
lotuspsychjegood morning06:12
semif you had a windows laptop and you didn't want to dual boot because of all the complications, would you use hyper-v to run ubuntu, or wsl2?13:55
yanoi thought wsl2 requires hyper-v these days?13:56
yanoi could be wrong13:56
semyeah, I don't know!13:56
yanoi do like WSL2 at work but it doesn't provide USB/device support13:57
daftykinsthe choice depends on the requirements, as with all things13:57
semI would want USB/device13:57
semi've heard that hyper-v has usb passthrough13:57
yanoyeah, if you want USB/device support hyper-v or virtualbox might be better13:58
semis it weird on wsl2 to not have systemd, or do you not miss it?13:58
yanoit's weird tbh, but i run enough other systems/server that i do have systemd there13:59
yanoi don't mess a lot with services on my WSL2 installation13:59
semi installed 22.04 in hyper-v, and now I'm trying to upgrade to 24.04, but the GUI update tool quits silently with no messages. Would you consider that a reportable bug?14:03
daftykinsnot if it wasn't fully up to date first14:07
semit was though14:07
semi did do-release-upgrade and found out that it wouldn't update because there was not enough available space, but it would be nice if the graphical updater showed the same message instead of quitting silently14:08
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JanCsem: that's certainly a bug17:26
semdid you see my report? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-release-upgrader/+bug/208107518:03
-ubottu:#ubuntu-discuss- Launchpad bug 2081075 in ubuntu-release-upgrader (Ubuntu) "Upgrade button exits silently from 22.04 to 24.04" [Undecided, New]18:03
JanCthere are lots of bugs in 24.04 also  :-(18:22
semnot good for lts :/18:22
JanCon my dad's laptop there is a bug in the i915 graphics driver that makes the screen flicker regularly18:25
JanCand there is a bug in Nautilus when you create a new folder18:26
JanCand you can't disable the touchpad18:28
lotuspsychjeJanC: uhd 620 chipset?18:28
JanCand "disable touchpad while typing" no longer works either18:28
JanClotuspsychje: I haven't had time to investigate in dept18:29
lotuspsychjeif it does, its my old flickering intel bug18:29
JanCit's at least 6 years old the laptop18:29
lotuspsychjebug #195819118:30
-ubottu:#ubuntu-discuss- Bug 1958191 in linux-hwe-6.2 (Ubuntu) "[i915] Screen flickering in Ubuntu 22.04 (until i915.enable_dc=0 intel_idle.max_cstate=2 are added) (fixed in 5.17.7 and later)" [High, Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/195819118:30
JanCsounds like you bug is worse; in case of my dad's laptop it just "flashes" the screen occasionally18:32
lotuspsychjemight be something else then18:32
lotuspsychjebut also, there are several variations18:32
JanCman, I hate it how so many bug trackers make you download attached text files instead of just serving them as plain text...18:33
JanCdo you get errors when it flickers?18:35
lotuspsychjethe machine suffering it, is broken now, it flickered so hard i had to hard shutdown, cant click something anymore18:36
lotuspsychjethe bug re-apeared over several ubuntu releases/kernels18:36
JanCmy dad's laptop got an error in kernel logs, soemthing about "CPU pipe" & "FIFO underrun" IIRC18:37
lotuspsychjetry that kernal param to see if it fixes18:38
JanCyou mean "i915.enable_dc=0 intel_idle.max_cstate=2" ?18:39
lotuspsychjethats what fixes mine as workaround18:39
JanCoh, another bug in 24.04: when you have bluetooth disabled but Wifi enabled, then disable wifi or enable airplane mode, then you disbale airplane mode, it enables bluetooth but not Wifi...18:44
JanCthis sounds more like what happens: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/163452118:46
-ubottu:#ubuntu-discuss- Launchpad bug 1634521 in linux (Ubuntu) "Screen gets black for a couple of seconds" [Undecided, Confirmed]18:46
JanCbut that's an ancient bug18:46
JanCbut it shows the same error also18:47
lotuspsychjecould be a variant of it, needed another kernel param then mine18:47
lotuspsychjemy flicker bug has tons of users with other variants too18:48
lotuspsychjeso daniel start asking everyone to create new bugs of their own18:48
lotuspsychjeanyway, naptime18:53
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