
AnjorIs this channel related to #linux-offtopic?  Moderator/staff Helenah Said that they won't ban a child sex offender who admitted to being a pedo, but they banned me for saying the word "retarded"  Just a heads up, to let you know what kind of weirdo mods run this server.00:20
AnjorThey also chat with children in that channel00:22
AnjorIn weird ways00:22
AnjorAnyone who has logs can verify00:22
AnjorThey're banning me from channels for saying this, FYI00:22
AnjorI will likely be server-wide banned for exposing this weird trans pervert00:22
AnjorWorth it00:23
AnjorTake notes, and don't forget.00:25
tomreynAnjor: the topic of this channel is listed in the /topic. what you posted is off-topic for this channel. if you have questions on moderation of the ubuntu namespace on Libera.chat, please ask in #ubuntu-ops.00:33
AnjorYou saw my text. Good enough for me.  Don't forget what I said. It's all true, and you'd be doing yourself a disservice by ignoring it.00:34
tomreyni'd be doing this channel a disservice if i'll let you bring up this topic (or any other that does not belong here) any more. please stop now.00:35
AnjorI'm sorry.  I'll stop informing the channel's users that the staff members of the server protects child predators on their servers.00:36
AnjorYou have my word.00:36
enigma9o7Hey thanks.00:37
enigma9o7Also not polite to say retarded unless quoting Idiocracy, afaik.  Kinda like you shouldn't say nigger unless quoting Richard Pryor or Mark Twain, etc.00:38
enigma9o7These are not appropriate words today.00:39
tomreynenigma9o7: do i need to add you to the list?00:39
enigma9o7Do I have to answer?  Instead I'll shutup.00:40
tomreynmaybe it wasn't intentional, but there are words you no longer write here or anywhere, whether you think they are appropriate or not. and please don't comment on off-topic.00:40
tomreynsata24: please only post on topic -ubuntu support. thanks.01:13
eruditehermithi, I was wondering if the new format for arch section in apt.sources files is documented anywhere?01:30
eruditehermitwhat used to be [arch=amd64] in sources.list lines01:31
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tomreyneruditehermit: sources.list(5). so run "man 5 sources.list" or read it online at https://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/noble/en/man5/sources.list.5.html#deb822-style%20format01:40
eruditehermittomreyn: thanks, I found it in there01:44
bigshot00_why is ubuntu running so slow on vbox?01:52
rboxbecause your computerr is slow?01:53
bigshot00_i have i7 P processor01:53
bigshot00_12th gen01:53
bigshot00_12th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-1260P   2.10 GHz01:54
bigshot00_16.0 GB01:54
bigshot00_is my system config weak or there is some configuration issue?01:55
tomreyneruditehermit: you're welcome02:01
tomreynbigshot00_: hard to tell without more info. is "vbox" actually "virtualbox" (now oracle) and are you using the one from ubuntu repositories. or oracles'?02:03
bigshot00_virtual box02:03
bigshot00_i am trying to run ubuntu as guest on w1102:03
RegularPastebigshot00_: you might try allocating more ram to the vbox02:03
bigshot00_i have 6GB02:03
bigshot00_still slow02:04
tomreynthis sounds like a virtualbox or windows issue02:04
bigshot00_anyother virtual machine i should try?02:04
enigma9o7enable host i/o cache02:04
bigshot00_enigma9o7, how?02:04
enigma9o7anything besides GNOME will be faster....02:04
enigma9o7in virtualbox settings, for the hard drive, it's a checkbox bigshot00_02:04
enigma9o7under storage, controller:SATA there's a checkbox for it02:05
enigma9o7it's disabled by default02:05
tomreynif you need help with virtualbox on windows, there is #vbox on irc.oftc.net, they also have a forum.02:05
phil42upgrading to 5.4.195 broke my drive assignments04:40
phil42root drive was sda1 now it is sdf104:40
phil42is there a way to restore previous behavior?04:41
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lotuspsychjewelcome Guest5307:14
Guest53in Dolphin (file manager) works not right click->compress07:14
Guest53need i install additional packages for that?07:14
Guest53ehh sry, in pcmanfm-qt i mean07:18
MohaWhat filesystem would you recommend to optimize space utilization and avoid waste when storing a large number of small files ranging in size from kilobytes to megabytes?08:58
Guest53I would say F2FS, or xfs or ext4(with deactivated journaling). F2FS is designed for flash memory, but as little as possible is written (to protect the flash memory)09:04
Guest53xfs can wrte journaling to an extra device09:05
sweatiestreiserfs, it's killer09:07
Guest53no it's not09:09
sweatiestI guess that went over your head09:10
