
=== antonispgs6 is now known as antonispgs
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gvvgHi everyone is there an easy way to convert mdadm raid1 disks to normal disks? I'm trying to migrate an old ubuntu server with software raid1 to a newer server with hardware raid102:28
enigma9o7would dd work?  or tar?02:28
enigma9o7eelstebor: check your sources yourself I guess?02:30
enigma9o7although I'd trust apt over synaptic02:30
gvvgenigma9o7: I don't know - install ubuntu on a new server and then dd everything from old server to new server?02:31
enigma9o7Or, just dd old server onto external media and write it onto new server from live iso.02:32
enigma9o7but I mean that assumes you have somethiing that can hold the whole disk image02:32
enigma9o7No need in this case to install ubuntu on new server since you'll be writing the entire image from old server which presumably includes ubuntu :)02:33
gvvgenigma9o7: ok - I'll try this - thank you02:35
gvvghow do I make the live system bootable? don't I have to do something or does dd do everything?02:35
gvvgcould I dd over an ssh tunnel?02:39
enigma9o7If you dd the whole disk with all its partitions, it'll include the efi partition or mbr, etc, so it "should" boot.  But if it doesn't, I'd just reinstall grub from the live iso.02:43
enigma9o7I'd have to look up the command but it sosmething like grub install /dev/sda02:43
gvvgcan you share the command dd over ssh ?02:44
gvvgi'd like to do the whole system02:44
enigma9o7I don't see why it would matter if you ssh, but to take the dd image, you don't want it mounted, so you'd normally boot from live iso.02:44
enigma9o7so, i dunno if live iso is setup to accept ssh, but you could install openssh-server or whatever is needed (maybe it's just "openssh")02:45
enigma9o7and you'd probably wanna use some flags on dd to show progress and flush cache, etc, i dunno those off the top of my head..... the base comand would be something like sudo dd if=/dev/sda of=/path/to/external/media/you/already/mounted/image.dd02:46
gvvgenigma9o7: thank you - I'll try02:47
enigma9o7which would take all of sda and put it in a file, all partitions on sda including mbr/etc.02:47
enigma9o7if it gets too tricky, clonezilla has GUI tools for this kinda thing, and has a live iso you can use.  although you can certainly do it manually with dd from any live iso.02:49
gvvgoh that's a great idea - thanks02:55
ElliriaHey there. If I do the whereis -b foo command, I get the foo: /usr/bin/foo result. Is there anything I can do to just get the /usr/bin/foo result without the foo: part at the beginning?03:17
enigma9o7Yes.  You could parse the output.  Pipe it into something like sed or awk.03:19
ElliriaGot it: whereis -b foo  | cut -d' ' -f203:19
enigma9o7Where there's a will there's a way :)03:20
ElliriaHeh. Good old Google.03:21
* Elliria gives Google a hug03:21
sixwheeledbeastis there not a better util for that, like type -p or command -v?03:26
esvElliria, you could use: dirname $(whereis -b foo)03:34
esvI'd rather use "which" command, as in: which foo.03:36
ElliriaInteresting. That gives me a dot on the first line and /usr/bin on the second. Not quite what I was after, but it's certainly unique.03:38
esvthought you were after the parent directory of the command, the which command will give you the one that would be used.03:38
esvwhich passwd , returns: /usr/bin/passwd03:39
sixwheeledbeastwhich isn't the best util I suggested two above03:39
enigma9o7all three give me the same output (type -p, command -v, which)03:41
enigma9o7which is the fastest to type....03:41
enigma9o7Why is it not the best sixwheeledbeast ?03:42
sixwheeledbeastit's non standard03:42
sixwheeledbeastbuiltins much better03:43
enigma9o7well neither is a dualy, but it still gets you where you're going03:43
sixwheeledbeastIt can have different output and exit codes between systems.03:45
Squared24.04.1 is out!04:04
SquaredDoes it seem problem free?04:05
enigma9o7Things aren't always as they seem...04:09
SquaredThe Twin Peaks release04:13
ElliriaYeah, that gave too much info, esv, which is why ai added | cut d' ' -f2 to it.04:19
enigma9o7I think you'r ereferring ot whereis, not which.04:19
enigma9o7I think you're referring to "whereis", not "which".04:20
enigma9o7which, type -p, and command -v all give the output you desire, without having to parse anything.04:20
