
=== unixeng668314 is now known as unixeng66831
ardyHi, I have a laptop with both an intel i915 and NVIDIA GT 525M running ubuntu 24.04, its supposed to be using the intel card by default and then use the nouveau driver for the nvidia card.. unfortunately, something is wrong and when I run glxinfo I receive "Xlib:  extension "GLX" missing on display ":0"." any ideas how to get glx working?04:37
diogenessardy: run: echo $XDG_SESSION_TYPE05:08
diogenesssee what it says.05:08
=== Gallomimia- is now known as Gallomimia
ardyall, I am using kubuntu 24.04 with i915 drivers and I'm not getting a glx display05:56
ardyI was before but then I attempted to install the nvidia drivers, that messed everything up.. and now I can't go back05:57
diogenessardy: you need to go to TTY and uninstall nvidia driver.06:01
ardyI have06:01
ardyno luck06:01
ardy"ardy@laptop:~$ inxi -G06:02
ardy  Device-1: Intel 2nd Generation Core Processor Family Integrated Graphics06:02
ardy    driver: i915 v: kernel06:02
ardy  Device-2: NVIDIA GF108M [GeForce GT 525M] driver: N/A06:02
ardy  Device-3: Microdia Laptop_Integrated_Webcam_2HDM driver: uvcvideo06:02
diogenessin TTY run: dpkg -l | grep -i nvidia06:02
diogenesssee what you get there.06:02
ardybut when I type "apt purge nvidia-*" I get this..06:04
ardyardy@laptop:~$ sudo apt purge nvidia-*06:04
ardyReading package lists... Done06:04
ardyBuilding dependency tree... Done06:04
ardyReading state information... Done06:04
ardyNote, selecting 'nvidia-driver-550-server' for glob 'nvidia-*'06:04
diogenessthat's not what i asked.06:06
ardyNote, selecting 'nvidia-utils-470' for glob 'nvidia-*'06:07
ardyNote, selecting 'nvidia-utils-510' for glob 'nvidia-*'06:07
ardyNote, selecting 'nvidia-utils-515' for glob 'nvidia-*'06:07
ardyNote, selecting 'nvidia-utils-520' for glob 'nvidia-*'06:07
ardyNote, selecting 'nvidia-utils-525' for glob 'nvidia-*'06:07
ardysorry was banned for pasting06:08
ardyok so I removed all the packages that showed up with "sudo dpkg -l | grep -i nvidia"06:12
ardyHi all, I am failing to get glx to work with the i915 drivers with kubuntu 24.04. This happened after attempting to install the nvidia drivers. It was suggested to me to remove all the packages associated with Nvidia which I did, then I rebooted, still no luck.. any help would be appreciated06:16
ardyI believe the person helping me was diogeness06:19
Guest20Hi, I'm trying to set my Ubuntu-based distros Update Servers, to HTTPS only update servers, in Software Sources, I set my update server to a US-based, HTTPS update mirror. However when I actually update in Terminal, it still is pining a HTTP update server, how do I fix this? In the past, setting a HTTPS update server, sent all updates via HTTPS.06:49
Guest38can anybody help me set HTTPS-only updates for my Ubuntu os?07:02
Guest38Trying to set my update servers URLs to HTTPS, but Ubuntu is ignoring the new mirrors for just the security packages URL07:20
Guest38I set it in update sources to use HTTPS, but then it doesnt connect07:20
Guest38In older versions of Ubuntu, I set a custom update mirror, and it worked, perfectly07:20
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Guest38welcome to the chatroom, what do u need guidance on07:39
ardyHi, I borked my system by installing the nvidia-drivers via the shell-script provided by Nvidia, I was able to recover most things by purging and reinstalling the kernel, modules & headers (6.8.0-41-generic) but X11 XGL and EGL is broken07:45
Guest38well, do you know why It got borked?07:46
ardynot really, it failed to compile the dkms drivers07:47
ardyI tried to reinstall various mesa packages but to no avail07:48
Guest38at that poin't i'd re-install07:49
Guest38personally, ask Perplexity AI07:49
ardyI was afraid ot that...07:49
Guest38Or try to uninstall the drivers?07:52
blahdeblahGuest38: Are you doing this on 24.04?  If that's the case, you might just not be looking in the right places for mirrors (which is /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ubuntu.sources going forward).07:54
Guest38yeah I thought of that, I did check there07:54