Guest53because it's slow without journaling09:11
Guest53and with journaling its takes extra memory and it slows the access, because the journal then also has to be written. a Journaling filesystem make the filesystem access a bit slower. and reiserfs is a filesystem that is extremely slow without journaling09:21
SquaredHow do people keep their config over reinstalls of ubuntu? Backup certain directories or something else?09:21
SquaredWith config I mean both installed apps + app/os config.09:22
Squared...if even possible09:22
Guest53they can make a backup just before reinstalling09:23
Squaredbackup of what? The whole HD?09:23
Guest53backup of the files that they definitely want to keep09:24
Guest53conf files, personal files, et cetera..09:25
SquaredOk, so you know of no more automated way?09:26
Guest53you should have the home directory at another partition and backup important os config to it, then you can't really lose anything09:28
SquaredWhat I'm after is zero effort reinstall. You reinstall and you boot into something very close to your previous environment.09:30
SquaredSure, for os component's and apps that changed dramatically between os version, you'd have to apply some sort of ad hoc work.09:31
phil42where can i look to learn about udev?11:18
BluesKajHi all11:37
EndymionHi, I have an install of Ubuntu with the default desktop environment, the one that acts like Chrome OS. Is there an easy way I can add Xfce or Cinnamon to the system as it is without reinstalling?12:13
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sixwheeledbeasteach DE has a meta-package that will pull all the dependencies for that DE12:15
sixwheeledbeastso xubuntu-desktop for Xfce, ubuntu-mate-desktop for MATE, kde-plasma-desktop for KDE etc12:19
EndymionSo if I just go into my terminal and go 'sudo apt-get xubuntu-desktop', it'll grab everything, and put the option on the login screen?12:23
tomreynEndymion: 'sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade && sudo apt install xubuntu-desktop' is what i'd recommend. yes, this would install a lot of packages and should add the xubuntu option to your login screen. note that some DE's, such as Xubuntu, don't work with Wayland, yet.12:27
sixwheeledbeastIt will probably ask you which DM you want to use as well during installation, but yes that should be it.12:27
tomreynalso note that having multiple DEs installed can make it more tricky to clean up later, and having to sort out which packages to remove to undo this installation is not a convenient situation.12:28
EndymionI'd also need to add && update-grub, since the GRUB2 install for my multiboot lives in that OS.12:29
sixwheeledbeastIf your just trying out DE's I'd say do a full backup or maybe try live images first.12:29
tomreyninstalling another DE does not affect grub / the kernel boot, so no need to run update-grub there.12:30
EndymionNo, but full-upgrade might.12:31
tomreynit would run it by itself, if needed12:31
mhranybody here12:32
EndymionAnd no, I'm not testing it out. I just utterly, deeply, and completely hate the default DE, because it's some awkward half-step between MacOS and Chrome OS. The Ubuntu install on here was from the person who set it up for me. I split the disk into two logical partitions, and have Mint on the second partition. Xfce looks like the closest DE to Cinnamon.12:32
tomreynwelcome to ubuntu support, mhr12:32
mhrwhere are you form tomreyn12:33
sixwheeledbeastmate maybe good for you.12:33
ravagewe are from the Internet12:33
mhrthats good answer ravage12:33
tomreynEndymion: if you like cinnamon, there is Ubuntu Cinnamon https://ubuntucinnamon.org/12:33
mhriam a newbe guys can you help me12:34
mhriam install armbian in linux stb but i cant install ubuntu in my laptop12:35
tomreynmhr: if you have a support question on a supported (see /topic) Ubuntu release version, you're welcome to just ask12:35
mhrmy laptop is lenovo ideapad 110-15acl12:35
mhrthe laptop use processor amd a812:36
EndymionAwesome, I'll look into that. My main goal is doing it without disturbing the OS much.12:36
tomreynwhat have you tried to do, what did you expect to happen, what happened instead? ere there error messages (which?), which ubuntu version are you installing, how are you installing it?12:36
tomreynmhr: ^12:36
sixwheeledbeastYer I'd say either MATE or Cinnamon over Xfce myself.12:37
mhri can enter to boot installer ubuntu but after finish i got error messages. i'm foget the code but i will try and make question here12:38
tomreynEndymion: a little warning, though. note that Ubuntu Cinnamon, as a recognized Ubuntu !flavour, is somewhat new, and there aren't a lot of users, yet. So you may not be able to get much support with its desktop environment around here (but feel free to try).12:38
