
IrcsomeBot_<myfenris> is this issue resolved? (re @RikMills: <RikMills> ubuntu-archive: please accept kdsoap-ws-discovery-client from NEW. This is needed to restore smb support in dolphin file manager after transition to Plasma 609:28
IrcsomeBot_<myfenris> <RikMills> ^^^ LP: #208052709:28
IrcsomeBot_<myfenris> <doko> RikMills: rejected, please complete the d/copyright file)09:28
-ubottu:#kubuntu-devel- Launchpad bug 2080527 in kio-extras (Ubuntu) "smb protocol missing in dolphin" [High, In Progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/208052709:28
IrcsomeBot_<myfenris> its kinda of "chipsmore" regarding the smb09:29
IrcsomeBot_<RikMills> no (re @myfenris: is this issue resolved?)09:29
IrcsomeBot_<myfenris> owh okie .. no wonder (re @RikMills: no)09:29
IrcsomeBot_<RikMills> going to try to get it accepted again today09:33
IrcsomeBot_<myfenris> thanks (re @RikMills: going to try to get it accepted again today)09:36
IrcsomeBot_<myfenris> it will solve the smb for good right after accepted ?09:36
IrcsomeBot_<myfenris> or there is other dependencies?09:36
IrcsomeBot_<RikMills> Kio-extras will just need building with that and libsmb (which we have) and all should be good09:37
IrcsomeBot_<myfenris> 👍🏻09:38
BluesKajHi all11:56
IrcsomeBot_<RikMills> have asked in #ubuntu-release about kdsoap-ws-discovery-client11:57
IrcsomeBot_<myfenris> 🫡12:01
IrcsomeBot_<RikMills> source kdsoap-ws-discovery-client accepted15:27
IrcsomeBot_<RikMills> will upload kio-extras re-enabling the smb plugin shortly15:29
IrcsomeBot_<RikMills> hopefully we can get that migrated for the beta :)15:30
IrcsomeBot_<sgmoore> 🎉15:30
IrcsomeBot_<myfenris> https://irc-attachments.kde.org/1909984b/file_78588_tgs.webp16:57
IrcsomeBot_<RikMills> started doing beta release notes20:44
IrcsomeBot_<RikMills> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/OracularOriole/Beta/Kubuntu20:45
IrcsomeBot_<RikMills> feel free to help20:45
Eickmeyer@sgmoore: Can you open a stable/ubuntu-24.10 track for the icon-theme-breeze snap? It's needed in order to be able to seed it. Should help us all out.22:34
EickmeyerYou'll probably want to do the same for gtk-theme-breeze. @RikMills once she does that, it will allow you to uncomment those lines.22:35
EickmeyerBenefit here is it will keep a nag from happening when people first boot the ISO/when people first install their machines.22:36

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