
JanCactually, you have to explicitly enable newer features on a ZFS filesystem, so temporarily using a newer ZFS version should not affect an existing file system AFAIK00:03
BarnabasDKdidn't know that - but it sounds like a good thing - say you want to boot af a stick with a newer os and attach your storage00:06
JanCsee zpool-upgrade(8) for the command to upgrade a pool00:07
Piratyi just upgraded 22.04 -> 24.04 . it exploded when errors were raised for packages requiring python>=3.11 , but the python3 package was not yet upgraded (still at 3.10) , this made the release-upgrade too bail out and now it's slightly borked00:23
Bashing-om!info python3 noble00:25
ubottupython3 (3.12.3-0ubuntu2, noble): interactive high-level object-oriented language (default python3 version). In component main, is important. Built by python3-defaults. Size 23 kB / 81 kB00:25
Piratyit apears to me that it's supposed to have systemd-resolved set up but the package seems msising00:25
Piratyi suspect more stuff borked, so how to go about this now? (properly)00:26
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Bashing-omPiraty: My way forward - ' sudo apt update ; sudo apt upgrade ; sudo apt -f install ; sudo dpkg reconfigure -a ' .00:31
Piraty`dpkg configure` ?00:35
Piratynothing yet.00:36
Piratythose commands have exit just fine, nothing to do.00:37
Piratyinteresting, `apt --fix-borked install kubuntu-desktop` *did* do some stuff00:37
Bashing-omPiraty: Can not hurt to run ' sudo dpkg --configure -a ' ; sudo dpkg -C ' // -C for added assuranaces.00:39
Piratylooks fine too01:10
Bashing-omPiraty: As such then - I would not expect a problem.01:18
enigma9o7wow, that's interesting that flag works, I'm gunna have to try that, must be an easter egg in new version of apt02:29
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blinkysometimes when I boot my laptop, it won't detect any wifi, and the airplane mode is automatically on. What could be the problem?03:01
mblinkyI have been facing this issue for quite some time now03:03
matsamanblinky: make/model?03:04
enigma9o7I didn't even know there was an airplane mode, TIL.03:05
mblinkyHP laptop03:05
mblinky2021, I'm not sure03:05
matsamanwhat model hp laptop?03:06
mblinkyis there a command to find that out?03:06
matsamannot one that's simpler than looking on the bottom/side/beneath-screen part of the laptop03:06
enigma9o7Lots of them.  I like inxi.03:06
enigma9o7Hmmm I think it'd be easier to type inxi -F than look on the bottom/side, but beneath the screen is easier.03:07
mblinkyHP HP Laptop 15s-du3xxx03:08
enigma9o7How does one enable airplane mode?  I've searched settings, can't find anything?03:08
mblinkyI'm using Ubuntu 24.04.1 LTS03:09
mblinkyand there is an airplane mode in system tray03:09
enigma9o7Don't suppose you could share a screenshot?  I'm curious to see cuz I don't seem to have it.  I realize you're trying to troubleshoot so I'm probably annoying, feel free to ignore me.   I assume enabling it just disables wifi and bluetooth, cuz PC doesn't have any other radios afaik...03:13
mblinkyenigma9o7, https://imgur.com/a/Ntfk2gN03:28
mblinkyit's in the bottom right corner, are you guys able to see it?03:29
enigma9o7Yeah I see your image, thanks.  I guess I need to try 24.04 sometime :)03:29
mblinkyenigma9o7, :)03:29
mblinkywhich version are you on?03:30
enigma9o7don't laugh, 18.0403:30
enigma9o7but i have a debian testing machine with gnome 46, it also doesn't have it.03:30
mblinkyI won't. But why haven't you considered updating it?03:31
mblinkyit's so easy with Ubuntu!03:31
enigma9o7It requires more bits.03:32
mblinkyI see. No worries.03:32
mblinkyHow do I solve the issue of wifi not detecting?03:32
mblinkyI am tired of facing this issue again and again.03:35
mblinkyi think the NIC gets affected in some way when I boot03:39
mblinkyI have dual-boot with Windows 11 and ubuntu03:40
mblinkyWhen I boot into Windows 11, the wifi is detected everytime! but not always in ubuntu.03:40