Guest38Firstly, in the past, simply using the "Software Sources" GUI tool to pick a HTTPS mirror, would change the Security.ubuntu URL TOO to also use the new mirror url, now, the security.ubuntu url stays unchanged07:54
Guest38I can't even find any other security package URLs, other than the official on07:55
blahdeblahNot sure about the GUI, but the config is either in /etc/apt/sources.list or /etc/apt/sources.list.d/*.{sources,list} - make sure they're OK, then run apt update and you should be golden.07:55
Guest38In the Ubuntu Mirrors list, it doesnt mention security urls, just the main packages like https://mirror.pilotfiber.com/ubuntu/07:55
Guest38I don't know of any security URLs  other than the official one, using the GUI used to set it for me07:56
blahdeblahHere's a shell recipe to help you find the possible files: grep '^[^#]' $(find /etc/apt -type f \( -iname '*.sources' -o -iname '*.list' \) )07:57
Guest38I found the sources file07:57
Guest38I just dont have a HTTPS update server to input into it07:57
blahdeblahWell, you can start with archive.ubuntu.com & security.ubuntu.com07:58
Guest38YEah but those are deafult, and dont support HTTPS07:59
Guest38back to square 107:59
Guest38I've read for mirrors list, and heres an example of all I see https://mirror.servaxnet.com/ubuntu/, theres no security.X versions for mirrors that I can find!07:59
Guest38I cant find the security URLs other than the main one, which doesnt use https07:59
blahdeblahMy bad - I thought they had enabled those recently, but it must still be in progress.08:01
Guest38does the update servers frequently drop https support when new versions come out or something?08:03
Guest38because in the past, i was using update servers with https for security updates, too , like even 6 months ago on 22.0408:04
Guest38In the software sources GUI, tab "other software" it shows something checked using http archive.ubuntu .com08:06
blahdeblahThat seems unlikely to me, but there might be factors which cause a mirror to do that.08:08
Guest38What do you mean?08:08
Guest38In the past, I set a mirror, and all updates would use the new server, now, the security.ubuntu.com url, never changes even when I change the mirrors08:08
ravagethere is really no magic going on there. all relevant files are in /etc/apt/sources.list.d08:09
Guest38they moved to a new location in 24.X ubuntu08:09
Guest38But anyway, I used to not even need to edit the sources file, just using the GUI tool worked, these days, It seems the security.ubuntu url WONT CHANGE even though I set a new mirror08:10
ravagemake sure /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ubuntu.sources and maybe other files are the way you want it. do an sudo apt update08:10
ravageand it will work the way it is setup in those files08:10
Guest38Why did Ubuntu literally take us BACKWARDS in functionality compared to OLDER versions? Seriously, using HTTP in 2024 as defauly makes me question the devs sanity08:10
ravageif you find a bug in the GUI try08:11
ubottuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its official !flavors, please report it using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.08:11
Guest38yeah but I dont know of ANY other security.ubuntu.com alternatives08:11
Guest38IDK if its a bug, or just how Ubuntu works now08:11
ravagethat URL never supported HTTPs08:11
Guest38I see plenty of mirrors listed online and in the GUI08:11
Guest38yeah exactly, tahts why I'd change to a mirror which did use HTTPS08:11
ravagealso archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu and security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu are the same anyway08:12
Guest38but now I cant find any which change the security.ubuntu url, to anything else, using HTTPS which is my goal08:12
Guest38any ideas?08:14
ravageuse any mirror and the the security URL for it08:15
Guest38idk what the security urls are08:15
Guest38for any mirror08:15
Guest38and i dont now how to find out either08:15
Guest38I've not seen any listed, and ive looked at 10 mirrors08:15
Guest38I've tried guessing security.X into the urls, and it never connects/invalid url08:16
Guest38I feel like this should be extremely easy and automatic08:16
ravagethis uses my mirror as an example08:16
