[01:04] mutter signed tags 1ccc791 Jeremy Bícha upstream/47.0 * Upstream version 47.0 * https://salsa.debian.org/gnome-team/mutter/tags/upstream/47.0 [01:04] mutter upstream/latest 50063f9 Jeremy Bícha * pushed 68 commits (first 5 follow) * https://salsa.debian.org/gnome-team/mutter/compare/4a7324a...50063f9 [01:05] mutter upstream/latest e76b450 Jonas Ådahl src/tests/ meta-wayland-test-driver.c protocol/test-driver.xml * tests/test-driver: Add tile and move_to requests * https://salsa.debian.org/gnome-team/mutter/-/commit/e76b450 [01:05] -ubottu:#ubuntu-desktop- Commit e76b450 in gnome-team/mutter "tests/test-driver: Add tile and move_to requests" [01:05] mutter upstream/latest c41a8d5 Jonas Ådahl src/tests/wayland-test-clients/wayland-test-client-utils.c * tests/wayland-test-client: Add 'configure' signal to surface * https://salsa.debian.org/gnome-team/mutter/-/commit/c41a8d5 [01:05] -ubottu:#ubuntu-desktop- Commit c41a8d5 in gnome-team/mutter "tests/wayland-test-client: Add 'configure' signal to surface" [01:05] mutter upstream/latest 8caa2db Jonas Ådahl src/tests/wayland-test-clients/ wayland-test-client-utils.c wayland-test-client-utils.h * tests/wayland-test-client-utils: Add custom test state field to display * https://salsa.debian.org/gnome-team/mutter/-/commit/8caa2db [01:05] -ubottu:#ubuntu-desktop- Commit 8caa2db in gnome-team/mutter "tests/wayland-test-client-utils: Add custom test state field to display" [01:05] mutter upstream/latest 837b371 Carlos Garnacho (5 files in 4 dirs) * build: Add gvdb dependency * https://salsa.debian.org/gnome-team/mutter/-/commit/837b371 [01:05] -ubottu:#ubuntu-desktop- Commit 837b371 in gnome-team/mutter "build: Add gvdb dependency" [01:05] mutter upstream/latest 777c89f Sebastian Wick src/ core/util.c meta/meta-debug.h * Add debug topic "session-management" * https://salsa.debian.org/gnome-team/mutter/-/commit/777c89f [01:05] -ubottu:#ubuntu-desktop- Commit 777c89f in gnome-team/mutter "Add debug topic 'session-management'" [01:06] mutter pristine-tar b02e30c Jeremy Bícha mutter_47.0.orig.tar.xz.delta mutter_47.0.orig.tar.xz.id * pristine-tar data for mutter_47.0.orig.tar.xz * https://salsa.debian.org/gnome-team/mutter/-/commit/b02e30c [01:06] -ubottu:#ubuntu-desktop- Commit b02e30c in gnome-team/mutter "pristine-tar data for mutter_47.0.orig.tar.xz" [01:06] mutter pipeline Jeremy Bícha 731865 * pending (build: created; blhc: created; extract-source: pending; build i386: created; build source: created; test-build-any: created; test-build-all: created; test-crossbuild-arm64: created; reprotest: created; lintian: created; autopkgtest: created; piuparts: created) [01:07] mutter pipeline Jeremy Bícha 731865 * running (build: created; blhc: created; extract-source: running; build i386: created; build source: created; test-build-any: created; test-build-all: created; test-crossbuild-arm64: created; reprotest: created; lintian: created; autopkgtest: created; piuparts: created) [01:17] gnome-shell signed tags 744a2d4 Jeremy Bícha upstream/47.0 * Upstream version 47.0 * https://salsa.debian.org/gnome-team/gnome-shell/tags/upstream/47.0 [01:17] gnome-shell pipeline Jeremy Bícha 731868 * pending (build: created; autopkgtest: created; blhc: created; piuparts: created; extract-source: pending; build i386: created; build source: created; test-build-any: created; test-build-all: created; test-crossbuild-arm64: created; reprotest: created; lintian: created) [01:17] gnome-shell upstream/latest eefbf2a Jeremy Bícha * pushed 33 commits (first 5 follow) * https://salsa.debian.org/gnome-team/gnome-shell/compare/9605f89...eefbf2a [01:17] gnome-shell upstream/latest 39a3da6 Sundeep Mediratta js/misc/ibusManager.js * ibusManager: Simplify code and logic for setEngine() * https://salsa.debian.org/gnome-team/gnome-shell/-/commit/39a3da6 [01:17] -ubottu:#ubuntu-desktop- Commit 39a3da6 in gnome-team/gnome-shell "ibusManager: Simplify code and logic for setEngine()" [01:18] gnome-shell upstream/latest a2c789d