mblinkyI have been resolving this issue by shutting down Ubuntu, booting into Windows 11, properly shutting down Windows 11 and then booting into Ubuntu and hoping that luck will support me this time in detecting wifi. :( It's time consuming and exasperating!03:42
mblinkyany command in ubuntu that might help me with NIC detection?03:42
mblinkyenigma9o7, what is AX210?03:43
enigma9o7a few commands for troubleshooting, sure.  lspci will list pci devices, so you can check the chip number, I was guessing AX210.03:43
enigma9o7"inxi -N" will list network devices and if there's a driver (if you have inxi installed).03:43
enigma9o7You can check the journal for any errors, but you'd probably want a keyword to search for cuz journal is full of stuff.     But to just open it at the end "journalctl -e" or to open it the beginning of last boot "journalctl -b -1"03:44
enigma9o7rfkill will tell you if its possibly turned off or disabled03:44
enigma9o7if you have an on/off switch, obviously make sure its on (rfkill will tell you if its off)03:45
mblinkyI'll try those now.03:45
mblinkyrfkill looks like the command that might help me next time I face this issue!03:55
mblinkyThank you for the help and support guys! Really appreciate it!04:05
topcat001disable fast boot in windows and bios04:23
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nteodosioDo we have meson documentation packaged? I'd want https://mesonbuild.com/Reference-manual_functions.html off-line. Saving the HTML it is?09:29
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martinpeque tal..11:59
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BluesKajHi all12:19
dorianyo does anybody have experience dealing with route-based ipsec using xfrm?12:52
lotuspsychjedorian: ask your question in the channel, so volunteers can think along with you12:53
doriansure (for the record #strongswan is idle, sooo)12:54
dorianmy initial configuration was a home machine and a virtual server, and i had already set up a route-based vpn to cosplay like the vps is on my home network. this is in canada. i recently needed to get around some really silly geoblocking so decided the easiest thing to do was just spin up another vps in the states and use it as an endpoint and route out from it. so did that, copied my first vps's responder12:57
dorianconfig over, got the tunnel up, but pings don't get through.12:57
dorianso home<-->vps1 works; home<-->vps2 which has virtually the same configuration does not12:58
dorianso on the home machine i have two xfrm devices, ipsec0 (id 42, works) and ipsec1 (id 1337, does not work)13:00
dorianand i have the correct routes bound to those devices13:00
dorianextra weird: i noticed a mistake in my swanctl.conf in the child sa section, such that if i *fix* it, it *breaks* the tunnel that works: rather than if_id_in and if_id_out directives, i had two if_id_in (presumably redundant), but if i change that to what it "should" be, it breaks (destination host unreachable)13:04
lotuspsychjedorian: is this related to ubuntu somehow? sounds more like a networking question?13:06
doriani mean, all the machines are ubuntu13:06
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dorianbut anyway, like i said i asked in #strongswan yesterday but it hasn't budged, and i asked in here if anybody knew about route-based vpns using xfrm devices13:07
dorianand you said just ask the question13:07
leftyfbdorian: I would try asking in #networking13:08
TomyWorkI installed https://snapcraft.io/code (--classic) and https://snapcraft.io/yq (--devmode). When run from KDE Konsole, yq can access files in my home directory. When run from vscode's integrated terminal, yq cannot access the same files in my home directory, not even when piped into the tool. Why is that?13:53
TomyWorkdorian, fwiw, I switched strongswan to using kernel-libipsec. I did that back when I was still on 18.04 because using the default (I think that's xfrm) would corrupt my virtualbox VMs' memory. not sure if that's still an issue on 22.04/24.04, since I didn't wanna deal with that noise while setting up the new os version :)14:00
