
=== BarnabasDK_ is now known as BarnabasDK
PheralSparkyI just installed ubuntu on an inspiron 16, hoping it would restore touch screen function, but its not working by default01:20
=== Jubes987 is now known as Jubes98
BarnabasDKPheralSparky, where you on another version of ubuntu before or windows?01:31
eax_PheralSparky: what is the output of the following command in your laptop? `xinput list` <= if it spits out any "touch" or "screen", it means ubuntu recognized it01:35
eax_PheralSparky: if you're on Wayland, then run `libinput list-devices`01:39
eax_you may have to install `libinput-tools` if running pure Wayland01:40
PheralSparkyI ran lsmod | grep touch and got these two lines01:50
PheralSparkyhid_multitouch        36864  001:50
PheralSparkyHID                          180224  3    i2c_hid,hid_multitouch,hid_generic01:50
PheralSparkyShow drafts01:50
PheralSparkysorry bout the erroneous line01:50
PheralSparkyeax_, session type is wayland, xinput list shows no devices01:57
PheralSparkyhowever, just installed libinput-tools01:57
PheralSparkyand I have a couple entries related to the touchpad and possibly screen01:58
PheralSparkyhere are the entries https://hastebin.skyra.pw/jiwibawicu02:02
PheralSparkyI think 117 might relate to the touch screen as a mouse?02:02
eax_PheralSparky: ubuntu is not reading any of the touch devices per that output.02:16
eax_PheralSparky: let's cancel something out. See if it works on pure X11. logout and login and select X11 and run `xinput list` to check if X11 is picking it up. if yes, then we have narrowed it down to Wayland02:22
PheralSparkywill try02:22
PheralSparkyI uncommented  "WaylandEnable=false", but still dont see the cog at login02:32
PheralSparkyeven after restarting the system02:32
enigma9o7after you enter you rusername, before you enter the password, lower right gear wheel appears02:33
eax_PheralSparky: check this page out and check your Inspiron model <https://ubuntu.com/certified/laptops?q=&limit=450&offset=0&> and tell me which model you have. I suspect that you hae a hybrid model02:33
eax_enigma9o7: +102:33
enigma9o7it's not obvious02:33
eax_PheralSparky: which means that Wayland is using the Intel card as the main driver and NVIDIA for the heavy stuff, which does run issues w/ touchscreen support and there are additional drivers and configurations you'll have to do to get it working02:34
esoteric66/join https://ouch.chat and go to #ouchtech02:36
=== Jubes987 is now known as Jubes98
PheralSparkyI have an inspiron 16 5625 wiht a ryzen 5825u02:38
PheralSparkyits got amd hardware, not nvidia02:38
PheralSparkywith the amd hardware, I figured additional drivers, but none come up, I remember installing some back on ubuntu in 2010 on my dell studio 174702:39
PheralSparkythat was a process for sure02:39
eax_PheralSparky: have you installed these driver? `mesa-utils mesa-vulkan-drivers xserver-xorg-input-evdev xserver-xorg-input-libinput` those are the amd drivers02:41
PheralSparkynot yet02:43
PheralSparkyI just switched gdm3 to x1102:43
PheralSparkyfrom wayland02:43
eax_PheralSparky: also ensure that you have the latest firmware via: `sudo apt install fwupd && sudo fwupdmgr get-updates && sudo fwupdmgr update`02:43
enigma9o7Congrats PheralSparky, you found the cog.02:44
PheralSparkyno, no cog02:45
PheralSparkyI guesss the wayland false uncomenting changed it from wayland to x1102:45
eax_PheralSparky: just check the session type in the terminal: `echo $XDG_SESSION_TYPE`02:47
PheralSparkyI did, it reflects x1102:47
PheralSparkyinstead of wayland, as why I said what I did02:47
eax_ok, do an `xinput list` then02:48
PheralSparkyjust ran your ssd firmware update02:48
eax_PheralSparky: awesome, now let's check if it's picking it up with `xinput list`02:50
PheralSparkynothing screen specific02:51
eax_PheralSparky: yea, i see .... quick question. when you ran the live ISO, did the touchscreen work?02:53
eax_PheralSparky: i ask, because the live ISO will preload all possible drivers it can as part of the bootup process. i am just trying to narrow this one down lol02:54
PheralSparkyI used ubuntu-24.04.1-desktop-amd64.iso02:55
PheralSparkyrufus'd with iso, install failed, but rufus-d with dd and it worked flawlessly02:55
PheralSparkyjust installed all the drivers you mentioned, only 2 were up to date02:56
PheralSparkyvulkan drivers and xserver lib02:56
PheralSparkyrebooted system after updating and no change02:56
eax_PheralSparky: i am interesting to check if the kernel modules are even loading ....02:58
eax_PheralSparky: run `lsmod | grep i2c_hid` and let's check if it's loaded in the kernel03:01
eax_PheralSparky: `lsmod | grep hid*` will also return all of the hid modules if they're loaded (ie. hid_multitouch and hid_generic) you should have generic at the very least03:02
