
whitedaI am running Lubuntu 22.04.5 LTS - is it now safe to upgrade to 24.04.01 LTS?14:30
eyeohprobably, but what is your concern?14:41
eyeohand requirements14:41
whitedain the past I was always told to wait for the point 1 release before trying to upgrade my LTS. so just checking that it is ok now14:44
whitedastandard home user nothing special...14:45
eyeohit's up to 24.04.414:48
eyeohand that was 6 months ago? https://lubuntu.me/lubuntu-22-04-4-lts-is-released/14:48
eyeohas usual, always backup, etc14:50
whitedaok - Im confused Lubuntu web site has an Aug 31 announcement the 24.04.01 is ready14:50
eyeohI've been reading up about Copy on Write file systems, including the snapshot features14:50
eyeohcan you link the website?14:51
whitedaoh well I will go upgrade thanks14:51
eyeohoh sorry14:52
eyeohI linked 2214:52
eyeohgoing cross-eyed14:52
whitedanp thanks14:52
eyeohand the top post on r/lubuntu is... old14:52
eyeohso much for that subreddit's reliability..14:53
eyeohI know with Ubuntu, 24.04.1 was delayed https://duckduckgo.com/?q=ubuntu+24.04.1+held+back&t=ffab&ia=web14:53
eyeohwhether x.1 is stable enough for you is really your own judgement call and whether you've done anything unusual to your system14:55
eyeohI personally run Debian Stable on most things14:55
eyeohand have confidence it'll be more stable than nearly everything, except RHEL and the non-stream variants of CentOS14:55
eyeohso I've been looking into Btrfs (and maybe ZFS too) to get into the habit of taking advantage of snapshots, which would mean I should never have to worry about upgrades again14:56
eyeohalthough to do that, I'll also need to backup before I set it up since there's a risk I'll mess it up14:57
eyeohbut I think in the long run, a file system that supports instant snapshots should go well for me14:57
whitedaI'm basic vanilla so probably safe, thanks, bye14:57
HravnkelGood evening! Anyone have a clue on how to solve a 4-5 minute timeout that occurs at each boot/reboot, probably related to systemd-timesyncd? 18:43
HravnkelJournalctl log found here: https://www.thisoldcabin.net/journalctl_systemd-timesyncd.txt18:44
Hravnkel(only showing the part where the timeout occurs)18:44
HravnkelI've tried disabling systemd-timesyncd but alas - to no avail. 18:44
* eyeoh looks18:45
eyeohHravnkel: run as root/sudo: systemd-analyze critical-chain18:45
HravnkelRunning Lubuntu on a Macbook Pro 2009. Very snappy and great install otherwise. 18:46
eyeohalso similar: systemd-analyze blame18:46
HravnkelCritical chain here: https://www.thisoldcabin.net/critical_chain.txt18:47
HravnkelBlame here: https://www.thisoldcabin.net/blame.txt18:48
eyeohand your most recent boot had a 4-5 minute timeout?18:49
HravnkelYep. 18:49
eyeohanything odd with your clock that you've noticed?18:49
eyeohlike wrong time zone or anything?18:49
HravnkelNo, I haven't experienced anything strange there. 18:50
eyeohwhich lubuntu is it?18:52
HravnkelNoble Numbat I believe18:53
HravnkelSry must double check! 18:53
HravnkelYeah, Noble Numbat it is. 18:53
HravnkelSo 24.04 stable. 18:54
eyeohjust 24.04 or 24.04.1?18:54
HravnkelGood question! 18:54
eyeohthe version should be in um, cat /etc/*version18:55
eyeohI wonder if the solution/workaround here is any good: https://forums.linuxmint.com/viewtopic.php?t=28243718:55
eyeohmight be more a networkmanager thing than a timesyncd thing18:55
eyeohdo you know if the issue happens with an ethernet cable?18:56
HravnkelYes, it happens also with ethernet cable. 18:56
eyeohcould be related to broadcom or whatever wifi is in the mac18:56
HravnkelIt was present already when I installed it from USB, I thought it was broken numerous times until I just waited. 18:57
eyeohso only after you installed it; and not the live usb boot?18:59
eyeohas in the live usb didn't boot up abnormally slowly?19:00
eyeohthis issue seems vaguely familiar but I can't quite remember if I've had the exact same problem before19:00
HravnkelNo, it was present also on USB live boot19:00
HravnkelAlso there slow. 19:00
HravnkelI have tried the trick in the linuxmint-link you provided, unfortunately it was to no avail. 19:01