mhrtomreyn can you install macos in windows laptop?12:39
ravagewe can only help with Ubuntu here12:40
Endymiontomreyn: I appreciate that;  if I want Cinnamon support, I'd probably ask the Mint community. Really appreciate the warning though.12:40
tomreynmhr: this channel provides volunteer support for Ubuntu Linux only. there is #windows and probably also #mac or #macos12:40
sixwheeledbeastYer MATE is 9 years mature as an official flavour in that regard12:40
EndymionDoes MATE have a Windows-esque start menu like Cinnamon?12:41
tomreynEndymion: you're welcome. note there is also #ubuntucinnamon12:41
Endymiontomreyn: Awesome, I will check in with them after I install the Cinnamon DE into the standing install :-)12:42
tomreynand #ubuntu-mate12:42
sixwheeledbeastEndymion: mate-tweak package has multiple options for desktop layout "Redmond" would be the WIndows style one.12:43
EndymionAwesome. I will get that set up later. I really appreciate the help!12:44
tomreynEndymion: the 'foundation', which basically means 'anything under the hood / non graphical user interface related', such as how the system is booting, available kernel version and critical system software is the same amongst all dektop flavours.12:44
tomreynso you can always ask on this channel here about the foundation, if you like.12:45
EndymionI had guessed that, actually. I'd gotten the impression that Linux wants to be DOS, and the DEs basically work like GUI shells.12:46
tomreynhehe, i don't think many kernel developers would agree that "Linux wants to be DOS" ;-) but I think I understand that you mean that it's originally a terminal / text based operating system (and user space tooling), and the graphical desktops are optional and can add to that. that's entirely right.12:48
EndymionYeah, as opposed to every Windows since Me, which are designed from the ground-up as GUI operating systems, with the command prompt and Powershell shoved in the back as a mark of shame.12:52
tomreyni think Windows NT was the first one to do so. But we prefer just discussing Ubuntu here. There's also #ubuntu-offtopic for general chat (within the limits of what its /topic says), and #linux (which is more open to going off-topic than we are here)12:54
tomreynUbuntu Server comes without a desktop environment, just a terminal / text shell. and except for some differences of what is installed by default, the Desktop flavours ( https://ubuntu.com/desktop/flavours ) just add to this.12:55
EndymionNeat, I didn't know about the server version. I do appreciate the help and advice here, wish me luck not crashing my machine by changing the DE!12:57
SquaredAnyone know if its preferable to use DX11 or DX12 for an AMD GPU on linux?13:00
tomreynSquared: as far as i know, those are windows only technologies (you can get some of it to work through proton and its forks)13:02
tomreynAMD GPU drivers and hardware usually work very well with Vulkan.13:03
Guest53and nvidia gpu drivers not?13:09
Guest53or intel gpu drivers13:09
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tomreynGuest53: there is no native direct x support on linux. what are you trying to do, which ubuntu version are you using?13:20
tomreyn(and are you the same person as Squared ?)13:21
SquaredI'm not Guest53 at least13:21
tomreyn:) the same questions also go to you, though, Squared13:21
SquaredThanks tomreyn, I guess it's another forum for that question13:22
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canurabushi all. I have two ssds. ssd1=esp,windows,unencrypted /boot, encrypted kubuntu1. ssd2=esp, unencrypted /boot2, encrypted2 kubuntu. I use my bios to select which disk i want to boot from, ssd1 lets me pick from win,kubuntu1, ssd2 starts up kubuntu2. I am trying to add the option to pick kubuntu2 from grub when booting ssd1. Does anyone know how to do this? os-prober, update-grub don't work14:21
canurabusi can add os-prober to see kubuntu2, by opening the volume with cryptsetup first. but the entries added by a subsequent update-grub are wrong, and when i select the option at boot time, I get some error about being unable to load "/dev/dm"14:23
canurabusthe entries in grub.conf for kubuntu2 don't even specify the hd and partition like for the other entries14:25
canurabusi also tried linux-boot-prober, and pointed it to the boot2 partition, the output isnt really helpful14:25
tomreyncanurabus: why do you have two ESP's? how do you keep them in sync? which one is used by your EFI, or does it use both in parallel?15:23