eelstreborwhat does it mean that opendkim.service  is  masked?03:05
enigma9o7well usually when something is masked, it's hidden.03:05
eax_PheralSparky: they're loaded alright, so then the issue has to be drivers or firmware, BIOS/UEFI setting (this could be not enabled ... you never know) or the hw is not being detected03:09
PheralSparkychecked the InsydeH20 Bios Setup Utility, doesn't have anything under Main or Advance tabs03:11
PheralSparkyShow drafts03:11
PheralSparkydarn copy from gemini03:12
eax_PheralSparky: the only thing i could think of is that you may not have this package installed: `xserver-xorg-video-amdgpu - X.Org X server -- AMDGPU display driver` <= this is from me doing an apt-cache search03:18
eax_PheralSparky: the actual package to install if you don't have it is: `xserver-xorg-video-amdgpu`03:19
PheralSparkywill try03:19
PheralSparkyit was already installed and at newest03:20
eax_PheralSparky: yea i figured as much lmao03:20
PheralSparkydoes uefi have separate device settings?03:21
PheralSparkyor a setup utility like bios insyde?03:21
PheralSparkywell, my responses should be faster, just got a 4 hour print started03:22
eax_PheralSparky: it does but the only thing that would be hindering your touchscreen is if it's not enabled03:24
PheralSparkylshw -c video reflects the AMD driver active03:24
eax_PheralSparky: what's Xorg reporting? `grep -i touch /var/log/Xorg.0.log` or what's the kernel reporting? `dmesg | grep -i touch`03:25
PheralSparkyeax_, it was weird, while win11 was active, pen and touch driver was flickering in and out, and just corrupted, and wouldn't run since03:25
PheralSparkygot too aggravated and gave up troubleshooting win11, win10 is the last repair-able windows os03:26
PheralSparkygrep: /var/log/Xirg.0.log: No such file or directory03:27
PheralSparkygrep: /var/log/Xorg.0.log: No such file or directory03:27
PheralSparkyand on the second one "dmesg: read kernel buffer failed: Operation not permitted"03:28
eax_PheralSparky: sudo it lmao03:28
PheralSparkythat one worked better-03:29
Bashing-omeax_: Xorg's log has a new home .. try as .local/share/xorg/Xorg.0.log .03:31
eax_Bashing-om: thanks!03:32
PheralSparkygrep: .local/share/xorg/Xorg.0.log: No such file or directory03:33
eax_PheralSparky: from that dmesg output, it does not pick up the touchscreen, just the pads03:33
PheralSparkytheres only one touchpad03:33
eax_PheralSparky: there's an Elantech touchpad as well03:33
PheralSparkyI read that, but theres only one lol03:34
eax_the system is detecting it via i2c. install i2ctools and let's probe each of the pads and see if it's simply confusing both of them as touchpads03:35
eax_PheralSparky: after install i2ctools. run `sudo i2cdetect -l` to list them both and then we can probe them03:36
PheralSparkyI just checked f12, and no uefi setup option03:36
eax_PheralSparky: you have to i2c buses, which is what the system uses to talk to peripherals that interface with hid (human interface devices). we can probe them each with: `sudo i2cdetect -y` 1 `sudo i2cdetect -y 0` and see which one of those two is the actual touchscreen03:39
eax_PheralSparky: awesome, i2cbus-1 and 0 are normally reserved for touchscreens. so let's scan each one of them w/: `sudo i2cdetect -y 0` first03:41
PheralSparky0 matches 103:42
PheralSparkyi2c is much funner on arduino than this xD03:43
eax_PheralSparky: ok there's one showing at address `0x30`. let's grep for it: sudo dmesg | grep '0x30'03:43
PheralSparky[     0.093414] ..TIMER: vector=0x30 apic1=0 pin1=2 apic2=-1 pin2=-103:45
eax_PheralSparky: that aint it! lmao. that's not even a device. interesting ... maybe ACPI is handling it. run sudo dmesg | grep acpi and see what the acpi tables are saying03:47
eax_or we could be more specific and dump the output for that addr using i2ctools (just checked the manpages lmao) `sudo i2cdump -y 1 0x30`03:47
eax_PheralSparky: while we're there, since everything is a file in *nix land. heck an `ls /sys/bus/i2c/devices/` will list it out also03:49
eax_PheralSparky: ok, we've confirmed that the system does not have access to that address since the dump returned all XXs03:50
PheralSparkythat looks terribly interesting03:51
PheralSparkyeven and odd numbers03:51
eax_PheralSparky: we found your WACOM device!!!!03:51
PheralSparkyso its a wacom touch screen?03:51
PheralSparkytho yay xD03:51
eax_PheralSparky: let's inspect it and get some info out of it w/ `cat /sys/bus/i2c/devices/i2c-WACF3233:00/name`03:52
PheralSparkycat just says WACF3233:00 lmao03:53
eax_PheralSparky: what's the kernel saying about it? `sudo dmesg | grep WACF3233`03:54
eax_PheralSparky: ok, let's install the drivers w/ `sudo apt install xserver-xorg-input-wacom`03:58
