
Bashing-omUWN: Smoke break then back to work. Still open.00:02
guivercBashing-om, should we also include https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/advisory-spam-invite-incident-2024-09-13/48034  (i opened door on matrix inclusion for a doc)00:32
Bashing-omguiverc: I thought so too - .. see my summary if ya like :) .. Saved and out.00:56
guivercyep & thanks, I do prefer Aaron Rainbolt to pseudonym00:58
guivercI'll also suggest s/matrix-ops/Ubuntu Matrix ops/00:59
* guiverc hasn't re-read any of 857 yet.. 00:59
Bashing-omguiverc: :D doing a re-do ^ ,01:03
guivercsome minor edits needed for UbuCon NA:  `; ", This` reads awkwardly & , ??    also double-space after "discussions -  " I suspect..02:50
Bashing-omguiverc: Looking/fixing. 02:51
* guiverc reading02:51
guiverccomment on that one doesn't match what I have here on mousepad; so i'm betting it was altered during pasting..02:52
guivercsuggest s/suks096100/Youngbin Han/  on UbuCon Asia 2024  (who wrote that; if it wasn't us I'll suggest leaving it)02:53
Bashing-omwas us :P02:54
guiverccheck for double-space in "Ubuntu Bengal" summary (asked to joint\ \ the )02:56
guivercmy local summary has 'joint' so t was replaced with 'space'?02:56
* guiverc is reading today in RAW, tomorrow it'll be normal format..02:59
* guiverc in thoughts about Documenting new project... at least four people were in that video; ... still wondering if or how to include that (graham introduced, akonev did main... at least two provided questions if i recall correctly..)03:03
guivercmatrix spam, maybe s/document suggests users not to engage/document suggests users not engage/  (drop 'to')03:06
guivercmaybe also drop the 'to' after the comma to, ie. "and disable image previews" ... what ya think?03:07
guivercspam incident..   s/reports of the illegal/reports some illegal/   ; 'some' to reduce possible-reader-concern 03:08
guiverc^  as always are suggestions only... you can decide..03:09
* guiverc finished what I'll look at, look again (at all) tomorrow03:12
Bashing-omremoved the "tos" ... as superfulous :D // agreed that some fits the better. I too will re-look when my mind is freasher,03:13
Bashing-omSaved and out.03:16
guiverci suggest dropping "," inside quotes before This is a vision  s/",This/"This" ... the comma makes it harder to read I feel (confuses me; which admittedly ain't difficult)03:19
guiverci'm still seeing double-space in that one after "are also sought for"   space-space "other event(s)"03:20
Bashing-omfixing :D03:22
Bashing-omnext !03:28
guivercthat was all i saw Bashing-om 03:31
Bashing-omSaving one more time :D03:34
Bashing-omOut :D03:35
guivercthanks Bashing-om :)03:36
Bashing-omguiverc: And a bigger Theank you - them sharp eyes too !03:39
-ubottu:#ubuntu-news- ::omg!ubuntu:: Linux Kernel 6.11 Released, This is What’s New @ https://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2024/09/linux-kernel-6-11-released-this-is-whats-new16:32
Bashing-omUWN: Opening 857 to add stats/reports/stuff.19:45
Bashing-omUWN: Issue847 up for review and final edits: https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/ubuntu-weekly-newsletter-issue-857/47922 :D21:59
Bashing-om\o/ WildMan ! At last :D23:10

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