
lvaluewhere is float.h can't find it00:04
lvalueim looking for DBL_TRUE_MIN00:05
sarnoldlvalue: I'm not sure if it's libgcc-*-dev (where the asterisk should be replaced by your gcc version) or libc6-dev  (that one has a stdlib-float.h that might not just work, but I expected to see it in libc6-dev, heh)00:32
majusculewhy might dpkg-query -L not show binary files? (for the record, this is on a github ci instance, and psql was installed via apt-get install postgres)00:56
sarnoldmajuscule: try searching for the file using dpkg -S -- perhaps the file you're looking at was supplied by a different binary package than you expect01:00
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tortitafelizI have been trying to install Ubuntu on my laptop but it always gives me an error :c02:53
rboxan error!?02:55
tortitafelizwhen I start my pc it freezes02:55
IutGzbcdPtlYAQb❤️ Ubuntu02:55
tortitafelizI don't know if it's because of the hardware on my laptop02:56
enigma9o7Wow, two problems.   an error and a freeze.  I wonder if they're related?02:56
enigma9o7I would resolve the error, then see if it it still freezes.02:57
tortitafelizI mean the error is that it freezes haha02:57
enigma9o7oh, so no error messages?02:58
enigma9o7How bout in journal or something?02:58
tortitafelizWhen I turn on my laptop with the USB booted, "try or install Ubuntu" appears, I click on it but it never starts 😢03:00
tortitafelizI wanted to install it to test it, I'm not very experienced hehe03:01
enigma9o7Ah, well that doesn't sound good.03:03
enigma9o7Is there any option on that try or install menu that's like safe graphics mode or anything?03:04
enigma9o7In ideal world it should start within an hour or less.03:04
tortitafelizwhen i click o safe graphics mode it doesn't start either03:05
tortitafeliz1 hour?03:05
tortitafelizwhy so long¿03:06
enigma9o7Well usually less.03:09
tortitafelizIt actually goes to the screen where the Acer logo appears, but the loading circle stops at one point, so I don't know if it's working well or if it freezes03:09
Bashing-omtortitafeliz: Did you verify the .ISO // and how did you copy the ISO to the USB drive ?03:12
tortitafelizI recorded the iso on the USB with BalenaEtcher, because that is what it says on the Ubuntu page03:14
toddctest the usb on another computer?   usb is slow but not that slow some older comuters are no longer supported as is 32 bit computers03:14
LuckyManenigma9o7, what blend is your graphics board?03:16
tortitafelizi dont have other computer :c03:17
LuckyMansorry that was ment to tortitafeliz03:17
LuckyManhow old is your computer?03:17
tortitafelizand mi laptop is 64bit03:17
tortitafelizidk how see my graphics board03:19
tortitafelizhave a ryzen 5 3500u03:20
LuckyMandid you checked the "install third party software" box on install?03:20
enigma9o7I don't think they're even getting to Live environment?03:21
tortitafelizis that the installation screen never appears03:21
LuckyMando you currently have windows on that machine?03:22
tortitafelizI wanted to change an Ubuntu to try it03:23
LuckyManyou should try making the USB using Ventoy03:23
tortitafelizAnd it couldn't be because my laptop is incompatible with Ubuntu?03:24
LuckyManyou probably have a A315-42 ?03:25
LuckyMansee the back of your laptop03:25
tortitafelizaspire 3 A31403:25
LuckyManI have two acer A315 and no problem03:26
pragmaticenigmatortitafeliz, it's more likely that there's a work around to get your machine up and running. without knowing the specifics of the hardware (make and model, what graphics card make and model you have, it's going to be difficult to help find a solution to get you up and running.03:26
LuckyManon the back of the laptop you have the full designation for the model03:27
tortitafelizAcer aspire 3 a314 series03:28
tortitafeliz8gb ram, 256gb ssd and ryzen 5 3500u with radeon vega mobile03:29
LuckyManin that case you shouldn't have problem with graphic drivers03:30