Martin Abente Lahaye .gitlab-ci.yml * ci: Limit sysext-build jobs to x86_64_v3 runners * https://salsa.debian.org/gnome-team/gnome-shell/-/commit/a2c789d [01:18] -ubottu:#ubuntu-desktop- Commit a2c789d in gnome-team/gnome-shell "ci: Limit sysext-build jobs to x86_64_v3 runners" [01:18] gnome-shell upstream/latest 91ae7de Alessandro Bono js/ui/environment.js * environment: Make more explicit what are the default values * https://salsa.debian.org/gnome-team/gnome-shell/-/commit/91ae7de [01:18] -ubottu:#ubuntu-desktop- Commit 91ae7de in gnome-team/gnome-shell "environment: Make more explicit what are the default values" [01:18] gnome-shell upstream/latest a52a931 Alessandro Bono js/ui/environment.js * environment: Adjust optional delay parameter * https://salsa.debian.org/gnome-team/gnome-shell/-/commit/a52a931 [01:18] -ubottu:#ubuntu-desktop- Commit a52a931 in gnome-team/gnome-shell "environment: Adjust optional delay parameter" [01:18] gnome-shell upstream/latest 27878aa Alessandro Bono js/misc/animationUtils.js * animationUtils: Allow marking animations as required * https://salsa.debian.org/gnome-team/gnome-shell/-/commit/27878aa [01:18] -ubottu:#ubuntu-desktop- Commit 27878aa in gnome-team/gnome-shell "animationUtils: Allow marking animations as required" [01:18] gnome-shell pristine-tar 6a78a28 Jeremy Bícha gnome-shell_47.0.orig.tar.xz.delta gnome-shell_47.0.orig.tar.xz.id * pristine-tar data for gnome-shell_47.0.orig.tar.xz * https://salsa.debian.org/gnome-team/gnome-shell/-/commit/6a78a28 [01:18] -ubottu:#ubuntu-desktop- Commit 6a78a28 in gnome-team/gnome-shell "pristine-tar data for gnome-shell_47.0.orig.tar.xz" [01:19] gnome-shell pipeline Jeremy Bícha 731868 * running (build: created; autopkgtest: created; blhc: created; piuparts: created; build i386: created; build source: created; test-build-any: created; test-build-all: created; test-crossbuild-arm64: created; reprotest: created; lintian: created; extract-source: running) [01:21] gnome-shell pipeline Jeremy Bícha 731868 * [4 minutes and 42 seconds] failed (blhc: skipped; piuparts: skipped; reprotest: skipped; lintian: skipped; test-build-any: skipped; test-build-all: skipped; test-crossbuild-arm64: skipped; extract-source: success; build i386: failed; autopkgtest: skipped; build source: failed; build: failed) [01:29] gnome-shell pipeline Jeremy Bícha 731879 * pending (extract-source: pending; build i386: created; build source: created; reprotest: created; build: created; piuparts: created; test-build-any: created; test-build-all: created; test-crossbuild-arm64: created; lintian: created; autopkgtest: created; blhc: created) [01:29] gnome-shell pipeline Jeremy Bícha 731879 * running (extract-source: running; build i386: created; build source: created; reprotest: created; build: created; piuparts: created; test-build-any: created; test-build-all: created; test-crossbuild-arm64: created; lintian: created; autopkgtest: created; blhc: created) [01:34] gnome-shell pipeline Jeremy Bícha 731879 * [4 minutes and 38 seconds] failed (extract-source: success; reprotest: skipped; build i386: failed; build source: failed; build: failed; piuparts: skipped; blhc: skipped; lintian: skipped; autopkgtest: skipped; test-build-any: skipped; test-build-all: skipped; test-crossbuild-arm64: skipped) [02:22] mutter pipeline Jeremy Bícha 731865 * [1 hour, 17 minutes and 35 seconds] failed (build: success; blhc: success; extract-source: success; build i386: success; test-crossbuild-arm64: failed; test-build-all: success; test-build-any: success; reprotest: success; build source: success; piuparts: failed; autopkgtest: success; lintian: failed) [10:19] gnome-settings-daemon signed tags 1387c50 Jeremy Bícha upstream/47 * Upstream version 47 * https://salsa.debian.org/gnome-team/gnome-settings-daemon/tags/upstream/47 [10:20] gnome-settings-daemon upstream/latest 66ae66f Jeremy Bícha * pushed 16 commits (first 5 follow) * https://salsa.debian.org/gnome-team/gnome-settings-daemon/compare/6282fc8...66ae66f [10:20] gnome-settings-daemon upstream/latest 40e20b9 Vincent Chatelain po/fr.po * Update French translation * https://salsa.debian.org/gnome-team/gnome-settings-daemon/-/commit/40e20b9 [10:20] -ubottu:#ubuntu-desktop- Commit 40e20b9 in gnome-team/gnome-settings-daemon "Update French translation" [10:20] gnome-settings-daemon upstream/latest 7fda2cf Asier Sarasua Garmendia po/eu.po * Update Basque translation * https://salsa.debian.org/gnome-team/gnome-settings-daemon/-/commit/7fda2cf [10:20] -ubottu:#ubuntu-desktop- Commit 7fda2cf in gnome-team/gnome-settings-daemon "Update Basque translation" [10:20] gnome-settings-daemon upstream/latest 0fa668c Fran Dieguez po/gl.po * Update Galician translation * https://salsa.debian.org/gnome-team/gnome-settings-daemon/-/commit/0fa668c [10:20] -ubottu:#ubuntu-desktop- Commit 0fa668c in gnome-team/gnome-settings-daemon "Update Galician translation" [10:20] gnome-settings-daemon upstream/latest b90584a Daniel po/es.po * Updated Spanish translation * https://salsa.debian.org/gnome-team/gnome-settings-daemon/-/commit/b90584a [10:20] -ubottu:#ubuntu-desktop- Commit b90584a in gnome-team/gnome-settings-daemon "Updated Spanish translation" [10:20] gnome-settings-daemon upstream/latest 985ba52 Vasil Pupkin po/be.po * Update Belarusian translation * https://salsa.debian.org/gnome-team/gnome-settings-daemon/-/commit/985ba52 [10:20] -ubottu:#ubuntu-desktop- Commit 985ba52 in gnome-team/gnome-settings-daemon "Update Belarusian translation" [10:21] gnome-settings-daemon pristine-tar c5d4e96 Jeremy Bícha gnome-settings-daemon_47.orig.tar.xz.delta gnome-settings-daemon_47.orig.tar.xz.id * pristine-tar data for gnome-settings-daemon_47.orig.tar.xz * https://salsa.debian.org/gnome-team/gnome-settings-daemon/-/commit/c5d4e96 [10:21] -ubottu:#ubuntu-desktop- Commit c5d4e96 in gnome-team/gnome-settings-daemon "pristine-tar data for gnome-settings-daemon_47.orig.tar.xz" [13:50] gnome-settings-daemon Simon McVittie 527012 * commented merge request !22 * https://salsa.debian.org/gnome-team/gnome-settings-daemon/-/merge_requests/22#note_527012 [13:50] -ubottu:#ubuntu-desktop- Merge 22 in gnome-team/gnome-settings-daemon "Disable tests that require working mutter & xwayland" [Opened] [15:15] glib Simon McVittie 527024 * commented merge request !42 * https://salsa.debian.org/gnome-team/glib/-/merge_requests/42#note_527024 [15:15] -ubottu:#ubuntu-desktop- Merge 42 in gnome-team/glib "Draft: Improve ability to bootstrap new architectures" [Merged] [17:49] gnome-browser-connector pipeline Jeremy Bícha 732142 * pending (test-crossbuild-arm64: created; build: created; build i386: created; build source: created; test-build-any: created; test-build-all: created; reprotest: created; lintian: created; autopkgtest: created; blhc: created; piuparts: created; extract-source: pending) [17:49] gnome-browser-connector pipeline Jeremy Bícha 732142 * running (build i386: created; build source: created; test-crossbuild-arm64: created; build: created; test-build-any: created; test-build-all: created; reprotest: created; lintian: created; autopkgtest: created; blhc: created; piuparts: created; extract-source: running) [17:49] gnome-shell pipeline Jeremy Bícha 732143 * pending (build: created; extract-source: pending; build i386: created; build source: created; test-build-any: created; test-build-all: created; test-crossbuild-arm64: created; reprotest: created; lintian: created; autopkgtest: created; blhc: created; piuparts: created) [17:50] gnome-shell pipeline Jeremy Bícha 732143 * running (build: created; build i386: created; build source: created; test-build-any: created; test-build-all: created; test-crossbuild-arm64: created; extract-source: running; reprotest: created; lintian: created; autopkgtest: created; blhc: created; piuparts: created) [17:58] gnome-shell pipeline Jeremy Bícha 732143 * [8 minutes and 51 seconds] failed (build: failed; extract-source: success; build source: success; test-build-any: skipped; build i386: success; test-build-all: skipped; test-crossbuild-arm64: skipped; reprotest: skipped; lintian: skipped; autopkgtest: skipped; blhc: skipped; piuparts: skipped) [17:58] gnome-browser-connector pipeline Jeremy Bícha 732142 * [9 minutes and 23 seconds] success (build source: success; build: success; build i386: success; test-crossbuild-arm64: success; extract-source: success; test-build-any: success; reprotest: success; test-build-all: success; piuparts: success; blhc: success; lintian: success; autopkgtest: success) [21:34] libadwaita signed tags f7233d7 Jeremy Bícha upstream/1.6.0 * Upstream version 1.6.0 * https://salsa.debian.org/gnome-team/libadwaita/tags/upstream/1.6.0 [21:34] libadwaita pipeline Jeremy Bícha 732244 * pending (build: created; build i386: created; build source: created; piuparts: created; test-build-any: created; test-build-all: created; test-crossbuild-arm64: created; reprotest: created; lintian: created; autopkgtest: created; blhc: created; extract-source: pending) [21:35] libadwaita upstream/latest 8f13dd3 Jeremy Bícha * pushed 39 commits (first 5 follow) * https://salsa.debian.org/gnome-team/libadwaita/compare/bda32d5...8f13dd3 [21:35] libadwaita upstream/latest b39c398 Alice Mikhaylenko doc/tools/screenshot.c * screenshot: Ensure screenshots don't have hover * https://salsa.debian.org/gnome-team/libadwaita/-/commit/b39c398 [21:35] -ubottu:#ubuntu-desktop- Commit b39c398 in gnome-team/libadwaita "screenshot: Ensure screenshots don't have hover" [21:35] libadwaita upstream/latest e60878f Alice Mikhaylenko doc/tools/data/alert-dialog.ui * doc: Make alert dialog window size larger for screenshots * https://salsa.debian.org/gnome-team/libadwaita/-/commit/e60878f [21:35] -ubottu:#ubuntu-desktop- Commit e60878f in gnome-team/libadwaita "doc: Make alert dialog window size larger for screenshots" [21:35] libadwaita upstream/latest b944c5b Alice Mikhaylenko doc/tools/data/ squeezer-narrow.ui squeezer-wide.ui * doc: Fix squeezer screenshot * https://salsa.debian.org/gnome-team/libadwaita/-/commit/b944c5b [21:35] -ubottu:#ubuntu-desktop- Commit b944c5b in gnome-team/libadwaita "doc: Fix squeezer screenshot" [21:35] libadwaita upstream/latest 76f51da Alice Mikhaylenko doc/tools/data/spinner.ui * doc: Adjust spinner screenshot size * https://salsa.debian.org/gnome-team/libadwaita/-/commit/76f51da [21:35] -ubottu:#ubuntu-desktop- Commit 76f51da in gnome-team/libadwaita "doc: Adjust spinner screenshot size" [21:35] libadwaita upstream/latest 4593883 Alice Mikhaylenko doc/images/ (272 files) * doc: Regenerate screenshots * https://salsa.debian.org/gnome-team/libadwaita/-/commit/4593883 [21:35] -ubottu:#ubuntu-desktop- Commit 4593883 in gnome-team/libadwaita "doc: Regenerate screenshots" [21:36] libadwaita pristine-tar 1b8cad3 Jeremy Bícha libadwaita-1_1.6.0.orig.tar.xz.delta libadwaita-1_1.6.0.orig.tar.xz.id * pristine-tar data for libadwaita-1_1.6.0.orig.tar.xz * https://salsa.debian.org/gnome-team/libadwaita/-/commit/1b8cad3 [21:36] -ubottu:#ubuntu-desktop- Commit 1b8cad3 in gnome-team/libadwaita "pristine-tar data for libadwaita-1_1.6.0.orig.tar.xz" [21:36] libadwaita pipeline Jeremy Bícha 732244 * running (build: created; build i386: created; build source: created; piuparts: created; test-build-any: created; test-build-all: created; test-crossbuild-arm64: created; reprotest: created; lintian: created; autopkgtest: created; blhc: created; extract-source: running) [21:42] libadwaita pipeline Jeremy Bícha 732244 * [5 minutes and 29 seconds] failed (build: failed; build i386: failed; piuparts: skipped; extract-source: success; test-crossbuild-arm64: skipped; reprotest: skipped; lintian: skipped; autopkgtest: skipped; blhc: skipped; test-build-any: skipped; test-build-all: skipped; build source: failed) [22:39] nautilus Jeremy Bícha 527164 * commented merge request !24 * https://salsa.debian.org/gnome-team/nautilus/-/merge_requests/24#note_527164 [22:39] -ubottu:#ubuntu-desktop- Merge 24 in gnome-team/nautilus "47.rc" [Opened]