=== powersurge36001 is now known as powersurge3600 === McPeter_ is now known as McPeter === powersurge36005 is now known as powersurge3600 [01:35] Is there any reason a regular package update would reset firewall rules? [01:35] what do you mean "regular package update" [01:36] update ; full-upgrade ; autoremove [01:37] depends on what pacakges got updated [01:45] Had to re-add the rule to allow SSH for this box, so I could log back in to that machine. https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/rPyPdxcZR3/ [01:45] I don't see any smoking guns. [01:54] very weird [01:54] definitely [01:54] sarnold: suuuuuuuuuup dude? :D [01:55] SuperLag: it's been busy around here, getting things done, enjoying the new weather :) how about you? === esoteric is now known as esoteric66 [02:05] sarnold: I'm very sore. [02:06] SuperLag: uhoh :/ [02:07] sarnold: slipped in the shower this morning. slammed my head on the wall on the way down. no concussion, but pride destroyed, and top half of my back is sore sore sore. [02:07] SuperLag: yikes [02:07] SuperLag: i've had some close calls and it's terrifying [02:07] #nomoreshowers [02:08] LOL [02:08] nope, that's not tenable [02:08] not if I want to remain married :D [02:08] you should take pride in the fact you weren't seriously injured.. I know some people who have broken bones from mishaps in the shower [02:08] esoteric66: no pride, but *VERY* thankful [02:09] yeah I hear you pride is hard to come by these days [02:09] I always wear flip flops on the shower [02:09] I broke my foot in January, and my balance was terrible to begin with [02:09] :( [02:09] the irony? [02:09] I did it while I was walking on my treadmill. [02:10] that's not fair [02:10] there are some shower "carpets" you can buy.. I guess you could call them shower mats or something along those lines but they are useful for keeping you from slipping at least [02:11] My wife got on my case, because I'll reach outside the shower, and grab my towel and dry off while I'm still in there *instead of* stepping out on the mat. the mat that is dry. where I'd be safe and not on a wet, sloped floor :D [02:12] and get water all over?? [02:13] the mat is pretty big [02:13] plus hard water deposits or whatever may build up over time and spontaneously its slippery so you gotta constantly clean out the shower otherwise its dangerous regardless of if you are well balanced or not === scottpedia20 is now known as scottpedia === diceLibrarian2 is now known as liceDibrarian7 [02:35] what is everyone's favorite terminal and IRC client combo? === liceDibrarian7 is now known as liceDibrarian [02:48] What is the most lightweight cli lightest kernel flavour of Ubuntu? [02:49] Well there's only one version without a desktop, that's ubuntu server. [02:50] Yeah I know but from distribution size that's still quite a lot [02:50] esoteric, that's impossible to answer, as not everyone will have the same favorite. [02:51] what does "lightest kernel" even mean [02:51] lol [02:51] Antix uses a lighter kernel. [02:51] well its a subjective topic anyways so it doesn't matter as its preference [02:51] and that means... [02:51] DSL is a stripped down antix, but still includes a window manager. [02:51] means less stuff enabled, uses less memory [02:52] lol [02:52] what else could it mean? [02:52] nothing because it sounds like nonsense [02:52] lol [02:52] It's not. You ever built a kernel? [02:53] whats that? [02:53] lol [02:59] Huh, lightweight as in smallest installation size [02:59] I was expecting a lubuntu or xubuntu [03:03] stolen: ubuntu server if you want something moderately small .. ubuntu minimal server via debootstrap or mmdebstrap or something like that if you want reaaaally small [04:30] hi, I found this command in shell and wondering if it is hack or I forgot I used it when installing something.. cat /etc/passwd | cut -d: -f1at /etc/passwd | cut -d: -f1 [04:30] is this extracting pwd? [04:48] ubuntunet: the "at" part of that command is an error, but all that does is get a list of users from the /etc/passwd file [04:49] ubuntunet: The 'cat /etc/passwd | ' is also redundant because cut will be using the file on its command line in preference to the pipe. [04:50] ubuntunet: https://termbin.com/koka <- that's what it looks like running it from an instance here [04:51] the "cut" command says to extract the first field, and ":" is the delimiter between fields [04:52] ubuntunet: if you're legitimately concerned that you've been hacked, I hope you've *already* got a backup... and if so, wipe and reinstall. [04:52] that's not necessarily a sinister command, though === ancientz2 is now known as ancientz === ancientz2 is now known as ancientz === ancientz3 is now known as ancientz [05:47] hi [06:02] on 24.04.1 my JBL5 sound was working yesterday. Today I ran update and restarted and now it connects but doesn't handle sound [06:06] where are we up to with all this bluetooth drama? [07:28] Is anyone here? https://wchat.github.io [08:06] hi [08:06] new to linix [08:06] new to linux using Lubuntu at min [08:42] where is cl.exe? in wsl ubuntu uname -r bash --version 5.1.16 [08:44] Ubuntu does not have exe files [08:53] ravage: It is Ubunto for wsl2. [08:54] yes i got that. it still does not come with any exe files [08:55] oh! [09:06] anonymous: what are you doing? You can compile with gcc === EriC^^ is now known as Guest4549 [10:24] has anyone tried using krfb to share their desktop over vnc? [10:25] i tried it (3 monitors), but it is broken. It shows my primary screen (middle monitor), but the mouse is moving around and interacting on the left screen. [10:25] how do I get it to properly share my entire screen (all three monitors)? [10:27] makar2: Im doing microsoft tutorial how to compile a c programm on the commandline. using gcc is understandable :-) [10:38] xamindar: are you using kubuntu then? there's #kubuntu, and maybe the web links on https://apps.kde.org/krfb/ can also be helpful with your specific question (i.e. check their website and the list of previously reposrted bugs, or report a new one) [10:44] yeah kubuntu. But i just decided to use x11vnc instead and all good now [10:50] very well === Mei is now known as Guest1913 [10:57] 🔒 Ready to unlock the secrets of hacking? We are pleased to invite you to join HackBBS, where creativity and innovation are in the spotlight! - a vibrant community where knowledge thrives. 🛡 At HackBBS, we firmly believe that experimentation and learning are essential. Connect through our exclusive IRC channel on ircs://irc.hackint.org server #hackbbs and dive into thrilling activities. Get started at https://hackbbs.org ðŸ [11:47] Hi all [12:23] hello [13:18] Hey everyone. I've downloaded the Ubuntu 24.04.1 ISO and used Rufus on Windows 10 to create a GPT formatted LIVE stick. When I try to boot the LIVE environment by clicking "Try or install Ubuntu" in the GRUB menu of the USB stick, it shows me only this error "[      0.520603] Initramfs unpacking failed: invalid magic at start of compressed [13:18] archive". I've read a bit around and it could relate to initramfs using zstd compression instead of whatever was used before. I did manage some days ago to create a LIVE stick of Ubuntu 20.04 and that worked. My HW is a bit old so for reference I have a Sabertooth P67 (UEFI, no secure boot) and an i7 2700K). [13:19] morunas: use etcher to write the iso to the usb [13:19] oki I'll try that. may I know why that would work? :O [14:18] morpheuz, i've heard the same thing that rufus doesn't always make the USB right. but iirc it is really good at making Windows live-isos [14:43] So how would i log in to gui with two users at once? I mean one DE on tty7 and the other on tty8 === daniel is now known as Guest7927 [14:49] Elw3: needs to be local? xrdp/xorgxrdp allows multiple logins easily... [14:54] I dont think i should fiddle with remote stuff. I was hoping there is a way to get back to the login screen and just start a new season, so basically i wonder if i can set any login manager to start a new tty instead of replacing itself with the DE === LabMonkey is now known as Mechanismus === Jubes984 is now known as Jubes98 === Sidewyz1 is now known as Sidewyz === ice9_ is now known as ice9 === danieli2 is now known as danieli === bvi_ is now known as bvi === bahamat_ is now known as bahamat === vincejv_ is now known as vincejv === lucenera2 is now known as lucenera === Exagone313 is now known as Exa === tortilla