esvhey folks, I am using Ubuntu 22.04 and I keep getting a message: A newer OEM kernel is available than what is installed ... How do I get rid of that message?03:30
LuckyMantortitafeliz, it's probably your instalation media, try ventoy03:31
pragmaticenigmaventoy isn't going to solve anything... it's just a boot manager03:31
LuckyManyou download the iso, install ventoy, copy the .iso to the usb03:32
tortitafelizI'm going to try with ventoy03:32
LuckyMantortitafeliz, I would download the ubuntu .iso again03:34
tortitafelizWhich version should i download?03:35
tortitafelizI downloaded the Ubuntu 22.04 iso03:36
matsamanesv: probably update it through the normal update process03:36
LuckyMantortitafeliz, you tried before 24.04?03:38
esvI run frequent (today ran it) updates, from the little I've read, the package name should start with oem...something, strange I don't have any package with that string in it.03:38
tortitafelizyea i tried before in 24.04 but it didn't work03:39
pragmaticenigmaesv, without knowing what you are running ubuntu on, it's going to be difficult to answer your question. please provide more infrmation about the computer you are working with03:39
esvframework computer03:40
LuckyManesv, did your computer had Ubuntu when you buy it?03:40
esvheck no03:40
geniiesv: I have the 16, nice machine03:41
esvit hasa 12th gen intel core i7-1260p processor03:41
pragmaticenigmatortitafeliz, Acer machines are known to be difficult for getting any distribution up and running on. You may have to add kernel options at the selection screen to get the machine to boot. I'm unfortunately not well versed in what options those might be. But searching for Ubuntu Black Screen {computer_model} may find some solutions to try03:41
toddcon 22.04 video issues can be solved by booting with the nomodset option https://www.pugetsystems.com/labs/hpc/how-to-use-linux-kernel-boot-options/03:41
esvgenii, I have the 13"03:41
enigma9o7well the safe graphics mode should do nomodeset noapic acpi=off already, no?03:42
toddcthen after install addl driver should show the best video driver to use03:42
LuckyManpragmaticenigma, that's not my case, I have two acer's and installing was nice and easy03:42
pragmaticenigmaesv, Can't say I've seen the OEM kernel message before for an Intel machine. Was expecting something like a RISC-V or ARM based SBC or Development board machine03:43
esvAcer, that's a name I havent heard in ages.03:43
LuckyManand he has AMD, who's drivers are in the kernel03:43
geniiesv: You might want to try using at commandline: sudo apt-update&& sudo apt dist-upgrade03:43
toddcnot sure I have often had to use no modeset to installs working usuall due to Nvidia but several others 24.04 I have not had a issue yet03:43
esvI live off the command line.03:44
esvI ran the: apt list --installed | grep oem ; Nothing03:44
toddcI do a lot of installs but not strong in diag area just what i find works for me03:45
tortitafelizmmm so I can't get Ubuntu to work on my laptop?03:45
LuckyMantortitafeliz, yes you can03:46
pragmaticenigmaesv, either apt dist-upgrade or apt full-upgrade may get it installed. if you installed a custom or alternative kernel, you may have to go back to that source to get their latest release and install like you did previously03:46
geniiesv: What kernel does uname -r report?03:46
pragmaticenigmatortitafeliz, you can, it's just not going to be an instant answer03:46
geniiHm, same here03:46
tortitafelizohh okok03:46
LuckyMantortitafeliz, did you install ventoy yet?03:47
tortitafelizI'm going to try recording the iso with ventoy03:47
enigma9o7tort, play with bios settings.03:47
enigma9o7can't hurt03:47
tortitafelizi disable the secure mode in the bios03:48
tortitafelizand it still didn't work03:48
LuckyMantortitafeliz, you don't record the iso, you just install ventoy, apply it to the usb and then copy the iso to the usb03:48
tortitafelizsecure boot*03:48
esvdid a reinstall using the jammy usb disk, got in trouble with the usb sound selection and the Bluetooth sound would not work, re-install did the trick03:49