ravage( /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ubuntu.sources )08:16
Guest38I cant belive modern computing, is this difficult to acheive basic update HTTPS08:16
ravagethere is no real need for HTTPs on the archives08:16
ravageso if you want to use it there is some manual editing required08:16
Guest38Where can I find more security mirrors urls08:17
Guest38Similar to yours08:17
Guest38In thet past, It used to be automatically handled by the Software Sources Ubuntu GUI tool08:17
Guest38yes but I dont see any of those mention the lower "security" package URL08:17
ravagethat exists on every mirrir08:18
ravageso you can use any mirror. the only difference in the past was that the official security URL synced more often08:18
Guest38Look at this one for example, vhttps://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+mirror/mirrors.tscak.com-archi08:19
Guest38synced more often... than what? How often does it sync now08:19
ravageit is the same server now08:19
Guest38im so confused08:20
Guest38what do you mean its the same server now08:20
Guest38compared to what?08:20
ravageand im sure there is a recommendation on how often to sync your mirrors08:20
ravagebut you have to trust those external mirrors to do that anyway08:20
Guest38How do I find these noble-security/ mirror, URLs08:20
Guest38Hmmm, so which Mirror do U think I should use that is responsible enough to sync its security patches08:21
ravageit should be kind of clear from my examle? https://ANYMIRROR.com/ubuntu/dists/noble-security/08:21
ravageyou can click on the name of the mirrror like https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+mirror/mirror.gsl.icu-archive08:22
ravageit will show you if it is up to date08:22
Guest38so for this one https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+mirror/mirrors.tscak.com-archive08:23
Guest38the security url would be ... wait... is the URI the same?08:23
Guest38In this example, the URL is the same08:23
Guest38oooo lol, I wonder then why the Software UPdates GUI doesnt change it?08:24
ravageno idea. i never used that GUI08:24
Guest38Its built into Ubuntu08:24
Guest38It changes the update mirrors08:24
ravagei know that it exists08:24
Guest38And it used to change the security URI/URLs also08:25
ravagei just prefer to use the terminal08:25
Guest38but now seemingly doesnt08:25
Guest38makes me worried im going to brick it or something...08:25
ravageif there is a bug you should report it08:25
Guest38IDK if its a bug or not lol08:27
Guest38Ill report it tho08:27
Guest38thank you, mentioning that its the same URI/URL for both sources, really set my mind at ease and fixed it08:27
Guest38I now have a HTTPS enabled security updates, thank you very much internet friend :)08:27
ravageyw 🙂08:27
Guest38now that thats done, what are you working on mate?08:28
ravageif you just want to chat we have #ubutnu-discuss for Ubuntu realted chat or #ubunti-offtopic for anything else08:29
ravagehere we try to stay on the support questions topic08:29
Picarillois upgrading to Ubuntu 24.04 LTS allowed today?08:53
ravageit was never forbidden08:54
ravagebut the updater tool should offer it again now08:54
Picarillo sudo do-release-upgrade08:56
PicarilloChecking for a new Ubuntu release08:56
PicarilloPlease install all available updates for your release before upgrading.08:56
ravagegood advice08:57
Picarillowhy does it say this? I've literally installed all available updates08:57
ravagesudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade08:57
ravageafter that try a reboot. start the upgrade08:57
PicarilloI just did that, it installed nothing08:58
PicarilloThe following packages have been kept back:08:58
Picarillosays this however08:58
Picarillo0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 9 not upgraded.08:58
ravageif kept back packages block a release upgrade that is a bug really08:59
ravagebut you can fix that with: sudo apt upgrade package1 package2 ...08:59
Picarilloany command to upgrade them all at once09:00
Picarillowithout going off each one by one09:00
ravagesee above09:00
PicarilloThis command "sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade" did not upgrade them09:00