PheralSparkyI miss apt-get xD03:58
PheralSparky xserver-xorg-input-wacom is already at newest version03:59
eax_PheralSparky: dam lmao (i was hoping it was that)04:00
eax_PheralSparky: ok, we could rebind it! by undinding and binding again: `echo 'i2c-WACF3233:00' | sudo tee /sys/bus/i2c/drivers/i2c_hid/unbind` and then `echo 'i2c-WACF3233:00' | sudo tee /sys/bus/i2c/drivers/i2c_hid/bind`04:01
PheralSparkyoh lordy a long one lol04:01
eax_PheralSparky: they're two separate commands: one to unbind and one to bind04:02
PheralSparkyare the apostrophes necessary?04:02
eax_PheralSparky: i delineated it w/ the backticks for you. No they're not.04:02
eax_PheralSparky: the quotes for echo are though04:03
PheralSparkyi dont see quotes04:03
eax_run this first: echo 'i2c-WACF3233:00' | sudo tee /sys/bus/i2c/drivers/i2c_hid/unbind04:04
eax_and then this: echo 'i2c-WACF3233:00' | sudo tee /sys/bus/i2c/drivers/i2c_hid/bind04:04
eax_PheralSparky: after that do an <xinput list> and see if it X11 picks the wacom device up04:05
eax_PheralSparky: i changed the delimeter for you lmao from backticks to anchor braces04:05
PheralSparkyoh xD ty04:06
PheralSparkyfirst one tee: /sys/bus/i2c/drivers/i2c_hid/unbind: No such file or directory04:06
PheralSparkywont run second since first failed04:07
eax_PheralSparky: that means that i2c_hid is not handling that device. if you run <ls /sys/bus/i2c/devices/i2c-WACF3233:00/driver> it should give you who's handling that file handle04:08
eax_then unbind and bind that04:08
PheralSparkyls: cannot access '/sys/bus/i2c/devices/i2c-WACF3233:00/driver': No such file or directory04:10
eax_PheralSparky: that error was on the unding correct? if yes, then we can go straight to binding it <echo 'i2c-WACF3233:00' | sudo tee /sys/bus/i2c/drivers/wacom/bind>04:11
eax_PheralSparky: if all this fails. you _can_ install Ubuntu Studio which as awesome wacom tablet support out of the box! Since it's a distro for creators. you can even download the installer from your current Ubuntu distro. See here <https://ubuntustudio.org/ubuntu-studio-installer/>04:13
PheralSparkycan it be installed over the current install?04:14
PheralSparkybash: syntax error near unexpected token 'newline'04:16
eax_PheralSparky: what was your actual input when you got that bash: syntax error. you probably pasted an additional char04:17
eax_PheralSparky: and yes, you can install from within the current distro that you have.04:17
PheralSparkyoh crap04:19
eax_PheralSparky: there's also this wiki for the Linux Wacom Project that'll put you in the right azimuth. it past midnight here and i'm going to get some ZZZs. I'll check back tomorrow04:20
PheralSparkyoh darn04:21
eax_PheralSparky: the last command, you have to run it with the <> i only put them there to delineate it lol04:28
eax_PheralSparky: i sent you a PM04:29
PheralSparkyi see04:30
PheralSparkyif i had to run it with the <>, good thing I included it04:31
eax_PheralSparky: i meant without. sorry, it's late lol and i'm tired04:34
PheralSparkyI'm used to staying up late myself lol04:39
PheralSparkywell I just tried https://github.com/linuxwacom/input-wacom04:48
PheralSparkyas told by install process04:48
PheralSparkygot to this https://hastebin.skyra.pw/unuyeyadas04:48
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PheralSparkyi'll be, hacker.ai showed me how to generate keys for the laptop05:13
PheralSparkydamn hacker.ai's GPT-4 usage is extremely short now05:25
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PheralSparkyat least I was able to apply a critical bios update to my moms inspiron 16 5625, and eradicate windows, only 2 good things to go well tonight :(06:40
younderWill webkit soon be available in Unbitu 24.04?06:46
younderWould be nice if it was available for the EMACS 30.1 release which is right around the corner.06:48
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ADCurry999hello tomy08:34
TomyWorkI don't know you08:37
ADCurry999me nethier08:37
ADCurry999but i just wanted to say you hello08:38
TomyWorkthen don't ping, please. this is a busy channel on a busy network. socializing is in #ubuntu-offtopic08:39
ADCurry999ah srry08:39
TomyWorkI'm running a bunch of kubectl/helm/yq commands every couple of seconds. Since I installed those tools via snap, I get a lot of spam in the journal, like "Started snap.kubectl.kubectl-dfd614e3-c661-4d49-9cfd-20206f51db01.scope." and in dmesg, like "12864831.311953] audit: type=1326 audit(1726735301.983:216016406): auid=1000 uid=1000 gid=1000 ses=35 subj=/usr/lib/snapd/snap-confine pid=568130 comm="snap-confine" exe="/usr/lib/snapd/snap-confine" sig=008:43
TomyWorkarch=c000003e syscall=262 compat=0 ip=0x7f7b2c5d2d3e code=0x7ffc0000". Is there any way to reduce that spam without switching to non-snap versions of those tools?08:43