pragmaticenigmafrom what I can gather, if secure boot was a problem, they wouldn't be getting to the GRUB screen to select what to run.03:49
pragmaticenigmasame for anything else being brought up at the moment.03:49
pragmaticenigmapretty sure they need to pass a kernel option to get things up and running, but I'm not finding anything conclusive in my searches03:50
esvgenii, on the Framework, I like I can replace stuff without having to buy a whole new laptop, I'd like to fix the BT issue is affecting me but other than that, I am pleasantly working with it.03:51
enigma9o7you dont "install" ventoy then apply it to the usb, you install it on the usb (which formats it).03:51
geniiesv: Yes, this is why I decided to get one, I like the company philosophy03:52
enigma9o7On the framework 16 you only get 6 ports, but you can swap them in and out.03:52
enigma9o7The 13 is only 4!03:52
geniienigma9o7: There is also a back bay03:52
tortitafelizhow i pass this kernel options¿03:53
pragmaticenigmaAren't the "ports" essentially USB-C to "whatever it needs to be" adapters03:53
tortitafelizin the bios¿03:53
geniipragmaticenigma: Thunderbolt, i think03:53
enigma9o7Nope, you can get usb-c ports, or usb-a ports, or hdmi, ethernet, displayport, etc.03:53
enigma9o7But total of 4 only on the 13" or 6 on the 16".03:53
esvpragmaticenigma, yep, I foolishly bought 2 DP port adapters when all I needed was 2 USB-c or none at all.03:53
enigma9o7they don't even have a dual usb-a port or anything.03:54
pragmaticenigmatortitafeliz, you don't in the bios... you pass them at the screen that asks what you want to do where it offers "try or install Ubuntu"03:54
tortitafelizohh okok03:56
esvI bought a 9-1 dock station/port extenders to manage the 2 monitors I have, then use a bare usb-c for a third 15" display.03:57
esvI like my framework but somedays... not so much.03:57
esvok, that was it.03:57
pragmaticenigmaesv, got the kernel updated ?03:58
esvrunning 6.8.0-40-generic04:00
esvI'll ask in the Framework forums, perhaps they've seen it.04:02
LuckyMantortitafeliz, did you manage to make the install media?04:09
tortitafelizI am transferring the iso to usb04:10
itm_jcd_33hello im having a lot of fun trying to `sudo apt install firefox` i rly like how it says `waiting for automatic snapd restart` forever and still doesnt do anything when you manually restart snapd truely a remarkable bit of software engineering06:18
itm_jcd_33altho im wondering if theres a way to get past the `waiting for snapd restart` stage does anyone have any clues?06:21
itm_jcd_33im uninstalling snapd06:36
LuckyManitm_jcd_33, why did you have to install firefox? It comes with Ubuntu06:44
itm_jcd_33yeah well its Xubuntu is it illegal to talk about that here?06:48
LuckyManbut I think Xubuntu also comes with Firefox06:53
witchitm_jcd_33: how come you remove snap from ubuntu instead of just running debian?06:55
itm_jcd_33LuckyMan maybe if i selected the full install07:02
LuckyManitm_jcd_33, lol, why didn't you?07:02
itm_jcd_33didnt want to install too many things i dont need07:03
itm_jcd_33but when i selected the same option on normal ubuntu, it *did* install firefox07:03
LuckyManIt's easier to make a full install and remove what you don't need07:05
LuckyManbecause most of the programs in the full install you will need them sooner or later07:06
LuckyManminimal is only useful if you have a very small disk07:09
realivanjxuuhh... why did my nautilus just got uninstalled? 24.04.1 desktop08:46
realivanjxseems because i installed fuse08:49
realivanjxwas trying to fix why an appimage does not want to run earlier and it turned out to nuke nautilus08:49
witchrealivanjx: you don't need to separately install FUSE. the FUSE package you installed is most likely the older FUSE package and it replaced the pre-installed fuse308:49
ravageyou want fuse3 and not fuse yes08:49
realivanjxdid i correctly restore nautilus?08:50
ravagelooks like it08:50
realivanjxcan i apt autoremove the rest?08:50