ravagetry to read all my messages09:01
=== anydeskboy35 is now known as anydeskboy_
ufi had ubuntu jammy i think installed and i recently upgraded to noble. since then, i keep getting these errors when running apt update. E: Failed to fetch https://mirror.hetzner.com/ubuntu/packages/dists/noble-updates/main/binary-arm64/Packages  404  Not Found [IP: 2a01:4ff:.... 443]11:33
ufi dont think it's a hetzner issue because they're pretty serious and it's been like this for too long for them not to notice and fix it11:34
ravageTry the official ports mirror?11:40
BluesKajHi all11:45
tomreynuf: https://status.hetzner.com/incident/43b5f083-cb30-4c01-b904-b611206eb17211:45
ufmust have missed that.. thanks11:49
tomreynthough security updates should probably be retrieved directly from http://ports.ubuntu.com/11:50
tomreyn(to not have to wait until mirroring takes place to receive critical updates)11:50
ufwhats the sources.list  content for that will be?11:51
tomreynhttp://ports.ubuntu.com/ noble-security ...11:53
ufwhat about the signed-by?11:54
tomreynthe key should be on the keyserver.ubuntu.com keyserver, which supports hkp and http/https11:57
tomreynit's probably just   Signed-By: /usr/share/keyrings/ubuntu-archive-keyring.gpg11:58
yossarianuk hi - this bug has effected kubuntu and ubuntu for years : https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/network-manager-openvpn/+bug/199363412:15
-ubottu:#ubuntu- Launchpad bug 1993634 in network-manager-openvpn (Ubuntu) "network-manager-openvpn: --cipher option deprecated in OpenVPN 2.6, no option to set suggested --data-ciphers flag instead" [Undecided, Confirmed]12:15
yossarianukt means you cannot connect to an openvpn server running 2.6.x (everything below 2.6 is EOL now) with network maanger12:15
yossarianukyou have to edit a netplan file, but if you then edit the vpn profile in network manager you lose your edit and break vpn access12:15
yossarianukcurrently no ubuntu staff are  assigned to this12:16
yossarianukwho should I assign it to ?12:16
yossarianukas its really annoying12:16
yossarianuk i.e - which ubuntu developer maintains network manager?12:33
yossarianukI mena the network manager package)12:33
leftyfbyossarianuk: apt show network-manager |grep @12:42
gebbionei just kicked the upgrade from 22 to 24, i hope it will go well13:58
leftyfb22.04 to 24.0413:58
mandem0110I removed ntfs-3g because I was getting slow read/writes and was told it's managed by the kernel now. And now I can't mount my external drive?14:03
gebbioneleftyfb, btw it already stopped because of postgress, it wanted me to remove it or something but it was marked not to be removed apparently, removed it manually and trying again14:05
leftyfbgebbione: postgresql-10 is no longer a supported package in ubuntu14:09
mandem0110"Timing buffered disk reads:  56 MB in  3.01 seconds =  18.60 MB/sec" lol14:11
gebbioneThe package 'postgresql-12' is marked for removal but it is in the removal deny list.14:11
gebbioneanother one14:11
gebbioneis there a command to find all these conflicts before running the update?14:12
gebbioneit take a while to restart it14:12
leftyfbgebbione: remove all 3rd party packages and ones from old ubuntu releases14:12
leftyfbpostgresql-12 is from ubuntu 20.0414:12
leftyfbnot sure why you have that and 10 installed on ubuntu 22.0414:12
tomreynthe release upgrader writes a log, which lists "Foreign" packages. this may or may not be a complete list.14:13
gebbioneleftyfb, this machine has more than 13 years history14:13
gebbionetomreyn, i m going to check14:13
leftyfbgebbione: sounds like a perfect time for a fresh install14:13
gebbioneleftyfb, if i had prepared somethink like an ansible repo with all the stuff i need then i would14:14
gebbionebut i m too lazy14:14
mandem0110"Timing buffered disk reads:  60 MB in  3.33 seconds =  18.01 MB/sec" idk what's causing the slowness...14:15
tomreynmandem0110: we don't either, so unless you have a support question and want to describe what you're doing and what your environment is, posting this here is not going to get you anywhere, and only adds noise.14:18
mandem0110Right tomreyn let me explain...14:20