TomyWorkso if whatever you're trying to get to work with doesnt work with xfrm for weird reasons (and i'm talking your-vms-get-their-memory-corrupted-level weird), take the 5 minutes to try that and see if it works better14:01
dorianTomyWork: so i set up a third subnet on dummy0 on vps2 and that works, go figure14:17
pycuriousI just installed ubuntu server, and I cant get wired ethernet to work. For wireless I dont have iwconfig installed. Any ideas on how to get wifi to work with the server? (24.04.1LTS)14:58
tomreynpycurious: don't you want to get ethernet to work first of all?15:08
tomreynit's what i'd first focus on for a server, then setup wireless, if needed.15:08
tomreynjust because ethernet is usually easier to setup15:08
pycuriousI'm trying to reinstall the OS again - hopefully with wired connect. Lets hope it detects it.15:09
fryrerI'm running bottles (wine frontend) from flatpak, it detects my huion drawing tablet, but I get no pressure sensitivity. Would the one from snap happen to have that?15:09
ravagejust try it?15:10
ravagei dont know of any snap for bottles though15:10
fryrerIt doesn't have to be bottles, just want to know if snap even supports interfacing with a drawing tablet, which should be via libinput.15:11
fryrerI wanted to ask before I spend god knows how long troubleshooting.15:11
ravageyou may need to grant permission for that manually15:11
pycurioustomreyn:  thanks. It did pickup the ethernet this time15:11
ravagebut it is possible15:11
tomreynpycurious: hmm, it should be deterministic, though. maybe you did something differently this time around?15:12
pycurious@tomreyn Last time the ethernet wire was not connected. I was hoping that once i login, then i can enable ethernet by connecting.15:14
tomreynNot if it's not configured15:14
fryrerI'll give it a shot, gotta reboot for something else, come back if further questions. Thank you.15:15
pycurious@tomreyn it worked perfectly this time.15:18
tomreynglad to hear this.15:18
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EgonXQuestion: Is there anything comparable to iTerm on the Mac for Ubunut/Linux?16:11
gordonjcpEgonX: it would help if you could describe what you are actually looking for16:13
gordonjcpiTerm just looks like a terminal window16:14
EgonXWell, that's a bit hard to describe, and it just might not be a thing. But there are just features and settings in iTerm that would be helpful when I'm on my linux box. The Default Terminal isn't really getting it done for me? And Warp is closer, but it's currently broken, so that's not helpful.16:15
ravageIf you can't even describe what you want I don't think anyone can really help you16:16
EgonXI keep forgetting about that website16:19
EgonXThank you, that's a good place to start16:23
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derek-shnoshJust ran apt upgrade and now all of my graphics are corrupt, fonts missing chars, etc.. Ubuntu 24.04, 6.8.0-44-generic. I tried GSK_RENDERER=gl in /etc/environment, tried uninstalling all Nvidia drivers, etc. Here are packages that were updated: https://bpa.st/E4BTO and here is a screenshot showing the issue: https://i.imgur.com/Hml5VVD.png17:48
derek-shnoshAny advice would be appreciated.17:48
derek-shnoshThe graphical glitching is evident even on the login screen, and apparent whether I log into a Wayland or X11 session.17:49
lotuspsychjederek-shnosh: did you add oibaf ppa?17:51
derek-shnoshI've had it added for quite some time, yes. Not a recent addition though.17:51
lotuspsychjederek-shnosh: i would reverse to the original ubuntu repos as a test first17:52
lotuspsychjederek-shnosh: you recall wich package you installed on oibaf?17:52
derek-shnoshlotuspsychje: Is that as simple as disabling the repo and then doing apt update/upgrade to get back to "vanilla"?17:52