ElliriaAh, let me try those.04:21
ElliriaYes, they do! Very nice! I like which the best. Thanks!04:22
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tarzeau_so i've got amdgpu drivers and ubuntu 22.04, but the latest kernel 5.15.0-121-generic the amdgpu stuff fails to build. am i alone?06:59
Squaredtarzeau_, is that the kernel that comes with 24.04? Also on AMD07:06
ubuntu-cinnamonhi everyone07:30
=== mrpond4 is now known as mrpond
AlanarsHi, I want to invite you to a new free social network!08:47
AlanarsThe network does not collect personal data, you can find out more on the website https://dkonapp.github.io/start08:47
AlanarsThanks for your attention! !08:47
Guest44Hi, I want to invite you to a new free social network!09:08
Guest44The network does not collect personal data, you can find out more on the website https://dkonapp.github.io/start09:08
Guest44Thanks for your attention!!09:08
gordonjcp!ops Guest4409:09
Guest44Hi, I want to invite you to a new free social network!09:09
Guest44The network does not collect personal data, you can find out more on the website https://dkonapp.github.io/start09:09
Guest44Thanks for your attention!09:09
OutOfServiceHi. I need to recover the /var/lib/docker folder in a lvm/ext4 partition. I've already unmounted it and placed the virtual disk into anocher linux system. My problem is that I have no room in order to make a backup imagen. I need some advice, please. Which tool shopuld I use to try to recover the data?09:21
xxOutOfService: if you have no space, then where do you expect to put the data?09:32
OutOfServiceI have some spece to recover that folder, but not to backup all the volume09:34
AJIU1anyboy here09:40
AJIU1so quiet09:40
=== tribaal_ is now known as tribaal
lvalueIs there a apt How to?10:03
ravageman apt-get10:03
xx`man apt`10:03
lvalueI want to know the dependecies of a packege10:03
xx`apt depends $package`10:04
lvalueapt depends irssi lists not readline ... which i want to know the version10:07
lvaluewhy is it so?10:07
mgedminapt show packagename10:07
mgedminand then look at the Depends: line10:08
xxlvalue: probably because it doesn't depend on it10:08
xxunless you're looking for build dependencies, which are a different thing10:08
vladoskidoes anyone know what ^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@ might mean in syslog?10:17
vladoskiI don't know what's happening but my pc is crashing and logs this on syslog10:18
mgedminthese are NUL bytes (ASCII 0x00); this happens simetimes when the system crashes before it has time to fully write out new file contents10:19
vladoskimgedmin, understood. Then I don't reallly know what's happening because it's crashing before  gnome-shell[6325]: Ignoring excess values in shadow definition10:20
vladoskithen it crashes10:21
mgedminyeah, when crashes are sudden the logs are rarely useful :/10:21
dendenis82HI people11:22
dendenis82I need advice,11:22
dendenis82Where can I research list of software/repository for Ubuntu Touch?11:22
ravagethey have a store app11:25
dendenis82ravage: thank`s a lot!11:27
BluesKajHi all11:31
dragonlivehi all12:01
Teridonasked this yesterday but got d/c so sorry for the repeat:  I can no longer run the chromium snap on ubuntu 20.04.06 LTS.  I can't even run snappy-debug; I get "cannot create symbolic link "/tmp/snap.rootfs_aabbcc/bin": Permission denied ( https://dpaste.org/uXJJo )   stopping the apparmor service didn't help12:33
CosmicDJTeridon: ls -ld /tmp shows what?12:34
Teridondrwxrwxrwt root root12:37
CosmicDJTeridon: and df -h /tmp ?12:38
Teridon3.4 TB free space (all one partition)12:38
TeridonIt might related to a security baseline I'm applying -- but it used to work.  At some point in the last few months stopped working (we don't patch often) after patching it.12:44
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TeridonI reinstalled snapd  ( sudo apt purge snapd && sudo apt install snapd ) and that appears to have fixed it14:52
lotuspsychje!yay | Teridon14:53
ubottuTeridon: Glad you made it! :-)14:53
leftyfbTeridon: you should: sudo snap install snapd14:54
enigma9o7that's hard to understand14:58
enigma9o7will that replace the system package?  you'd still have to apt install it in the first place to be able to run snap anyway....  my mind is swirling14:58
ravagethe system package only makes sure that you are actually able to install the snapd snap. sounds weird14:59