mandem0110I'm using a RPI5 and was told the other day ntfs-3g was no longer supported and mounting is now in the kernel. So I removed big_writes as it was still slow with the USB3 external drive. Now I removed ntfs-3g, removed the whole mount and mounted with sudo mount /dev/sdb2 /mnt/2tb -t ntfs3 but it's still really, really slow. Timing buffered disk reads:  60 MB in  3.41 seconds =  17.62 MB/sec14:22
tomreyni believe ntfs-3g is still supported on current releases (but could be wrong - did you check?). however, there is in-kernel support now (ntfs3).14:24
gebbionetomreyn, what about obsolete ones, Foreign look fine as packages14:24
mandem0110tomreyn: I mounted with ntfs-3g but that was better but still, it would go fast then really slow. Tried the ntfs3 and that's a whole lot worse.14:24
tomreynyou're accessing an ntfs via usb on a raspi, it won't get fast on this hardware.14:25
mandem0110I have a USB3 to SATA dock and a 4TB drive in, that works. lol14:25
mandem0110So you're wrong.14:26
tomreyngebbione: nothing that's listed in "Foreign" is fine. apt-forktracer and deborphan can identify some leftover packages.14:26
tomreynmandem0110: just use a different file system, that'll improve things a lot already.14:28
mandem0110Yeah.. no. I need to use it on Windows.14:28
gebbionetomreyn, i have stuff that is essential for me https://bpa.st/MNB4Q14:28
olspookishmagusis there a document that outlines ubuntu release versioning? CONTEXT: the signifigance/difference between *.04 and *.10? 22 Vs 23?14:28
ravagemandem0110: https://p.haxxors.com/tz4mghq1.txt14:28
gebbionelike docker/thunderbird nvidia stuff etc14:28
ravageso with a proper file system things should improve14:29
mandem0110ravage: congrats...14:29
mandem0110Like I just said, I need to use this on Windows. So can't use ext4.14:29
ravageok. i wont go with that passive aggressive vibe. good luck14:29
tomreyngebbione: i'm just saying that there's no supported upgrade path with packages and package versions installed that are not part of the original ubuntu release.14:30
ravagei dont remember how the postgres upgrade works usually. but i think it just keeps the old version. and then you need to upgrade it and delete the old version14:31
gebbionetomreyn, ok but what if i want to keep them? i mean postgress i dont need but some listed here i dont want them touched. They must be installed through deb maybe14:31
ravageif you just remove the packages without purging it the data should remain14:31
ravagebut make sure you have a full backup of everything anyway14:32
ravagenever do such a big upgrade without one14:32
tomreyngebbione: it could work nevertheless, or, maybe more likely, not. you can uninstall software and reinstall it post-upgrade. or you can do what was previously sugggested: a fresh install - certainly a good idea if this system has been through multiple previous release upgrades.14:32
johnfghi folks14:33
ravagehello johnfg14:33
tomreyn!yy.mm | olspookishmagus14:35
ubottuolspookishmagus: Ubuntu version numbers are: YY.MM (YY=release year,MM=release month). Each year sees two releases, so just specifying YY is imprecise. See also https://www.ubuntu.com/about/release-cycle14:35
tomreyn!lts | olspookishmagus14:35
ubottuolspookishmagus: LTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions are supported for 5 years on the desktop and server. The latest LTS version of Ubuntu is !Noble (Noble Numbat 24.04). Ubuntu !flavors may have different support durations, check their release notes for information.14:35
johnfgI stil haven't upgraded to 24.04, due to some perceived problems & bugs, & hoping that they'll soon be solved and crushed.14:35
ravageupgrades are enabled14:35
gebbionetomreyn, sounds like it will have to be another time... a complete re-install needs a list of all config and apps i need ... :(14:36
ravagethat is a good plan anyway14:36
ravageyou should always have that14:36
tomreynolspookishmagus: did the above (by ubottu) answer your questions, yet?14:40
johnfgSo, according to this: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-release/2024-September/006230.html the problem isn't fixed, and is making me thing to just wait, as I thought.14:45