srevehello. I am currently inside a live 24.04 system. I pluged in a new nvme ssd and did a read test with dd if=/dev/nvme0n1 of=/dev/null count=10000000 bs=2048/4096/... and get only about 1000 mb/s but I think it shout be around 4000, any ideas?08:59
sreveI don't know if the hardware has pcie 4.0 ... how can I see?09:01
zniavresreve, to knows everything bout my comp i use > sudo inxi -v7azy09:06
sreveThe notebook hat one x16 and five x1 pcie ports09:07
sreveif it is pcie 3.0 than the ssd is connected with x1 and the speed max is 0.97 gb/s09:08
sreve.... to bad09:08
=== TomyLobo2 is now known as TomyWork
sreveI try to install ... and I like to have encryption like Bitlocker. I guess I need the option "LVM with encryption", or do I need to set it up manualy? I dont need LVM, I just want to use the entiere SSD for everything.09:24
mgedminsudo hdparm -t -T /dev/nvme0n1 reports ~200 MB/s for me right now09:24
mgedminwhich is interesting, because it used to report between 700 and 1600 MB/s, according to my notes09:24
srevewrite speed with dd is only 84 mb/s here. That is to less.09:28
TomyWorksreve, LVM is great, use it :)10:02
sreveTomyWork, what is the benedit when I not plan to chnage how I partionen my disk in the futor?10:32
TomyWorkdo you plan to add additional disks?10:32
TomyWorkif so, then you can add their space to your existing partitions10:32
TomyWorkwith most file systems, you dont even need to reboot to do that :)10:33
sreveTomTom, it is a notebook, there will be no additional disk in the future ;)10:35
TomyWorkit's especially great in a VM environment, since there you can also add new disks and rescan them without rebooting, so you can add new disk space without any downtime.10:35
TomyWorksreve, I think this is a thread you should read: https://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-security-4/does-full-disk-encryption-really-need-lvm-4175712479/10:37
BluesKajHi all11:46
Guest53Hello, In wonder if someone is able to help me with an urgent upgrade issue. I have updated in total 7 LXC containers (proxmox host), from 22.04 to 24.04, all upgrades are completely fine apart from one server. On this server it seems to partially boot, if that's even a thing, in that I can enter the container from the host but there is no11:50
Guest53networking to SSH in. When booting in the foreground on the host, I am getting these errors11:50
Guest53[12:47:20 PM] <Guest53> [FAILED] Failed to start systemd-sysctl.service - Apply Kernel Variables.11:50
Guest53[12:47:20 PM] <Guest53> [FAILED] Failed to start systemd-tmpfiles-setup-dev-early.service - Create Static Device Nodes in /dev gracefully.11:50
mgedminGuest53: do the logs say more?  in particular, the error explaining why those services failed should be there somewhere in journalctl11:51
Guest53mgedmin Not really no, I checked each, let me paste one example but the key thing seems to be: ExecStart=/usr/lib/systemd/systemd-resolved (code=exited, status=243/CREDENTIALS)11:52
Guest53mgedmin https://bpa.st/FY3XA11:54
Guest53mgedmin here is a bit more detail I think on the above logs  https://bpa.st/7PJTY11:54
Guest53in terms of the error on all being "243/credentials", could this log be related?   systemd[1]: /lib/systemd/system/systemd-tmpfiles-setup-dev-early.service:25: Unknown key name 'ImportCredential' in section 'Service', ignoring.11:56
mgedminjournalctl -b 0 will show messages from only the last boot, which will make it a bit easier11:57
mgedminpressing capital 'S' in the pager will turn off line wrapping, because now I cannot see the end of11:57
mgedmin"Mar 16 10:54:09 nextcloud systemd-resolved[94]: Failed to emit notification about changed property CurrentDNSServer: Transpor>"11:57
mgedminTranspor---what?  probably transport endpoint is not connected?  because dbus-server is not running?11:57
Guest53I tried SHIFT + S but nothing changing regarding line wrapping?11:58
mgedminI'm sorry, it's -S actually (two keys, - and S)11:59
mgedminmy fingers remember what my brain forgot11:59
Guest53logs incoming12:00
Guest53That was output from your command "journalctl -b 0"12:01
mgedminyeah, it was 'Transport endpoint is not connected' like I guessed, with no additional details unfortunately12:03
Guest53Sorry that log looks like it was older.12:03
Guest53Since this issue happened, this is all that's logged for that service, and most other systemd services report the same  https://bpa.st/3IWDO12:03
mgedminI don't see any actual smoking guns in those logs12:04
Guest53I know right :/12:04
mgedminI would look at the entire boot log (journalctl -b 0), not limiting it to a single service12:04
mgedminmaybe compare it to a working container, so you know what kinds of errors are normal and expected and don't break boot12:04