ravagebut that is how it works 🙂14:59
=== pah is now known as pa
=== dtl is now known as denlord
fwehtwhen installing firefox via snap, has it access to all of my system fonts? when i install new ones via apt, can it "see" them?15:21
meandrai_How can I start text mode installer after I've booted to linux rescue shell ?15:21
leftyfbfweht: did you try?15:22
ravagefweht: no it has not15:22
leftyfbmeandrai_: why? Why bot just boot the installer and install?15:22
fwehtravage: hmmm, how do i install fonts then so firefox can see them?15:22
ravageyou can add content snaps15:22
ravagebut thats the only way really15:22
meandrai_leftyfb: I have some problems with video card and it is not properly detected15:22
meandrai_I've booted with: systemd.unit=multi-user.target but I cannot see a text installer but a console login15:23
ravagewhat do you want to do with the "installer"?15:23
fwehtravage: how would i create such a content snap?15:23
ravagewell maybe there is a better link15:24
ravagehttps://snapcraft.io/docs/content-interface probably15:24
fwehtthank you!15:25
meandrai_ravage: format the drive and install minimal. I am kind of lazy right now to manually create partitions and use debootstrap15:25
ravageyou can use the server installer15:25
meandrai_what is the binary called for server installer15:28
ravageyou need to boot the server iso15:28
Teridonleftyfb:  would you please explain why I should I install the snapd snap?15:34
TeridonI assume it gets updated more often than the apt version?15:34
Teridon looks like it already installed the snapd snap  .  perhaps when I did "snap install chromium"15:36
maurizioHi, I have ubuntu 22.04. Wifi keeps on giong down. Any hints?15:37
fwehtanybody tried this?  https://askubuntu.com/questions/1427695/how-to-make-snap-firefox-use-locally-installed-fonts  the symlinks seem to no work for me, also my fonts are in `/usr/share/fonts` and not `~/.local/share/fonts`, is this a problem?15:39
Guest95Github open code https://LiCha1n.github.io/community !15:40
fwehtalso i dont seem to have a `fontconfig` file15:40
ravagea  snap will never have access to /usr/share/fonts15:40
Guest95I think your reed https://LiCha1n.github.io/community15:41
fwehtravage: even when symlinked?  should i put my fonts in `~/.local/share`15:41
ravagebecause a symlink does not work to work around security like snap confinement15:42
ravageat least it should never work15:42
ravagethe firefox snap has limited access to your home directory15:42
ravageif the fonts are parts of it you can check in the snapcraft.yaml15:42
fwehtso no symlink?  at bugzilla, they also suggest symlinks: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=176099615:43
-ubottu:#ubuntu- Mozilla bug 1760996 in Firefox Build System "Firefox snap cannot access user fonts and fontconfig files, so @font-face { ... src: local(Some Font Name)} doesn't work" [S3, New]15:43
de-factowhta is this crap with apt update telling me there are packages to upgrade and then apt upgrade refusing to perform the advertised task due to "phasing"15:44
de-factothis is utterly annoying, how can i disable that nonsense?15:45
ravage!phasedupdates | de-facto15:45
ubottude-facto: Since Ubuntu 21.04, APT may hold back some updates on some systems while they are being phased in. This is called "phased updates". See https://ubottu.com/y/phased and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PhasedUpdates for more info.15:45
de-factoyeah complete nonsense, how can i get rid of that?15:45
ravagesee above15:45
ravage( you should ask Crowdstrike on the topic of phased updates )15:48
de-factowho came up with such a horrible idea? this should be disabled by default15:50
ravageThis is off topic here15:50
ravageFeel free to use #ububtu-discuss15:50
NDPMacBookWhats the difference between #ubuntu-discuss and #ubuntu-offtopic?15:51
ravageThe name really gives it away15:52
ravagediscuss is discussion about Ubuntu15:53
ravageofftopic for anything. General rules still apply15:53
JanCNDPMacBook: #ubuntu-offtopic is for everything _except_ Ubuntu16:00
JanCbasically a social channel16:00
mgedminfweht: the firefox snap can see /usr/local/share/fonts/16:29
mgedminfweht: I had to copy a bunch of tahoma*.ttf and segoe*.ttf from my Windows 10 partition to avoid the horrible horrible wine-provided fake tahoma bitmap monstrosity from making some websites utterly unusable16:30