-ubottu:#ubuntu- Launchpad bug 2078720 in linux-gcp (Ubuntu) "Upgrading from jammy to noble results in a linux-headers package being in a broken state" [Undecided, Confirmed]14:45
ioriamisleading title, btw, 'This bug was fixed in the package apt - 2.4.13'14:46
tomreyngebbione: when in this situation i'd get a list of manually installed packages (and snaps) and review which of those i want to have again, see where to get them (post install). i'd also check my backups (or tar at the very least /etc and /usr/local and /home) and then cherry pick configurations from that on the new installation.14:47
tomreyngebbione: ansible is another option, of course, but if you just maintain this system or just a small number then it may not be worth it.14:48
tomreynjohnfg: if you were to follow the thread ("messages sorted by...thread") on the mailing list you were pointing to, you'd notice an update had been posted there, too.14:50
johnfgAh, okay, sorry I didn't pull to the end of the thread.14:51
tomreynno worries ;)14:51
* mandem0110 salutes the support :)15:09
eelstrebori don't understand why 2 of the 3 pc's with the same sources.list file  download and upgrade packages while one does not15:18
toddc!phasedupdated | eelstrebor15:20
toddcSince Ubuntu 21.04, APT may hold back some updates on some systems while they are being phased in. This is called "phased updates". See  https://ubottu.com/y/phased and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PhasedUpdates for more info.15:20
eelstreborit has nothing to do with phasing15:21
eelstreborFailed to fetch http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/t/thunderbird/thunderbird_115.15.0%2bbuild1-0ubuntu0.22.04.1_amd64.deb  Connection failed [IP: 80]15:21
ravagethat looks like a local connection problem15:21
ravageor firewall that blocks something15:21
eelstrebori can web surf just fine and dns is working just fine. the pc i'm having trouble with is the one connected to irc right now15:22
eelstreborif apt update tells me what packages are ready for upgrade why doesn't apt upgrade fetch and install the packages? doesn't the upgradable package list come from the same server that apt fetches them from?15:27
eelstreborall 3 pcs go through the same firewall so the firewall shouldn't be an issue15:28
leftyfbeelstrebor: resolvectl status | nc termbin.com 999915:31
ioriaeelstrebor, can you try a : 'sudo apt autoclean && sudo apt clean' and 'sudo apt-get update' again ?15:44
leftyfbit seems like a network problem15:48
leftyfbeelstrebor: are you wired or wireless?15:48
leftyfbeelstrebor: server or desktop?15:48
eelstreborthis pc is wired direct to the router15:48
leftyfbeelstrebor: server or desktop?15:49
eelstreborit seems that apt clean fixed the problem. i've never had this issue over the years that i've been using ubuntu so it's left me scratching my head why this is the second time this year that this has happened15:50
eelstreborleftyfb, server15:50
leftyfbeelstrebor: and you're trying to install thunderbird graphical email client on a server?15:51
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leftyfbso, not server then. It's running a desktop16:02
stresslvl0Since upgrading from 20.04 to 24.04 I'm seeing a lot of issues with caching cifs. Is cifs-utils still needed, or is there kernel support now? I install cifs-utils and kernel-generic and setup my samba share in fstab with `iocharset=utf8,noserverino,_netdev` along with the uid/gid and credentials. It definitely might be an application issue / memory leak, but thought I'd ask here for this angle16:21
BlankspaceHi . How can I install ubuntu.16:31
BlankspaceI have windows on my laptop16:31
leftyfbBlankspace: what have you found by looking so far?16:32
BlankspaceBootable pendrive16:32
BlankspaceAnd virtual box16:32
BlankspaceIs there a link which has all the steps16:32
BlankspaceFor a noob.16:33
BlankspaceI thought I would get a better link here16:33
leftyfbBlankspace: https://ubuntu.com/tutorials/install-ubuntu-desktop#1-overview16:33
leftyfbgood talk16:33
Guest25Can somebody help me with this? ( Failed creating instance record: Instance type "virtual-machine" is not supported on this server: KVM support is missing (no /dev/kvm) ). In anbox cloud17:20