ravagetry to reinstall the ubuntu-desktop package if you are on gnome and regular ubutu first08:51
ravagexwayland looks like something you want to keep for example08:51
witchrealivanjx: did an appimage tell you that it was missing fuse?08:53
realivanjxravage: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/G9Z6WHxhVs/ all these?08:53
realivanjxwitch: didnt really know what i was doing but i assumed it was missing fuse since that what i was doing in the past08:54
ravageyou can use ubuntu-desktop-minimal08:54
realivanjxoh well08:54
witchyou can often just pass --appimage-extract-and-run to an appimage and it'll run08:54
realivanjxwitch: turned out it was an electron app image and ubuntu 24.04 seems to have issues related to apparmor so i decided to not continue with that appimage08:55
ravageubuntu-desktop-minimal is the default in 24.0408:55
ravagedepends on what you chose during the installation08:55
ravageshould be a shorter list without libreoffice for example08:55
realivanjxit nuked my flatpak too omg08:56
realivanjxthis is too much damage08:56
witchrealivanjx: for any electron app, i don't see any reason to not just use their web app instead08:56
realivanjxit is an ide08:56
realivanjxhow can 1 package be so destructive08:56
ravagebad dependencies08:57
realivanjxgonna be a lot more careful08:57
witchrealivanjx: fuse conflicts with fuse3 and a lot of packages depend on fuse308:57
ravagebut it tols you exactly what it would do 🙂08:57
realivanjxsurprisingly my browser installed with flatpak still running as i am writing with it now08:57
realivanjxcant believe linus moment finally hit me08:58
realivanjxand on my main desktop on top of that08:58
realivanjxig reinstalling flatpak and installing ubuntu-desktop fix 99% of my stuff09:05
stolenHi, so I wanted to add a system call to ubuntu, how can I do that? I don't want to do that on ubuntu, but a lighter version of ubuntu which I can run and install with minimum space on a virtual machine09:07
realivanjxgod i love flatpaks and snaps. they survived the fuse nuclear bomb.09:10
chilverscMy laptop seems to be refusing to detect my second monitor. It was previously working fine, I then used a different monitor that connected directly via USB-C, and since then my old setup is simply not working.10:07
chilverscThe old setup worked by connecting HDMI via an Apple USB-C adapter.10:07
chilverscI cannot see a display listed under; "lshw -C display", I can see the Apple USB-C Digital AV Multiport Adapter listed in lsusb10:08
chilverscI'm not really sure what to do next to figure out what is wrong.10:09
lotuspsychjechilversc: is your graphics card driver recognized?10:11
chilverscYup, that is shown in lshw; Iris Plus Graphics 64010:11
chilverscxrandr --query only shows a single display10:12
chilverscIt's very odd as this current setup I've been using for years, and it only stopped working after I used a USB-C monitor yesterday10:13
u0_a126есть кто то?10:24
chilverscI'm thinking that this might be somehow hardware related, as I noticed that when rebooting my machine the second monitor doesn't show the luks password prompt like it used to.10:27
chilverscWell I'm at a loss, I didn't have to do anything special to configure it originally, I just plugged it in and it worked, and now it simply doesn't work, and nothing has changed other than using a different monitor yesterday10:38
lotuspsychjechilversc: try a journalctl -f and plug in your external monitor, maybe you're lucky to catch usefull errors10:40
chilverscalas, nothing in journalctl10:47
lotuspsychjechilversc: do you see the monitor in gnomes screen settings?10:48
lotuspsychjechilversc: then somethings wrong10:48
lotuspsychjechilversc: can you share ; sudo dmesg in a pastebin plz10:49
lotuspsychjenot sure sorry chilversc11:01
lotuspsychjedmesg looks pretty sane to me, just some nvme errors at the end11:01
lotuspsychjeand a few acpi11:02
chilverscyeah, from the lack of any logs I'm thinking some sort of hardware issue, maybe the HDMI to USB-C adapter has died and unplugging it yesterday is what finished it off or something.11:02
