
vpa1977@pilot out04:47
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seb128cpaelzer, hey. Did you see the reply from Alessandro on https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/wsdd/+bug/2070025 where he pointed out that the apparmor/firewall rules were already included?09:47
-ubottu:#ubuntu-devel- Launchpad bug 2070025 in wsdd (Ubuntu) "[MIR] wsdd" [Undecided, New]09:47
cpaelzerseb128: not yet, but perfect09:58
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ahasenackbdrung: hi, I know you didn't file this bug, but I just can't understand the description: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/initramfs-tools/+bug/208102017:59
-ubottu:#ubuntu-devel- Launchpad bug 2081020 in OEM Priority Project "Boot into initramfs after install 24.04 on UFS storage" [Critical, Confirmed]17:59
ahasenackis this about failing to boot and entering the initramfs shell prompt?17:59
bdrungYes, the system fails to boot17:59
bdrungahasenack, how about renaming "Boot into initramfs after install 24.04 on UFS storage" to "initrd: Ubuntu 24.04 fails on UFS storage"?18:00
ahasenackmuch better18:01
ahasenackbut that's just one of the problems with that description :)18:01
ahasenackno regression potential18:01
bdrungdirksu wanted to provide the SRU. but let me quickly fill that out.18:02
ahasenackbdrung: and what's the oracular state? It says fix committed, but there is nothing in oracular-proposed18:02
ahasenackjust oracular release18:02
bdrungahasenack, it's in the unapproved queue18:02
bdrungahasenack, Added "Where problems could occur" to the bug18:12
bdrungahasenack, and I promise that this SRU will be the last one for bug #206518018:12
-ubottu:#ubuntu-devel- Bug 2065180 in miniramfs (Ubuntu Noble) "performance regression in dracut-install 060" [Undecided, New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/206518018:12
bdrung(i will open a new one in case we find something else performance related :D )18:13
ahasenackthx, that helps :)18:13
ahasenackbdrung: I'm not familiar with the syntax used in the modules variable, you added ufs with a "=" prefix, but in a different place in oracular vs noble, does that have any significance?18:15
ahasenackif it's at the end of the list, or somewhere else?18:15
ahasenackmodules="$modules =drivers/ufs dax_pmem nd_pmem"18:15
ahasenackmodules="$modules mptfc mptsas mptscsih mptspi zfcp =drivers/ufs"18:15
bdrungahasenack, the order is not relevant. the = syntax means that all modules from the directory should be included.18:16
ahasenackok, thx18:16
bdrungsee /usr/lib/dracut/dracut-install -h18:16
ahasenackthis is not dracut, though18:16
bdrung:) this modules list end up in a dracut-install call18:17
ahasenackhopefully also in initramfs-tools? :)18:17
bdrungsince initramfs-tools 0.142ubuntu11: Use dracut-install in manual_add_modules to speed up mkinitramfs significantly (LP: #2031185)18:18
-ubottu:#ubuntu-devel- Launchpad bug 2031185 in initramfs-tools (Ubuntu) "manual_add_modules is slow / consumes the most time" [Medium, Fix Released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/203118518:18
bdrungmantic was fast. then we had the famous bug #2065180 that made us loose the improvement again18:19
-ubottu:#ubuntu-devel- Bug 2065180 in miniramfs (Ubuntu Noble) "performance regression in dracut-install 060" [Undecided, New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/206518018:19
bdrungI added another test case for bug #208102018:22
-ubottu:#ubuntu-devel- Bug 2081020 in OEM Priority Project "initrd: Ubuntu 24.04 fails to boot on UFS storage" [Critical, Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/208102018:22
ahasenackbdrung: I'm sorry, but I think this latest change to performance improvements would be better in a separate bug. It will be hard to chase down a regression here if we use the same bug again18:23
ahasenackthe change implementing comment #4418:23
ahasenackit can have the same test plan, and be something like "further performance improvements"18:24
bdrungahasenack, okay. i'll create the new bug.18:24
ahasenackthank you18:24
ahasenackI'll add a comment saying I asked for that18:25
bdrungahasenack, new bug created and re-uploaded18:34
liushuyuI am once again asking if someone could review https://code.launchpad.net/~liushuyu-011/ubuntu-archive-tools/+git/ubuntu-archive-tools/+merge/47347518:37
utkarsh2102preliminarily commented^18:44
liushuyuutkarsh2102: Thanks! Although it's very sad that nobody noticed there should be charts on the bottom of many pages (e.g. NBS)18:46
bdrungliushuyu, you mean the big blank at the bottom below "over time" on https://ubuntu-archive-team.ubuntu.com/nbs.html?18:47
liushuyubdrung: Yes18:49
liushuyuThis is because the JavaScript libraries failed to load18:49
liushuyuAlso YUI 3 (the JavaScript UI library we used here) is no longer maintained18:50
UnivrslSuprBoxliushuyu: For the record, I noticed but did not raise anything :P20:14
liushuyuUnivrslSuprBox: Fair enough20:21
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