eyeohis this running right now?: systemctl status systemd-timesyncd.service19:01
HravnkelYes! Loaded and active. 19:02
HravnkelI've tried to deactivate it but also there to no avail. 19:02
HravnkelI might have a log of the boot with it deactivated somewhere around. 19:04
eyeohdeactivate with `systemctl disable systemd-timesyncd.service`?19:05
eyeohI'm looking at this too https://github.com/systemd/systemd/issues/1343219:05
-ubottu:#lubuntu- Issue 13432 in systemd/systemd "DNS fails with 'Using degraded feature set' in logs until resolved is restarted" [Closed]19:05
eyeohhmm is your DNS provider with your ISP?19:06
eyeohthe dns leak test button (but don't tell me the specific address) - https://browserleaks.com/ip19:06
eyeohI tend to just use google's DNS19:07
HravnkelI'll take a look! 19:07
eyeohthis issues thread is so long19:07
HravnkelYep, ISP DNS provider. 19:08
eyeohmaybe try changing it to, (google)19:09
eyeohor anything else, like for cloudflare19:09
HravnkelWorth giving it a shot119:10
eyeoheh; this one is odd too: "I didn't realize I had dhcpcd@eth0 running, simply disabling it fixed it." https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=26043419:12
eyeoh"sudo systemctl edit networking.service" and "TimeoutStartSec=10sec" https://askubuntu.com/questions/837932/at-boot-networking-service-is-incredibly-slow-5-minutes-on-ubuntu-16-1019:13
eyeohneeds a header too above that line: "[Service]"19:14
HravnkelInteresting! This looks promising. 19:14
eyeohif this works, I imagine it should be safe to do. seems weird still19:14
eyeohthis must be one of the reasons some people are anti-systemd19:14
eyeoh(not me though; generally it does make things easier for me; when it works - or at least it's easier to search for others with issues now that it's everywhere)19:15
HravnkelHmm, I don't have networking.service... 19:16
HravnkelHehe, yeah I'm really new to Linux in general (except for dabbling with it back in the late nineties). So systemd was just part of the deal it seems. :p19:17
eyeohnothing with this?: systemctl status networking.service19:17
eyeohall major distros use systemd now so I'm like eh; whatever, I trust them to know better than I do19:18
HravnkelNah, "Unit networking.service could not be found". 19:18
eyeohhmm so how to install that19:18
eyeohor rather, why is it not there..19:18
HravnkelA sudo systemctl edit net[tab] gives me netplan-ovs-cleanup.service, network-pre.target, networkd-dispatcher.service, network.target, network-online.target19:19
HravnkelI've had to update wifi-drivers to get wifi on my Macbook work, but alas - that shouldn't remove services as far as I'm informed. 19:21
eyeohdunno if this helps https://www.reddit.com/r/Ubuntu/comments/1bqbmrm/how_to_fix_in_noble_numbat_the_error_failed_to/19:21
eyeohchanging drivers could be a risk when it comes to disabling something else, maybe19:22
eyeohthis should be pretty safe to try regardless: sudo apt install network-manager19:22
eyeohnetwork-manager being so standard19:22
HravnkelYeah I'll give it a go! 19:23
HravnkelHmm, already installed (latest version, no updates), started and enabled the service without errors but still no networking.service. :-p19:25
HravnkelCreated symlink /etc/systemd/system/network-online.target.wants/NetworkManager-wait-online.service → /usr/lib/systemd/system/NetworkManager-wait-online.service.19:25
HravnkelNetworkManager.service available though... *facepalm*19:26
HravnkelI've set timeout to 10 seconds now. I suppose I should try to reboot - which will lead to either a quick return or a late one. :-p19:27
eyeohwas it 24.04.1 LTS or 24.04 LTS?19:27
eyeohah you managed to do that19:27
eyeohlet's see...19:27
eyeohsee you in 5 :p19:27
HravnkelOh sorry never replied to that! Only *version file in /etc/ was debian_version stating trixie/sid19:28
HravnkelBrb! (or Be Back Hopefully Soon)19:29
HravnkelSo, well it wasn't a blazing fast reboot... :-p19:34
eyeohHravnkel: hmm what about cat /etc/*release19:34
HravnkelWorked better. :-p 24.04.1 LTS19:35
Hravnkel(sry, as you probably noticed I'm not really savvy on this system)19:35
eyeohno worries, that was me not long ago19:35
