[00:04] lol [00:05] Beta testing here... in case anybody else wants to join in. https://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/462/builds [00:05] I'll be working on tests tonight. [00:08] bluesabre: Did we ever get the theming done? I know I didn't upload xfdesktop4. [00:09] Unit193: not yet, was going to take care of it this weekend. [00:11] https://dpaste.com/CLTSVYAZW not much time to test it, but that's what I've got staged. [00:13] Thanks! [00:15] Guess that's my go-ahead. [00:16] bluesabre: Does that patch make sense to you [00:16] ? [00:17] Yeah, seems reasonable to me. Plus, you tested it and it worked for some themes. Makes sense to just package and go. [00:22] Wowee. 4.5 GB for Xubuntu Desktop. 2.6 for Minimal. [00:44] Hence why I wondered if we really needed to duplicate that set of packages 3 times... [00:45] https://unit193.net/sstmp/41d4e864-4392-48b8-925e-b6e01621b994.png only tested it for these... [03:23] Xubuntu Desktop & Minimal beta marked ready. Release notes linked on https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/oracular-oriole-release-notes/44878 [03:23] Sleepy times [03:34] \o/