience anyway)13:41
dwr84Hi all. I'm curious if anybody has had any luck getting sound to work on Dell XPS 14 9440. I have managed to get it to work via headphones but not the speaker (it just shows dummy audio output in pavucontrol). The controller is Intel Corporation Meteor Lake-P HD Audio Controller.13:43
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Kuro403uhm, question14:43
Kuro403I'm running 22.04LTS and i think the latest kernel version doesnt go well with my first gen i5 M 52014:43
Kuro403it's the same issue as i originally had with 5.15.0-25 i think?14:45
ioriaKuro403, do you mean ?14:48
Kuro4036.8.0.40 i think ioria14:48
Kuro403though the problem has persisted since i updated to 6.5.* i think?14:48
ioriathe latest is -41 for hwe on 22.0414:48
Kuro403using the boot option for 5.17.9 it works like a charm14:49
Kuro403same issue and same hardware as this thread tbh14:50
ioriaKuro403, ok, what's your actual problem with the latest kernel ?14:51
Kuro403system freezes14:52
Kuro403becomes fully unresponsive14:52
Kuro403even the off button or keyboard combosdont work anymore14:52
Kuro403happens somewhere between 20 seconds to two minutes after being fully booted up14:53
Kuro403happens every time14:53
ioriaKuro403, uname -r14:53
Kuro403currently on14:53
Kuro403if i let the default kernel option boot it'd freeze and i couldn't possibly join IRC14:54
Kuro403i can reboot into it and try to check if needed14:54
ioriaKuro403, dpkg -l | grep linux-image | nc termbin.com 999914:54
Kuro403but it will be a couple minutes before i'm back in that case14:54
Kuro403pretty sure the issue persists with 6.5.0-45 too14:56
Kuro403but i can check if i have to14:56
ioriaKuro403, are you fully updated ? sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade14:58
Kuro403fully updated15:01
Kuro4030 upgraded, 0 newly installed15:01
ioriaKuro403, do you know how to boot with 'nomodeset' ?15:02
ioriaKuro403, sudo nano /etc/default/grub  and add 'nomodeset' after 'quiet splash'  in the GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT line; then run sudo update-grub15:05
Kuro403space between nomodeset and quiet splash?15:06
Kuro403reboot and go with default boot option?15:08
ioriaKuro403, run sudo update-grub15:08
Kuro403did that too yeah ofc15:08
ioriaKuro403, ok, boot the -40 kernel15:08
Kuro403the latest one?15:08
Kuro403alright, will be back somewhere between 2 and 5 minutes, thanks.15:08
Kuro403well well well15:16
Kuro403my uptime is a minute already15:16
Kuro403or something15:16
Kuro403i forget how to check15:16
Kuro403doesnt seem to freeze yet15:16
Kuro403ioria are you still here?15:18
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ioriaKuro403, yes15:22
ioriaKuro403, maybe an intel graphic issue; you don't have a discrete card, right ?15:22
Kuro403no, don't have a discrete card tbh15:27
Kuro403how so?15:27
ioriaKuro403, what's the model ? Lenovo t410 (intel i5 M520)15:28
tomreynmaybe just get a kernel log from an erroneuous run, less back and forth15:28
Kuro403yeah a t41015:29
tomreynKuro403: could you run   journalctl --list-boots   and identify a boot where you booted with the current kernel but without nomodeset and the system froze?15:30
tomreynthe current kernel (which i think is HWE) or the GA kernel, either should work.15:31
tomreynyou only seem to have the HWE kernel installed, though15:32
Kuro403i can check that in a few minutes15:33
Kuro403gotta afk for a bit15:33
Kuro403i think i found one15:58
Kuro403now what do i do with it?15:58
pragmaticenigma!paste | Kuro40315:58
ubottuKuro403: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://bpa.st | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.15:58
Kuro403i'm not all too savvy with journalctl15:59
Kuro403i found a boot15:59
Kuro403but idk how to look at it further or exit journalctl or any of that15:59
pragmaticenigmaI'm not familiar with it either, maybe tomreyn can help you get your journalctl logs captured and posted16:00
tomreynKuro403: you identified the ID from the first column. pass it where it says ID here: journalctl -b ID16:01
