
oldhardwareok so i'm trying to get a GeForce 720m to work, wich means installing the old nvidia 390 drivers, wich are no longer available in the repos. Is there a repo in the Ubuntu family that has those drivers and needed dependancies?02:33
Bashing-omoldhardware: See: https://launchpad.net/~graphics-drivers/+archive/ubuntu/ppa .02:42
tomreynnouveau might be another option, if you don't want to run unmantained software (which may be subject to security vulnerabilities)02:47
oldhardwarebesides the security vulnerabilities, i have now read that these drivers are incompatible with the current linux kernel?03:01
oldhardwarebeing closed source, it seems nouveau might be the only option03:02
oldhardwarei remember Manjaro allowed to use different kernels, i have no idea how it is today but i might try that if nothing else can be done03:03
oldhardwarethank you both for the help03:12
=== Tom is now known as Guest5839
Johnhi all, is there any possibility to add minimize animation on xubuntu?14:55
Johnjust a simple one14:55

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