tomreynefibootmgr -v   prints the mainboard firmware's (specifically EFI's) understanding of what can be booted to, and from which ESP.15:24
tomreynit reports the onboard NVRAM data15:25
tomreyni would suggest to combine the data from both ESPs into one and remove the other, because you're really just meant to have one. (you can setup some script to mirror the data to an inactive backup ESP on a different disk, if you'd like some safety there)15:27
canurabusit was the only way i could boot into the second linux installation, adding the esp made that disk show up in my efi15:33
xypronThe UEFI specification describrs that you can have multiple ESPs.15:52
xypronIf os_prober does not support what the UEFI spec allows, it should be fixed.15:54
ioriayeah, but most boot loaders will only update one of them, and most firmwares will only detect one of them15:54
tomreynyou'll need to also fix a lot of efi implementations then15:57
tomreynand os_prober is considered deprecated from what i understand15:58
canurabusif os_prober is deprecated, what's the preferred way to have grub discover other bootable oses?16:07
tomreyncanurabus: i think you're meant to configure those manually (if you want to use grub to boot them, not their own bootloaders, which you could wire on the EFI boot manager configuration), or only run os-prober against media where you know it is safe to do so.16:24
tomreynos-prober is "disabled by default since automatic and silent execution of [it], and creating boot entries based on that data, is a potential attack vector." (source: "info grub" -> "'GRUB_DISABLE_OS_PROBER'")16:30
tomreynos-prober usually needs to run mit superuser permissions to access the raw disks / file systems and search for and interpret known bootloader patterns. this is a dangerous operation, because these patterns can be complex and such an approach may well involve a way to abuse the code which interprets what it found to exploit a vulnerability.16:33
tomreyns/ mit / with /16:33
tomreynit would be nice if grubs documentation would spell out the reasoning for the decision taken there in more detail.16:34
canurabusI have a lot of trouble understanding this stuff. I enabled os-prober explicitly to discover other installations, but I didn't get that it was 'deprecated' per se. Just disabled by default for security. So enable it, scan, you get an updated grub.conf, then disable it. And I guess add the new grub entries to /etc/grub/grub.d or wherever to keep16:37
canurabusthose entries even when update-grub is run again with os-prober disabled16:37
tomreynjust not running it automatically does not really overcome the vulnerability - you can still have arbitrary code executed by the superuser on your system if a maliciously crafted bootloader is detected (as a bootloader, not as a malicious one) by os-prober16:45
tomreynthe real question you nee to ask yourself is whether your disks might contain such crafted bootloader records which os-prober would pick up.16:46
tomreynif you can rule this out, then it should be safe to run os-prober at this time.16:46
tomreynI just tried to describe this in more detail as follows: "Just not running os-prober *automatically* does not really overcome the vulnerability - you can still have arbitrary code executed by the superuser on your system if os-prober identifies a potential bootloader which was crafted with malicious intent.16:52
tomreynThe real question you need to ask yourself is whether any of the reachable disks os-prober will scan at the time it is or will be executing might contain such crafted bootloader records which os-prober would pick up. only if and while you can fully rule this out, it should be safe to run os-prober."16:52
tomreynwhoops, sorry, this was meant to go to #grub16:52
lotuspsychjewelcome r_adler17:32
lotuspsychjehow can we help you17:32
r_adlerI'm learn about Linux , and don't know much thing17:33
r_adlerhere is new for me17:33
r_adler@lotuspsychje and I talk from Brazil and U17:34
lotuspsychjer_adler: this channel is for ubuntu support questions17:34
leftyfbr_adler: are you running ubuntu?17:34
r_adlergreat. I'am runing a Lubuntu Distro17:35
leftyfbr_adler: which version?17:35
leftyfbr_adler: ok, do you have any immediate issues we can help you with?17:36
r_adlermy machine is a litle and old lol17:37
r_adler@leftyfb thanks I w'll need then lol17:38
r_adlerand are say me a game to Lubuntu?17:38
leftyfb!br | r_adler17:39
ubottur_adler: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigada.17:39
r_adler@ubottu  I make this is in terminal?17:40
johnfgHi folks18:17
johnfgThe upgrade from 22.04 to 24.04 is failing.18:17