tomreynthat's to see the log, to share it, use:   journalctl -b ID | nc termbin.com 999916:01
Kuro403before i cna pass that ID16:02
Kuro403how to exit the current instance of journalctl16:02
tomreynpress 'q'16:02
tomreynthe viewer there is "less" by default, in case you want to see its man page.16:03
Kuro403pretty sure this is one of the boots that froze16:04
Kuro403i thinkkk16:05
pragmaticenigmathat appears to have gotten all the way to the desktop. Looks like you were running irfanview as a snap that day16:07
pragmaticenigmathough I may be misreading things16:08
Kuro403I think so16:09
Kuro403it always gets all the way to the desktop16:09
Kuro403then freezes some amount of seconds or minutes after16:09
Kuro403usually 20 seconds to 2 minutes16:09
pragmaticenigmaFor some reason your computer's time jumped/fell-back 2 hours16:09
pragmaticenigmaI think a place to start is to replace the clock battery in that machine.16:10
Kuro403it time synced to server time16:11
Kuro403cmos battery?16:11
Kuro403i could, later down the line16:11
Kuro403once more let me remind you the freezing issue is the same as the person in this question has16:11
Kuro403but because i use autologin i mean16:12
Kuro403it seems to always make it to the desktop16:12
Kuro403freezes shortly thereafter16:12
pragmaticenigmaThis is not a later down the line suggestion... dead clock batteries can have a huge impact on the opreation of the computer. Your machine jumped from 05:52:29 to 03:53:3016:12
pragmaticenigmathat sort of jump can mess with all sorts of time dependent operations, especially cryptographic operations.16:13
Kuro403As much as i'd love to replace the battery ASAP, i'm afraid a single screw is in the way.16:13
Kuro403I'm going to have to get some screw extractor bits16:14
Kuro403later this week16:14
ioriaKuro403, i'd try with a custom xorg.conf with the  - Option "NoAccel" "True" - option16:16
tomreynKuro403: latest bios version is 1.45, you have 1.34. https://pcsupport.lenovo.com/us/en/downloads/ds013882-bios-update-bootable-cd-for-windows-8-32-bit-64-bit-7-32-bit-64-bit-vista-32-bit-64-bit-xp-thinkpad-t410-t410i16:16
Kuro403also please nevermind the temperatures uhm16:16
Kuro403i cleaned out the cooling right after seeing those16:16
Kuro403oooo a newer bios version pog16:17
Kuro403I wonder if that'd solve my woes with RAM module compatability16:17
Kuro403maybe i can finally run with 8gbs too16:18
Kuro403i can't believe i hadn't checked my bios version yet16:18
Kuro403ioria, how'd i go about that?16:19
Kuro403also should i change something about the nomodeset grub config16:19
Kuro403hmm, i'll be back in 10 minutes, hold that thought Ioria16:23
Kuro403well, either i'm back in 10 or my BIOS is bricked16:23
Kuro403pray for me16:23
tomreynthis doesn't seem to be the same issue as https://askubuntu.com/questions/1404695/ubuntu-22-04-linux-kernel-5-15-0-freezing-on-laptop-with-1st-gen-core-i5-inte if the problematic kernel version is 6.8 here (but not 5.15)16:31
tomreynapecifically the askubuntu.comn post states that kernel version 5.15.0-25 and 5.15.0-30 run into freezes but 5.15.0-43 does not.16:33
tomreynokay, kuro403 said they originally had the issue with 5.15.0-25. but we don't know whether they'd have it with 5.15.0-43.16:34
madduckIf holding shift during boot doesn't bring up the grub menu, what other ways are there?16:40
pragmaticenigmatomreyn: i think its a hardware issue.. since they're talking about memory issues and more. a stripped access screw kind of points at someone was digging around inside the machine16:41
pragmaticenigmaRTC clock drifting two hours isn't good either16:41
KangaroooHelp! I did some updates today. Later using chrome got too much ram that mouse even lagging. Turned comp off with button. Now it says my cryptsetup failed bad password or options16:42
KangaroooCan't unlock 🔓 disk to start computer16:42
tomreynpragmaticenigma: it's definitely a possibility, especially on a 15yo laptop16:43
Workerwhat is reason key h and number 4 is not apearing on my ubuntu linux 20.0416:43
pragmaticenigmaWorker: broken keyboard?16:44
Workerhow to fix it16:45
happymealnew keyboard16:45