mgedminlike, 'couldn't get a file descriptor for the console' does not seem important in a container12:05
Guest53mgedmin all logs from boot > https://bpa.st/ODL5Q12:06
Guest53working container has literally a few lines in comparison, looks severe :(12:08
mgedminso the apparmor and mount namespacing errors are something to look into12:09
mgedminare all the containers using the same config on the lxc side?  iirc there are privileged and unprivileged lxc containers or something like that, could that be the difference between working and not-working?12:09
Guest53I have a mix but another privilaged one is working fine also12:10
mgedminthe other thing, in 24.04 release notes there was a mention about user namespaces being restricted which can cause issues12:10
Guest53actually, i lie, I cannot ssh into that other one...12:10
Guest53i don't think it's possible to change from privileged to unprivileged after creation of container is it?12:11
mgedminno idea12:11
mgedminyou said you upgraded the containers to 24.0412:11
Guest53is this related to snap changes in 24.04 ?12:11
mgedminwhat about the host?12:11
mgedminthese failures are before snapd even gets started afaics12:12
mgedmin(in the containers)12:12
Guest53the host is it's own OS i guess  being proxmox, debian based but it isn't 24.0412:12
ravagethere is ##proxmox if you have questions about how to configure the host12:13
mgedminah, and the host wasn't updated12:13
mgedminthen ignore my link to the release notes, I was thinking about changes to the host12:13
Guest53I mean the host is 8.2.5 which is latest version12:13
mgedmin(I have no idea what proxmox is, some php frontend for VMs? didn't know it's an entire distro)12:13
Guest53Debian-based, using the Proxmox kernel with12:14
Guest53OpenZFS support.12:14
Guest53yes  https://www.proxmox.com/en/12:14
mgedminI'm out of ideas, sorry :/12:14
Guest53ok thanks anyway12:19
Guest53mgedmin looks related https://www.reddit.com/r/Proxmox/comments/1d4zk02/so_we_arent_getting_ubuntu_2404_lxc_privileged/?rdt=4139612:31
mgedminso how come only one of the 24.04 containers fails while all others work?12:35
mgedminthere's some kind of proxmox option for cgroups nesting that can be individually toggled per container?12:36
Guest53yes, found it, it boots!12:36
=== EriC^^ is now known as Guest6075
incesguestHello everyone,12:48
incesguestDoes anyone know if when installing two different window managers on the same machine in ubuntu can cause any problem?12:48
incesguestI have Gnome right now, by default, but I want to install and use something like i3.12:48
incesguestHow easy it is to have both on the same machine?12:48
=== LanDi1 is now known as LanDi
mgedmininstalling shouldn't cause any conflicts12:57
mgedminif the alternative window manager installs a session file, you'll be able to select it in the login screen (a gear icon in the bottom right, iirc)12:58
tomreynIIRC i3 only works with Xorg, not Wayland.13:01
incesguestBut is not Xorg installed already on ubuntu?13:08
incesguestAnd, if not, installing it next to Wayland will not cause any problem?13:08
mgedminyes, xorg is installed by default, and the default choice of sessions lets you choose between wayland and xorg13:10
Guest53mgedmin Now I have lots of package issues due to the failure I guess. Lots of packages for example nginx have "rc  nginx-common                   1.18.0-0ubuntu1.2" on them, there is a running nginx process but I can install the package again...13:11
rollappuseranyone there?13:18
incesguestmgedmin: Thanks for the answer!13:19
Aliekezihi, any idea how to change the scrollbar size in Ubuntu 24.04 using gsettings ? This parameters doesn't seem to exist anymore in the interface settings listed in 'gsettings list-recursively | grep interface'13:20
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BarryMy Intel 13th gen Integrated Graphics appears to perform significantly worse on Ubuntu compared to Windows. Any idea why, or how to fix?14:01
bebopwhat graphics?14:02
bebopinxi -G14:02
Barrybebop: Iris Xe14:02
bebopdo you have the correct drivers?14:02
BarryCan't do inxi since I'm currently on Windows14:02
bebopwhat driver were you using?14:03
BarryI'm not sure, whatever comes by default14:03
BarryI didn't even know anything apart from the defaults existed though14:04
bebopmaybe that link will help14:04
tomreynthere's just i91514:05
bebopthere is a iris driver no?14:05
BarryDrivers are installed and functional, but things I have tested have ran 20+% slower under Ubuntu compared to Windows 1014:06
bebopdisregard that link14:07
tomreynbebop: where in this post do you read that there is a separate iris driver?14:07
BarryNeither link seems particularly relevant14:08