fwehtmgedmin: yes, i too believe now that it can see it16:32
hzhao70aye wsp gyus16:32
hzhao70wait is this working16:32
fwehtbc i can choose default fonts which are only instaled in that directory16:32
hzhao70can you guys see my chats16:32
hzhao70fweht: yo16:32
fwehthzhao70: yes i can see16:32
hzhao70ur not sigma16:32
hzhao70oh ok16:32
hzhao70ok ty16:32
de-factoany known bugs for cuda <-> gcc incompatibility? i am unable to compile cuda code that previously did compile fine on 24.04 with the cuda package from the official repos17:10
de-factothe errors are17:15
de-facto   /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/12/include/amxtileintrin.h(42): error: identifier "__builtin_ia32_ldtilecfg" is undefined17:15
de-facto   /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/12/include/amxtileintrin.h(49): error: identifier "__builtin_ia32_sttilecfg" is undefined17:16
de-factoso its something related to AMX that only gets triggered with compiling CUDA stuff17:16
de-factolooks like they changed this file from inline assembly to intrinsics which makes it fundamentally incompatible with nvcc for some reason17:23
lotuspsychjede-facto: file a new !bug if you feel something goes wrong?17:25
de-factoseems it belongs to libgcc-12-dev:amd64: /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/12/include/amxtileintrin.h17:25
lotuspsychjede-facto: or maybe the #ubuntu-devel crew might help better17:25
pedahzurI read that LTS upgrade is now enabled again. However, running do-release-upgrade still tells me there is not development version of an LTS available. Is this expected? Or is there something I need to do on my end?18:00
ravagewhat is your current version?18:02
ArchDaveI have recently, in the last 2 weeks, done upgrades from 22.04 straight to 24.0418:15
ArchDavedo a regular update and upgrade 1st, then you should get an upgrade to 24.04 offered (maybe on the next boot)18:18
flower_my father got the advise to purge snap in order to solve a problem with a application. Now a lot of applications doesn't work anymore after reinstalling snap. I'm a linux user, but not a ubuntu user nor a snap user, and I get the feeling that's a good thing...18:26
lotuspsychje!details | flower_18:26
ubottuflower_: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information; for example, we might need errors, steps, relevant configuration files, Ubuntu version, and hardware information. Use a !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel.18:26
flower_I think there are dead/th symlinks in the ~/snap/firefox folder18:27
flower_there is no diagnose command for snap or something?18:29
leftyfbflower_: just delete ~/snap/firefox (this will delete bookmarks and firefox settings)18:30
flower_just purge snap18:33
flower_just delete ~/snap/firefox18:33
leftyfbyou can also try just renaming it18:33
leftyfbmv ~/snap/firefox ~/Desktop/18:34
leftyfbmake sure firefox is closed first18:34
leftyfbflower_: are you on your fathers machine now?18:34
flower_I always get quite depressed seeing these new developements18:34
flower_did you notice how long it takes to simply remove firefox?18:34
flower_It needs to disconnect to 100000 services first, it takes a fucking 5 minuts18:35
leftyfbflower_: ~/snap/firefox is not firefox, it's just your personal settings for it18:35
flower_did you remember apt remove?18:35
lotuspsychjeplease keep it polite flower_18:35
gordonjcpI have to admit, I find the snap-packaged firefox pretty janky18:36
gordonjcpsnap in general18:36
lotuspsychjenot a topic for here gordonjcp18:36
xanguaI think the main issue here is, your father got the advice from a random person in the internet to remove snap flower_18:36
leftyfbwe're all "random" people here to most people that join18:37
xanguaOh you reinstalled snap18:37
leftyfbflower_: are you at your fathers machine now?18:37
xanguaMore like the random advice, I think that's what I meant to say18:37
flower_I'll boot my fathers laptop. In meantime I'm glad I don't use snap on arch linux18:38
GDno mames18:39
flower_snap is also partly closed source right? wasn't that why linux mint didn't want to use it?18:40
leftyfbsnaps are all open source18:40
flower_that wasn't the question :)18:41
flower_is snap the recommended way these days on ubuntu, or still apt? the 'terminal' lists the snap suggestion first (to install something)18:42