happymealor, less broken keyboard16:45
tomreynKangarooo: next time you run into a situation like the one which prompted you to do the hard reset, try this instead: swich to a tty, press ctrl-alt-del. if this doesn'T work, try this instead:16:47
tomreyn!sysrq | Kangarooo16:47
ubottuKangarooo: In an emergency, you may be able to shutdown cleanly and reboot by holding down Alt+PrintScreen and typing slowly, in succession, S, U and B. For an explanation, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magic_SysRq_key16:47
tomreynKangarooo: if your cryptsetup disk won't unlock, it's either due to the wrong password being entered (which cuold be a result of a different keyboard layout), it can be a result of a broken luks header, or a bad / not probperly installed update.16:49
Workerdhanywad may god bless you16:50
sixwheeledbeastmadduck: one option people often dont know, is you can request either UEFI/BIOS or Grub from systemd. with respective --firmware-setup or --boot-loader-menu flags on the systemctl reboot command.17:01
sixwheeledbeastyou can obviously edit grub to show but you would have to switch that back if you didn't want it.17:03
Kangarooo@tomreyn: omg. False alarm. I was writing password the same way but not looking. I did one mistake by hand memory but missed all to one side. And I'll do tty restart since swap ram isn't automatically increased17:05
KangaroooHow to make swap automatically increase?17:06
madducksixwheeledbeast: unfortunately, this old system has systemd 23717:09
madduckso that won't work.17:09
madduckI am actually just trying to reset the root password, which nobody remembers17:09
tomreynmadduck: only bios booting grub handles holding down shift. efi grub needs you to hit escape.17:13
madducktomreyn: that was the key. thank you.17:14
tomreynyou're welcome17:14
mandem0110Quick question, after researching I found out that the old ntfs-3g is no longer used on newer Ubuntu's. And "big_writes" is no longer supported. However, when using normal ntfs on Ubuntu, it's still quite slow. So I added "big_writes" and it's a lot faster now. What giveS? :)17:56
rboxwhat gives what17:58
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mandem0110rbox: why is ntfs-3g no longer supported with big_writes and what has took it's place.... thought that was obvious.17:59
rboxntgs-3g is hacky garbage17:59
rboxthe kernel has a real driver now18:00
mandem0110How do I use said driver?18:00
rboxstep 1 mount ntfs18:00
rboxstep 3 profit18:00
mandem0110... really slow. yes.18:00
jfhwiejwefopjweHey everyone! I'm trying to find out if kernel 6.10+ is planned to be backported to Ubuntu 22.04 ? Did a lot of research but clearly was not successful. (I'm trying to get a up to date iwlwifi driver into my system without breaking stuff..)18:00
mandem0110I get a lot better read/writes with big_writes.18:00
rboxso enable big writes18:00
mandem0110yeah great advice.18:01
rboxjfhwiejwefopjwe: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/MainlineBuilds18:01
enigma9o7I thought the reason most distros are sticking with ntfs-3g is because it is reliable, even tho slow.  Apperantly the paragon kernel driver is not well maintained or something, which is why debian (and derrivitives) not using it.18:01
enigma9o7But maybe Ubuntu is using it now?18:02
enigma9o7jfh: I would guess probably not, usually the last hwe kernel is the same as the one released with the next lts.18:03
jfhwiejwefopjwethanks already, rbox and enigma9o7. any idea on how to get current iwlwifi firmware into an older ubuntu kernel then?18:04
enigma9o7jfh: another option besides mainline is 3rd party kernel like xanmod18:04
enigma9o7firmware is easier18:04
enigma9o7firmware you can just install newer package, or copy it straight from linux git18:05
pragmaticenigmaThe preference of ntfs-3g is because it is an opensource project, the ntfs is closed source from paragon software18:09
enigma9o7you sure about that?18:10
enigma9o7pretty sure the whole deal with paragon is they open sourced it and merged it directly into mainline linux18:10