lotuspsychjethat could be a route indeed chilversc11:03
lotuspsychjechilversc: xrandr prob also doesnt see the external monitor?11:03
chilversclotuspsychje: as in "xrandr --query"? That only lists one display.11:07
lotuspsychjechilversc: does your second monitor allow other ports to try/test?11:08
lotuspsychjevga/dvi/hdmi/dp ?11:08
chilversclotuspsychje: yes, it has VGA, DVI-D, S-Video, composite and component. But the laptop doesn't have any standard ports, so displays have to connect via USB-C/Thunderbolt11:12
chilverscSo I think the only compatible port is DVI-D11:12
lotuspsychjei see11:12
chilverscI suspect hardware at this point, not configuration. But I don't have a spare HDMI to USB-C to test with at the moment.11:13
chilversclotuspsychje: thanks for the help though in confirming I wasn't missing anything obvious11:14
BluesKajHi all11:24
polline__does anybody know if a thing called Microsoft Teams, which if I understand correctly is for remote meetings and calendar sharing, works out of the box or can be made to work on ubuntu?11:26
mgedminI've used the teams website in Chromium for remote meetings a few times, it works okay11:27
ravagebrowser works. there is also a snap11:27
ravageand a repo at teamsforlinux.de11:27
mgedminthere's also a snap package that is some kind of electron based app; it works less well11:28
ravagedisclaimer: thats my website 😄11:28
polline__thanks for the pointers11:29
Guest4Hi! I created blog linux https://licha1n.github.io/linux11:39
lotuspsychjeGuest4: this channel is for ubuntu support only11:39
Guest4Ok^ Ubuntu only news https://licha1n.github.io/linux?cat=ubuntu11:41
lotuspsychje!chat | Guest411:42
ubottuGuest4: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!11:42
Guest4Friends, I want to make a community where people can search for information and ask their questions, there is no information left in this chat, so I created a community, maybe you will be interested!11:47
Guest4Here is the community itself https://licha1n.github.io/linux11:47
Guest4You can also create your own community!11:47
Guest4Let's make the world a better place!11:47
UsrtI want to tell you about the site where you will find absolutely everything, a link to the site https://LiCha1n.github.io/community12:11
pycuriousThe currently running kernel version is not the expected kernel version 6.8.0-44-generic. - any ideas why this is complaining with apt update/upgrade.12:23
Picarillosudo do-release-upgrade -d12:24
PicarilloChecking for a new Ubuntu release12:24
PicarilloPlease install all available updates for your release before upgrading.12:24
Picarillowhy does it say this? I've literally installed all my updates12:24
ravagelook for the kept back packages on "sudo apt upgrade"12:24
ravagethen do: sudo apt upgrade package1 package212:25
ravageand so on12:25
Picarillohe following packages have been kept back:12:25
Picarillo  megasync python3-distupgrade python3-update-manager shim-signed12:25
Picarillo  ubuntu-release-upgrader-core ubuntu-release-upgrader-gtk update-manager12:25
Picarillo  update-manager-core12:25
Picarillo0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 8 not upgraded.12:25
ravageafter the the upgrader should be happy12:25
pycurious@ravage was that for me?12:25
Picarillowhy does it say this?12:25
ravageto Picarillo12:25
Guest80Please, how to list packages from different repos on a Focal client ?12:40
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charles-antellgood day where ever you may be13:48
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comphhi, i recently installed a driver for a graphics card that i didn't use ... weird thing now is that it seem to build the driver every time i run apt upgrade14:10
comph * dkms: running auto installation service for kernel 6.8.0-44-generic14:11
comphhowever, i run 6.8.0-41-generic for the kernel too14:12
comphso it's strange14:12
comphi think it was amd-gpu, ran the amd-gpu uninstall but i don't thinkit did much14:13