flower_so, if I start firefox in the terminal, it says: not found, please install. If I try to install it with snap: 'already installed'18:43
leftyfbflower_: echo $PATH18:44
leftyfbdo you have /snap/bin in the result?18:44
flower_it takes 5 minuts to simply rm firefox with snap18:46
* flower_ keeps being polite18:46
flower_yes, /snap/bin is in PATH18:46
flower_but two times... hm18:47
leftyfbflower_: if it's taking 5 minutes to delete ~/snap/firefox then there's something severely wrong. Either your firefox profile is absurdly large in size or you have a problem with your filesystem/storage device18:47
leftyfbflower_: sudo dmesg -T   # see an ATA or IO errors?18:48
pedahzurArchDave: I'm on 22.04, and all packages are up to date (apt-get update/dist-upgrade).18:48
flower_no to delete firefox with snap18:50
flower_sudo snap remove firefox18:51
leftyfbwhy are you doing that?18:52
flower_trying to reinstall18:52
flower_but installing, it says 'already installed'18:52
flower_which firefox, not result18:52
flower_command -v firefox, no result18:52
leftyfbflower_: ok, when you're done running through your own troubleshooting and are ready to troubleshoot with us and we'll continue18:53
flower_those commands are useless with snap probably18:53
flower_firefox, not found18:54
flower_install firefox, already installed18:54
flower_yes, /snap/bin is in PATH18:54
leftyfbflower_: would you like help?18:54
flower_leftyfb, come on18:55
flower_firefox not listed in /snap/bin18:55
leftyfbflower_: we cannot be expected to help if you're going to run a bunch of random commands on your own. There's absolutely no way for us to understand what state your machine is in at any given moment18:56
leftyfbflower_: so, would you like help?18:56
flower_leftyfb, that's what I said, come on, just give your advise or don't if you don't want to. I'm free to also check some things myself I hope18:57
leftyfbflower_: I'm happy to help, but only if you're running just the commands I suggest and no other commands18:58
leftyfbflower_: are any commands running at this moment?18:59
flower_firefox: cannot locate base cnap core22: No such file or directory19:00
leftyfbok, good luck19:00
=== Juesto is now known as Juest
flower_hm universe was not listed in ubuntu.sources19:13
flower_ok, firefox seems to work again19:35
=== andreas is now known as Guest9542
fwehtcan snap packages read local config files, like `.config/fontconfig/fonts.conf`?20:08
spilasyo wassup20:45
hash4032whats up my nintendo partners20:52
echelonanyone know why cron jobs aren't triggering in ubuntu server 18.04 lts?20:54
echeloncreated an entry in /etc/cron.d/test: 55 14 * * *   root    /bin/echo test > /tmp/test.txt20:55
=== Ricardus_ is now known as Ricardus
leftyfbechelon: Ubuntu 18.04 is end of life and no longer supported21:14
echelonok, was it known for having buggy cron execution?21:14
leftyfbechelon: it's time to upgrade. That's a 6 year and 12 releases old OS21:18
echelonit's utc -_-21:21
echeloni was using local time, that's why it wasn't executing21:22
orangepihello world21:29
sin15668what is this21:50
randyMcan i still run Bodhi 7, 22.04, for how long?22:47
escrichHI, good night22:58
escrichI'm here cause I have a problem with one of my Linux, I need to upgrade it from release 23.04 to, for example 23.10, but only via terminal no GUI available at all23:00
enigma9o7randyM, you can still run Bodhi, they support current release and previous (right now Bodhi 7 & 6), but this is Ubuntu support so bodhi questions off topic.23:41
enigma9o7escrich, does the normal way not work from command line?  If not, you can just do it manually, edit your sources then upgrade, I can walk you thru manual procedure if needed.23:41
enigma9o7randyM, Bodhi has forums at https://bodhilinux.boards.net and a discord channel at https://discordapp.com/invite/pvB7MSf23:43
enigma9o7errr discord "server"23:44
a72138aHI, I am in a difficult situation as my cell was stolen, are you up to help me out with phone verifications? I can help with creative problem solving, tech engineering23:54
a72138a have in depth experience with Linux. If someone has a VOip account they are up to share that may also work. I am also up for video chats, to be transparent around account use cases, & for quickly removing shared numbers.23:54

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