enigma9o7and anyone can now help maintain it just like rest of linux, but paragon themselves not taking an active enough role in doing so (at least that was what I remember from a year ago or something)18:11
pragmaticenigmait was merged, and then I recall it got removed because linus didn't think it belonged there.18:12
pragmaticenigmawe can take this to #ubuntu-discuss if you'd like to continue18:12
jfhwiejwefopjwethanks again, enigma907! am I right in believing that the package backport-iwlwifi-dkms should do the trick? or do I have to look for a specific ppa? sorry for being dense..18:13
tomreynpragmaticenigma / enigma9o7: https://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/linux/kernel/git/torvalds/linux.git/log/?qt=grep&q=NTFS3 suggests ntfs(3) is still in (and receiving code commits), but it's true that it was said to be "effectively orphaned" in 2022 https://www.phoronix.com/news/NTFS3-Linux-Driver-2022-Sad18:22
tomreyn(i just learnt this myself)18:22
pragmaticenigmathat's what I was thinking of tomreyn18:25
pragmaticenigmaguess it wasn't removed, but marked orphan18:25
tomreyni don't know about then, but it seems to be actively maintained now.18:27
pragmaticenigmagood to know18:31
vortexxdid I get lucky with upgrading my laptop from 22.04.04 to 24.04 before the upgrade was pulled because yet more issues this week?20:34
bbbbbcan we have a dual os on a pc?20:37
bbbbbos 1120:37
enigma9o7Yes, you may.20:37
bbbbbis it accesible trough bios as before on os 11?20:38
enigma9o7OS 11 is macOS I assume?  I know booting macOS is sometimes tricky, but that's about all I know, sorry.  Maybe someone else knows.20:40
enigma9o7I do know that ubuntu can bios boot, yes.20:40
enigma9o7ubuntu can do bios/legacy boot, or uefi, both work.20:40
bbbbbright yes that is on windows 1020:41
bbbbbbut bios no longer runs on 1120:41
bbbbbunless you type on search bar20:41
vortexxrbox: my system booted on upgrade, I guess that wasn't the case of all (like my mediastation laptop which didn't)20:41
bbbbbdisplay from menu is completly different im trying to test on unsported windows OS to run ubuntu20:42
enigma9o7well yeah if they'd botched it so bad it didnt work for anyone, that'd be pretty bad.  I think only cloudstrike does that kinda thing.20:42
bbbbbnot unsuported OS but drivers and some processors20:42
enigma9o7It was likely a small, bug significant number of people that had issues with the upgrade before they pulled it.20:43
bbbbbyes im looking on the logs see if i find something20:44
vortexxbbbbb: you can install ubuntu to dual boot with Win11, the installer should handle it.20:44
bbbbbmy machine has been in service for quite some time she is turning 1220:44
bbbbbvortexx does the option is display under the new bio gui created?20:45
bbbbbit now looks like im using a tablet well visualized just confusing a bit since some wordings were changed20:45
bbbbbim an old IT used to support win xp xD20:46
topcat001bbbbb: If you don't need direct hardware support (like games) then consider running Windows in a VM. With Tianocore you can have secure boot, and even emulate a TPM to keep W11 happy (and contained).20:51
bbbbbtopcat001, That's actually an awesome idea! thanks for that!20:52
bbbbbIm relearning everything so alot of this stuff now makes more sense than before20:53
topcat001I have several such VMs for testing/debugging Windows builds of our software at work, but I don't run Windows natively. I have W10, and 11 both, for example.20:54
bbbbbbut some info wasnt available before and resources so its getting funner20:54
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topcat001plus you get all the advantages of vm, such as snapshots etc.20:55
b3t10niceee will look into it20:56
b3t10topcat001 thank you for the feed back will defenetly keep in mind that option i hadnt though until now20:58
b3t10been thinking about either retiring it or install ubuntu and give her few more fun last years20:58
b3t10this was an old good toshiba20:59
vortexxb3t10: the grub menu will list the OSes you can boot once it's loaded by the bios or the UEFI firmware21:08

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