
=== leftyfb_ is now known as leftyfb
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MEADanyone logged into their irc bouncers?08:08
OutOfServiceI'm trying to use the rsync opcion in my user-data from cloud-ini in order to configure rsyslog in the deployed machine. This is the paste I'm using: https://pastebin.com/mz6cM2NE But nothing is getting configured there. The ip of the rsyslog server is, so I think the lines are ok.. I need some advice, please08:44
OutOfServiceI meand rsyslog, not rsync09:00
OutOfService*meant, sorry09:00
tomreynOutOfService: reading the manual, i would think you need to define "config_filename" when you are using "config_dir" and want configuration to persist.11:15
tomreyni.e. see example #211:15
tomreyn"The rsyslog reporter does not yet exist." is apparently a quote from here: https://canonical-subiquity.readthedocs-hosted.com/en/latest/reference/autoinstall-reference.html11:23
OutOfServicehi tomreyn. Thanks for your anwer. Actually, I already tried using the whole config, including the config_dir as well, but I had no changes... I'm realizing that my sources.list is not being configured propperly, but in the end, rsyslog ends being installed to the deployed machine, so I think that the apt sources.list issue is not related to the problem with rsyslog... so I don't know 11:35
OutOfServicewhat else to try11:35
tomreyni pointed out that you are missing "config_filename", not "config_dir" (which you just referred to)11:39
tomreyndo you understand the implications of "not implemented"? in this context, if true, it would mean that autoinstall cannot yet configure rsyslog with remotes.11:40
tomreyni cannot tell whether or not it is implemented, though11:40
OutOfServicetomreyn yes, but I think that what it's not implemented is the reporting module. Now I'm talking about just configuring rsyslog on the deployed machines, and not on the installer itself11:47
OutOfServiceIt would be great to also be able to configure the reporter using rsyslog, but as you said, it seems not to be already implemented, so I gave up about that. Now I'm focused on trying to just configure the rsyslog on all my deployed machines using autoinstall/cloud-init11:49
tomreynisee, looks like i'm the one who misunderstood then. ;-)11:58
OutOfServiceNo, I think it's my fault because yesterday I asked the same question here, but regarding the reporter module. I was trying to configure rsyslog on the installer so that I could get the logs on a remote server. But I saw that it's not implemented right now, so, after spending quite a lot of time... I gave up with that. Today, I'm just trying to configure the rsyslog module so that all 12:02
OutOfServicemy deployed machines that used clooud-init/autoinstall ends the installation with a ready to use end enabled rsyslog servidor, tat point s to a enabled remote server. But as far as I know, this module should work, but I'm facing a lot of problems because no config is being created on my deployed systems12:02
OutOfServiceI have no experience using cloud-init or autoinstall, so all this stuff is new for me, and I'm sure I could be doing things wrong most of the time12:03
tomreynso have you defined "config_filename", yet?12:07
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OutOfServicetomreyn yes. this is an example  https://pastebin.com/7axicWT821:19
OutOfServiceBy the way. This is my entire file: https://pastebin.com/WVdn255h21:21
OutOfServiceSomething relates to apt is failing, and I'm not beiong able to figure out what. I'm not being able to find the problem in the logs....21:22
tomreynOutOfService: i recommend chaging the password hash now that you published it.21:51
tomreyni mean the hashed password should probably be changed21:51
OutOfServiceI know. I does not use that hash/password :-)21:52
tomreynok :)21:52
tomreynOutOfService: the config_filename value should end with ".conf", according to the example21:56
tomreynit's possible that rsyslogd would just ignore it otherwise21:56
tomreynregarding apt, are there no error messages about it on the logs?21:58
tomreyndo you want to share this specific part of the log?21:58
OutOfServicersyslog does not even get the .conf file to it's config folder...21:59
tomreynmaybe there's a check in subiquity / curtin on this already22:00
OutOfServiceand about the apt issue, I think I'm configuring the apt in a wrong way. I'm now making some tests. Thanks anyway. If it does not work, I'll try to find some log, but las times I tried, I didn't see anything related that could give me any clue22:00
tomreyni'm not really into autoinstall myself, so i'm probably also not a good reviewer on your configuration file, i'm afraid22:01
tomreynyou should use deb822 format for apt sources for 24.04 LTS onwards, as seen in example 2 https://cloudinit.readthedocs.io/en/latest/reference/modules.html#apt-configure22:07
OutOfServicethanks a lot for your help. At this time, I don't know if the sources will be configured, but at least I'm not getting any error :)23:00
OutOfServicethis is how I did it: https://pastebin.com/qnkfgSC423:02
OutOfServiceany advice to improbe that file would be more than welcome... It's being hard for me to get it working with a very simple configuration as you can see23:02
sarnolddoes it matter that the docker entry doesn't have quotes around the source value but all the others have quotes?23:17
OutOfServiceHI sarnold, good point. As they say in the doc: To ensure that APT configuration is valid YAML, any strings containing special characters, especially colons, should be quoted (“:”).23:23
OutOfServiceI didn't realize on that... I'll quote them just in case. Thanks for helping23:23
OutOfServiceinstallation is not screaming any error, but maybe the source will not be configured. I'll check it in a few minutes23:25
sarnoldaha thanks :)23:28
OutOfServiceinstallation is taking too long... that could be good, or bad... It could mean that things are getting installed and updated.. ot maybe it got freezed somewhere.... This is how it looks at this moment: https://imgur.com/a/cbl1RsE23:47
OutOfServiceI'm going to sleep. Tomorrow I'll  check it. Thanks for all your help23:48
sarnoldunattended-upgrades might just take a while, yeah23:48

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