comphok removed it from dkms14:17
comphi think the issue started with installing the wrong amdgpu driver, as there's none for ubuntu 24.0 yet14:19
comphrunning (the 22.0 one)14:19
comphok, reboot was fine ... seems to have worked14:21
johnfghi folks14:31
johnfgNormally, when upgrading releases in either ubuntu or debian, there's specific upgrade release notes that I read.  For 24.04.1 I'm not finding them.  I found the release notes, but not release notes for the upgrade.14:32
ioriajohnfg, you mean this ? https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/noble-numbat-point-release-changes/4756514:35
eelstreborso, are we being forced to use the snap store? is it better than other sources?15:03
leftyfbeelstrebor: do you have an issue with a particular application?15:04
eelstrebor2 apps - firefox and thunderbird15:05
leftyfbwhat is the issue with them?15:05
eelstreborboth show message numbers over their icons but i can't find any messages15:05
leftyfbfirefox shows a message number over it's icon?15:06
eelstrebori should mention that vlc has glitchy video also15:06
eelstreborleftyfb, yes15:06
leftyfbcan you take a screenshot?15:07
eelstrebori'm trying a re-install on firefox and thunderbird - i re-installed vlc last night but couldn't get rid of the glitching video15:08
leftyfbeelstrebor: click your clock in the top-right and clear the notifications15:08
eelstreborthat worked15:09
johnfgioria: No, but thanks for the try.15:12
nteodosiojohnfg, do you mean something like https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/ubuntu-24-04-lts-noble-numbat-release-notes/39890? As far as I know those are not done for point releases.15:18
nteodosioeelstrebor, I'm not sure what you consider the previous one, but maybe snap refresh --stable snap-store if you are not already there.15:20
nteodosioStable is normally the default track but not  in general for snaps included in the installation.15:21
eelstreborlooks like my vlc problem only occurs when i go full screen15:27
leftyfbeelstrebor: I've noticed that as well15:28
ioriaeelstrebor, permanent or random ?15:33
explodesWhy does this popup keep happening? https://i.imgur.com/7g2KLPB.jpeg16:02
explodesMy /etc/fstab has this entry for this disk: UUID=2a5c9033-65d7-4d4c-907b-1bdf80501699 /media/library ext4 rw,nosuid,nodev,relatime,data=ordered,uhelper=udisks2,x-gvfs-show 0 016:02
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sixwheeledbeastYou can avoid snaps if you want to, just not by default.16:14
punit_aryaofftopic but important: beware of anydesk scam wherein a scammer would offer you to take control of his system just for fun... remote desktop can be taken in reverse too without even your knowledge... one person just pinged me for this16:34
gordonjcppunit_arya: oh I love those, I let them connect every time16:35
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t0astanyone know where theres good free proxy lists17:24
lotuspsychjet0ast: this is the ubuntu support channel17:24
phrack_extractorHey I need a specific kernel bzImage17:51
phrack_extractorWhat would be the easiest way to download that bzImage so I can look at it locally?17:51
lotuspsychje!patience | phrack_extractor17:52
ubottuphrack_extractor: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or https://ubuntuforums.org or https://askubuntu.com/17:52
leftyfbphrack_extractor: all kernels supported here you can get using apt download <kernel package name>17:52
phrack_extractorleftyfb It has to be a bzImage file though. I don't know which packages contain a bzImage and which don't17:53
leftyfbphrack_extractor: bzImage is just the compressed vmlinuz in /boot after you install the kernel17:54
leftyfbphrack_extractor: why do you need this exactly?17:54
phrack_extractorBecause I want to boot into it with qemu17:54
leftyfbphrack_extractor: then install the kernel for the qemu OS17:54
phrack_extractorI don't want to actually install it to my host. Just need some old kernel version17:55