is now known as tortillasandwich === tryfan3081 is now known as tryfan308 === Ricardus_ is now known as Ricardus === lubuntu is now known as Vikingo [16:54] hi there === anonymous is now known as kernelspace [17:35] Iwould just start the second session from command line.... [17:35] I've done that before to start, for example, enlightenment or sway while my regular desktop is running. [17:36] but dunno how to do it with login manager [17:38] you might need to run two Xorg processes, one on vt7 and one on vt8 [17:42] Yea ages ago i simply did xinit enlightenment_start on anotehr tty [17:42] but i think this needs some setup now [17:42] Yeah I always did it with xorg for my main desktop, and wayland for the second (hence enlightenment or sway, which both start wayland by default when started from command line) [17:42] and i was really hoping theer is something i dot need to spend 2 hours googling foor setting it up [17:42] all you have to do is 'enlightenment_start' and it starts in wayland [17:43] (or 'sway' same thing) [17:43] oh you think this will work? Just log in and type that? [17:43] It does work, at least while my regular desktop is running in X. [17:43] I dunno what would happen if regular desktop running in wayland tho. [17:44] I dunno what is currenrtly even used, i am not at the maschine in question right now [17:44] What is used per default these days? Still x? === docmax is now known as Guest5058 === docmax_ is now known as docmax === remy_ is now known as remy [17:53] No, ubuntu-desktop defaults to wayland, but easy to switch to X, I did so to avoid complications. But you could likely make the second session work by setting up the environment. [17:54] like setting WAYLAND_DISPLAY or something, etc. [17:56] some use wayland as base, like wayfire for example [17:56] i was testing it the other day, pretty lovely [17:56] some flavors are still X too. [17:57] I aint even sure what to put on there. Just bought a bunch of new hardware to setup for me and family. [17:59] ubuntu :p [18:00] I noticed chromium exchanges data between different profiles/users so i want to use different /homes instead just the switching in the browser profile. [18:01] my dad maybe gets kubuntu [18:01] i personally slam E on everything but this is hard to handle for old folks [18:30] E? [18:30] does ubuntu support risc-v [18:30] BlackDemon: e, as in enlightment [18:31] smallville7123: https://ubuntu.com/download/risc-v [18:32] lotuspsychje: https://imgur.com/a/g1kZZjh [18:33] xypron: alright :) [18:41] oof 1 GB ;-; === kernelspace is now known as BaronMuenchhause === LanDi1 is now known as LanDi [19:42] hello. is it possible to move the icons to the center of the dash like on macOS? [19:45] ah. found it. it's the "disable panel mode" option. no worries [20:10] what does it mean that opendkim.service is masked? [20:27] Please like my photo https://u.to/HjfhIA ❤️ [20:27] Guest92: please don't spam garbage [20:28] leftyfb its don't garbage! its my 18+ photo like my photo https://u.to/HjfhIA [20:28] Guest92: you are a spammer spamming garbage [20:33] hey [20:41] Hello ! Please like my hot photo https://clck.ru/3DNqiE ❤️ [20:48] yeah we had to do something about that nonsense on our irc network not too long ago [20:50] so I know some updates require you to restart ubuntu would a schedualed shut down once a day be an ok option for that? [20:51] its not necessary [20:51] just casually update whenever convenient [20:51] not necessary to restart constantly [20:52] esoteric66: I know I can restart it whenever it tells me to restart but the issue is that I have processes running throughou the day and I can't always restart [20:52] its harder on your computer hardware to shutdown restart all the time anyways for real [20:53] Should I do a weekly shutdown or how should I do it then? [20:53] just update whenever convenient and that should be fine.. yeah just whenever you aren't using the computer and you have time to restart [20:54] your system won't break randomly just because you didn't restart [20:54] I was hoping to put it on a schedual [20:54] yeah but imagine you are super busy and your computer randomly shuts off because you had it scheduled to shutoff at that time [20:55] its completely unnecessary [20:55] I was gona have it happen at 3:00 AM which is a time I know I would never be using it [20:56] bray90820: again, you don't need to. Don't bother [20:56] what I do especially when I have something running in the background like some IRC connection.. I have something dedicated to stay on 24/7 like a rpi and that way I don't need to get disconnected or stop what I'm doing just because of an update [20:57] but I recommend check any major update though.. and just restart then [20:57] those are when its important [20:59] leftyfb: to be honest you are mostly rght byt also I think I am realizing this is mostly the wrong channel to ask this in since the question mostly pretains to plex [20:59] same principles apply though [20:59] regardless [20:59] computers are meant to stay on as much as possible [21:10] Friends! I want to recommend you a fundamentally new social network that has anonymity and freedom of speech! [21:11] The social network is called «Dalam Kontakt» - and you can find it at «Dkon.app»!! === pah is now known as oa === oa is now known as pa [21:49] leftyfb [17:56] Guest40: do you run your own Active Directory server or are you on a network that requires you to login to one? If not, you don't need it. [21:49] [18:25] Sorry but I didn't even understand the meaning of the question because I don't know what the things you mentioned are [21:50] what does active directory consist of? [21:50] https://ubuntucommunity.s3.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/original/3X/7/5/7578560dea014f12ec591489b94be0dd93ec059b.jpeg [21:56] Guest76: Active Directory is a fleet of computers management system using LDAP, developed by Microsoft. Allows for network logins, single sign in, roaming profiles, etc [21:58] I don't even know what all these are. I think I don't need them or is it better to select that checkbox during installation? [21:59] Guest76: if you don't know what Active Directory is - or if you're not in a large workplace with lots of Windows computers that you can log into - it's safe to leave that unchecked [21:59] Guest76: what do you plan on using this Linux PC for? === tds3 is now known as tds [21:59] Guest76: basically if you don't plan on plugging it into your work network you can ignore AD [22:00] Guest76: you don't know what AD is and you'd need to know that and a hell of a lot more to actually run AD at home [22:00] so [22:00] it's likely you do not need to care about AD today [22:00] yay [22:14] gordonjcp connection dropped: "ok thanks, i'm a basic user I am a home user and I am not very good at PC." [22:19] 23:00 < gordonjcp> Guest76: you don't know what AD is and you'd need to know that and a hell of a lot more to actually run AD at home [22:20] 23:00 < gordonjcp> it's likely you do not need to care about AD today [22:20] tomorrow is only 40 minutes away [22:20] you can take your chances on it, but I doubt you'll need to know AD tomorrow, too [22:24] gordonjcp no, i think i don't need it.... i just ask before because if i don't know what it is, i don't even know if maybe it could be useful to me [22:25] Guest76: there are no stupid questions, except the one you didn't ask [22:26] Guest76: it's kind of odd they'd put it right there in the installer to be honest, it's something that very few people will ever need [22:26] Guest76: if you were rolling out Ubuntu desktops in an environment that cared about AD, you wouldn't be installing them one-by-one by hand [22:33] "there are no stupid questions, except the one you didn't ask" [22:33] gordonjcp not everyone thinks so :-) there are many also on other support chats who think that some questions are stupid without realizing that one simply asks them to understand something, to avoid making mistakes also and above all because one is not as good at the PC as they are who are professionals and take certain things for granted [22:40] Guest76: yes but some people are dicks [22:40] Guest76: it's a sign of insecurity [22:41] Guest76: OH JEEZ YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT ACTIVE DIRECTORY IS WHAT AN IDIOT YOU ARE GET WITH THE TIMES MAN [22:41] Guest76: but I bet they don't have a clue themselves [22:41] aw, they quit, annoying