johnfgI ran 'do-release-upgrade', and it didn't finish successfully.  I restarted, still in 22.04.  A dialog box came up and said to either Continue, or to proceed with a partial upgrade.18:19
johnfgHowever, when I run do-release-upgrade, I get this, "Checking for a new Ubuntu release18:20
johnfgThere is no development version of an LTS available.18:20
johnfgTo upgrade to the latest non-LTS development release18:20
johnfgI ran 'do-release-upgrade', and it didn't finish successfully.  I restarted, still in 22.04.  A dialog box came up and said to either Continue, or to proceed with a partial upgrade.18:20
toddcjohnfg: I think their were some bugs in the eraly upgrade but they were fixed so you should be ok to proceed with the partial upgrade you shjpu;d nmake a backup to be safe and I usually do a clean install if at all possible but I think you are ok to go18:24
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johnfgEven though I have the LTS version checked in update manager, I'm getting this error now, "An upgrade from 'noble' to 'jammy' is not supported with this tool."18:30
johnfgHow can I fix the problem?  I also have Prompt=lts, in /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades.18:32
toddcjohnfg: you have done all updates and upgrades? the updated dist upgrade tool has only been out a short time you may not have it yet  ( days?)18:33
toddcjohnfg: you may need to await a few day then try again or habg around here for someome that has a better idea18:35
olspookishmaguswhy the download of 23.04 is only available through "older release" channels only? and what's this does not apply to 20.* 22.*? should I upgrade from 23.04 to 23.10 and why?18:42
rbox23.04 is end of life18:43
johnfgtoddc: Ok, at least I'm able to run 22.04.  I thought by waiting, that I *am* running the newer upgrade tool.18:43
johnfgtoddc: And thanks for helping.18:43
olspookishmagusrbox: SOURCE?18:46
olspookishmagus      (for 23.04 being EOL)18:46
olspookishmagus      ubuntuguide?18:46
rboxthe fact that its on older release isn't good enough for you?18:47
Guest20I need assistance with error I am getting when trying to run upgrade on linux box18:48
Guest20I am new to linux18:48
olspookishmagusrbox: by older you mean an interim release that enjoys 1 year of support?18:49
rboxolspookishmagus: what?18:49
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olspookishmagusrbox: 22 is also an "older release", but that enjoys longer support than those of the interim releases that only get 9 months of support18:56
rboxthere is no "22"18:56
olspookishmagusthank you rbox, toddc18:56
olspookishmagus22.04? 22.10?18:56
rboxwell which one, pick one18:56
rboxbecasuse tehrey' two totally diffenret hings18:56
beelinkHi. During boot no grub menu shows up. My boot ınfo is here https://bpa.st/6YPUG , any ideas?19:04
beelinkmini pc directly opens ubuntu. I have dual boot with win1119:05
olspookishmagusrbox: except the obvious difference, in what other aspect "22.04" is different than "22.10"?19:10
toddcolspookishmagus: 22.04 and 24.04 are LTS  Long Term support up to 5 years or more vs 9 months for non-LTS19:12
tekisuii reinstalled the system19:21
tekisuihow do i change the keyboard layout ?19:21
tekisuiit´s acting a bit odd19:22
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eelstreborcan /etc/.updated be deleted?20:46
canurabusim trying to run a vm with 3d accel (linux host, linux guest). I have an nvidia card, and ran into this issue: https://gitlab.com/libvirt/libvirt/-/issues/311. Does anyone have a workaround?21:11
-ubottu:#ubuntu- Issue 311 in libvirt/libvirt "`egl-headless` with NVIDIA GPU failure (`eglInitialize failed`, `render node init failed`)" [Opened]21:11
canurabusUnfortunately the workaround posted in that issue no longer works21:12
tekisuiwenn ?21:25
tekisuijemand da ?21:25
tomreyntekisui: welcome to the english speaking ubuntu volunteer support channel21:26
ubottuIn den meisten Ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuche bitte #ubuntu-de. Einfach "/join #ubuntu-de" eingeben. Danke für Dein Verständnis!21:26
tekisuiah ok21:27
tekisuii just installed ubuntu21:27
tekisuiis there a way to change the keyboard layout ?21:27
tekisuii tried ibus preferences not much luck21:27
tomreynsettings -> keyboard21:27
tekisuiam using lubuntu 22.0421:28
tomreynoh, you might need to ask in #lubuntu then21:28
tekisuiah tnx21:28
tomreynor maybe someone here know, too (feel free to stay and wait)21:28
PeGaSuSwhat about `sudo dpkg-reconfigure keyboard-configuration`?21:29
PeGaSuSI think it needs a reboot after, but should work?21:29
tomreyni think this only handles the tty locale, doesn't it? i'm not actualyl sure.21:33

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