phrack_extractorleftyfb the qemu os? what?17:55
leftyfbphrack_extractor: you install the kernel in the VM17:55
phrack_extractorleftyfb No, one doesn't have to install an entire OS in a VM instance.17:56
phrack_extractorI don't want to go that far. Just need to test many kernel versions using a script17:57
phrack_extractorand by test I mean I have a test in the init ram fs17:57
leftyfbphrack_extractor: ok, then you should try asking in #linux for non-ubuntu support17:57
maurizio_hi, I have a dns problem on ubuntu 22.04 lts. Can anybody help me to fix it?18:03
leftyfbmaurizio_: please describe your problem in detail. Feel free to use pastebin to share errors or configs18:04
Stup1dN1iggaaHi! Check this site https://LiCha1n.github.io/community18:05
leftyfb!op | Stup1dN1iggaa18:05
ubottuStup1dN1iggaa: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - CarlFK, DJones, el, Flannel, genii, hggdh, ikonia, krytarik, mneptok, mwsb, nhandler, ogra, Pici, popey, sarnold, tomreyn, Unit193, wgrant18:05
DeadN1ggersgo go go https://bitly.cx/KsB018:28
blisschello guys18:31
blisscis there a way i can install windows alongside lubuntu?18:31
leftyfbblissc: that would be a #windows question18:32
leftyfbblissc: the quick answer is yes18:32
leftyfbblissc: when Windows takes over and you can't boot ubuntu anymore, come back here and we'll help you recover ubuntu18:32
blissc but i cant install windows at all18:33
leftyfbblissc: please go to #windows for help installing windows18:33
blisscok thanks18:34
=== Sidewyz1 is now known as Sidewyz
TeridonI can no longer run the chromium snap on ubuntu 20.04.06 LTS.  I can't even run snappy-debug; I get "cannot create symbolic link "/tmp/snap.rootfs_aabbcc/bin": Permission denied ( https://dpaste.org/uXJJo )18:44
Guest44Hello guys ! my error https://lepninaland.online/github-page18:44
leftyfb!op | Guest4418:45
TeridonI tried stopping the apparmor service; no change18:45
ubottuGuest44: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - CarlFK, DJones, el, Flannel, genii, hggdh, ikonia, krytarik, mneptok, mwsb, nhandler, ogra, Pici, popey, sarnold, tomreyn, Unit193, wgrant18:45
DeadN1gaaaIf you're not a fag, come in -> https://lepninaland.online/github-page19:01
osseOn every login /usr/libexec/tracker-extract-3 crashes. The "details" pane used to suggest to upgrade some packages, but now there is little left to go on (for me): https://imgur.com/a/5ASYi5q - I have forcefully reinstalled related packages to no avail. Do you guys have any tips? Thanks.19:16
leftyfbosse: sudo rm /var/crash/tracker*19:16
osseI've collapsed the nodes which I deemed uninteresting or superfluous (to make it fit, heh). Let me know if you want to see anything19:16
phrack_extractorHow do I get the bzImage of the linux-headers package19:16
leftyfbosse: it likely crashed once19:17
leftyfbphrack_extractor: sudo apt install <linux kernel package name>19:17
phrack_extractorleftyfb there must be a way that doesn't require me to install it19:17
leftyfbphrack_extractor: you're not going to get a different answer. And since you're not running ubuntu on the device in question, support for your project is not provided here19:18
phrack_extractorlike, download and unpack a .deb19:18
phrack_extractorI am running ubuntu19:18
leftyfbgreat, so do that19:18
leftyfbphrack_extractor: ok, then install it19:18
leftyfbphrack_extractor: though you've already said you're not running an OS in your VM, so no, you're not running Ubuntu19:19
osseleftyfb: I don't have any such file, but I do have /var/crash/_usr_libexec_tracker-extract-3.1000.crash . I suppose it's the same thing? 1) Cool to know this is available in plain text somewhere :-)  2) The Date field is current.  Either way I'll remove it and see what happens. Thank you19:19
leftyfbosse: yes, delete that19:19
phrack_extractorI am running ubuntu on my host19:19
=== Echoz_ is now known as Echoz
leftyfbphrack_extractor: you're not asking about your host, you're asking about how to get a kernel onto your VM19:19