tomreynBarry: what does    glxinfo -B | grep Accel    return?14:09
bebop[08:07] <bebop> disregard that link14:09
tomreynyou can check this later. but it'd be good to actually run ubuntu when you're trying to debug something14:09
BarryI'm only on Windows since I just did the testing which lead me to discover the performance difference14:10
tomreynthat is, unless it's so broken that you cannot (even in text mode)14:10
BarryI'll be back on Ubuntu in about 2 minutes, then I'll check the output from glxinfo14:10
tomreynoh ok14:10
beboplspci -k | grep -EA3 'VGA|3D|Display'14:11
BarryThe glxinfo command gave me Accelerated: yes14:12
tomreynhmm, okay, then it probably won't get any faster14:13
tomreyncan you run   journalctl -kb | nc termbin.com 999914:13
tomreynthis will share your kernel log to termbin.com, a pastebin-like site14:14
tomreynit should return a url14:14
tomreynhow did you test graphics performance by the way?14:15
BarryTested a couple of games on Steam14:15
tomreynlinux with open source drivers via mesa/dri does sync to vblank (vertical sync) by default, limiting FPS to 60.14:16
tomreynvblank=0 somecommand      runs somecommand without vsync14:17
BarryOne of the games I tested ran at a smooth 90hz (matching the display refresh) on Windows while getting below 40 on Ubuntu, that wouldn't be the issue14:18
tomreynmaybe it was a DX game running via proton14:19
tomreynhttps://wiki.archlinux.org/title/Intel_graphics discusses many options, but most are about fixing issues, not perfomance improvements (which usually will be applied automatically where available)14:19
BarryI didn't think of that, if it was a DX game I guess I just must have not noticed on my main desktop since it runs them fine anyway14:20
BarryLooks like it *is* a DX game, thanks for helping me figure that one out14:23
tomreynhi crapoid, do you have an ubuntu support question by chance?14:37
crapoideh.. nope, im new here and im not shure what im suposed to do here..14:38
enigma9o7what an odd concept!14:39
leftyfbcrapoid: This is a support channel. If you'd like to just chat, feel free to /join #ubuntu-offtopic14:39
crapoidim just looking for a channel with casual chat, any sugestions?14:40
viniciusHello everyone! Anyone could make this new setting work? I tried to use the "App switching" option to "Include apps from each monitor only" but when I do alt+tab I still see apps from all monitors. This is a recently updated Ubuntu from 22.04 to 24.04.15:10
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tomreynvini: i assume you are vinicus who asked a question and left a minute later?15:29
eelstreborwhat does it mean that opendkim.service  is  masked?15:37
leftyfbeelstrebor: https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/how-to-mask-a-systemd-unit-in-linux/#15:38
tomreyneelstrebor: probably that someone ran   systemctl mask opendkim.service15:38
eelstreborleftyfb, thanks15:51
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vinitomreyn: Yeah! Just switched clients16:18
crapoid /msg NickServ IDENTIFY crapoid Freakstein36916:35
ravagePlease change your password:)16:35
crapoidhow do i do that?16:35
ravageso the 2nd command16:36
ravagemaybe not public this time 😉16:36
NDPTAL85crapoid: Open up a private message window if you have to. That way if you make a mistake no one else will see it.16:37
ravagethe server tab is usually safe to do that on a regular irc client16:38
crapoidhow do i open a private message window16:40
ravagei think "/query nickserv" should work16:41
ravagebut you can ask in #libera16:41
lotuspsychjecrapoid: alternate, your irc client should be able to identify safely for you, in its settings16:42
lotuspsychjecrapoid: i see you're using hexchat, so try the SASL method in settings16:43
kk1234hopefully they didn't lose their nick16:46
crapoidok, i did it, shoot that was sweatty16:46
kk1234crapoid: you came out of it unscathed gj16:47
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Elw3Slightly puzzled here, why is a swap partition in use despite it having ǹo entry in fstab?17:30
kk1234Elw3: it's a file nowadays not a partition17:31
Elw3I specifically said a partition17:31
kk1234Elw3: no idea then17:32
Elw3I am not aware of any auto swapon or fstab being deprecated for the task17:33
Elw3But this seems to exist apparently17:33
ioriaElw3, systemctl status *.mount17:35
pavlosmount | grep swap17:36
pavlosdmesg | grep swap17:37
ioriaElw3, also : systemctl --type swap17:41
pavlosElw3: show that it is a partition17:41
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Elw3Tiny laptop is hard to handle. Well mount returns nothing swap related, dmesg says a swap was added and systemctl does indeed show a swap unit.17:51