ubottuTo disable a PPA from your sources and revert your packages back to default Ubuntu packages, install ppa-purge and use the command: « sudo ppa-purge ppa:<repository-name>/<subdirectory> » – For more information, see http://www.webupd8.org/2009/12/remove-ppa-repositories-via-command.html17:54
derek-shnoshlotuspsychje: thanks... be back in a bit.17:55
lotuspsychjewb derek-shnosh18:03
derek-shnoshTy, haven't done anything yet.18:03
lotuspsychjederek-shnosh: are you on xorg or wayland?18:04
derek-shnoshWayland, but issue persists on x1118:04
lotuspsychjederek-shnosh: could you pastebin: sudo lshw -C video && nvidia-smi , please18:04
derek-shnoshYes, but bear in mind that I previously said I purged all nvidia drivers but have since readded 560 as that is what I was using before, and removing it didn't resolve the issue.18:06
derek-shnoshThis is a Lenovo Slim 7 ProX 14ARH718:06
lotuspsychjederek-shnosh: hmm, you got both amd & nvidia graphics18:07
lotuspsychjecan we see your ' sudo dmesg ' too please18:08
derek-shnoshThat's extensive... anything unsafe, or need to be redacted?18:09
lotuspsychjederek-shnosh: no, dmesg is safe to share18:10
derek-shnoshWoops... https://bpa.st/AQRBW18:10
lotuspsychjederek-shnosh: can you try disabling secureboot as a test please18:11
derek-shnoshI'm purging oibaf, allow me to reboot and report the result... here is output from that: $ sudo ppa-purge ppa:oibaf/graphics-drivers18:12
derek-shnoshUpdating packages lists18:12
derek-shnoshW: https://ppa.launchpadcontent.net/mozillateam/ppa/ubuntu/dists/noble/InRelease: Signature by key 0AB215679C571D1C8325275B9BDB3D89CE49EC21 uses weak algorithm (rsa1024)18:12
derek-shnoshW: https://ppa.launchpadcontent.net/oibaf/graphics-drivers/ubuntu/dists/noble/InRelease: Signature by key 5ABCE68FF4633EA42E219156957D2708A03A4626 uses weak algorithm (rsa1024)18:12
derek-shnoshPPA to be removed: oibaf graphics-drivers18:12
derek-shnoshPackage revert list generated:18:12
derek-shnoshGet:14 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu noble/main amd64 libclang-cpp18 amd64 1:18.1.3-1 [13.5 MB]18:14
derek-shnoshGet:15 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu noble/main amd64 libllvm18 amd64 1:18.1.3-1 [27.5 MB]18:14
derek-shnoshGet:16 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu noble/main amd64 libclang1-18 amd64 1:18.1.3-1 [7,815 kB]18:14
derek-shnoshGet:17 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu noble/universe amd64 mesa-va-drivers amd64 24.0.5-1ubuntu1 [4,239 kB]18:14
derek-shnoshGet:18 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu noble/main amd64 mesa-vdpau-drivers amd64 24.0.5-1ubuntu1 [3,896 kB]18:14
derek-shnoshGet:19 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu noble/universe amd64 meson all 1.3.2-1ubuntu1 [604 kB]18:14
lotuspsychjeuse a !pastebin please derek-shnosh18:14
derek-shnoshlotuspsychje: apologies for the bad paste there, apparently my 5x CTRL+Cs didn't overwrite the large block of text with the bpa.st URL.18:18
lotuspsychjederek-shnosh: try the secureboot disable first18:18
lotuspsychjethat can influence your hardware18:18
derek-shnoshThings are back to normal after purging oibaf.18:18
lotuspsychjeare you dualbooting?18:19
derek-shnoshNot on this laptop.18:19
lotuspsychjederek-shnosh: your dmesg reporting several nvidia + amd warnings18:19
lotuspsychjei would disable secureboot anyways18:20
derek-shnoshOh? Would you mind elaborating as to why?18:21
lotuspsychjederek-shnosh: because your dmesg reports several locks due secureboot enabled18:24
lotuspsychjederek-shnosh: you will see when disabling secureboot, some warnings will dissapear18:27
ravageif your system runs stable now there is no need to disable secure boot18:28
derek-shnoshotuspsychje: gotcha, I'll have to review the locks or what is impacted... unless you have some insight. My stance is that as long as its not hindering functionality I'd prefer to leave it enabled.18:28
