
IrcsomeBot<maoyum> Check /var/log/flatpak00:16
Lektronthanks, afk for a bit00:21
pickanickHi, I just had a crazy idea. Apparently Kubuntu LTS is supported for three years, Ubuntu LTS for five. Is it possible to ;) "downgrade" ;) Kubuntu back down to the "Ubuntu 22.04" version?  Is KDE on "Ubuntu" supported for longer than "Kubuntu" ? [previously posted in #ubuntu 90 minutes ago]05:20
=== rajm-and is now known as rajm
BluesKajHi all11:55
IrcsomeBot<maoyum> Your idea is not crazy but a little bit ignorant. Kubuntu also supports Ubuntu Pro and uses the same Ubuntu software repository. If you attach an Ubuntu Pro account to Kubuntu, it can also provide 10 years of security updates. (re @IrcsomeBot: <pickanick> Hi, I just had a crazy idea. Apparently Kubuntu LTS is supported for three years, Ubuntu LTS for five. Is it possible to ;) "downgrade" ;) Kubuntu back down to the "Ubuntu 22.04" version?  Is12:05
mparilloSecurity updates for core (not exactly the correct word) packages, but not for all packages. I do not expect Ubuntu Pro to release security update for KDE packages for 10 years.12:11
IrcsomeBot<maoyum> https://irc-attachments.kde.org/e70049ea/file_78711.jpg12:14
IrcsomeBot<maoyum> For over 23,000 universe packages, why do you think there is no KDE software.12:14
mparilloBecause I believe that the KDE packages in the Ubuntu Universe Archives are packaged only by the Kubuntu Developers, and they only promise three years of support.12:30
=== sam__ is now known as Guest4119
IrcsomeBot<Akshatsoft> When I install nvidia driver 390 run file from console after reboot only curser showing not able to do anything. How get normal display : https://irc-attachments.kde.org/3a34dc68/file_78715.jpg15:30
IrcsomeBot<maoyum> https://t.me/kubuntu_support/267701 (re @Akshatsoft: )17:42
IrcsomeBot<maoyum> Don't try useless methods in vain17:44
=== Guest77 is now known as arun
=== shoeskeh is now known as shoeske
=== derek_ is now known as dehr
=== vanmarco__ is now known as VanUnamed

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