
mitya57arraybolt3: thank you! I did not find that package somehow.07:10
mitya57A wishlist for future, it would be nice to make it consistent with Debian eventually.07:11
rbasakgit-ubuntu is published in edge for arm64, armhf, ppc64el and s390x now. riscv64 is still building. It passes the as-installed snap self-test for arm64. For those developing on these arches, please test!14:17
arraybolt3Is there a simple way to skip running pkgstripfiles PNG optimization when I build a package using sbuild? I like the solidity of builds done using sbuild but hate that anything with a PNG in it takes like a minute longer to build (sometimes many minutes if there are lots of PNGSs).15:56
rbasakI wonder if it responds to noopt15:59
ubottubdmurray, bdrung, rbasak, schopin, teward, tsimonq2, utkarsh2102: DMB ping16:05
bdrungschopin apologized for missing the meeting16:06
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asciiwolfHi! I have prepared a Stable Release Update for the "chirp" package for Ubuntu 24.04. This package crashes on launch on Ubuntu 24.04 because of a regression caused by refactoring.17:06
asciiwolfThe fix is an one line change that is already present in latest CHIRP stable release. Here is the SRU ticket (with debdiff for Noble): https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/chirp/+bug/207156317:06
-ubottu:#ubuntu-devel- Launchpad bug 2071563 in chirp (Ubuntu) "[SRU - Noble] Backport crash fix" [Undecided, New]17:06
ahasenackasciiwolf: do you need sponsoring?17:07
ahasenacklooks like17:07
asciiwolfCorrect! :-) I am looking for someone to sponsor this SRU and upload it into noble-proposed.17:07
ahasenackand looks like I forgot to remove myself from the #topic as patch pilot, uhoh17:07
ahasenack@pilot out17:07
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Archive: Feature Freeze, UI Freeze | Devel of Ubuntu (not support) | Build failures: http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/ | #ubuntu for support and discussion of Focal-Noble | Patch Pilots: N/A
ahasenackI see the bug in the report: http://sponsoring-reports.ubuntu.com/general.html17:08
ahasenackso should be good for picking up17:09
asciiwolfGreat, thanks a lot! :-)17:09
rbasak<insert pilot jumping out of aircraft leaving passengers behind meme>17:10
rbasak(but more seriously, the patch pilot programme is pretty good now so it should be picked up soon)17:11
rbasakIf it's not, then please do ping here.17:11
asciiwolfWill do, thanks again!17:14
dokoarraybolt3: remove the pkgbinarymangler18:29
arraybolt3doko: I don't know what that is or where I'd remove it from.18:48
ginggsarraybolt3: export NO_PKG_MANGLE=118:52
ginggsin debian/rules18:52
arraybolt3ah, ok, thank you!18:53
ginggsif you are building locally, you can do: apt remove pkgbinarymangler18:55
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arraybolt3Weird thing is pkgbinarymangler isn't even installed on my builder VM19:50
adrien_interesting tidbit btw: I recently found out that pkgbinarymangler doesn't run for PPAs which will lead to different behavior compared to normal archive builds :)20:30
ahasenackthat's true20:31
ahasenackI encountered that in an SRU review that was dealing with pkgbinarymangler, and couldn't verify the intended behavior in a ppa20:31
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liushuyuubuntu-sru: Is there anyone available to review https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/dh-cargo/+bug/2028153?20:36
-ubottu:#ubuntu-devel- Launchpad bug 2028153 in dh-cargo (Ubuntu) "[SRU] dh-cargo: Backport vendored dependencies support to Jammy" [Medium, Confirmed]20:36
mfoliushuyu, hey o/ i'll add it to the list, but I may not be able to handle it today.20:40
liushuyumfo: Thanks!20:43

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