derek-shnoshI'm a network engineer and this is a work laptop with a considerable amount of sensitive data for many clients on it, and I'd prefer to all feasible/relevant steps to keep it secure.18:29
leftyfbsecure boot does not secure your data in any way18:29
derek-shnoshWhile secure boot isn't a "STOP ALL THE THINGS" solution, it does help mitigate malware at the kernel level no?18:29
ravageit secures the boot process.18:29
leftyfbit's a poor attempt from Microsoft to hinder the installation of other OS's18:29
ravageit has flaws18:30
ravagebut you boot is harder to tamper with18:30
lotuspsychjederek-shnosh: aka errors like; Lockdown: systemd-logind: hibernation is restricted; see man kernel_lockdown.718:30
leftyfbit's "security" was already broken years ago18:30
derek-shnoshlotuspsychje: thanks.... hibernation and power profiles are not on my radar, so if that's the only impact, I'm alright with it not working.18:31
lotuspsychjelike you wish derek-shnosh just keep in mind, if graphics or wifi malfunctions one day, you can try secureboot18:32
derek-shnoshlotuspsychje: understood, thank you!18:32
ravagethe Ubuntu security team still recommends enabling it than just disabling it. if it causes trouble it is ok to disable it of course18:32
derek-shnoshRE: secureboot, I'm definitely not going to pretend to understand kernel/firmware level attack surfaces, I'm _aware_ enough that I'll implement any feasible mitigation or _buffers_ I can apply to make those less accessible.18:33
tomreynderek-shnosh: you might want to apply the latest bios update to patch thirteen security patches18:33
ravagekeeping the BIOS up to date is always a good idea18:34
tomreynhttps://pcsupport.lenovo.com/us/en/products/laptops-and-netbooks/ideapad-s-series-netbooks/slim-7-prox-14arh7/82v2/downloads/driver-list/component?name=BIOS%2FUEFI&id=5AC6A815-321D-440E-8833-B07A93E0428C https://download.lenovo.com/consumer/mobiles/jvcn40ww.txt18:34
tomreynyou're currently at BIOS JVCN35WW 03/09/202318:34
derek-shnoshtomreyn: yeah BIOS update is forthcoming, admittedly a bit behind on that. I've dismissed a couple months worth of "system updates" reminders I have set due to workload.18:34
derek-shnoshBut its slow this week, so I'm poking around and catching up.18:34
tomreynit's 5 versions behind, though not all of them may have been released, and there is no release history18:35
derek-shnoshtomreyn: yeah, it seems they only release windows update utilities for this model, so I've been slacking.18:38
tomreynyou can usually do bios updates with a partitioned usb stick by placing the extracted firmware update file on the first partition, on a vfat filesystem.18:39
tomreynstarting it from with the bios18:40
derek-shnoshWith an .exe?18:41
leftyfbtomreyn: fwupmgr18:41
ravagei had some success in the past with a WinPE live session18:41
derek-shnoshleftyfb: this model not supported.18:41
ravagei think i used https://www.hirensbootcd.org/18:41
derek-shnoshravage: thanks, haven't heard of hirens in a long time, seems its been revived. Will look into using that after my upcoming meeting.18:45
derek-shnoshlotuspsychje: thanks for pointing me at oibaf, back on track now!18:49
derek-shnoshHave a good one, all.18:49
osseLong shot, I think I'm going crazy: I upgraded to 24.04 recently. Prior to that I am fairly certain that I had EDITOR, BROWSER, etc. set in my environment. The thing is that I only set those in .zprofile. Can I somehow have modified pam/gdm/whatever in such a way that that .zprofile was sourced and that upgrading reverted it? The funny thing is that I even use zsh-specific syntax in that file (to de-dupe18:58
tomreynosse: i don't see how a release upgrade would modify dotfiles in a restricted users' home directory.19:14
tomreyneven in /root, it probably wouldn't19:15
tomreyn/etc, however, is a different matter19:15
derek-shnoshravage: hirens worked great, thanks!19:30