Elw3So does that mean systemd does indeed just automount swap partitions regardless of what was choosen in the installer?17:52
pavlossystemctl reports "  swapfile.swap loaded active active /swapfile "17:53
ioriaElw3, you can mask it ofc17:54
Elw3Kinda unsettling this is an auto thing, especially in the context: I have /home in a crypted partition and the installer flat refused to let me choose a not encrypted partition as swap, so i continued without adding it and wanted to ad it to fstab later only to find it already in use. So the installer contradicts the systemd behaviour.17:57
enigma9o7I always thought if a swap partition exists, its automatically used by any distro you boot, live or real, etc.18:18
enigma9o7The only downside is that can break hibernation.18:18
toddcenigma9o7: use a swap file insted of a swap partitin18:26
Elw3Well asking the wiki on it they describe how to add it using fstab. If its added anyway the article makes no sense anymore18:26
enigma9o7toddc: Yes, I do.  But they were asking about a swap partition.18:27
Elw3Doesnt this have performance impact?18:28
enigma9o7Doesn't what have performance impact?18:29
Elw3Using a file instead a partition18:29
enigma9o7I would certainly hope not.18:30
Elw3and while we are at it, does encryption have impact?18:30
toddcassuming it is on the same drive no18:30
enigma9o7only advantage I knew of swap partition over swap file is that multiple distros can share it18:30
enigma9o7certainly encryption has impact18:30
Elw3well my setup is encrypted home plus a ton of swap on an intel atom netbook so i just assumed using a partition has the best performance18:32
enigma9o7by default swapfile is normally in root partition, in root folder even, so encrypted home shouldn't affect that.18:34
Elw3Yea again, this would be very contradicting to the installer who even denies to proceed with such setup. It seems to check if /home is encrypted and then demand swap is also encrypted18:35
toddcassuming you encrypt the drive incase the computer is stolen it would make sence to encrypt the swapfile to deny access18:39
Elw3ofc it does, but systemd and the intaller are still contradicting each other here.18:40
PheralSparkyeax_, feel like helping me again a little later?18:46
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DevrimCan anyone help me out? I just upgraded to 24.04.1 and my DNS doesn't seem to work. /etc/resolv.conf seems to mention but pings etc. fail. If I add nameserver DNS starts working again but I want to use the system DNS21:39
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CosmicDJDevrim: systemctl status systemd-resolved.service   shows what?21:47
DevrimCosmicDJ https://bpa.st/7QMLU21:48
Devrimseems fine but not working unless I specify cloudflare dns21:48
CosmicDJDevrim: and resolvectl status ?21:49
DevrimCosmicDJ https://bpa.st/5WNBC21:50
CosmicDJDevrim: looks like you didn't get any DNS servers via DHCP/IPv6 SLAAC21:50
DevrimI have ipv6 disabled, could that be a problem?21:51
CosmicDJDevrim: no, unless your DNS servers are IPv6 only21:51
Devrimnope, ipv4 and ipv621:51
DevrimCosmicDJ shouldn't the nameservers in resolv.conf just work?21:52
CosmicDJDevrim: is systemd-resolved.service which doesn't have any DNS servers configured21:53
DevrimCosmicDJ it is a dedicated server so not sure what the DHCP situation would be, there is no router in front of it21:55
AnonamyI am attempting to install Xubuntu on an older laptop (2011 Sony Vaio), I have tried 4 or 5 times. Installation always completes properly, however when I try and boot the new system I get "Operating System not found" every time...21:56
odarwhere are you from?21:56
AnonamyI have tried USB install and also DVD install of Xubuntu 22.0421:56
ravageDo those ISOs still fit on a DVD? :D21:57
ravageAnd why not 24.0421:57
Anonamyravage, yep lol21:58
AnonamyI know I was surprised also21:58
AnonamyI checked the bios on this machine, but there is not very many options. Is there a way I can test the disk from a live usb stick ?21:59
AnonamyIt is a SSD21:59
ravageYou can install any package but for an SSD the smart tools should be enough22:00
CosmicDJDevrim: you can hardcode DNS servers you want to use for name resolution in /etc/systemd/resolved.conf22:00
AnonamyI tried using that "disks" utility, but there was nothing in there indicating "Smart tools"22:01
DevrimCosmicDJ I just set it to, seems to work I guess22:03
CosmicDJDevrim: what? that makes no sense unless you have another DNS server running22:04
Devrimbind9 maybe?22:04
DevrimSaw some stuff running on port 953 lol22:04
Anonamyso in Disks, I see the SSD. All of the Smart tests say it is ok.22:07
DevrimI just need to figure out how to properly add localhost as the dns since I edited directly into resolved.conf which gets overwritten22:08