eyeohhmm wonder if you'd have any more luck if you switched wifi to say, tether off your phone data or something19:36
eyeohjust for a little bit to test if it changes anything19:36
eyeohI kind of suspect it might have to do with the macbook's hardware not playing nice19:36
eyeohespecially since it's a fresh install/boot - so hardware/driver issues has to be a prime suspect19:37
eyeohtethering to phone should at least rule out your router as the culprit19:37
eyeohotherwise I think the only other thing I can think of is to see if you have more luck with a live fedora usb (don't choose the gnome one though)19:38
HravnkelI've tried a few different wifi networks, including my phone, unfortunately without any luck. I wasn't investigating that issue but was at a place without wifi. 19:38
HravnkelI also believe it's a conflict somewhere since it started already on the USB install. 19:39
HravnkelInteresting though I only had a 3 minutes stall for this boot, I don't think it's ever been that fast. :-p19:39
eyeohdid you try to disable timesyncd?19:40
HravnkelYep I've tried that earlier, but maybe I should give it a go again! 19:40
eyeohand I wonder what this means: systemd-hostnamed.service: Deactivated19:40
eyeohwait; I can see my own journal too19:40
HravnkelAbout switching to Fedora - I'm not really going to do anything drastic for just this issue. I truly enjoy Lubuntu and it seems to be the perfect match for this computer. Everything works like a charm except for the boot time, so I generally just keep it booted and only suspend it when I leave it. 19:42
eyeohoh no, I mean just to test19:45
eyeohI wouldn't actually recommend fedora :p - too much work19:45
HravnkelHaha, good point. :p19:46
eyeohthis does make me wonder whether devuan would throw up the same conundrum19:46
eyeohdevuan with lxde I imagine would be quite similar to lubuntu19:46
eyeohI don't understand why so many search results are turning up vague ideas only19:47
eyeohit could well be just a hardware thing, but confusing to troubleshoot19:47
HravnkelInteresting idea with devuan. Could be worth trying with a USB-boot at least! 19:47
HravnkelYeah I agree, it's been really hard to troubleshoot via web searches. A lot of results of similar issues but so far no success.. 19:48
HravnkelI did find a good article that I've now lost (unfortunately it didn't help me either) but that at least went to the bottom with a solution (just not for me). 19:49
HravnkelI suppose I'll have to call it a day for tonight, but I'll probably be back another evening and keep troubleshooting it! If I find a solution I most definately will write it down somewhere if others run into the issue. 19:50
HravnkelBut for now I really want to thank you for your effort! It it very deeply appreciated!!!19:51
eyeohHravnkel: this reply suggests there's a kernel regression for the issue in the post: https://askubuntu.com/a/152178619:51
eyeohif so, then 22.04 should work better for now19:52
eyeohoh I forgot to ask - what usb devices are plugged in? especially external drives, etc19:52
HravnkelOh! That's a good thread to follow! I will most certainly try switching the kernels tomorrow! Thank you!19:53
HravnkelThere are no USB devices plugged in. 19:53
eyeohI'd try lubuntu 22.04 live usb first19:53
eyeohmight be easier19:54
eyeohcause that will definitely have an older kernel19:54
HravnkelYeah that would be evident if the problem went away with the USB-boot. Good point. 19:54
eyeohand then there's also debian 12.7 lxde which has linux 6.1; if you don't really want to try devuan.19:56
eyeohBut I say give lubuntu 22.04 LTS a go first19:56
HravnkelYeah that's a great start! 19:57
eyeohbecause if that works, you can sit on that for a while until the bug is fixed19:57
HravnkelYep! This process will also force me into a sustainable solution for all my dotfiles... :-p So that's another bonus. ;)19:58
HravnkelNow I need to leave for the evening, but once again thank you! Deeply appreciated support!19:59
eyeohno problem - ping me an update when you're back at it20:00
HravnkelAbsolutely, will do! Have a good evening! 20:02

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