gordonjcpGuest25: your server doesn't support KVM17:20
gordonjcpGuest25: if it's a cloud server it's probably a VM to begin with17:20
Guest25Yes, but is there any way I can get around this problem?17:21
Guest25Yes, it is a cloud server.17:21
gordonjcpGuest25: it's very unlikely to have KVM support then17:21
enigma9o7its probably already a kernel virtual machine17:21
enigma9o7so use the other type of vm...17:21
enigma9o7forgot what it's called, but the kind that doesnt use kernel module17:22
enigma9o7or maybe you could use distrobox instead, depends what you're trying to accomplish17:22
DM59Hi, I have created a social network that has absolute anonymity and freedom of speech!17:23
DM59Can you please see what else needs to be added?17:23
DM59Website https://dkon.app17:23
DM59By the way, there is an API for developers!17:23
Guest25I want to set up the launch of social networking applications through Anbox Cloud )17:24
Guest25I want to set up the launch of social networking applications through Anbox Cloud17:24
Guest25Thank you! Can you advise which virtual machine would be suitable? Nowhere is there written about support for KVM17:27
Guest25Maybe there is a way to run it somehow without KVM support?17:31
gordonjcpGuest25: without knowing exactly what you're trying to do it's hard to know what to suggest17:33
Guest25I install Unbox Cloud. Everything installed fine, no errors. Now I'm trying to create a virtual machine in it, but it says this error with KVM17:36
Guest25In general, I need to launch applications eventually, virtual machines are not needed.17:38
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moffaHello, can anyone help troubleshoot why dnsmasq broke after I upgraded to 24.04.1? It runs fine if I start it in a shell, but the systemd service that calls the init.d service fails without a meaningful error21:10
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BarnabasDKwhy do the apt kernel install all of a sudden compile two modules and sign them - then throw away one of them?23:01
BarnabasDK.. or why do we need to compile them at all?23:02
JanCit seems to *say* why?23:07
BarnabasDKbecause it signs them?23:07
BarnabasDKit also says afterwards that what was already in the kernel is a binary 1:1 match23:08
BarnabasDKso I think the artifact produced by the ubuntu build servers is exactly the same as what apt built for me23:10
JanCwhatever was already there was exactly the same indeed (whether it was from the Ubuntu kernel package or from a previous DKMS build on your system I don't know)23:16
JanCgenerally speaking, you shouldn't install the zfs-dkms package on Ubuntu, unless you compile your own kernels23:17
BarnabasDKJanC, removed - thanks23:37
mybalzitchthe zfs-dkms package will build an updated module every time ubuntu pushes a new kernel, based on the version of zfs you have installed (2.2.2 in this case) It has little to do with "compiling your own kernel"23:40
BarnabasDKyour own kernel module then23:40
BarnabasDKin this case for zfs23:40
mybalzitchthats what the zfs-dkms package does23:41
BarnabasDKBut I don't know why I had it installed23:41
mybalzitchis it a fileserver, or are you doing zfs on root?23:41
BarnabasDKjust a lappie23:41
BarnabasDKzfs on root23:42
BarnabasDKnot the fastest - but a tradeoff I am happy to do in order to get the rest of the utilities in zfs23:42
mybalzitchdepending on what feature flags you have enabled on "zfs on root" it may or may not boot with the version of zfs that ubuntu ships with23:42
BarnabasDKit does :-) just did23:43
mybalzitchyou removed the package, and dkms status says you have no modules installed?23:44
BarnabasDKyes, but dkms-zfs never did anything since I did not change the signing key or the code - so it produced a binary identical artifact to the one already in the kernel23:46
BarnabasDK-> it does not install that23:46
BarnabasDKbut you are correct - had I fetched a newer version of zfs - and this had updated the file system, then a rollback to an older version of the driver - could get you into some hot water23:54

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