leftyfbwhich isn't running ubuntu19:19
aradapilothey folks, a PC just updated to 24.04 is no longer booting, it gets stuck at initramfs not finding disks since /sbin/blkid is missing from the initramfs image and it can't find the volumes.  both boot/efi and main volume are healthy, it's just that they can't be found (a lot of `blkid not found` errors from init)19:20
leftyfb!bootrepair | aradapilot19:22
ubottuaradapilot: Boot-Repair is a simple tool to repair frequent boot issues you may encounter in Ubuntu. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Boot-Repair for more info.19:22
osseleftyfb: Unfortunately it reappears19:25
leftyfbosse: try this: https://askubuntu.com/a/149317919:27
osseleftyfb: :O I HAVE searched for this, I promise! I must have missed this one. I'll try it out, thanks again19:27
eelstreborioria, the vlc screen breakup is random when at full screen - it just started doing this 2 days ago.19:28
aradapilotleftyfb: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/nMGf3jgzKy/19:33
Guest39How can I override "Routes" in GUI network configuration with "whatever the current default gateway is" instead of putting a static IP? Bit annoying changing it every time I'm using Android hotspot.19:36
Guest39(use case: trying to exclude certain subnets from being routed via VPN)19:37
aradapilotleftfb: expanding on that, if I use the utility past generating report I get 'grub-efi purge cancelled'20:00
=== Sidewyz1 is now known as Sidewyz
Mila56Chat sexuel ?20:22
=== halloy8846 is now known as VivictusPrimus
lmatI have a PDF document that is about 5 inches tall and three inches wide. I would like to print two of them side by side on a 8.5x11. How should I proceed?22:34
lmatI have been looking for a way to put multiple PDF pages onto one page. For instance, I can create a black 8.5inx11in PDF page using   ps2pdf -sPAPERSIZE=letter - blank.pdf <<< ""; Then I was thinking of putting a "background" onto that blank page:    pdftk blank.pdf background my_doc.pdf output combined.pdf; but I don't see how to add an offset or scale to that "background" (so that I can add another22:36
tomreynlmat: i'm not sure whether it's the application or the printer driver which supports it for me, but using evince (gnomes' pdf reader) i can print multiple document pages to a single sheet of paper, automatically resizing them as needed.22:56
lmattomreyn: Yes, I can do that, too, but it's not satisfactory. I need more control over scaling and positioning of the multiple-documents-per-page.22:58
aradapilotnot necessarily a clean solution, but screenshot them both and composite the images onto one page rescaling as needed23:00
lmataradapilot: I would rather not rasterize the PDF. It's currently all vector graphics.23:01
lmatI'm currently adjusting pdftk source code and maybe getting what I want: https://paste.rs/nTC3z23:01
JanCyeah, that would get ugly or create very large files  :)23:01
JanCrasterizing it, I mean23:01
lmatMy original PDF. https://imgur.com/a/4ZoSfDE   and here's what I get when I call java -jar pdftk-java-3.3.2.jar blank.pdf background Twelfth\ Night\ \(1\).pdf output OUT.pdf  (blank.pdf was created as described above)23:03
lmathttps://imgur.com/a/FsdItbm . I think I can use this as an input, and overlay another one to the right and get the 2-up I want ':)23:03
lmatThat's pretty much what I want.  https://imgur.com/a/8GLhAcv  Anyone know of an easier way to get this? ^_^23:06
JanCthere are bunch of other tools for manipulating PDF files in the repositories too, but I can't say off-hand which one(s) can do what you want...23:06
lmatJanC: I took a fairly long look through stackoverflow and serverfault. I assume something can do something like what I want, but I didn't locate it.23:08
lmatprinted, presented to wife, accepted, now printing 30 more.23:12
eelstreborsupposedly i have esm-apps enabled (according to synaptic) but apt is saying it isn't enabled - what should i do?23:19

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