Anonamythere is three partitions.22:08
Anonamypartition one is unknown (SDA1) BIOS Boot22:08
Anonamypartition two is FAT32 EFI (538 MB)22:08
ravagePartitions do not matter for disk health22:08
Anonamypartition 3 is EXT422:09
ravageIf the smart status is ok the disk is fine22:09
Anonamydisk health says ok.   It is a kingston 240GB drive22:09
AnonamyI can view the contents of the Linux filesystem on the disk.22:10
Anonamynot sure why it won't boot. There is no options in bios.22:10
Anonamymaybe I should take this to the #hardware chat room22:10
enigma9o7you can run a test in gsmartcontrol if you don't trust the data22:11
enigma9o7i mean don't trust the status if it says its good22:12
enigma9o7but okay thats the same smart tests you may have done cli22:12
AnonamyI have tried multiple linux versions, multiple usb's and even a dvd install. They all install completely. The computer will not boot after install. I get "No Operating System found" error.22:13
Anonamymaybe the bios on this computer is too old ?22:13
enigma9o7well doesn't sound like anything related to bad disk22:14
enigma9o7well if there is a bios update certainly install it22:14
enigma9o7but its some setting in bios if it'll boot from usb/dvd but not from disk.22:15
enigma9o7assuming legacy boot22:15
Anonamyok I am reading this     https://forums.linuxmint.com/viewtopic.php?t=40320422:16
Anonamyit is saying I have to manually format the drive to msdos beforehand22:16
enigma9o7I'm using a 15 year old sony vaio laptop right now....22:16
Anonamythe bios on this machine has no option for EFIE22:17
enigma9o7and i certainly didnt format my ssd when i first replaced the hd with it22:17
Anonamyok, so either a bios update, or format the partition to msdos22:18
enigma9o7do you have gpt partition table?22:18
enigma9o7that is certainly an issue for legacy boot, yeah22:18
enigma9o7you gotta use msdos partition table for legacy boot22:18
enigma9o7if that's what you're talking about22:18
Anonamyenigma9o7, yes22:23
Anonamyit is gpt22:23
Anonamyso I am in GParted, I deleted the 3 partition tables. Do I create a new msdos partition table ?22:23
Anonamytop menu,   "Device"->"Create new partition table" then select msdos ?22:24
Anonamyok, and in the installer, I Added a single partition to boot as / (root), and I used ext4 filesystem. It gave me a warning about no EFIE system, but I just hit continue.22:31
enigma9o7no UEFI, yep.22:32
Anonamyok crossing fingers, (thanks for this help by the way).22:32
Anonamyits a customers computer and they said "it was working" (had windows 7 on it).. so I don't want to brick it lol22:33
Anonamyshould be fine I think22:33
TampaOn a couple different machines running 20 or 22 I have had memory management go crazy after updating the kernel pending reboot. I'd run dist-upgrade and set a new kernel for boot and within hours the buffered memory would go up without clearing. Trying to echo 1 to drop_caches would result in a Segmentation fault or straight up close my ssh session. Usually fixes itself after a reboot, but normally I would leave systems with a pending reboot for weeks until22:41
Tampadowntime is planned without this happening. Is this a known issue or expected behavior?22:41
Anonamyenigma9o7, it works !!22:41
enigma9o7Great.  Now you can install a faster OS than ubuntu for such old hardware, make it snappy instead of just usable.22:43
enigma9o7Especially if the customer was coming from Win7.22:43
sarnoldTampa: that doesn't sound familiar to me22:44
sarnoldTampa: the kernel upgrade feels like a red herring to me, i'd try to figure out a reproducer that does something else22:44
enigma9o7Xubuntu, Lubuntu.... Ubuntu MATE....  but of course ubuntu is fine too.22:44
TampaI usually run updates at least once a week. Every time this has happened in the past those updates included a new kernel, hence my suspicion. It could be something adjacent, but it has to be something related to memory if it basically bricks use of /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches unless I go for 2 or 322:47
lubuntuo/ beta testing Lubuntu 24.10, just typ22:50
lubuntucan't type apparently, nvm22:50
TampaI also don't quite know how to work out where the seg fault even comes from. Tried different ways to write to drop_caches, but all do that, so is it the file or straight up the system layer faulting...22:52
TampaHaven't encountered it on any 24 machines either, they been sitting with pending kernel switch for almost a month without problems22:52
sarnoldTampa: check dmesg, it usually annotated where exactly a segfault happened22:52
TampaWas my first thought too, but there is nothing in there about it, so I guess it's not happening on system level?22:54
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