
IrcsomeBot_<RikMills> https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kubuntu-settings/1:24.10.1409:22
IrcsomeBot_<RikMills> ^^^ more fixes for theming etc09:22
IrcsomeBot_<sgmoore> Thanks!09:25
IrcsomeBot_<myfenris> its in proposed right? (re @RikMills: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kubuntu-settings/1:24.10.14)12:17
IrcsomeBot_<myfenris> i've enabled the proposed .. but weird its doesnt show me the update12:17
IrcsomeBot_<RikMills> It is migrating and in a weird limbo land between proposed and release pockets (re @myfenris: its in proposed right?)12:19
BluesKajHi all12:19
IrcsomeBot_<myfenris> owh okie12:19
IrcsomeBot_<myfenris> 6.1.5 land in universe12:43
IrcsomeBot_<myfenris> i got broken icon kubuntu luncher button17:41
IrcsomeBot_<myfenris> i got broken icon kubuntu application luncher button17:42
IrcsomeBot_<myfenris> i got broken/missing icon kubuntu/breeze application luncher button17:42
IrcsomeBot_<myfenris> missing color scheme "KubuntuLight" too17:44
IrcsomeBot_<myfenris> nvm , i reset to default .. its appeared (re @myfenris: i got broken/missing icon kubuntu/breeze application luncher button)17:46
arraybolt322.04.5 RCs dropped, looks like I'll probably have some testing to do!18:23
arraybolt3I won't be able to test on physical hardware since my test mahchine is about to be pulled into service for my job, but I can test things in VMs at least.18:24

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