ossetomreyn: I agree, that would be weird. Luckily I run etckeeper but I can't find anything relevant. I've checked pam, gdm and systemd user units. I don't know what else it could be.20:44
ossePerhaps my terminal emulator switch from launching login shells by default or something, heh20:44
matsamanosse: what's up?20:50
ossematsaman: I'm imagining that prior to upgrading to 24.04 I had set something up to make me able to use .zprofile to set my environment, and that upgrading broke it.20:58
matsamanso at the moment you're in zsh and it's not set up your status quo configuration?21:01
sarnoldosse: this is an *ancient* commit, but it might be relevant https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/zsh/5.8-221:05
derek-shnoshHave another one... I'm running Ubuntu 24.04 and am not seeing an update to 24.04.1 available, even with `sudo do-release-upgrade`. I have Notification set to "For long-term support versions", is this expected?21:18
derek-shnoshI changed it to "For any new version" and it behaves the same.21:19
sarnoldderek-shnosh: that's weird :/ I see noble in the file that advertises it to the updater https://changelogs.ubuntu.com/meta-release-lts21:24
sarnoldderek-shnosh: maybe run do-release-upgrade  under strace and see if you can spot an error somewhere?21:25
derek-shnoshsarnold: Apologies, not familiar with that process, how do I do that?21:25
sarnoldderek-shnosh: you'd run a command like sudo strace -F -o /tmp/strace do-release-upgrade21:26
sarnoldderek-shnosh: that'll dump all the systemcalls and their return values to /tmp/strace21:26
sarnoldderek-shnosh: it'll be a *lot* of data, it's kind of hard to know what you're looking for, but if you look for whatever message you're gettting, and then start reading 'up', you might find an error message21:27
derek-shnoshsarnold: this is all I'm getting from the output (not the strace file, I'm searching through that now)... https://bpa.st/YYA4C21:28
sarnoldderek-shnosh: oh hah, thanks for the reminder on strace -f vs -F  :)21:30
derek-shnoshToo much data for bpa.st, here's a GH gist (raw): https://gist.githubusercontent.com/derek-shnosh/4dc246b6c51aac9b408e2869edcf1fca/raw/85a2d62498e71c2ac1642e9842ac963f0e6a958a/strace_do-release-upgrade.log21:30
sarnoldderek-shnosh: hrm. it sure looks like we can see this download the metadata file of the right length ..21:34
ravageEarlier I saw that phased packages block the update21:36
ravageBecause it tells you to upgrade all packages first21:36
ravageThat was a little strange too21:36
derek-shnoshI saw that it was blocked for a few days, but it was unblocked recently.21:37
sarnoldravage: oww. I kinda get it. but ow.21:37
derek-shnoshI don't think I have anything _phased_.21:37
ravageThe upgrader would find the update in this case21:38
ravageBut would ask to to all upgrades first21:38
ravageWhich is not possible without really forcing them21:38
ravageSo it's not your problem here21:39
derek-shnoshGotcha... yeah, not sure why its not showing me the update... I have a couple 22.04.4 VMs that are prompting me to update.21:40
ravageBut you mean 22.04 to 24.04 right?21:41
ravageBecause you wrote 24 to 24 in your original text21:41
derek-shnoshYeah the 22.04.4 VMs are showing the prompt for 24.04.1... my 24.04 laptop is not.21:41
ravageSo you meant that21:41
ravageThere is no release upgrade for point releases21:41
ravageYou get it with the regular package updates21:42
derek-shnoshAh, so I *won't* see a prompt, its just a _roll-up_ of sorts for previous LTS releases.21:42
sarnoldohhhhh is this already running 24.04? that'd do it :)21:43
derek-shnosh... gotcha, to avoid a 24.04 install that would require a bunch of updates... just go to 24.04.1 for the roll-up.21:43
derek-shnoshOk, then mystery solved (for me). Thanks!21:43
sarnoldme too :)21:44
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PoZi3uSfrench somewere?23:57
sarnold57 people in #ubuntu-fr -- but it's late enough it might be pretty quiet23:58

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